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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

Good morning folks!
GM Erum! :)
GM all
gm All
hello @devil @ErumHannan
@user2794306 hey
i need one help
yes say
am trying to show notification and am able to do this but i want when app is open then No Notification come in Notification Manger and and when goes to foreground i mean when app is close then only Notification should come in Notification manger
but am unable to do that
Q: how to display Notification when app is close and hide when app is open in notification Manager

user1340963public class MyApplication extends Application { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); } public static boolean isActivityVisible() { return activityVisible; } public static void activityResumed() { activityVisible = true; } ...

am trying in this way
whenever you click on notification to open app
this will cancel that notification
u mean
try this method first n see what output you get
OK wait
le me try
we cant apply condition IN that
looke this code
is your requirement when you click on notification then it launches homeactivity.java and side by side cancel the notification
is this your requirement?
lisen i am able to show Notification In Notification manger i want when App is Forgeound i mean app is close or app Pause then only Notification show In Notification manger if app Open mean we are using app then NO in that time Notification come than we dont want display on Notifcation manger
yr this is simple on destroy() display the notification again
U Not Understanding
@ρяσѕρєя K u there
Q: how to display Notification when app is close and hide when app is open in notification Manager

user1340963public class MyApplication extends Application { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); } public static boolean isActivityVisible() { return activityVisible; } public static void activityResumed() { activityVisible = true; } ...

check this post this is way
But there is Some issue coming i dont know where am doing mistake
System.out.println("Dont show notifications!");
sendNotification(msg, senderID);
Log.i(TAG, "Received: " + extras.toString());
with the help of sendNotification(msg, senderID); are you calling method to display notification
i gave you soln but you are just asking again instead of trying the soln i gave to you
we have write code for this GCM Intent service instead of actvity
Good Morning Guys.. :)
@iAnum u have any idea about my Query
@MukeshRana i want to select image from gallery (this is done) but how will i detect either selected image by giving path is either barcode image or QR CODE or not
Good Morning friends
@user2794306 u mean to say this? stackoverflow.com/questions/22001844/…
i am able to show Notification In Notification manger i want when App is Forgeound i mean app is close or app Pause then only Notification show In Notification manger if app Open mean we are using app then NO in that time Notification come than we dont want display on Notifcation manger
this i want @iAnum
*i want when App is Forgeound i mean app is close or app Pause * - when ur app is not in front, it means it is in background
ok @user2794306 whenever u are going to show notification first check either your app is in foreground of yes then do not show notification else show notification
to check either app is in foreground or not pls write this code i m posting in pastie
got ?
am trying same way but its not working please check
Q: how to display Notification when app is close and hide when app is open in notification Manager

user1340963public class MyApplication extends Application { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); } public static boolean isActivityVisible() { return activityVisible; } public static void activityResumed() { activityVisible = true; } ...

Yo erum ^
check this
i am trying BOth way
@iAnum yo yo anum
but in Bothe its not working
debug ur logic
@devil ;)
@user2794306 u r using any service to display notification ?
yes GCMINTENT Service
and am applying same code for that
r u applying anjalis answer
it should work
do one thing more in najalis answer
yes please tell
i have applied that also
@ErumHannan where is anjali?
A: how to display Notification when app is close and hide when app is open in notification Manager

AnjaliFollowing code will return true if your app is in foreground else it will return false public boolean isAppInForeground(Context mCtx) { ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) mCtx.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); List<RunningTaskInfo> services = activityM...

what we have to do Anjalis Answer
pls first check when app is close then go to settings --->running application --->is your service running ?
first close the app then check either your service is running or not
@MukeshRana here
is it running ?
1 service and two Process running
Good Morning Guys
yo @TheLittleNaruto
@kaushik yo
pastie.org/9864436 @user2794306
foloow this anser
hey ppl
@berserk pakistan premier league
ipl is better
I mean People -.-
ppl = people.
just kidding
anyways hi
@berserk final boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT; if kitkat
is not installed then wll this give me error
@TheLittleNaruto hi
@devil lol hi
@TheLittleNaruto would you help how to update String language at run time when text is change
@user2794306 done ?
Hay anybody having idea how i stopped all my timer on one click only
i am having tab activity on every tab fragment there is a timer so how am i going to stopped all timer on particular click of button of one activity
may be broadcast can help in ur scenario
how ?
@Anil Hi
@Shweta Language ?
yaar same Logic i have applied Like u
@TheLittleNaruto for that but not working
@TheLittleNaruto Suppose in my application I am using Hindi language it is showing but when I am changes some text at run time then how I will update text in Hindi
@Anil Which Logic you're talking about ?
@Shweta Use some translator APIs like Microsoft's Language Translator
@TheLittleNaruto can u help me in xzing
i m trying to select image of barcode from device and then want to get barcode content
@ErumHannan No idea of Zxing. I used only Zbar
oh ho
@MukeshRana ?
I think you have seen my answer, Why dint you try that ?
i have done till sanner part but now
i m seelcting image from gallery want to decode it
and geting error
are show hide Notifcation
Onpause and on ressume
First Simply make a demo project to hide/show notification on click of buttons
Just to make sure if you're able to toggle notifications @Anil
@ErumHannan Hey Use Zbar, It's too easy with it
with zbar may i need to download scanner in my devce
? @TheLittleNaruto
@ErumHannan Hey Use Zbar, It's too easy with it
I am sorry. I am spamming the room. There is some problem with the internet.
@devil did you solve ur issue?
see i have paste.ofcode.org/dX2katkAPtFpWsgxaYbj3A apply this code @TheLittleNaruto i think plz check
@TheLittleNaruto Actually I am using this but it is crashing Resources res = getResources();
int resStringId = res.getIdentifier(userName , "string", getPackageName());
String nameMood = getString(resStringId);
@Anil Please do what I said. Just to confirm first
@Anil Please do what I said. Just to confirm first
Have anybody noticed this indiegogo.com/projects/… earlier?
@Shweta No idea then
posted on January 27, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@PiyushGupta For layout designing?
@PiyushGupta :O
Even i need to read all coz just seen this link and shared with you @berserk
@berserk hi ppl
sorry @ErumHannan i was busy somewhere now say ??
@MukeshRana i m trying to select image from gallery (done and i got path) as well now i want to find barcode /QR CODE from selected image
which is throwing error after image selection here is the logcat
@MukeshRana there
@ErumHannan so your yesterday problem is solved ??
some apps are doing encoding from url and for telphone numbers as well
@ErumHannan error shows there might be some problem in your onActivityResult() try to have !=null check
how r the doing
i already have !null check
I need help
what kind of encoding @ErumHannan ??
barcode encoding
Is there anybody helps
have you try debugging your onActivityResult()??
and qr code encoding
@MousaJafari just ask query
@MousaJafari you can ask
yes when i comment code of RGBLuminaceSource all works fine
otherwise its giving me exception
how can i check the image is barcode image or not
I want to have a notification that show my Internet speed!
It should locate on status bar
@PiyushGupta Please do share if you find some interesting stuff in that.
are you able to get internet speed?
I've done much searches
then what issue you are getting in displaying that in notification?
I mean that I want to show user his/shes download and upload average speed
I can show that but
yes when i comment code of RGBLuminaceSource all works fine
otherwise its giving me exception
how can i check the image is barcode image or not
? @MukeshRana
even sometimes app is doing wifi encoding , telephone number encoding
@ErumHannan no idea try googling you might get something
NotificationManager notifyManager = (NotificationManager) MainActivity.this

NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(


notifyManager.notify(20, builder.build());
@nawabsaab This is my code
Just I need to have a "Ticher" to represent speed
no more
Is it possible?
good morning guys
@rekire Vgm. Hows you mate?
@berserk Sure why not..
@MousaJafari is it displaying notification?
I'm fine... I'm just thinking about how to slove an algorithmic problem
@rekire What type of it??
(femail) cycle detection: basically I drop some data which I need to know after that
Oh.. Okay. I just heard this first time
@nawabsaab What is the problem?
so you want to display update changes in speed
is it?
i haven't used this, i have to see this
may be @PiyushGupta have used
ask him
Going for Lunch
@nawabsaab Thanks
Bon Appetit
@PiyushGupta Hi
@rekire VGM ;)
Just back from Lunch ^^
welcome back
I saw already some similar projects, they may fill some gaps but they are crap
Honestly I am thinking the same. For example see Phonegap
Its last updated version was November 13
With the crap like Phonegap or something, you can not go parallel with Android APIs updates
In short, you're just wasting your time.
About phonegap I think it has potential, but not for every senario
however often I think it would be better to use a nice web app
Yes which should be responsive
@rekire Have some time ?
@iAnum is there in any facebook Api from which we can Post our Current Location ?
any one know about it
@TheLittleNaruto now again
@rekire Can you try AA(Android Annotations) demo ?
If you have free time then only
hello @all
@TheLittleNaruto it's compiling...
It keeps giving me error "Gradle DSL does not found method main()" , But if I remove all attributes inside that main() function, then it compiles and no error occurs
I'm just compiling it using gradle
without AS
mmmm... Okay
@TheLittleNaruto there is some code missing
@rekire And what is it ?
well I had to patch one file (build.gradle) I added this line to the repositories: maven { url('https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots') }
@TheLittleNaruto I mean show your full gradle file
Added the repository link
do you want the release apk?
@rekire From yours compiled code ?
@TheLittleNaruto I checked the code out, added the line above and run gradlew aR, that was all
// This is only needed if you project structure doesn't fit the one found here
    // tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/…
    sourceSets {
        main {
            // manifest.srcFile 'src/main/AndroidManifest.xml'
            // java.srcDirs = ['src/main/java', 'build/generated/source/apt/${variant.dirName}']
            // resources.srcDirs = ['src/main/resources']
            // res.srcDirs = ['src/main/res']
            // assets.srcDirs = ['src/main/assets']
@rekire running that project wont create much problem, as it mentioned above
I'm not sure what you issue is now
The sample, just you compiled has not the similar directory as my demo project has
okay I see so you have the eclipse path structure not the maven one
So In that case, they have mentioned to add sourceSets
yeah that works in general
I have android gradle project directory
in the sourceset part of the android dsl?
I see now that I mised to upgrade one dependency...
the 'apt' ?
Hello @rekire @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto well no. I just forget to upgrade the submodule in this branch
@Jigsh hi
@rekire yes it looks like so
@Jigsh Hey
@TheLittleNaruto everything is fine^^ so this don't work for you?
how to get value in java script in webview ?
string value
@Jigsh with the javascript api? no idea
@rekire If you're talking about mine gradle files. Then these are not working for me
Now it's saying:
Error:(45, 0) Could not find property 'manifest' on source set 'main'.
ok @re
thanx @rekire
@TheLittleNaruto the linked module's build.gradle does not contain in the android dsl a sourcesets dsl just move it in compair it with my aboved linked gradle file
@rekire move it where ?
it is now:
android {...}
sourceSets {...}
it should be:
android {
sourceSets {...}
Ohh I see your point
It gets compiled
Actually I dint understand that at first place, But now got it
hello @rekire
@TheLittleNaruto We say in german this here: Kaum macht man es richtig klappt es auch (If you do it right it starts to work)
hi @nawabsaab
Cool words :)
@rekire are you german?
yes I am
working also in germany?
do me a favor tell me whenever there is opening in your company :P
@rekire hi
@nawabsaab currently there is one
@senti hi
@rekire how much experience they are requiring?
there are multiple offers not only from our company careers.stackoverflow.com/…
@rekire i want my keyboard open in animation wise how?
@senti I did not implement a keyboard yet
its possible to use animation in keyboard
@senti yes why not I guess it is internally just a window (like in windows where every control is a window haha)
@rekire i have fade in and fadeout animation xml and use it an next activity go but how to use keyboard
@senti I guess the answer is yes it is possible but I have no idea about that
// If you're using Android NBS flavors you should use the following line instead of hard-coded packageName
        // resourcePackageName android.defaultConfig.packageName
@rekire that package name is nothing but com.example.demo
Is that right ?
android.defaultConfig.packageName is there just a reference... you can apply there a string
Q: Android set session expired to all activities at once

Stack twoI have a method that checks if the user has internet connection, and if he doesn't he has 24h to get online again, if not the app should stop and take the user to the login activity, it is working, but the problem is, I'm calling this method in the first activity after the login, so the code runs...

inside defaultConfig I should define a string and then call it here ?
Ouu looks like there is already a string defined
@TheLittleNaruto having quick question.
does this resolution lies under which dpi?
If I'm not wrong then it lies under xxhdpi.
@RobinHood Yes correct
@rekire hehe I am able to run the sample
@TheLittleNaruto great
Q: Spring social for android. Troubles

smail2133I'm using spring social ver: compile('org.springframework.android:spring-android-auth:1.0.1.RELEASE') { exclude group: 'org.springframework', module: 'spring-social-core' } compile('org.springframework.social:spring-social-facebook:1.1.1.RELEASE') { } c...

oh boy you quote your code?^^
Well, He needs some edit ;)
> Note for AA Users: If you're interacting with AA for the first time, keep in mind, AA generate another activity which extends your created activity, AA generated activity will have the same name with " _ " . SO you must register the AA generated activity (the one with "_"). And you'll get compile time error. No need to worry, just run it anyway.
> If I understand correctly, it generates the Activity at run time only. So.. When you'll run, error in manifest file will be gone and your app will run without any error
AA Users?
Android Annotations
oh i c
@rekire n we indians follow this jabb insan kuch paane ki zid thaan leta hai, toh kismat ka likha bhi palat jata hai(when human has the stubborn to get something done, then his destiny also get changes:P)
oh! nice lines @nawab saab
@nawabsaab amazing
actually even i am also trying to change my destiny
anyways lets work
heya @TheLittleNaruto can u guide me for this issue plz? :(
I am testing navigation drawer app with action bar. It's raising exception. Solutions on google suggests to do some stuff with proguard
@iAnum Is it AS or Eclipse ?
With AS, you should keep this only:
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.3'
remove V4
Can you show me your gradle file
is android studio better than eclipse?
I had v7 first only. on exception, I added this
If u can tackle with gradle stuff, u r good to go abhi
@iAnum ok i try that
@TheLittleNaruto here it is paste.ofcode.org/mn8rKbVsK8bYQAiuBjSxLy
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

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