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its like hes scared
just fire me already goddamn it
send him to bangalore, India then. He deserves a bullet on his head :P
i will tell him
wat if hes watching this chat right now??
well on one hand i can understand him
his wife just gave birth to a child
but on the other hand you have to handle business
wth is going on
@MukeshRana @TheFlash @TheLittleNaruto fox
@Hans1984 Oh.. so what are you doing here in the office. just go and take care of his new born
!!hang 3
@Hans1984 We're already playing!
shut up
!!hang d
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
d, g, l
@ColdFire lol waiting restlessely for you :P
!!hang whateverittakestostopthisround
@Hans1984 whateverittakestostopthisround is too long to fit
i will tell OkaBot you ve been a naughty girl
dont make me mad
please don't, she loves me and I care for her too :(
ok i might actually do some work now
Yes I think so
its liek they say
dont push your luck
Cold-sama @ColdFire
haha lol
@MukeshRana @TheFlash why inlucde donot have visibility tag ?
@ColdFire ^
@AshuKumar just try copy pasting, it will work
never tried
yeah try copy paste
does nt support @MukeshRana :D
lunch time :D
@AshuKumar it should AFAIK
@ColdFire thinking to come Pune :)
or B'glor
nice flash
so basically you don't want to live anymore, that's why you are planning to go bangalore?
No idea about companies there...I will shortlist and send you
@ColdFire Hey, do you have some time for a small discussion?
@TheFlash TheLittleNaruto is afk: "Preparing coffee"
@MukeshRana Damn true...!
nope sorry today i am too busy
probably tomorrow
@ColdFire not today..I said I will
there is future tense
@ColdFire Okay np. By tomorrow you meant to say after 12 today?
but you can post your question today
@TheFlash -_-
it's not a question just a small discussion
small seems not small
@TheFlash you can try cyanide at home. Bullet will cause more pain :P
@TheFlash yeah exactly
I guess I should start working on a different project then
!!hang 4
@Hans1984 We're already playing!
hi guys
@AshuKumar @ColdFire
@TheLittleNaruto @maveň
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan TheLittleNaruto is afk: "Preparing coffee"
I am getting the following error in this line :
The type java.util.Comparator cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
Please help me
I am using Eclipse IDE
@MukeshRana :D good point
@AshuKumar Yeah I know :D
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan good after noon :)
@AshuKumar , please help me
@osimerpothe go through doc first --> docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/…, java.util.Comparator)
I have gone through this
But I have no clue to solve this
ClassCastException - if the list contains elements that are not mutually comparable using the specified comparator.
it works on previous jre version
but when i updated jre , then the error is shown
version number?
data present on list is not comparable with second argument
@ERVishalSenjaliya hello :)
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
fox we need new meow command
I have one question related to android mediaplayer
jre versiob 1.8
@Hans1984 TheLittleNaruto is afk: "Preparing coffee"
better prepare meow command
how to stop old song when new song is playing??
@ERVishalSenjaliya ask @ColdFire or @WeirdNerd they worked in players
hello @ColdFire
@osimerpothe it should work
@osimerpothe can u tell, list contains which type of data
all the flies left :'(
@Hans1984 here :)
!!hang dafsafvggftvdev de
@Hans1984 I will only accept alpha characters
typical woman
always cocky
hehe cat@AshuKumar
!!hang asedefghuio
@Hans1984 asedefghuio is too long to fit
!!hang hansboss
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
d, g, hansboss, l
!!hang ratfacwithoutacathat
@Hans1984 :D ^^
@Hans1984 ratfacwithoutacathat is too long to fit
!!hang ratfacehat
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
d, g, hansboss, l, ratfacehat
!!hang catlesscat
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
catlesscat, d, g, hansboss, l, ratfacehat
!!hang zuj
@Hans1984 You people suck. The word is ventilates
!!hang 4
  |   |

!!hang OakBot
@AshuKumar I will only accept alpha characters
@AshuKumar oakbot is too long to fit
  |   |
  |   O
!!learn OakBot "evil Bot who hates mankind and wants to see hanscat dead"
@Hans1984 Command oakbot learned
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
j, ra
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan yes sir ?
@AshuKumar evil Bot who hates mankind and wants to see hanscat dead
i am getting this string from json
"promotionalMsg": "Use Coupon \"VSAPP10\" & Get Extra 10% Off."
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan yes and ?
now i want to display this word in red color VSAPP10
only this word VSAPP10 ?
can u please confirm one thing - VSAPP10 will come after two words ?
Q: Split string on spaces in Java, except if between quotes (i.e. treat \"hello world\" as one token)

user1000535How do I split a String based on space but take quoted substrings as one word? Example: Location "Welcome to india" Bangalore Channai "IT city" Mysore it should be stored in ArrayList as Location Welcome to india Bangalore Channai IT city Mysore

then go with split
String s1 = "I have 1000 dollars";
String[] sp = s1.split(" ");
System.out.println("second word is " + sp[1]);
System.out.println("third word is " + sp[2]); --> this will be your coppoun code
System.out.println("Fourth words is " +sp[3]);
Anyone who has played around with Styles and DialogFragment who want to give a look at this: stackoverflow.com/questions/39467786/…
screenshot of what you want and what you have achieved so far?
@MukeshRana me?
@MukeshRana lazy cat my actionbar gone from one activity :( neither i used noactionbar in manifest file :( :(
@Muddz Hmmm.. yeah
@MukeshRana this is how it lookes like now
@AshuKumar you should have caught that. you should know actionbar is not lazy like me, they can run anytime
and how you want it to be?
@MukeshRana u meant run away ?
@AshuKumar yeah loll
rest all activity showing actionbar :D
@MukeshRana let me catch it and send it to you
@MukeshRana Like the specified proporties in the style I posted in the question
@AshuKumar Yes please :)
@Muddz I am wondering why are you using styles for that, it can be done easily in the dialogfragment xml
@MukeshRana Because Im gonna have many different DialogFragment, but they all gonna have the same style
@Hans1984 evil Bot who hates mankind and wants to see hanscat dead
but you still need to create different xmls for all, then how can this style help you?
!!info cats
@Hans1984 Command cats, created by Ashu Kumar on Wed, 03 Aug 2016 10:20:53 GMT
!!info Oakbot
@Kaushik Command oakbot, created by Hans1984 on Tue, 13 Sep 2016 10:12:14 GMT
@Hans1984 :P
he hates me
/8ball alive?
hes busy planning
@Kaushik no, i m dead do nt distrube me
Caprica was never seen again :(
she was the best bot
@Hans1984 yeah :)
me meditating
rat alert!
kills rat
pew pew pew
@Hans1984 killing macine
man that is what i shared
i needed those points -_-
that's why I shared the answer lol
you should have asked me to write the answer
my 25 points
you should have answered that at first place. ;)
-_- huh
:( bad fox
stole my points
I didn't answer though
OP himself answered that
Note that ^
yes your comrade stole that point
Actually I told about mp4parser but not seeking for points though :P
tell him to accept mine answer -_-, i will post it
hehe @Kaushik
@Kaushik you also did
@Kaushik good guy do not cares about points like me
exactly :P
Sep 6 at 11:20, by Kaushik
@TheLittleNaruto you can use https://github.com/JamesPrudente/mp4parser-android-library
Sep 6 at 11:21, by Cold Fire
we both shared it seems
@AshuKumar nice
time man
11:20 and 11:21 :P
as you are not looking for points
so i will take it
@Kaushik probably in few sec difference not a minute
You guys can encourage beginners of SO
huh i lost 25 point this way i will never get to 10k
i want the 10k tools
It's been time that I have answered to any questions.
well it was 30th july
A: "this" keyword doesn't return Context

TheLittleNarutoI can tell there is no problem in your code. AppCompatActivity is Context itself. So, passing "this" should work anyway. So as I can see, there is dependency conflict. If you have added appcompat dependency, you don't have to add support V4 dependency too, because supportv4 package comes with ap...

I only get upvotes on my old answers
yeah this was the lastest one
@Hans1984 r u doing networking ?
hello @ColdFire
@ColdFire i have a one question about android mediaplayer
im not@AshuKumar
have no linkdl account
or stuff like that
@Hans1984 okay np
i have question but will find answer on net
any recommendation on designing good E-commerce app ?
keep the interface simple
not to many buttons
users dont want to be overloaded with stuff
@Hans1984 good point , noted
a lot of pages i ve seen have to many buttons and menus
it has to be simple and easy to understand
will remember this point
two step checkout process is easy - cart page and checkout page ?
@MukeshRana did u work with GCM ?
@AshuKumar yes
@MukeshRana and now do not tell me you do not have project or code
@AshuKumar Lol.. I just did that in my last project. From now onwards I will move to FCM
@MukeshRana good :) please give me set of files of GCM after thet when u done with FCM i will get FCM file too
lol.. there is nothing in that. they were just simple classes you can find it from google developer
@MukeshRana then take it from there and send me :D
i cant see it at office link block
u can check when u go home ;cool designs of Music app
ok nice
any spring developer here?
@AshuKumar lol
@MukeshRana i tried but did not able to work in all api , please help , or will help u ...
@AshuKumar didn't get by all API? you meant to say below API level 9 or 11 ?
Almost all my projects are now above API level 17
and I know you are targetting devices with api level 3
@MukeshRana mine 11 :(
I am scared if I can help you lol
I never seen any device with API level 11
@MukeshRana just give me your files or i will send my mens to steal ur lappi or comp or both
sometimes I wonder if they really existed
@AshuKumar ha ha ha ha ha.. please send womens. They can snatch everything from me and I am very rude to men
@MukeshRana u r too hungry...
@AshuKumar yeah.. that's why I just had a maggi and banana shake
@MukeshRana good , r u working individual or in company
anyways let me provide you the classes
@AshuKumar I am working for my own startup :D
good cat
bad kid
@Hans1984 :D :D :D @MukeshRana cat fight with real cat
@AshuKumar ppppoooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwerrrrrr
cat pissed now
stupid kid
i think cats and small children dont mix
dogs are better for small children
@Hans1984 right right
cat cat
@MukeshRana and what happened - @MukeshRana gone away - real cat won
best are big elephants though
@MukeshRana wow nice
everybody is opening there own company
do you have elephants next to cities?
I need to open one soon
@AshuKumar nothing.. I am recalling my powers.. you will see now :P
on the countryside
@Hans1984 not here but around my village
@ColdFire haha.. Actually, it's mine second startup. one startup is having more than 100 plus employees but I had left that due to personal issues with core members
ganesha is an elephant right?
wow nice $$$$$
@ColdFire good :)
@MukeshRana and @AshuKumar both rich $$$$$$
@Hans1984 lol.. how do you know him?
@Hans1984 haha
@Hans1984 like but Gensha is GOD with elephant head
i remmebered an indian god who is an elephant
so i googled it
didnt remember the name though
@ColdFire Lol I am not rich because I worked for the startup everytime not for myself.
@Hans1984 good cat
@MukeshRana why the startup was not yours?
@MukeshRana bad cat no working for himeslef though mindless cat
@Hans1984 ah okay.. btw We do have elephants and leopards at my place
@MukeshRana had toooo mmaaaanyy y members :D
@ColdFire it is but I didn't concentrated on making profits to myself. Instead I spend that all on the growth of the startup
@AshuKumar ppppoooooooooweeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr
@AshuKumar yup
@MukeshRana man you left your own startup not good
@MukeshRana not a good idea but yes for business you must have saving
@MukeshRana what kind of startup it was , app development?
@ColdFire will send that Tomorrow as today is holiday :)
@ColdFire Well there were many conspiracies and I really don't like to be a part of that. Moreover, I was confident enough that I can start a new one from scratch and other won't
@AshuKumar Yes
@ColdFire Yes mobile applications development
@MukeshRana how many people currently
I never worked for a company under any senior/manager
@ColdFire where in my new startup?
i was thinking of starting a startup soon
@MukeshRana yes
@MukeshRana and other won't : r u sure :D or did u see their future :D
it's around 10-12 atm
i rejected 6-7 clients already
but i think its time i start a start up
oh wow leopards@MukeshRana
@AshuKumar If they can , they never gonna be a part of consiracies. They should have believed in themselves and keep themselves away from this
@Hans1984 @MukeshRana meant in company :D
@ColdFire yeah you can if you are fed of earning too much. You can open your company and get poor very soon like me :P
@MukeshRana naah i will not be poor ever
@MukeshRana like we had :D did 4 time alone and now we are in good position
i will be richer than richie rich
/8ball ?
@ColdFire yeah :) best cartoon ever
@MukeshRana do you believe in kundli
@Hans1984 yes

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