Hello guys, i met some problem about my multilanguage database. First , i added new column for the other language data in one table.Which means that it contain different language in one table. Now , the problem is how i select the data correctly when user choose the specific language, can i use setLocale in my database? Here is my code of DbHelper.java paste.ofcode.org/35csUUz4h2GD2FXfwAdxiJ2
This is the code when user select the language from the spinner, i am trying to connect it with my Dbhelper, but i don't know how to sort the specific language data in Dbhelper.gist.github.com/botaklin/7ceecc9d441260b0dd6d
This java is only help me to change strings.xml only, but i want to connect it with Dbhelper.java , when user select language from spinner,it also need to retrieve the language data from Dbhelper as well
@ChintanRathod If lets say, i created MyApplication class which has a method to setLocale, i can use if else method in DbHelper?? something like if(MyApplication.setLocale("en")){then select the data here}
sorry I hv not worked on openfire server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32709392/chat-process-in-xmpp-openfire-server-using-android-application check it hope it will be helpful
i included three layout om fourth and second layout is containng listview, i m geting listview content using json, json value is coming and only one value is showing on second layout and other vaules are hiding on third layout any solution.....
@AshuKumar Ideally you shouldn't use ListView inside ScrollView, If you have more than one layout for your ListView item then you can use them as header/footer of ListView or as one of the rows for your ListView(which is more preferred and recommended)
@TheLittleNaruto actually, company just banned(verbally) use of internet for anything but work related things, and installed cameras in R&D lab....so.....
@MukeshRana That's a bad news! Clean Trash Mails and Spams
Also check if there are unnecessary mails in inbox
Clean 'em too.
If you receive so many mails on daily basis, I would prefer to have my own website with an email and which will be configured on outlook or any mail client.
@TheLittleNaruto Because I can do every damn thing. From android, to iphone, to unity, to managing projects, to handling team, to handling clients. Every fucking thing. That's why they pay me :P
@TheLittleNaruto oh....that reminded me....after I do my work at office(roughly 14 hours daily), I go home and work as a freelancer. I currently have 3 projects in pipeline :P
@TheLittleNaruto because various clients are online at various times of a day
@MukeshRana not much. I don't do developing myself. I just handle and bring clients. Though, basic budget for android, and ios apps is usually around 50k INR, excluding designer and server-side guys(they don't cost for much either)
@TheLittleNaruto I am thinking of a change, but I wanna shift to a bigger company
@DroidDev Clients are basically indians or from around the globe? and you only charge them for android and iOS apps right? not for the backend and designing stuff?
@MukeshRana there are international as well as local clients and I do charge them for backend and designing stuff. Everything has separate budget and has to be passed separately
Client can just get the designs or backend made from us, and then rest of things from someone else
I have downloaded CSipSimple project . THen I have run it . But I am getting following exception .
01-19 13:29:16.873 14827-14827/com.csipsimple E/ActivityThread﹕ RuntimeExceptionjava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.csipsimple/com.csipsimple.ui.SipHome}: java.l...
@TheLittleNaruto but they mostly have strict and lot of time limit. Here, if I give the time estimate for development, one month. They will tell me to do designing, server side and development in three weeks
@MukeshRana Getting direct "permanent" client is difficult
@TheLittleNaruto and what about as a full time freelancer? How you visualize your life after 5 years if you start working from today as a full time freelancer?
@MukeshRana because, atm, I don't have enough clients, and enough motivation. If I am free(that I will be after leaving my job), I will rather watch anime and stuff.
I have downloaded CSipSimple project . THen I have run it . But I am getting following exception .
01-19 13:29:16.873 14827-14827/com.csipsimple E/ActivityThread﹕ RuntimeExceptionjava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.csipsimple/com.csipsimple.ui.SipHome}: java.l...