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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 19:00

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Good Morning All
good morning
good morning @CapDroid @PiYusHGuPtA
@JaiSoni Good morning
@PiYusHGuPtA need help
hello @CapDroid @PankajArora
@all good morning
@PankajSharma i want to add three tabs with image and text.. and i use custom tabs but its disply only one tabs... pastie.org/9433205
@PankajSharma hello
@GB_Bhayani okz.i will provide u link for that
@DevilAbhi hello
@PankajSharma ok bro
@PankajSharma how are you?
@DevilAbhi i m doing good .u say?
@CapDroid there???
am also good @PankajSharma
@all Good Morning
@PiYusHGuPtA @PankajSharma @PankajArora @JaiSoni @GB_Bhayani @Anil gm...
can you give me some idea regarding this app
@CapDroid @Indiandroid gm..
@navya Gud Mrng..
@PiYusHGuPtA have you seen the code of caler name announcer?
@DevilAbhi No
@navya GM
@JaiSoni Hows you?
oks oiyush
@navya vgm
@navya Very Good Morning dear hahahahaha
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
@DevilAbhi not much idea bro
@PankajSharma HEHEHE..GM..BHAI......:P
ok pankaj thanks
@PankajSharma ????
@JaiSoni Yesterday i was on leave. But now in that my demo you have to look now please
@navya sahi hai beta
@PankajSharma hehehe
@navya @CapDroid Good Morning
@navya started work?
@JaiSoni Hello GM Bro
@PankajSharma any link???
@PiYusHGuPtA bro I m stuck at CPU uses by my app on Android 4.4.2 I hv to resolve it by today
@PankajArora VGM
@JaiSoni vgm
@JaiSoni Oh... bro
@JaiSoni there
goo dmornig
@JaiSoni h r u bro?how work going on?
@PankajSharma good moring
@PankajSharma thanx bro... :)
@GB_Bhayani always welcomed.no need to say thanks
@Anil V Good Morning ji
Hi to all any guys implemented linkedin api in android
@PankajSharma :)
remind u man @PankajSharma
any one who has implemented day view ??
@JaiSoni ask one thinkg...
@PankajSharma i am planing to signal R
@PiYusHGuPtA how much u busy not responding
ur bhaooo is increased or some thing else ?
@Anil I am stucking with one issue. so
what happen man
which is issue man
@Anil in expandable listview
I am stuck on dayView... Help me
@KetanAhir HI
@PiYusHGuPtA can you give any idea regarding, i can use camera but i dont want to take any image
actually i want to make transparent screen app
yo @all
@DevilAbhi ok will give idea if i know
@berserk yo bro
Q: Use camera but dont want to take photo

Devil AbhiI want to use camera in my app but dont want to take photo, actually I am making a app i.e transparent screen, in this I want to show transparent wallpaper i.e I have to start camera for this and i dont want to take images for this I tried all these codes but have n't got the desirable results. ...

@PiYusHGuPtA this is my question
can you pls answer
@DevilAbhi Try surface view
@DevilAbhi @berserk is right. try to use it
@berserk on that day u didn't give answer
no call also
sorry, i forgot:(
what is ur quesrt?
@berserk in expandable in child view i want to display data in listview
ok berserk i study regarding surfaceview
@berserk optimatrix.in/app/WebServices/… first check this url
@berserk Checked?>
@berserk in that url i want to show project detail array in my listview in my child view. for that i have also made bean class
ok wait
@JaiSoni Gm sir
@navya hi ,how are you?
@DevilAbhi hello bro..
@PankajArora i mf9
@PankajArora @PiYusHGuPtA @PankajSharma i m getting one error..when opening front camera
@PankajArora how are yu ?
@navya @DevilAbhi i am fine Thanks.
this is the error i m facin..imgur.com/BPX5UKR
@berserk OK
Hi Problem in implementing Linkedin api in android
good morning @all
@navya have you added permission of hardware camera
back camera is working..@PiYusHGuPtA
hi all
@KeTaN hi dear bro
@PiYusHGuPtA hi piyush
@ItachiUchiha @berserk gm..
Q: Android: Fail to connect to camera service at Camera.open();

Archie.bpgcThere are many questions similar to this, but none helped me: my manifest file is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.android.cameraapi" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" > <us...

Q: Android Fail to connect to camera service

PirabaWhen the user click on Camera, it open next screen after few seconds it throws Fail to connect to camera service and it say cannot connect to camera This is my code: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); View viewLoad = LayoutInflate...

i have problem on facebook sharing post
@navya gm
everyone can't share post on fb
@PiYusHGuPtA i have seen this all..my front camera is not working only..back camera is working
@navya for front camera there is different may be
@PiYusHGuPtA ???
any one know solution of fb share post for public
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
@PankajArora plz don't call me sir
@KeTaN ???what issue u facing?
@JaiSoni i am able to displat data in child view but if there is two more data then only display one data. can you check?
@berserk chkd?
@Anjali wel come. GM
@navya gm
@navya me facebook developer account me jitene log ko permission diya he wo hi share kar shakte he fb pe to kuje share log post kar share kar shake essa kar na he
@KeTaN Bro please use English. Hindi not allowed
means public
@JaiSoni got it bro what my mean?
@PiYusHGuPtA ok no proble
@KeTaN Don't mind but this is the moderators told.
@navya i gave permission on Facebook developer account for some person that people can share post on fb wall other can't so what to do for public can do share on fb wall
@KeTaN i have done simple sharing only
@KeTaN @PankajSharma can give better soolution for this
@PankajSharma any suggestion for me
why this heppan
@berserk Sleeping yar?
@KeTaN what happened?
@PiYusHGuPtA no
gime some time
@berserk Oh Okay. but i have to finish before lunch and just small issue
I checked url
whats issue?
@PankajSharma i gave permission on Facebook developer account for some person that people can share post on fb wall other can't so what to do for public can do share on fb wall
@berserk for project detail array want to show data in listview in child view
@berserk got it bro?
i got it
are u stuck on something? or facing some error?
@KeTaN if u given that permission to only some people then other can not post on ur wall.please remove them from setting then anyone can able to post on ur wall
@berserk i m able to display only one data in listview in child view for project detail array. If there is two more items for project details array only shows one item in listview in child view
@PankajSharma are you sure ?
then i can remove
Bit map images are loading but taking time and displaying the list view empty. Any possibility of adding progress bar to bit map
@berserk now you got perfectly?
u need 3 layered listview?
expand, and then again expand?
@KeTaN yes
@berserk no no. just wait
@PankajSharma but i gave permission as a tester
@berserk see this image. imgur.com/QVu1ICU
same this way
@PankajSharma ok so i remove that person right
@berserk seen image??
@KeTaN it doesnt matter u r given permission in ur fb account for only some perople na
i will back in some time @PiYusHGuPtA
@PankajSharma then why can't share other people
@berserk ok but you got it now?
@KeTaN one remove and test
@JaiSoni ok bro
@PankajSharma ok
@PankajSharma pastie.org/9433359 , this pastie.org/9433359 exception coming
plz check and tell me where am doing wrong
@Anil Invalid double: ""
@rekire hey bro
@PiYusHGuPtA vgm
where i pute invalid
good morning guys
u r getting empty value and try to conert it in to double.put check here in ur code
check @PiYusHGuPtA
what i shoud do for that
should i apply tru catach
check for legth of string
if it is less than or equal to 0 then use 0.00
hahaha my stats: visited 1000 days, 348 consecutive
@rekire grt congrats
see line number 168 error is coming
plz check and tell me Solution
@Anil first chck that if ur string is null or not. because i think it is null
String reccvierlat = listDatamodels.get(position).lat;
String recciverlon = listDatamodels.get(position).lon;
@rekire one issue with expandable listview. can you help me in that?
yes its coming Null
here u getting null or "" or empty value
@Anil thats why
@PiYusHGuPtA that depends on your problem
String reccvierlat = "";
String recciverlon = "";
try {
reccvierlat = listDatamodels.get(position).lat;
recciverlon = listDatamodels.get(position).lon;
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
first check it then convert it into double simple
@rekire yeah i have checked that still
i have puted like this now ok
this is not right way @Anil
@Anil check by if(!reccvierlat.equalIgnoreCase("")) them must convert it to double
and same for recciverlon
@Mann you know that "Mann" means man in german?
@Anil got it now?
Ok wait
hi :D
let me try and willget back to u
guys how r u all ?
@Mann welcome man.good
ohh BOSS aap yha :) wow
i have a prb
String reccvierlat = "";
String recciverlon = "";

if (reccvierlat.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
reccvierlat = listDatamodels.get(position).lat;

if (reccvierlat.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
recciverlon = listDatamodels.get(position).lon;
@PankajSharma u mean say like this
@Anil u need to check by "!"
if (! reccvierlat.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
@PankajSharma remove all that person then can't post with other user
i m doing transaction from fragment to 'A' to another fragment 'B' and when user do a backpress then the changes made to fragment 'A' must be saved
now line number 167coming in this code
in 167
@KeTaN have u check manually from fb other if for that account?
@PankajSharma yes i will check with other account
@Anil for that u need to check what i have said
@PankajSharma u seems busy :(
@Mann yes man little bit
@PiYusHGuPtA this is float value
@JaiSoni are you done with recyclerview?
@Anil But you have parsed it in double. And if ur string will null then it can't parsed in double so you will get error
i have parsed it alredy
if(!reccvierlat.equals("") && !recciverlon.equals(""))
float distance = findDistance(mylat / 1000, mylong / 1000,
Double.parseDouble(reccvierlat) / 1000,
Double.parseDouble(recciverlon) / 1000);
Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Location not found", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
@Anil show me here
String reccvierlat = listDatamodels.get(position).lat;
String recciverlon = listDatamodels.get(position).lon;

Log.e("Value....................", listDatamodels.get(position).lat);
Log.e("Value....................", listDatamodels.get(position).lon);

float distance = findDistance(mylat / 1000, mylong / 1000,
Double.parseDouble(reccvierlat) / 1000,
Double.parseDouble(recciverlon) / 1000);
do this
what i have said
@Anil this is not a big issue.dont worry
in this issue depend another issue actully
I can upload images on server.I want to know if I have to upload any file then I have to make condition with all
or any single code to do all
What do you want to check?
different Condition for all i.e image,video,pdf
or single code for all
@Anjali No for video its totally different
@Anjali if same method use for all and the parameters are same then put a extar parameter in ur method of uploading for file type and put the file name accordingly.put a parameter fileType and check when u give the file name
@PankajSharma how to change the tab text color when its select.... i use this for change for when tab is selcect then change image but i dont know about textcolor <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:drawable="@drawable/love" />
android:drawable="@drawable/hate" />

@GB_Bhayani use different images for selected and un selected
@PankajSharma its i know....... i talking about tab text color
@GB_Bhayani use on tab selected
@Anjali google for code of a ninja website. he ecplained very well about that
Am developing a RMI Chat application ...is it possible to send message only to a particular client rather than all clients?how can we store the unique client socket id in hashmap?
@GB_Bhayani use image with text
for tabs
@PankajArora not yet bro.. I m struggling with some urgent tasks
like CUP uses by app and add google add to app
@PankajSharma look this.... when i select twitter then its image change... but textcolor is white .. so how can i do also textcolor is blue when twitter tab select
Hi everybody....
Can we inform the server on activty's onStop() life cycle method that activity is stopped right now??
@GB_Bhayani u need to create a style for activity
@Mann yes
@Mann lunch time
@JaiSoni ahhh..today i have to implement that..now all done but still stuck with last position and load more
@PankajArora i tried using camera on surfaceview but its giving the preview by diverting the preview to the right side
can yu pls tell what mistake i made
Q: Use camera but dont want to take photo

Devil AbhiI want to use camera in my app but dont want to take photo, actually I am making a app i.e transparent screen, in this I want to show transparent wallpaper i.e I have to start camera for this and i dont want to take images for this I tried all these codes but have n't got the desirable results. ...

@DevilAbhi never worked with theese kind of functionality dude,i have to do googling for that
its ok I try myself
@GB_Bhayani use image with text for tab selected and un selected
@berserk there?
sry little busy @DevilAbhi @PiYusHGuPtA
Piyush i will call u in evening for sure
is it fine?
@berserk ok
How to create an Arc Menu in android for beginner?
@berserk bro i need today any how..so
@PiYusHGuPtA In the code to upload we have to pass my field through conn.sendRequestProperty or dos.writeBytes?
For pass paramater need to use conn.sendRequestProperty
@ItachiUchiha hi brother. where r u dude?
@PiYusHGuPtA from where we get the server response in this code.
int serverResponseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
serverResponseMessage = conn.getResponseMessage(); this line is not giving the actual response message of my server
@Anjali serverResponseCode this gives you 200 if ur reposnse is OK and serverResponseMessage response gives you HTTP.OK
@Anjali got it?
@Anjali what is ur response?
I am getting response in json
also my file is not uploading on server.
@Anjali Ur response is in String??
My response from server is in json
which I am not getting
Can any one help me on fragments ?
@PankajSharma Nope can you help to solve it
ya say?
@Anjali after upload from json you get response. Then you need to compare that message from your json array or json object
@PankajSharma while coming back from the other fragment the title of the page is not getting changed in the fragmentActivity
@Anjali got it?
@Harish have u implemented custom action bar?
@Harish it has been removed?
@Harish no pastie #9431194 or it has been removed.
i have already solved this problem
@Mann grt guide him bro
check it @Mann @PankajSharma
bhai tu ye dekh pastie.org/9433827
@Harish u didnt change ur code from first day to till date
@PankajSharma did u find bro
@PankajSharma about what you are saying?
@Anil i think signalR is easy to use
so we shud got hrough that one
please confirm and tell how to write web service
@Harish after doing any transaction to fragment do this -->getActionBar().setTitle(navMenuTitles[position]);
@Anil i give a line in the morning there is the comp;lete doc on msdn site for api inmplementation read thu
@Mann i haven't used actionbar na..
@Harish can i see the application UI?
u also seems busy
@PiYusHGuPtA yes done
@Anjali Oh Hows?
@berserk wake up now bro..
hey man !
hi all
ok ok
@Harish in that u have home button and also action-bar
@Mann no home button only back button
@Mann Are you there?
@CapDroid @ItachiUchiha @Indiandroid @PiYusHGuPtA @navya check this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18190412/the-google-play-services-resources-were-not-found-check-your-project-configurat
I m facing same issue while integrating adds
@PankajSharma are you there?
@JaiSoni are you getting error in google ads??
@Harish yes
why u r not using action bar in ur app?
have any issue?
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
@JaiSoni THis is because may be y r not using latest google play lib services
and you have to remove your google ad jar file if you have added in ur project@JaiSoni
@PiYusHGuPtA yes i m using d latest one
I hv removed old version jar from my project
@Harish bhai maine action bar ke sath hi kia h
@JaiSoni Can you show me code for ads??
@JaiSoni able to show?
@PiYusHGuPtA check it pastie.org/9434014
@JaiSoni u r using old code it is deprecated bro
@PankajSharma what i need to include if i want to use actionbar now and is it possible to navigate using actionbar?
@Harish just check this androidhive.info/2013/11/…
@Harish yes is possible
@JaiSoni that's why u r not getting this
@PiYusHGuPtA can u give me any link/tutorial that show how to use correctly
@JaiSoni to fir google ad id galat hogi. wait i m showing my code..
@PankajSharma how can i include now actionbar for my code now?
@PiYusHGuPtA thanks bro.. let me check it
@JaiSoni Okay bro
@Mann it is for navigationdrawer
@Harish it is example to show the fragments transations and also the idea how to dynamically set actionbat title
@Mann ok i'll check it and let you know
@Harish no need to include if u need to custimsed actionbar then u have to some extra code otherwise user simple getActionbar() method
@PankajSharma if i use getactionbar in my code in manifest what theme i need to use currently i'm using theme.light.notitlebar
@Harish change the theme
@JaiSoni Done for ads??
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 19:00

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