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HI Friends Good Morning
Heyo all from TheLittleNaruto
Friends any idea about device ownership
Q: How to stop uninstalling android app using or ask password for enterprise app

SanjeevI am developing Enterprise application and I want to know when the employees uninstalling the application.I have tried with DevicePolicyManager .I have googled it all are suggesting DevicePolicyManager,I have tried with http://www.truiton.com/2014/01/android-devicepolicymanager-example/ but it is...

can you please help me
@Sanjeev No idea Man!
ok fine
Hi Guys..
Can anyone help me with this? stackoverflow.com/q/39408920/3209701
@berserk yeah yeah
Good Morning Guys :D
gud morning all
How to get mobile numbers if my android phone have two SIM cards?
is there anybody who know android ImageView.setImageBitpmap(bitmap) doesn't work problem
good morning all
@Crabime What is there not working ?
@SelvaGanesh Did you try anything ?
@TheLittleNaruto S i tried TelephoneManager but it returns null value
@SelvaGanesh on Which device ?
Asus Zenfone 5
Yeah So many device may not return the value of the number.
Also make sure you have required permission set.
At least write proper word.
Good morning guys
@rekire vgm Did you figure out solution for that WebView already ?
@TheLittleNaruto not really but I was not motivated enough to do that^^
@rekire Ok :)
@rekire I didn't try but that day I was telling you to do something like this: hastebin.com/fefomirizu.java
Good morning all
@TheLittleNaruto I'll check it
!!tell Sweet eval "Test if tell command is working"
@Sweet Maximum execution time exceeded
Guys one doubt
what does this constant do ?
it holds the value 1
Ok..thanks !
well there are some people who want to use constants as offsets that the here the reason for the constant
MenuItem.add will add items to the menu right ?
good morning all :)
gm all
Good Morning to All
Is there a way to get the touch event of a text drawn on canvas in a custom view ?
lol this is me ^
@ColdFire good morning , I have started to work on a notes app
like this one
Will understand how notes app work and then do on my own
@TheLittleNaruto fox tell me my user id
@rekire gm
@ColdFire Which user id ? 5148907
yeah this one only
@ColdFire vgm
@ColdFire skype please
Guys I'm sharing my questione with you again since I have got no answer yet
Q: Android: remove ads when in app purchase is successful

DanieleI have implemented in app billing in my premium class like this: public class Premium extends Activity implements IabHelper.OnIabPurchaseFinishedListener { public IabHelper mIabHelper; private final static String LICENCE_KEY = "key" @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle b) { super.onCre...

@Daniele you are asking many very similar questions
When we write public class Box<T> , what does this T actually represents? like how can we decide whether we have to write T or U or S? is it just random alphabets?
any random
it is generic
can be anything
@MukeshRana morning with new question :)
@Hans1984 good morning :)
@ColdFire good morning :)
@ColdFire Oh okay, then it's fine. Thanks :)
@AshuKumar Good Morning, Since I started working with MVP, it's giving rise to too many questions.
Moreover I was thinking that I wll integrate MVP in only one project (as earlier I was thinking of including it in 3 projects parallely) for now
@MukeshRana i knew that :)
Also for any of the future projects, I will follow MVVM architecture
@MukeshRana but it will give flexibility to make chnages in future easily
what is MVVM ?
@AshuKumar Yeah I understand but integrating parallely at the same time and that too for the first time can push me to a sea of issues
Model View ViewModel
more advanced than MVP
@MukeshRana OKay :)
@MukeshRana cool
hey can u please help me with calendar
I integrated the calendar only once and that too with the help of a library
new DateFormatSymbols().getShortWeekdays() giving locale language data , i only need in English and Chines
@MukeshRana i m also using lib dude :D
hello cats
@AshuKumar lol which one?
mehoow are you?
@Hans1984 Hello
how's it going?
what about you?
@Hans1984 meeeeoooooooow :D
meeooww :3
I am good too although I am hiding lot of pain I am getting from MVP :P
@MukeshRana pain like sea :D
@TheLittleNaruto - kun
Model View Presenter - > Code Architecture Technique
@Hans1984 model view Structure
@AshuKumar hmmm :(
i see
i only knew mvc
model view controler
MVC is not fully supported in android
@MukeshRana @ColdFire good noon bhaio ( bros )
@TheFlash Good Noon skinny boy:P
im confronted with alot of mvc
in j2ee work
@AshuKumar you can find a better library than that with more number of stars
@Hans1984 oh okay..
@MukeshRana :D :D can u please give me , as i need compatibility of api level 3
@TheFlash good morning :)
@AshuKumar man I m from India..good noon ;)
nefer rat
kitty cat
@kitty sup cat?
@Hans1984 delicious
@AshuKumar lol API level 3, don't you think you should upgrade that now?
@MukeshRana loooolll it is client not me :D
and done with error :)
@AshuKumar lol
thanks for making fun :D
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
oh right :(
@Hans1984 hans is a catmaster
@Hans1984 :P
cat at
cat dead chat
  |   |

  |   |
hat cat
dead rat
ohh hangman
nice fox
!!hang h
smart fox
  |   |
  |   O
h, t
for what?
we call it hangrat
!!hang a
  |   |
  |   O
a, h, t
man thats along ass word
@ColdFire String hs="HELLO";
How can we set color for that
string doesnt have any color
what if i want to set
is it possible
!!hang u
  |   |
  |   O
a, h, t, u
!!hnag i
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!hang i
  |   |
  |   O
a, h, i, t, u
hahaha do not shout at hard drives
@TheFlash Hey Flash kun
Guys i just googled a lot , but could not understand Serialization
All I knew was saving the state of the object. My Question how ?
In the NoteEdit.Java class, there is this line => putSerializable(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID, mRowId);
What does it do ?
Any help
@AshuKumar :3
@AshuKumar :3 :3 :3
@WeirdNerd do not know about serialization :(
Ok thanks !
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan string is not view so can not set color
why laughing COLD FIRE ?
laughing cat
cats was playing hanging - hanging
!!hang c
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, c, h, i, t, u
@WeirdNerd not for you dude
!!hang o
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, c, h, i, o, t, u
@AshuKumar solved
i took two textview and its done
just to make sure
!!hang s
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, c, h, i, o, s, t, u
!!hang z
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, c, h, i, o, s, t, u, z
@Hans1984 u hanged cat
yes nefercat
thats a weird word
@Hans1984 :D
i mean WTF
what about a normal word
OakBot must have come up with this one
since hes a psycho
and likes to see humans suffer
@Hans1984 :D :D
how is your health
OaKBot is like the riddler from batman
just as a bot
i dont know
so far i have no fever
@Hans1984 oakbot like joker :D
hes a combination of both
@Hans1984 good :)
@kitty stop chewing tobacco!
stupid cat , bad for cats health :(
need some help
We are oft to blame in this,
'Tis too much proved, that with devotion's visage
And pious action we do sugar o'er
The devil himself
Does any one understand the above ?
@Shane please ask question
!!hang y
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, c, h, i, o, s, t, u, y, z
!!hang x
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, c, h, i, o, s, t, u, x, y, z
what the heck is that word ?
its over
yes thats what im asking myself
ok screw it
!!hang m
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, c, h, i, m, o, s, t, u, x, y, z
No clue of what it is
Man this is really wtf
!!hang n
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, c, h, i, m, n, o, s, t, u, x, y, z
i never heard that word before
thats for sure
that bot is really weird
@AshuKumar - One of my fragment comes in progaurd file and showing error
Warning: com.mysiponline.fragments.CheckoutActivity: can't find referenced class ah
!!hang z
@WeirdNerd z was already submitted
no man
we had z
!!hang a
we can make no more mistake
what about h ?
@AshuKumar a was already submitted
or its over
!!hang c
@AshuKumar c was already submitted
you see the letters written under it
!!hang g
@AshuKumar You people suck. The word is bioinstrumentation
look it up
are you fkn serious
@Maria you sucks
noone on earth knows that word
kjust a stupid a sbot would come up with something like that
!!hang po
  |   |
  |   O
i won :D :D @Hans1984
@Hans1984 how ?
only one letter
!!hang a
  |   |
  |   O
a, po
!!hang m
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, m, po
!!hang n
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, m, n, po
i can already tell its another one of those "words"....
A: proguard hell - can't find referenced class

Yaroslav HavrylovychIn my case the root cause was here. Those warnings you can just skip with : -dontwarn org.simpleframework.xml.stream.** The original answer is here

@Hans1984 ??

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