I am trying to create an instance of database . That is why I have the following ocde :
public class ContactFragment extends SherlockFragment {
private static final String THIS_FILE = "ContactFragment";
ImageButton new_contact ;
ListView listView;
ArrayAdapter arrayAdapter;
@hara - can you please ask a question on main website with all logcats and java codes? i don't think if you can take a good solution with these information
@TheLittleNaruto, I could run this code perfectly on last Wednesday, but when I started working on this today it started showing this error. full output in gradle console is pasted paste.ofcode.org/JDcj2MpfFZTrq3nud6ZTAv
@TheLittleNaruto, Yea I need to work on that too much jar issue later.
I read in one of the question over here that we should all the subsequent layouts inside a linear layout and then make that as one single child inside scrollview.
yes, we should add a child for that scrollview, but, as we can see, you have aleardy FloatingActionButton so android docs says -> or docs update says we should use Coordinator layout at these times with CollapsingToolbarLayout or even NestedScrollView instead of this ScrollView ;)
i'd rather to use Default android things by the way
That makes sense, I'll check there and get my information. I also want to learn how to create apps for Android and weather I should learn native or work on React Native, since I'm already fluent in JS.