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04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 18:00

Good morning guys :)
Good Morning @ALL
Good mroing all
hi @SweetWisherツ
@SweetWisherツ Very good morning
@TheLittleNaruto Morning
@KetanAhir good morning
@TheLittleNaruto good mrning]
Good Morning All
anyone have experience in calculating week in SQL?
the result is different in Java
@CapDroid @TheLittleNaruto @Anil @PiYusHGuPtA @JaiSoni gd mrng!!!
hi guys @all
i'm trying to customize the back button on action bar so for that i'm using <style name="Theme.MyFancyTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo">
<item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/my_fancy_up_indicator</item>
but it is not getting applied
@CapDroid @PiYusHGuPtA @JaiSoni @TheLittleNaruto
@CapDroid @TheLittleNaruto
@CapDroid @KetanAhir hi
Hello Gm
mood morning guys
@KetanAhir @PiYusHGuPtA :)
hey guys how can i get checkbox value as 1/0 in java jsf
@neerajkirola VGM
guys!!! i want a fixed size image view and only center part of image in the imageview
i cant do this
its always wraping the contents of the image
please help
@Harish I think this will only work with ActionBarSherlock
@JaiSoni ok.now i have implemented actionbar to use scherlock i need to change any code or just adding the library is enough
@JaiSoni can you help
Have a look at this
Q: Data passing to another application in Android

Dinesh ChandraI have two Android Application(Application A,Application B) as shown in below figure. I want to call application B by clicking on Button from first Application A and when Application B launches then the text box will contain the text which I want to pass from Application A. **Note- I have acc...

@All hello friends i am working with TextWatcher in android but after TextChanged method adding last character two times please help in that case
hey guys how can i get checkbox value as 1/0 in java jsf
gm all
@sharath try using android:scaleType="centerCrop"
@user3724426 yes
can u help me on jsf?
@user3724426 not sure.. still shot ur query.. if any one here knows will help u
@JaiSoni center crop not working
yo @all
@berserk bhai good morning
Morning & Noon
@Anil gud mrning
@ItachiUchiha hello sir :P
Noon xD
bhai did u get any Soltuin of taht issue
nahi yar
koi nhai bhai
kya pnaga hai samjh me nhai aa rha hai
mai sham ko dekh lunga ek bar
ok tahnx
@gIrL what is ur name
@TheLittleNaruto @ItachiUchiha @rekire @SweetWisherツ need help..I hv to draw chart like this fastcodesign.com/1665491/…
@TheLittleNaruto how can we display timer to show current time
tried chronometer and countdowntimer
but it doesnt help
@Anil anamika
@Anil @TheLittleNaruto @PiYusHGuPtA @berserk is it possible to use MVC pattern in android application completely.
@JaiSoni I guess there is no such library you need to implement that by your own
@rekire I hv tried to search library/ tutorial for this.. but don't find any
@JaiSoni these things need time to implement if you dont find any existing library.
@gIrL CountDownTimer should work in anyway
@neerajkirola Android is using MVC already!
@TheLittleNaruto can u give me any link for better understanding this for android application
On which IDE you're developing android apps ? @neerajkirola
eclipse @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto but am not able to do.. if i will set time and it will start and stopped when time elapsed.. but how can i diaplay current time
Okay. Now see, The Eclipse is using ANT Built System. So it contains following :
1. res/layout == Views
2. src/packages with model classes == models
3. src/activities or fragments == controllers
@gIrL See this example androidhub4you.com/2014/01/…
@SweetWisherツ Hiee
@neerajkirola well! yes extending "Application" class will be more generic way of MVC.
It'll work as a single parent controller.
i'm trying to customize the back button on action bar so for that i'm using <style name="Theme.MyFancyTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo">
<item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/my_fancy_up_indicator</item>
but it is not getting applied @TheLittleNaruto @rekire
@TheLittleNaruto ok thanks.. will check..
@Harish properbly you use the support library there you need to override another style
android styling is very complicated I would say I understood it only to 90%
@TheLittleNaruto ok thanks
@JaiSoni thanks
@Harish I am not very good at style thingy, But as I can see your parent element is wrong as you're extending sherlock actionbar.
@gIrL @neerajkirola NP :)
@TheLittleNaruto i'm using actionbar not scherlock
hello @all
I want to create logfile for my app
@Harish Ohh! Sorry. I thought you're using sherlock. Then I have no idea!
@NeetuShrivastava Hey!
stackoverflow.com/questions/15758685/… I have used this link for reference
I am not able to access log file from sd card and one more thing multiple log file creates @The LittleNaruto
I do not understand, what error you're getting while accessing log cat file which does not let you access the log files ?
@all any one worked on tabbar in android
No app can perform this action
while opening the file from sd card
I can guess, the file you have created doesn't have the extension which can be opened by any app installed in the device.
You must check its extension if it is .txt
while data is written in this file mutiplt file are created
That's okay.
what should i do?
can anyone help me on JSf?
You must have any app installed in your device which can open .log files
Can't you store it as a .txt file instead of .log?
Is it required ?
txt is another option
Can't we open log filw dirwctly
Yeah! That's true! An alternative of course!
I am not sure! There must be some application.
Okay files are created in sd cards are myappfile.log , myappfile.log.1 , myappfile.log.1.lck
some file having 0kb 1kb
its a file size
Okay I am able to open log file
but next ques here is why multiple files are created
@theLittleNaruto ru there?
google is down 500 errors
@rekire what is that suppose to mean ?
Google throw a 500 error on the landing page here a screenshot
@NeetuShrivastava I am not sure. may be a looper ?
@rekire Here it's working fine!
how to set my location button left to Map vie
is mapfragment is inside relativelayout ?
@rekire I see !
@rekire I mean google.co.in is working fine!
may be the problem is with some domainsonly
after some seconds google went back online
Well good for ya! ^^ @rekire
@TheLittleNaruto there is one thing i have Query
if u are free
what is it ?
see i have distance coming in point 85.56 like that
okay.. ? what's that distance for ?
i want set distance if its les than 80 like 78.56 ,79.88 then it should print in fraction if grater than 80 then it should print complte firgure like if 83.5 become 84 ,86.4 87
like this
got my point @TheLittleNaruto
80 se jo bhe jaayda number aayga usko fragtion wala numebr hatna hai
1234.567 simply u tell
i have print 1234
i have to remover .567
from number
ho gaya
thnax @TheLittleNaruto
send question in stackoverflow@Anil
simple Question ke liye post kare kya bhai
if(distance >30 )

holder.txtLocation.setText((distance / 1000) + " Km Away");



holder.txtLocation.setText((distance / 1000) + " Km Away");

simple condion lagana hai bhai
30 se jaayda me mujhe fraction hata ke only digit dikhana hai
30.25 hoto only 30 ?
jaise man lo 29.55 distance aa rha hai to as it is 29.55 he niklna chaiye
Math.floor() @Anil
@Anil if(distance>30)

double rounded = (double) Math.floor(distance);

Log.d("Distance > 30","---->"+rounded);
Log.d("Distance < 30","---->"+distance);

try somthing like this
It's very quiet today. Is everyone home or a weekend ?
W..wait! But today is Friday!
ZZZzzzzzzzz......... everyone
check this
the given code is not working
@TheLittleNaruto @Mahesh
Did you debug ?
30 se jaayda wal bhe .decimal me aa rha hai
int rounded = (int) Math.floor(distance);
this i have to apply?
also print your distance value on console before check condition and tell us
@Anil it is work ?
no man
same issue
not working
what is your distance value
have you print value on log or console ?
One more change please :
int myfinaldistance=(int)rounded/1000;
no man
still not working
No way!
an integer can not have decimal value
hi Guys
what is your value provide us
distance value
wait am telling u
see this it like this output
away distance u see
24 should come 24.0446
but it coming 24
it less 30
Q: wearApp configuration resolves to more than one apk

rekireI just setup my project add support wearables. I added this line to my dependencies in my build.gradle: wearApp project(':MyWearModule') That is like explained in the documentation (Packaging Wearable Apps), but now I get this error: Error: Cause: wearApp configuration resolves to more tha...

its really distance is 24.301603 km
it should display 24.301603
but its coming 24.301603
then what's the problem man ?
it's coming as expected
you are confusing man
if you pass 24.301603 than you need 24 right
n o
24.301603 should come 24.301603
@Anil hi
if more than 30 like 31.0565578 it should come 32
got not
@TheLittleNaruto and @Mahesh
@TheLittleNaruto hello
@TheLittleNaruto samjha
waht am trying to do
Yes That I understood already!
But I dont know why it's not working for you
where we are doing mistake
see this code
distance is getting in float is there any prob with that
int myfinaldistance = (int)rounded / 1000;
OK let me try this again
@Anil Did you cast it to int ?
see this i have tired
int myfinaldistance = rounded / 1000;
int myfinaldistance = (int)rounded / 1000;
@CapDroid @rekire @PankajAndroid how to add back button to actionbar and functionality
@Anil show me code
na be same issu coming man
ok wait
if and else both are not working ?
out put bhe tere ko dikha diya
out put
24 kyu aa rha hai
hey value agar 5 se upar hogi tohi next value aayegi varna vo truncate kardegi @Anil
like if your value is 24.1232 than it is display 24 but if your valuie 24.5689 than it is display 25
you got it
sun care fully
mai lat long se distance nikal rha hu ok
fraction me aa rahe double 20.565698565 , 21.0252456 ,40.65864 ,986.6655 ok ye listview me print ho rahe away karke
now what i have to do
agar distance 30 se kam hai
20.565698565 , 21.0252456
aise he Print honge
agar 30 se upper hai
40.65864 ,986.6655
aise print hona hai
@Harish it's called "up" navidation
@Mahesh now u got it
986.6655 it becomes 99 ?
41.33555 becomes 42
suppose 28.556596 is coming then just Print same
double rounded = Math.round(distance);
try this
if condition
like this
if (distance > 30)

double rounded = Math.round(distance);

double myfinaldistance = (double) rounded / 1000;

holder.txtLocation.setText(myfinaldistance + " Km Away");
Log.d("Distance > 30", "---->" + rounded);
i'm trying to set <style name="MyActionBar" parent="@android:style/Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar">
<item name="android:background">@color/headerbg</item>
<item name="android:displayOptions">showHome|homeAsUp|showTitle</item>
<item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/back</item>
<item name="android:icon">@android:color/transparent</item>
</style> way but in the actionbar it is not showing
@Harish I never saw a more complex way of using the actionbar
make sure that you use the compat styles when you use the compat actionbar than use the actionbaractivity as baseclass everything else should work than out of the box if you use the right compat theme of cause
@Harish for that u need add upnavigation in actionbar
@Harish final ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
@PankajAndroid normally only the first and last lines are required
@Mahesh no its not working
@rekire ya sory but i copy that so
@Anil put the code and logcat output for both condition
in pastie
@PankajAndroid no need for a sorry ;)
it is work 100%
ok let me try thanx
@rekire what to use to get tabs and want to customize title bar @PankajAndroid
@Anil it is work ?
let me check from starting i think its should work
hi al
hello @Ved
it faile man
25.9562014 enter this and
@Anil No idea bro then. I have tried as much as I can.
@Ved Here ?
I have a small confusion about this query :
SELECT * FROM " + TABLE_JACKPOT_PRIZES + " WHERE delivered != total
where delivered and total are column name not value. I doubt if it works ?
@TheLittleNaruto hi Guys
I need to check if any row element does not have same value in delivered and total column, then only the row should be fetched
@Anil it give me 26 it is right ?
waht 26
25.9562014 than 26
it is right
in else condition
than what you need
it will give tha 25.9562014
below 30 if distance is coming in fraction
@TheLittleNaruto it will work
then it should fraction
execute ur query
like 27.44496 will give 27.444966
if 32.56486 it will give 33
yaar 30 se uppaer agar fraction me rha haiu
to farction ko hata ke decimal print karnahai
@JaiSoni See why I have doubt, because the query can look if any row contains value "total" in delivered column.
bhai 30.565656 to if condition me jaayega or 31 print karega or value 25.658565 he to else me jaayega or 25.658565 print karega right @Anil
aaaa bhai]
than my code is work 100% i have tested it
then why its not wokring in my code ok
something wrong in your code
see this same code ok
i will check and will get back to u
@TheLittleNaruto in that case u can use table aliases like SELECT * FROM " + TABLE_JACKPOT_PRIZES + " as tblj WHERE tabj.delivered != tblj.total
@rekire @PankajAndroid got customized using actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);
@JaiSoni yeah! that looks more satisfactory.
Let me try
@TheLittleNaruto use SQLite Expert software.. u can perform all operation on db
@JaiSoni It's downloading very slow! :(
@TheLittleNaruto no, here
A: Table lock in PostgresSQL

VedYes, Postgres provides locking mechanism at table level. You can lock the table using SQL and then unlock it when your job is done. See the explicit locking chapter of the manual for details. BUT considering your case, you can achieve the same using some simple mechanism like, adding one more ...

all suggestions are welcome on this
hi @Anjali long time see .!
Anyone online ?
I need some help
Here is the error that occurs, while I try to instantiate a new Dialog
can anyone tell, what is this error all about ?
@BumbleBee code?
@berserk - Do you need the complete code ?
this class
@BumbleBee What is NewDialog class?
you are not initializing it
like newDialog=new NewDialog();
so its null at line 107
Lemme try sorting it out!
04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 18:00

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