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hello @ErumHannan GM hru?
me fine u ?
room sleeping
i m fine 2
today is holiday in india.
oh for what ?
everyone would be sleeping
oh ok becoz of America president visit ?
i think coz of obama's visit
oh no i have to do
barcode scanner
what's the issue?
i have integrated the code but its not capturing barcode how it will auto capture barcode ?
there ?
u have integrated code for auto capture?
its just capture image and crashed by giving
what's error?
CaptureActivity is ur own activity na?
or android?
android actiivty library activity
its library actiivty just search how to handle code after capture
@ErumHannan see this code in Q stackoverflow.com/questions/8340875/…
see how to launch intent properly n handle it in onactivityresult
webclass cannot be resolved to a type
aunty, use ur own activity name there
A: Integrate ZXing QR code scanner without installing BarCode Scanner

Rubiraj After importing Zxing as existing project, Properties > Java Buildpath > Check "is library" (check button) and then try to add Zxing as library. Make sure webclass.class exist in your QRcodesampleActivity.java

webclass is the name of person's activity
in manifest file, he has mentioned ` <activity android:name=".webclass"></activity>`
it is Questioner's own class
Good Morning Guys
GM naruto ^_^
hru doc?
@ErumHannan issue solved?
Heya @iAnum - chan
I am fine. you say ?
@all hi
hi @TheLittleNaruto
have some work on smartWatch (motorola 360)
nops not yet
any smartwatch?
any idea about
i'm just going to start . so just want to know how to go about it
@ErumHannan nope
I am fine @TheLittleNaruto :)
ashish help her come on :P
hey, I don't know about android! @iAnum
hahaha i know
good morning guys
@kamalvaid I own a LG watch R
@rekire Should I keep you in cc ?
well I'm no decision maker^^ that may look strange
Okay Gotcha :P
you can put me in bcc if you like :D
lol :
Oops! I forgot to keep you in bcc :( @rekire
don't worry ;)
Thanks. I am little nervous ^^
I'll inform you when the HR staff is in office. Please keep in mind that the whole stuff flys to munich on wednesday until friday. So it can take a while in worst case
Ohh I see.
NP for me :)
ca i catch click event of notification ?
i want to check whether user click on notification or not ?
@ErumHannan You can use PendingIntent on notification.
yes i m using pending intent
on click of pending intent i m using activity
and same activty is being called by homeactivity buttons click as well how can i differentiate in this button click either it has been clicked
by homeactivity or clicked by notification
@ErumHannan well you have two options use setContentIntent and setDeleteIntent.
pass some variable in the intent you used for notification. Then check in the activity, whether getIntent() has the variable or not.
@rekire setContentIntent ?
already linked ;) here is the introduction about notifications.
@berserk i need notification after every hour whats the best approach to use service with timer or alarm but i want to run method in background after every our
Hello all
I am having little trouble to implement a feature in android can any one help ?
heya guys, can u tell me what can I do for such gradle errors in android studio? I am coping with them for first time
I am having two fragment
On is having few image view and another is having listview .
I want to drag an item from fragment two list view and drop it on to fragment ones image view
can any one help me
@w4r310ck can u make ur Q more clear?
@berserk can u tell me about barcode scaner
I am having two fragment in single activity
Fragment 1 is having 6 image views and Fragment 2 is having list of items,
I want user to Drag item from fragment 2's list view and drop it on to fragment 1's image view
did u get it now @iAnum
u have to implement drag n drop listener for your elements
u will find many tutorials for that
I find a lot in google but i didnt get any good reference
do you have any tutorial or link that can help me
u have to modify n test the code by urself. U always dont get full code :)
Ya true my friend ,But i didnt get any single peace of code which is for two fragment
i will send you my code once i implemented the listner as you suggested
so you can guide me if i did any thing wrong
go to link referenced and follow what the guy says in answer
@TheLittleNaruto which gradle version should i use with AS 1.0.1?
Thanks @iAnum i look at the link and let you know
@ErumHannan never scanned barcode sry.
@iAnum version should be 1.0.1
dependencies {
        classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.0.1'

now classpath is not detected as function
A: How can I check which Gradle Android plugin version is used in my project?

Peter NiederwieserShowing the resolved dependencies for the build script class path isn't a built-in operation as for other configurations (which can be inspected with gradle dependencies). However, you can write a task to do so. For example: task showClasspath << { buildscript.configurations.classpath.each {...

where should I write this task?
Project's root directory's buid.gradle file
Can you do one thing ?
In your project root directory, you'll find gradle folder, expand it. and open gradle-wrapper.properties file
and check which gradle zip you have ?
ok wait
Then you shouldn't be any problem
that means?
@TheLittleNaruto it happend^^
Synchronize your project with gradle
what should be my
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion "19.1.0"
@rekire lol, yeah, there must be some deprecated functions ;)
@iAnum that means .. bye ;)
@iAnum Show me module's build.gradle file
first I was using 21, but since jdk 7 is missing, I used 19
@AshishKakkad lol
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.0.0'

// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files

allprojects {
repositories {
@rekire I see. Well I am waiting then :D
@iAnum no no
do you find a directory named "app" in your project root directory ?
sorry. experimenting with AS for first time
it's okay
r u talking about build.gradle file inside app folder?
Cool, so you found it
share it use some pastie sites
I am updating me jdk too. so lets c if setting api 21 works
mmmm... Everything is fine AFAICS
okz :(
Is it a demo project or you're importing already built project ?
new one
Okay, Can you tell me what error is there ?
hmm wait. let me restart and update settings. then I will tell u
I think I need to install java 8. what I have is jre 8
Ah uninstall java
and then install it again
uninstall? :(
my jre is up-to-date
Having 2 jre will piss your computer off
So better with fresh download & install
no. there is just one. I have updated
1 hour later…
@iAnum what is status ?
Are you able to run the demo project ?
hi. Just came back from break
mmmm.. Okay
i haven't run any demo project
ok lets try that first
Okay! Let's do it already!
JDK again -_-
inside AS, I can change path for java I think so
Right click on project
select Open Module Settings
and set path there
For me JDK location is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_60
Like that set jdk path for your project as well
ok. actually I am on mac. Things are bit diff here
Dont you have "right click on a project"
and which will prompt a contextual menu dialog
in a list
That's not my point. My point is actually about JDK stuff :(
Ah Gotcha
Are you able to know the installation path ?
Actually on net, a path have been told but I cant find java folder there after installation. That's the issue
@iAnum where are you looking?
Hi guys. Anyone work with Spring social ?
I am searching inside /Library/Java
This also points to same path stackoverflow.com/a/27036999/437146
@smail2133 Not now, But someday for sure
A: Zxing lib supports Barcode scanning in Android

TheLittleNarutoWhy don't you go for Zbar library, that seems more easy to implement. Yes But if you want like Zxing's customized camera scanner you'll have to customize the surface of scanner camera otherwise, it'll fulfil you're requirement. Here is the link for library with a sample too. If you'll look to ...

@TheLittleNaruto Found it :D :D
@TheLittleNaruto is this your answer
@iAnum hihihi Cool , Now do it!
@ErumHannan Well looks like it's mine ;)
yes now I am going to dive in it. thanks once again dude :)
have u worked
in scanner
@iAnum I am just a baby ^^
@ErumHannan I think so
i have done but after capturing image my app crashed
can u pls tell mw
I cant guess anything without checking your error log
yes i m telling you
@rekire Just for your general knowledge : Today is our National Republic Day :)
So I am enjoying at my home ;)
ah great so happy republic day :)
Thanks :)
@iAnum You guys have republic day on today itself, Right ?
If I am not wrong ^^
nopes. Our rep day is celebrated on 23rd march
Ouu! That's so far.. Though it's very near from my birth day
posted on January 26, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

hmmm cool :)
@TheLittleNaruto is there any issues if i add support-v4
instead of v7
@TheLittleNaruto yikes... that one is a little scary
@ErumHannan Only if you need AppCompact Support
@rekire hehe
i have made prj thats giving me error now i changed app compat support and now its not working getting failed to launch apk on device
See, V7 is having all supported classes/methods what V4 has
Ah! wait... Is it Eclipse ?
yes its eclipse
I am sorry
thinks: eclipse sucks
thinks same
what should i need to do now ?
now i made simple hello world its also not working
@TheLittleNaruto @rekire
@ErumHannan have u imported proper lib in eclipse?
n configure build path properly?
yes imported lib
but the issue is with app compat
i dnt wanna use i just need to use support-v7 instead of support-v4 how can ido ?
what's the issue?
import v7 into eclipse and use it in ur project
remove v4
may i need to import v7 compltete prj or only jar
God's grace is upon me, Even I have this fucking slow download speed, I am able to download Ubuntu's iso file in no time (almost I had to wait 2.30 hours for around 1GB of data)
@TheLittleNaruto hello
hello to all
@TheLittleNaruto one query
@ErumHannan I'm not using eclipse since more then one full year
@ErumHannan what I usually do is import lib project in eclipse, then in build path, add dependency of that lib
i just want to know code snippet for app is open and close actually i want apply logic so that when app is open then notification should not come when app is close then notification should come
no need of importing any jar
is there in code ?
@Edge I think you have done that already
wait leme check
but compile v7 lib before building ur app, so that jar file for that lib could be generated. Then build ur app, and it will use that jar. Got it @ErumHannan ?
i already have v7 imported in eclipse but i have closed that prj
as soon as i m going to open that prj its creating errors in all my prjs
well try to follow what I told u
then first correct that lib project, c issues
keep v4 as well if other projects are linked to it
what should be the sdk level of that app compat
this is what I can say
what is set in ur other apps?
set a/c to it
I think better to keep min SDK above API 14 or plus
sorry not 14
support lib is for less api level
set min to 8
set max api level a/c to latest api u have installed
@TheLittleNaruto paste.ofcode.org/pMTdpCF6sbjPZA3fmVb37N u talking about this code?
is it ?
evng @ErumHannan :)
@MukeshRana r u free today
the app compat and other libraries have made my day bad
ummm.. not totally free but i only came to solve your bar code scanner problem
Hello @MukeshRana
in case of barcode i am getting error
@RobinHood hello bro :)
so you have integrated that @ErumHannan
yes but getting error
after capture barcode to resolve this i changed to app compat v7 now no projects are working fine
@MukeshRana http://pastie.org/9851168 any idea about this error?
Its throw while uploading image on s3 server
what error and when ??
when barcode scanned correctly automatically i moved to next activity and their i got error
I hardly worked with app compat and all since I am still using eclipse @ErumHannan
but u dnt add support v4 libr?
when i m removing lib from prj i m getting error in my styles
@RobinHood Although i didn't worked with Amazon web services but error shows there might be some authentication problem
can i send u prj what i tried
@ErumHannan so you are saying you have problem with support v4 lib?
@MukeshRana ok
@TheLittleNaruto How can reset facebook fetchet user data ?
i dnt know whats the issue but the error is in CaptureActivity.java file
line 183
in xzing lib
what's the error?? you are getting barcode in onActivityResult or not??
yes i m getting
so it means your barcode scanner is working perfectly
and from there i m moving to next activity i m getting log of next acttiivity as well but just afrer that app crashed
the error is in libs --->capture actiity--->line 183
can i show barcode image cpatured in previous activity in my next activity
do u have sample prj ?
Rana good luck :P
or u can see sample i have made
@ErumHannan @RobinHood what is code for app is open and close i mean how we know app is oepn
@RobinHood thanks man.. i really need that ;)
how to check app is open and close ?
@ErumHannan so you actually need to scan barcode and generate QR code out of that??
not QR code its product code
I don't have any idea about this product code
isn't it same as QR code ??
i just want to scan BARCODE or QR code
and then show its captured image result on next activity
right now i have done code
but still getting error
So you are getting Barcode or QR code accurately but problem comes when you try to generate bimtap out of that??
barcode or QR code same or different ?
@MukeshRana a QR code is 2D while a Barcode like an EAN code is 1D
so that is what i was saying you need that 2D QR code which will actually a generated bitmap that you gonna set in your next activity ??
Try using this paste.ofcode.org/33mjPpCQsYksCGWHgCdxDpS in your next Activity to get QR code
it should contain the code that you scan using zxing library
[2015-01-26 16:06:11 - BarCodeScannerApplication] Failed to install BarCodeScannerApplication.apk on device '23a5937b!
[2015-01-26 16:06:11 - BarCodeScannerApplication] (null)
[2015-01-26 16:06:11 - BarCodeScannerApplication] Launch canceled!
in all projects i m getting this issue after changing app compat but now i have close the prj
and open app compat
1 hour later…
lol I just found this url in google what a painful way to see that: sveetly.zapto.org/orange/pooxy4/nph-poxy.pl/fa/20/http/…
@rekire how are u
@Edge I'm fine so far
How is your porting progress?
its going fine
there is one Query i wanna ask
i have create on class wihch extends for Application and i have set public static void activityResumed() {
activityVisible = true;


public static void activityPaused() {
activityVisible = false;

private static boolean activityVisible;
i want to set notifcation on base of activityVisible
it will work like this na if (actvityvisble=true) show notifcation else dont show
like that na
if you make that variable public you use it like this: if(YourApplicationClassName.activityVisible) {} else {}
maybe better would be to make it non static and access it like this ((YourApplicationClassName)context.getApplicationContext()).activityVisible

like this right?
encodeAsBitmap(barcodeData,BarcodeFormat.CODE_128, 600, 300);
this is working fine for barcode but not for QR code
@Edge yeah should work possible that you can omit the "context." part
5 hours later…
Q: How to set animation on cells in 2048 game?

iman2420i am new to android developing. I am developing a game called 2048. Is it possible that cells motion animation done? If yes, how? its my code: public class GameView extends ImageView { private Paint paint; private Paint textPaint; private int width; private int height; public GameView(...

Q: How to set animation on cells in 2048 game?

iman2420i am new to android developing. I am developing a game called 2048. Is it possible that cells motion animation done? If yes, how? its my code: public class GameView extends ImageView { private Paint paint; private Paint textPaint; private int width; private int height; public GameView(...

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