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Hey :)
6 hours later…
Q: The method openOrCreateDatabase(String, int, null) gets exception " could not open database"

osimer potheI am trying to create an instance of database . That is why I have the following ocde : public class ContactFragment extends SherlockFragment { private static final String THIS_FILE = "ContactFragment"; ImageButton new_contact ; ListView listView; ArrayAdapter arrayAdapter; ...

@TheLittleNaruto , please help me .
posted on January 03, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

5 hours later…
@TheLittleNaruto - is there any good example except your Support library example about Android TabLayout?
still having problems with this after months :/
@TheLittleNaruto - what about that default TabLayout from google?
@LinX64 You can use that one too.
what's problem with Tablayout you're having btw ?
i mean, if we have to use something like this we should add a library for each of them
let me show you
i'm using above tut
in this class says, incompatible types found
incompatible types ?
on what ?
this one: return tab2;
required: android.support.v4.app.Fragment found : package name.TabFragment2
Try like this instead : hastebin.com/umepapubay.coffee
same error
@rekire 410 Likes so far!
jesus @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto nice
Hello All, I'm getting a build error can any one have a look on that
@TheLittleNaruto - finally, i did it ;)
@hara I would like to see the stack trace more.
@LinX64 Yeah! :)
@hara - can you please ask a question on main website with all logcats and java codes? i don't think if you can take a good solution with these information
@hara Remove : compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:23.1.1'
i've faced with these problems, copy and pasting the codes on new project helped, btw
@rekire - language is like russian language
I just watched the video without sound
crazy stuff anyway
this is awesome for @Hans1984, right ?:d
with that cat
Don't ping him, he will try it^^
:D haahaa, that movie has e.n subtitle
@TheLittleNaruto, I tried removing support-v4 but no change
@hara Is this full stack trace :
11 mins ago, by hara
Also you're using a lot of file dependency(i.e. jar) which I would avoid.
@TheLittleNaruto, I could run this code perfectly on last Wednesday, but when I started working on this today it started showing this error. full output in gradle console is pasted paste.ofcode.org/JDcj2MpfFZTrq3nud6ZTAv
@TheLittleNaruto, Yea I need to work on that too much jar issue later.
@hara - i told you, i've faced with this, i just copied and pasted the codes on new project and worked, you can try it!
@LinX64, copying this project is not that easy as my project is kinda huge with a lot of modules connected, am trying to do.
@hara - that's the problem you know, because of those a lot codes, perhaps ide could not recognize them or something like that
@LinX64, but it was working fine when I build it last time
yeah, i've faced with this exactly
@LinX64, how you copied your code? can give me a simple worked procedure
create a new project on another side
first pasted the dependencies and synced
then, copy the layouts and do the same for values on res root directory
then java codes and rebuild
this worked for me
@LinX64, okay I will follow the same, that sound simple
yeah, sure ;)
@rekire 412 now!
1 hour later…
anyone online??
2 hours later…
i'm here @driftking9987
hi LinX64
Hello :)
am adding a sliding tab layout inside scrollview,it's not working properly
okay. wait.
First of all, you can use TabLayout for support library update instead of SlidingtabLayout and of course with CoordinatorLayout
I read in one of the question over here that we should all the subsequent layouts inside a linear layout and then make that as one single child inside scrollview.
and i can't see any logcats, please paste the logcats if it has error
no error as such, it's not crashing.
but i cant see the effect which I get while sliding from one tab to another.
I have to click on the header of those two tabs to switch and the transition is also not smooth.
yes, we should add a child for that scrollview, but, as we can see, you have aleardy FloatingActionButton so android docs says -> or docs update says we should use Coordinator layout at these times with CollapsingToolbarLayout or even NestedScrollView instead of this ScrollView ;)
i'd rather to use Default android things by the way
what will be the default android thing if I want to have a two tabs at the middle of the screen?
you mean like this?
see the tabLayout with Coordinator layout
not exactly. I need to have a list above the tabs. and below the tabs,I need a button(which will be at the bottom all the time)
so,in order to accomodate all the things, I need to have a scrollview,otherwise,it wont work only.
sounds easy, i mean , you can do these stuffs with Support library too
And of course, check this TabLayout: truiton.com/2015/06/android-tabs-example-fragments-viewpager instead of that Sliding TabLayout@driftking9987
I had a look at the article,do you think if I implement this and keep it inside scrollview, it will work?
yeah, doing it is easy.try it and let us know
okay thanks. let me try that out.
goodluck ;)
2 hours later…
Hi everyone and happy 2016
I'm working on a project that require to build a custom rom to upgrade/downgrade Android. Could you point me to links or people who could help me?
@RainElemental - I don't think if this is the best place for asking it
did you try XDA-Forum ?
No I'll check there! Thanks @LinX64!
yw, because we're developing apps, not roms
That makes sense, I'll check there and get my information. I also want to learn how to create apps for Android and weather I should learn native or work on React Native, since I'm already fluent in JS.
is that a question?
@TheLittleNaruto - watch this: stackoverflow.com/questions/34581049/…
i answered him correctly because of that simple bad mistake, they gave me one negative :)

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