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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 19:00

@PankajSharma hello
@Anil bhai BOSS is busy :(
which boss
@Anil @PankajSharma bhai
@JaiSoni what happended?
@Anil yes
can u please check that
web service whichi have implemnted in post
just test now its working
memberid we have to pass 263
@PiYusHGuPtA use another simple code
@Anil little bit busy
@JaiSoni There???
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
@JaiSoni Can you please check that i have solved half issue and half is remaining please
@JaiSoni Can you?
I need a help
I am not able to clear all the activity from activity stack
Intent i = new Intent(BaseActivity.this, LoginActivity.class);
I tried this solution but not working
@PiYusHGuPtA thanks bro.. it's working now.. I can see ads
@PiYusHGuPtA sure..I will
@JaiSoni Wel come bro. Please see my issue
@PiYusHGuPtA yes tell me
@navya ads was not working.. now it's solved.. btw thanks
@JaiSoni first please see this url optimatrix.in/app/WebServices/…
@JaiSoni checked bro?
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
it's json
@JaiSoni Yes now i want to display project details data in listview in child view and i am able to display but if in project detail array if there is two or more data then it shows only one data in listview in child view
@JaiSoni got it bro now?
@JaiSoni @navya was afk..:)
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
@JaiSoni That is problem. can you pls see in that?
ok.. should i check code that u hv send to me?
@JaiSoni Yes please sure.
@JaiSoni in webservice 1 class change this line bro
JSONObject jObject1 = project_details.getJSONObject(K);
there is
JSONObject jObject1 = jArray.getJSONObject(K);
@JaiSoni If you want to latest demo then i can send you
@JaiSoni is there any otherway to do cause my app is having to many activities and this will be hard to manage this flow the answer is saying
Some flag or so
@ashutiwari4 try using finish(); before
@JaiSoni if you check once let me know because today any how i have to finish
@PiYusHGuPtA ok
@JaiSoni have you changed line i have said? or need latest demo?
It can be my possible answer
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
@JaiSoni latest demo?
project that u send me 2 days earlier
@ashutiwari4 I think u can simply manage by destroying previous activity.. before starting a new one
@JaiSoni Actually I have many activities and user can logout from any of them
So it is hard to manage that flow
@ashutiwari4 of u call finish the previous activity will removed from stack.. and will not create any prob.. on backpress
@JaiSoni no worry usme chalega
another solution is u can save a variable in sharedprefrences and set it to true if user login and set false on logout.. and in each activity's on create check this variable if it is false then call finish()
suppose user is on 4 activity and want to logout from that activity so if i am using finish() it'll destroy activity ad open LoginActivity ... But still 1 and 2 activity will be there in stack @jaiSoni
android.database.StaleDataException: Attempted to access a cursor after it has been closed. android.database.BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor.throwIfCursorIsClosed(BulkCursorToCur‌​sorAdaptor.java:64)
can anyone resolve or explain me to solve this error while accessing data from sqlite
@JaiSoni bro please check ur mail. received?
yes received ur mail
@PiYusHGuPtA how to show the file just after downloading compleated using intent
@JaiSoni Ok you can check
@HimanshuAgarwal u r trying to access cursor that has been closed
@Anjali Want to open your downloaded file using Intent??
@JaiSoni That is latest demo in which only showing only one data you can see in url also
its not closed but still its throwing exception @JaiSoni
@JaiSoni All parsing and other things are perfect?
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
@Anjali Check this Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/download/" + "app.apk")), "application/vnd.android.package-archive");
use this code
@JaiSoni got it bro now?
@jaiSoni Bhai that SharedPrefrences Idea is working like a charm thanks
@ashutiwari4 welcome
@JaiSoni ..ok/...:)
@navya Ok
@PiYusHGuPtA o-0
@navya Yeah
@JaiSoni baba krupa karo.
@PiYusHGuPtA what is this in ur code "application/vnd.android.package-archive")
@JaiSoni Checked ??
@Anjali No need to use that just remove that. I have found that answer on google
@navya Is that issue solved?
can anyone suggest me any solution ?
which one??@PiYusHGuPtA
@navya that listview
@JaiSoni bro r u busy with ur work then nope. But can u tell have u checked?
@PiYusHGuPtA checking ur code bro
@JaiSoni Okay but let me know ASAP.
@navya why yar?
@PiYusHGuPtA dont know..that is very tuf...:(..i have one more issue
@PiYusHGuPtA @JaiSoni happy monsoon friends.. :)
@ChintanRathod Oh wel come bro happy moonsoon to you
@ChintanRathod u r so busy person oho.
i am recording video..and i want to go on another screen after recording..few days ago..it was working .but when i again tried that..its going on 1 screen..
here is my code..@PiYusHGuPtA
@PiYusHGuPtA nothing like that.. ;)
please let me know...where i am doing wrong
@ChintanRathod happy moonsoon to you
@ChintanRathod So why u not message me or call me. I have to talk in one thing yar
you have my number and mail as well dear.. @PiYusHGuPtA
@ChintanRathod But u r too busy
@PiYusHGuPtA :( personnel and professional works are too much .. m bad in management..
@ChintanRathod Oh thats also right. No problem i will call you today.
@JaiSoni Is this way to do that?
@PiYusHGuPtA :(
@navya Okay checking
@PiYusHGuPtA wait
@JaiSoni Okay
@ChintanRathod I have to call for maintain fragment back stack
Hello fellow programmers.
@PiYusHGuPtA oops..
still that problem you are facing.??
@ChintanRathod Yes yar. I have to understand full concept now
@PiYusHGuPtA do you have any knowledge about my issue?
which one?
android.database.StaleDataException: Attempted to access a cursor after it has been closed. android.database.BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor.throwIfCursorIsClosed(BulkCursorToCur‌​‌​sorAdaptor.java:64)
cursor is not closed still it throw this exception
is it possible to mail me what do you like to perform.. means flow of your screen..
will sure help you in
k6 samaz aaya..???@PiYusHGuPtA
@ChintanRathod I want to learn how to handle back stactk for multiple fragments yar i know only half of thing not much
@navya No navya
@JaiSoni I have only remain some time for leave bro
@PiYusHGuPtA no problem...
@ChintanRathod Please yar if you have one demo in which you have handled multiple fragments back stack then send me will study
@JaiSoni There?
i can send you the logic.. not code. :(
means on paper
Good Evening guys :)
@ChintanRathod Okay nope. Also tell me one thing that on that day i habe used ur code for fragment back stack. SO pop up and push fragment works fine. But when back pressed then it shows all fragments which i have opened . is it possible to show only desired fragment when back pressed?
@TheLittleNaruto good evening bro. Hows you?
yes .. it is..
@ChintanRathod How and on back stack how can we check that how many fragments opened?
@Piyush cool as always :) you say ?
@TheLittleNaruto I am also cool bro
Good for ya ^_^
@ChintanRathod if i learn this two things then i can understand all flow and concept of fragments
@JaiSoni Hey bro where r U?
its better we direct talk instead of here.. i can easily explain funda
@ChintanRathod Okay will call you today.
@TheLittleNaruto hiiii
@ChintanRathod And yes is it possible to swipe delete item for expandable listview same as listview?
@PiYusHGuPtA sent u mail check it
@PiYusHGuPtA yes it is..
@JaiSoni OK
@ChintanRathod can you provide any link
@PiYusHGuPtA use expandable list view with having each group has single listview as child.. which works like swipable delete
@JaiSoni i haven't got dear
@PiYusHGuPtA busy?
@ChintanRathod i am already using expandable listview
@JaiSoni please again send m,e
@DevilAbhi Yes bro... tell me issue
@PiYusHGuPtA add single item to each group which is swipable list view
@ChintanRathod means i have to delete item for parent item?
hi all can any one send me link for menu items in android
@JaiSoni Can you resend it??
bro i want to know in my app that how much time i touched on my phone screen today n how much inches,feet,meters i move my finger on screen of my phone
touch i may calculate by getting on touchlistner
@DevilAbhi i think you should use sensor
@TheLittleNaruto :-/....:-/
but how may i calculate finger movement
which sensor bro?
@PiYusHGuPtA can't get you
@PiYusHGuPtA @TheLittleNaruto is not talking..:(
@ChintanRathod Means if i remove parent group item then will it remove child data also???
@navya with whose?
@JaiSoni Bro there?
@PiYusHGuPtA yes..
@ChintanRathod sure na?
@navya No yar i am talking
@JaiSoni didn't get ur mail bro.
u talking..he is not...
@navya Oh will talk no worry/ may be he is busy
@JaiSoni i have left only 20 mins. Can you resend it?
@JaiSoni kaha gaye aap???
Hi, can anyone help me with a piece of code? I'm trying to send an hashmap as attribute to another method. but I can't get it to work
    HashMap<String, String> extra_params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    extra_params.put("id", "51");
    Make_Request(activity, "Get_Bike_Media", extra_params);
public void Make_Request(final Activity context, final String Api_Method, final HashMap Extra_params){
what am I doing wrong?
on Make_Request it says that it's a null object reference
@navya hi
@PiYusHGuPtA ys sure
@ChintanRathod Okay. And today can you show one demo i have send you if?
can anyone help me? banging my head against the monitor here!
too funny?
i just started
Keep doing. Be cruelest for your head. xD I like it. Yeah!
@PiYusHGuPtA ok
And when you get time thereafter, fire your query here xD @sathia
maybe it got lost on the log, I wrote it here
i'll paste again
Hi, can anyone help me with a piece of code? I'm trying to send an hashmap as attribute to another method. but I can't get it to work
    HashMap<String, String> extra_params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    extra_params.put("id", "51");
    Make_Request(activity, "Get_Bike_Media", extra_params);
public void Make_Request(final Activity context, final String Api_Method, final HashMap Extra_params){
what am I doing wrong?
on Make_Request it says that it's a null object reference
is it saying params are null?
can u share the whole class?
sure, one moment
it's my third day with java, so go easy with comments :) my morale is already under my feet
hello all,I have a question regarding push notifications on Android.
lol ok
@user3336236 ask
@TheLittleNaruto there?
I am trying to create a coupon distribution app where I can send coupons to my subscribers,the subscribers base can be a few million
@sathia Where do you call the Api class?
from the main intent
Can u show the activity?
    api.Make_Request(this, "Get_Bikes_Of_User", null);
ok wait
So,will i hit any kind of quota while using GCM as my app will be sending a lot of notifications to the clients?
@sathia AppController
which is this class?
it's the singleton that handles volley data
@user3336236 In GCM, the device in which app runs will be registered
then web service handles the push XP
probably I'm just making wrong the for statement, because it can enter into that
    if(Extra_Params != null) {
        for (HashMap.Entry<String, Object> Extra_Params : map.entrySet()) {
but I have no idea how to fix this
@berserk: so you are saying that I can send as many notifications using GCM as I want?
@user3336236 i guess
ok, I think I found a solution
    if(Extra_Params != null) {
        Iterator iterator = Extra_Params.entrySet().iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry mapEntry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
            Log.v(mapEntry.getKey().toString(), mapEntry.getValue().toString());
yup, it works. thanks god
good :)
do you know why the key and values are not String?
they should be, right?
    HashMap<String, String> extra_params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    extra_params.put("id", "51");
it is object i guess
doesn't it mean they must be String? if I don't use toString it gives error.
so u need to add toString maybe
same happens with spinner i guess
ok, I'll live with that
it has method getSelectedItem() which returns the object
we need to add toString() on it
Cool XD
I like this java thing, I believe it's gonna be huge
You made it :D
Hi @Anjali
Hi every one how to solve this one, stackoverflow.com/questions/5579071/…, please share and help to some one.
2 hours later…
@TheLittleNaruto there?
Wait Let me show you code
let me check
@TheLittleNaruto debug project and check what u received in onStopTrackingTouch()
from getProgress() function
Okay Jai.
any one help please
@vinayManeti ssup?
like i wan to develop an android livewallpaper water ripple effect how can develop..please can you tell me....
no idea :P
or like sparkle effect on touch of screen....
@JaiSoni There ?
I am getting the progress in that function
hi how i can run my android application in my device "phone"
i have evertek phone and I have windows 7 in my computer
my computer is dell
@TheLittleNaruto I mean value bro
@JaiSoni Progress is nothing but the value
That's what I meant.
public void onStartTrackingTouch(CircularSeekBar seekBar) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.d("SEEKBAR_PROGRESS", String.valueOf(seekBar.getProgress()));

@JaiSoni Check this
@TheLittleNaruto I want to say that what vaule it returns when volume is max
still it's not stop at max ?
@JaiSoni Check this pastie.org/9434871
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 19:00

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