am trying to show notification and am able to do this but i want when app is open then No Notification come in Notification Manger and and when goes to foreground i mean when app is close then only Notification should come in Notification manger
lisen i am able to show Notification In Notification manger i want when App is Forgeound i mean app is close or app Pause then only Notification show In Notification manger if app Open mean we are using app then NO in that time Notification come than we dont want display on Notifcation manger
@MukeshRana i want to select image from gallery (this is done) but how will i detect either selected image by giving path is either barcode image or QR CODE or not
i am able to show Notification In Notification manger i want when App is Forgeound i mean app is close or app Pause then only Notification show In Notification manger if app Open mean we are using app then NO in that time Notification come than we dont want display on Notifcation manger
ok @user2794306 whenever u are going to show notification first check either your app is in foreground of yes then do not show notification else show notification
to check either app is in foreground or not pls write this code i m posting in pastie
Following code will return true if your app is in foreground else it will return false
public boolean isAppInForeground(Context mCtx) {
ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) mCtx.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<RunningTaskInfo> services = activityM...
@TheLittleNaruto Suppose in my application I am using Hindi language it is showing but when I am changes some text at run time then how I will update text in Hindi
@TheLittleNaruto Actually I am using this but it is crashing Resources res = getResources(); int resStringId = res.getIdentifier(userName , "string", getPackageName()); String nameMood = getString(resStringId);
yes when i comment code of RGBLuminaceSource all works fine otherwise its giving me exception how can i check the image is barcode image or not ? @MukeshRana
even sometimes app is doing wifi encoding , telephone number encoding
It keeps giving me error "Gradle DSL does not found method main()" , But if I remove all attributes inside that main() function, then it compiles and no error occurs
well I had to patch one file (build.gradle) I added this line to the repositories: maven { url('') }
@TheLittleNaruto I mean show your full gradle file
// This is only needed if you project structure doesn't fit the one found here
sourceSets {
main {
// manifest.srcFile 'src/main/AndroidManifest.xml'
// java.srcDirs = ['src/main/java', 'build/generated/source/apt/${variant.dirName}']
// resources.srcDirs = ['src/main/resources']
// res.srcDirs = ['src/main/res']
// assets.srcDirs = ['src/main/assets']
@rekire running that project wont create much problem, as it mentioned above
@TheLittleNaruto the linked module's build.gradle does not contain in the android dsl a sourcesets dsl just move it in compair it with my aboved linked gradle file
// If you're using Android NBS flavors you should use the following line instead of hard-coded packageName
// resourcePackageName android.defaultConfig.packageName
@rekire that package name is nothing but com.example.demo
I have a method that checks if the user has internet connection, and if he doesn't he has 24h to get online again, if not the app should stop and take the user to the login activity, it is working, but the problem is, I'm calling this method in the first activity after the login, so the code runs...
> Note for AA Users: If you're interacting with AA for the first time, keep in mind, AA generate another activity which extends your created activity, AA generated activity will have the same name with " _ " . SO you must register the AA generated activity (the one with "_"). And you'll get compile time error. No need to worry, just run it anyway.
> If I understand correctly, it generates the Activity at run time only. So.. When you'll run, error in manifest file will be gone and your app will run without any error
@rekire n we indians follow this jabb insan kuch paane ki zid thaan leta hai, toh kismat ka likha bhi palat jata hai(when human has the stubborn to get something done, then his destiny also get changes:P)