i'm trying to customize the back button on action bar so for that i'm using <style name="Theme.MyFancyTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo"> <item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/my_fancy_up_indicator</item> </style> but it is not getting applied
I have two Android Application(Application A,Application B) as shown in below figure.
I want to call application B by clicking on Button from first Application A and when Application B launches then the text box will contain the text which I want to pass from Application A.
I have acc...
@JaiSoni these things need time to implement if you dont find any existing library. @gIrL CountDownTimer should work in anyway @neerajkirola Android is using MVC already!
Okay. Now see, The Eclipse is using ANT Built System. So it contains following : 1. res/layout == Views 2. src/packages with model classes == models 3. src/activities or fragments == controllers
i'm trying to customize the back button on action bar so for that i'm using <style name="Theme.MyFancyTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo"> <item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/my_fancy_up_indicator</item> </style> but it is not getting applied @TheLittleNaruto @rekire
@Harish I am not very good at style thingy, But as I can see your parent element is wrong as you're extending sherlock actionbar. @gIrL @neerajkirola NP :)
i want set distance if its les than 80 like 78.56 ,79.88 then it should print in fraction if grater than 80 then it should print complte firgure like if 83.5 become 84 ,86.4 87
like this
got my point @TheLittleNaruto
80 se jo bhe jaayda number aayga usko fragtion wala numebr hatna hai
I just setup my project add support wearables. I added this line to my dependencies in my build.gradle:
wearApp project(':MyWearModule')
That is like explained in the documentation (Packaging Wearable Apps), but now I get this error:
Error: Cause: wearApp configuration resolves to more tha...
i'm trying to set <style name="MyActionBar" parent="@android:style/Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar"> <item name="android:background">@color/headerbg</item> <item name="android:displayOptions">showHome|homeAsUp|showTitle</item> <item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/back</item> <item name="android:icon">@android:color/transparent</item> </style> way but in the actionbar it is not showing
@Harish I never saw a more complex way of using the actionbar
make sure that you use the compat styles when you use the compat actionbar than use the actionbaractivity as baseclass everything else should work than out of the box if you use the right compat theme of cause
Yes, Postgres provides locking mechanism at table level. You can lock the table using SQL and then unlock it when your job is done.
See the explicit locking chapter of the manual for details.
BUT considering your case, you can achieve the same using some simple mechanism like, adding one more ...