case NOTIFICATION_URL_QUERY: int row = localSQLiteDatabase.update(DataProviderConstants.NOTIFICATION_TABLE_NAME,values, selection,selectionArgs); System.out.println("update db "+row); return row;
if(count<1){ Uri resultUri=mContext. getContentResolver().insert(DataProviderConstants.NOTIFICATION_TABLE_CONTENTURI, values); System.out.println("insert result "+resultUri); }
I am writing food ordering program, and in CartActivity i have to show Grand Total of all items available in Cart.
Here is How my CartActivity looks right now :
As you can see i am using a TextView above ListView, which has 0.00 as default value, here i want to show Total of all list items......
{"multicast_id":8658371779827850089,"success":1,"failure":0,"canonical_ids":0,"results":[{"message_id":"0:1409291702799733%978fee92f9fd7ecd"}]}. this is what i get weather deliver or no :(
@TheLittleNaruto I never tried that yet sorry I read some where from a library that would support it... I need to check my github stars^^ looks bad 404
@TheLittleNaruto @rekire.... My application was working fine till yesterday but today it gets problem while login...... Its getting exceptn < No peer certificate>.why this can be.
I am getting a weird issue.While enter into my application, YouTube
tab loader was loading in Home can see the below image.
In this image,the loader belongs to YouTube tab.But that was
loading directly in Home tab while entered into this app.
In my Home Tab I used the expandable lis...
@Anil Do one thing . Just use relative layout as a parent layout and after that just below your button set your notification layout and make black color to transparent and on click button show that notification layout
I am using ImageSpan and BackgroundColorSpan for a string. I set the height of ImageSpan.
Accorging to that BackgroundColorSpan auto adjust. But height of background of BackgroundColorSpan is little bit more as comapre to ImageSpan.
SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();...