After importing Zxing as existing project, Properties > Java Buildpath > Check "is library" (check button) and then try to add Zxing as library.
Make sure webclass.class exist in your
I'll inform you when the HR staff is in office. Please keep in mind that the whole stuff flys to munich on wednesday until friday. So it can take a while in worst case
@berserk i need notification after every hour whats the best approach to use service with timer or alarm but i want to run method in background after every our
I am having two fragment On is having few image view and another is having listview . I want to drag an item from fragment two list view and drop it on to fragment ones image view
I am having two fragment in single activity Fragment 1 is having 6 image views and Fragment 2 is having list of items, I want user to Drag item from fragment 2's list view and drop it on to fragment 1's image view
Showing the resolved dependencies for the build script class path isn't a built-in operation as for other configurations (which can be inspected with gradle dependencies). However, you can write a task to do so. For example:
task showClasspath << {
buildscript.configurations.classpath.each {...
Why don't you go for Zbar library, that seems more easy to implement.
Yes But if you want like Zxing's customized camera scanner you'll have to customize the surface of scanner camera otherwise, it'll fulfil you're requirement.
Here is the link for library with a sample too.
If you'll look to ...
God's grace is upon me, Even I have this fucking slow download speed, I am able to download Ubuntu's iso file in no time (almost I had to wait 2.30 hours for around 1GB of data)
i just want to know code snippet for app is open and close actually i want apply logic so that when app is open then notification should not come when app is close then notification should come
but compile v7 lib before building ur app, so that jar file for that lib could be generated. Then build ur app, and it will use that jar. Got it @ErumHannan ?
i am new to android developing.
I am developing a game called 2048.
Is it possible that cells motion animation done? If yes, how?
its my code:
public class GameView extends ImageView {
private Paint paint;
private Paint textPaint;
private int width;
private int height;
public GameView(...
i am new to android developing.
I am developing a game called 2048.
Is it possible that cells motion animation done? If yes, how?
its my code:
public class GameView extends ImageView {
private Paint paint;
private Paint textPaint;
private int width;
private int height;
public GameView(...