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Any survivors?
3 hours later…
anyone can get rid of EACCESS open failed? this is sick
good morning to all
good morning @PankajSharma
good morning to all
good morning @All
@JaiSoni good morning
@Anil VGM
pastie.org/9512049 plz check this Exception coming
no Such table Notifcation
int row = localSQLiteDatabase.update(DataProviderConstants.NOTIFICATION_TABLE_NAME,values,
System.out.println("update db "+row);
return row;
exception coming in this line
do u hv replace db that I hv sent
in assest folder
wait let me Unsinatll then i will install plz wait
i dint Unistall
i will have to Unsinatll app
yes u hv to
pastie.org/9512053 now this exception coming
that exception not coming now
now new Exception coming
gd mrng ! @Anil @JaiSoni @PankajSharma
good morning @neerajkirola
have u solved ur database query? @Anil
@neerajkirola VGM
@neerajkirola gm
String myPath = DB_PATH + DataProviderConstants.DATABASE_NAME;
checkDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY); this line Exception coming
@All hello
how ca i get all folder list that have inages
how can i get all folder list that have images
any one know how to fix this Exception
Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
startActivityForResult(photoPickerIntent, REQUEST_CODE_GALLERY);
try it
@Anil thanks its work
@Anil my next step is to add check box with it that i can select multiple images .. is it possible with it
@Hope then upvote me
@Anil how to add check box in it
there is control of check Box
u just add
@JaiSoni that issue also fixed
but still not able to insert data
while am able to debug code
good morning guys
@rekire @Rufus Good morning
@JaiSoni u there
Very Good Morning
@PiYusHGuPtA @rekire VGM
how to handle large size of array
@PiYusHGuPtA @JaiSoni vgm
any idea @all
@JaiSoni @rekire @rekire Hows you?
see ihave Fix all issue But when i debug for insert Update then i am able debug but its not goes
Uri resultUri=mContext. getContentResolver().insert(DataProviderConstants.NOTIFICATION_TABLE_CONTENTURI, values);
System.out.println("insert result "+resultUri);
inside this code
i think that is reson i am unable to insert value
@PiYusHGuPtA very crazy today I slept today too long but I'm the first one in the office
@Anil what is value of count ?
@PiYusHGuPtA I m good u say
@JaiSoni me also good
@Anil that means update query executed so it will not insert another
try changing serverid
see this code
i am getting that much value
@JaiSoni from server
while in table much thing are there
can u please put static value
String notificationId=intent.getStringExtra("Notificationtype");
@PiYusHGuPtA ?
so that i can understand
yes notifcation type is 1 ,2
this is coming from server
@Anil notificationId will be id of table notification on server
not Notificationtype
@maven hows you? y r u silent?
but am not getting any id
@PiYusHGuPtA bit upset
can we do it auto genrate
Q: How to Show Total in TextView of all items available in List

MysteriousI am writing food ordering program, and in CartActivity i have to show Grand Total of all items available in Cart. Here is How my CartActivity looks right now : As you can see i am using a TextView above ListView, which has 0.00 as default value, here i want to show Total of all list items......

@Anil we need this id
@PankajSharma gm sir
Ok let me try
for "request for travelling"
@maven y?
its 1
am sending
and for Post i am sending 2
that is notifcation type actully @JaiSoni
Any body know how to create vertical paging . I want create custom layout with some button and text field . just like custom listview.
@JaiSoni there is some static value i want to insert
@maven GM
yo @all
should i try like this way in GCM Intent service pastie.org/9512129
@PankajSharma how's u
i m good
u say?
@Anil it will not insert is 1 is already inserted
it will update the record
@PankajSharma m fine
if i will put 2 then
i jsut want understand how i will so that i will change it
Hello, any outstanding dev of GCM
@user3819810 yes plz tell
how long google try? if message not deliver to device. or just one try!
what mechanism to check if message not delivered ?
You will get ackknowldegment
when u will Push messge to gcm
it will fail if u ll messge not sent if device id is not registerd
same response i get in both case
can i put <= Condition @JaiSoni
{"multicast_id":8658371779827850089,"success":1,"failure":0,"canonical_ids":0,"r‌​esults":[{"message_id":"0:1409291702799733%978fee92f9fd7ecd"}]}. this is what i get weather deliver or no :(
send ur code back End code
then i can reply u
@Anil no u can't
if u change it we will hv multipal notification with same server id
i just want to check
in sqlite browser
that some data is inserting
@Anil in DBhelper call I hv prepared a static function
call that
ok wait
it will create a copy of db file from datd/data to sdcard
but how i can see device database
@Anil call that function it will copy device db to ur sdcard then copy it to ur desktop
and open it
wait jai
anil bro! what you did ans to my question?
why is this a same json responce?
Thanks. let me
@JaiSoni u have installed app now in ur device
yes I hv
ok wait 1 min
@JaiSoni check ur device got notifcation
if u have updated code
Good Morning Guys
@TheLittleNaruto yo
good morning
vgm @TheLittleNaruto
for in app purchase is there any good tutorial guys
bcz can't understand it..its hard.
there is a sample
at developers
chk it out
@berserk ok brother..Let me check..and 1 more que
How can I do patch when I upload new version of my app?I don't want to upload all files (i.e same apk with changes).
You mean upload a new version of ur app on play store?
@TheLittleNaruto hii,,,, gcmid is same for all devices or different?
@Anjali It's different for all :)
@ShreyanshShah u need to upload whole apk
@Anjali GCM id is also based on ur device id
when u reg ur device to server it generate unique id for each device
yes @PankajSharma u are right
@rekire Worked on Video H.264 encoding from ffmpeg ?
@Anil no I hv not received any
@Anjali hmm
what u removed have not seen?
@TheLittleNaruto yes sure
@rekire I am looking for .so file which can do the same and can use it for my purpose
@TheLittleNaruto so you want to use it on a mobile? I never tried that
if from on Mobile, you mean Android Devices, then yes it is. I need to do it inside my app. Its one of the feature of my app. @rekire
@TheLittleNaruto what do you want to do exactly??
@TheLittleNaruto I never tried that yet sorry I read some where from a library that would support it... I need to check my github stars^^ looks bad 404
@berserk I have a song and a video, I need to mix it up and encode it to H.264/mp4 using ffmpeg
@rekire Ohh :(
I got a lib
wait lemee check
a lib ?
U need to pass the command in it
Yeah! That's what I am looking for.
I mean ffmpeg command
it will perform the desired function
Gotcha! Come on share it already!
hehe xD
I mail u
yes...for example if my app has 50MB of size and I added some code..so is there any way for do patching..:(
U need to upload full apk
@berserk :(
@berserk Thanks..:)
bye all
will meet on Monday
bye ?
why so early ?
on hallf day leave today :)
Okay :D
will tell u on call
Will wait :)
Hello all
What is the future of Android..I have been working from last 6 months
but now I m afraid what to do..:(
Watch Google IO 2014. You'll be able to see the future thereafter only.
Because companies r hiring developers but not giving good pay
bc low salary in Android compare to iOS
Are they ?
@TheLittleNaruto ya
In Gujarat it is common
Come out from Gujrat
Ya u r right.
only php,.net jobs r more in Guj
less jobs for JAVA
@TheLittleNaruto U earned good rep
U r pro...
I'll visit the Droidcon in London (UK)
@rekire hi where r u from?
U have earned good rep...:)
Yeah I get regularly passive rep that is helpful too^^
I get about 30-100rep per week without typing any qustion or answers
This room owners have good rep
That's cool thing
I just started Android dev so I can get help here
of cause welcome ;)
@rekire Ur answers must useful to developers so that they r willing to give upvote..;)
@TheLittleNaruto @rekire.... My application was working fine till yesterday but today it gets problem while login...... Its getting exceptn <javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: No peer certificate>.why this can be.
@TheLittleNaruto did you see my last animation work?
that works now too on gingerbread
@rekire cool animation
@Anjali looks like an https issue did they change the certificate?
@ShreyanshShah lol FYI, I am not pro.
@ShreyanshShah That bases on the orginal ShowcaseView but I forked it for my usage
@Anjali Is that https web service ?
@rekire Wow!
How did you make it ?
see my last message^^
Starred ;)
This really looks cool Reki
@TheLittleNaruto no u r pro..
Nobody is pro. If you get stuck at some point. All pro thingy goes in your ass. ;)
@TheLittleNaruto @rekire dont know .services received from client side
@TheLittleNaruto ohh that's the thing
I will become 1 day pro when all thingy in my ass..:)
@Anjali Can you show us url starts from http or https ?
@Shweta hey
@rekire nice animation..
@ShreyanshShah hi
@rekire have you set timer for it?
Hi, Anyone worked on dialer pad in android
@Shweta No Sorry. Never worked but have u any issue in itt?
@PiYusHGuPtA it uses the object animator
@PiYusHGuPtA Actually I have to start work on it
@Shweta dpad? that small tracking ball which is not on modern hardware?
@rekire yes
not sure if I can help but what is the matter?
@Shweta Okay
@TheLittleNaruto Now fixed that issue. Actually the ssl certificate has changed from server side.
@Anjali Ok Good
@Rufus hi bro
Hi @PiYusHGuPtA how are you?
@Rufus i am fine. you?
I'm also good
app testing time, brb
@Rufus which app??
its under-development.
Q: YouTube tab loader was loading in Home tab

Naruto I am getting a weird issue.While enter into my application, YouTube tab loader was loading in Home tab.you can see the below image. In this image,the loader belongs to YouTube tab.But that was loading directly in Home tab while entered into this app. In my Home Tab I used the expandable lis...

Hi anybody can help me if you know how to solve this.
@Rufus Ok. And come also on GTalk. need to talk
sure, after testing...
@Rufus ok
puh math... now I calculated the changing radius of my rounded rectangles...
@JaiSoni threre?
Any one having Geofensing sample app
not working for me
@TheLittleNaruto now with new radius calculation
@PiYusHGuPtA if are free
then can i ask
about layout
@rekire looks cool what you did there ? Just a radius change ?
@rekire awesome
@Anil Yeah
@TheLittleNaruto basically yes
ok wait
@rekire awesome man!!
too bad that the animation will be later too fast to see the great details
some more tweaks are required than I'll push my changes
have to fix on Top ^ icon
Like face book
@Rufus @PiYusHGuPtA thx
@Anil on top means at where and which side?
u can see one Button i con i have to set on that Pointg
wait am shoing facebook
like this
see my screen where coming ^ in facebook like i want
can i show my xml
]hello @PiYusHGuPtA there
@Anil Do one thing . Just use relative layout as a parent layout and after that just below your button set your notification layout and make black color to transparent and on click button show that notification layout
ok wait am trying
i dont want keep transparent color i have to set Like face book i want set black color
@Anil Yeah but just for test do it. if its working good then we can set color
wait i ll show u screen
see @PiYusHGuPtA coming like this my xml code is here pastie.org/9512593
@Anil Do one thing the button on which u clicked set at bottom in ur header instead of center and after that put notification layout just below it
yes its set on header
@PiYusHGuPtA thats done
but still am having issue
@Anil @PiYusHGuPtA @TheLittleNaruto @CapDroid @rekire plz give me solution for this
Q: ImageSpan height is less as compared to BackgroundColorSpan

AjitI am using ImageSpan and BackgroundColorSpan for a string. I set the height of ImageSpan. Accorging to that BackgroundColorSpan auto adjust. But height of background of BackgroundColorSpan is little bit more as comapre to ImageSpan. SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();...

there are so many difference no idea which causes the issue
00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 15:00

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