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as i already told you music player
is way tough for you
why you want to develop that
@ankitagrawal I have applied for jobs and companies are asking links of some apps uploaded in playstore
instead do 2 simple apps
it will be good
The reason I am doing it is because I can learn a lot of things
do simple apps
I am developing a very simple music player
Thanks a lot for your advise I will consider that too
@ankitagrawal @WeirdNerd hi
what's up?
Nothing working on a code
why you in ss mode
super saiyan
I am always in that mode
You ever used Square Quick app
Calling a service object from Mainactivity in a fragment's OnActivityCreated() method is it right ? this one

where songIndex is an integer
Answer for me ?
It should work fine
Oh ok thanks
@TaimurAyaz nope
let me show you
check this video
I am trying to implement that feature where you add text like in snapchat
For me ?
So how should I implement it?
posted on June 28, 2016 by Research Blog

Posted by Rahul Sukthankar, Research Scientist This week, Las Vegas hosts the 2016 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2016), the premier annual computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and short courses. As a leader in computer vision research, Google has a strong presence at CVPR 2016, with many Googlers presenting papers a

@TaimurAyaz easy
it is just a textview with draggable
so When entering text it is updating everytime something is entered?
@TaimurAyaz oops it is edittext i mean
@WeirdNerd Your code looks good to me. You have bound the service on onStart() which is good. You can even bind your service in onCreate() to0. Anyway this ensures that the service is started at the right place. So it is fine to play with your service at the onStart() of your fragment.
Also don't forget to point your mainActivity varaiable to null in your fragment in onDestroy() . Also I hope that your NPE is gone now (It happened because you passed a null action string with your Intent). Everything else is fine...
Yes but the song doesn't play now :(
I will tell you what is not working
myService.getSongs(filePathToFragment); in MainActivity
Note most of the code was from internet because I am a beginner
Please leave me a message I am restarting my sys will get back in 10 mins
@RaajaSN There ?
@WeirdNerd yes
Please see above
What do you mean it doesn't play? does the method getSongs() fail to retrieve the path for the song?
I lost your service code...
As per the functionality the app displays the list of songs
Ok wait I will send it again
and then when you click on it ,the song plays and the fragment is started with the buttons
On your activity when you press a list item you need to pass the list of songs to the filePathToFragment? or just a single track?
I am just curious thats it.. :)
Wait a minute I can pass the path and the index from the fragment itself right ?
On the click in the activity
I am passing the list to the fragment because I will fetching the path
There are 3 arraylists
I have been struggling with a problem for a week now, I would appreciate it if someone could take a look at it. Here is the problem: stackoverflow.com/questions/37922831/… Thanks in advance!
One will contain the song path=>filePathToFragment
One will contain the duration of the song =>durationOfTheSong
one will contain the Album info =>albumInfoDisplay
@RaajaSN I am passing the 3 to the fragment
so that in the fragment if the forward and previous buttons are clicked then I will send the index to the service which will contain the list of songs passed in the method myService.getSongs(filePathToFragment); under the validate() method
So you are sure that the myService.getSongs(filePathToFragment) is called at the right place and has data in it?
have you checked inside the service in getSongs() method that the argument you passed contains song Path?
just needed to be sure.
@RaajaSN I guess so yes it has a data because getListOfSongsFromDevice is executed which will store the data
getSongs() will get the path
in service
playTheSong in service will be executed it has a parameter which will fetch the path from the arraylist filepath which has the songs
Let me try passing the path in a single function playTheSong()
I guess I am complicating things little but
Ok maybe the fragments onStart is called before the Services getSongs method is executed. i think this maybe the issue. If the Mediaplayer setDataSource is passed null I think it may not throw nullPointer exception (I really Don't Know About it).. So the best choice here is to have a button in your fragment a play button and set a listernet for it. play the song from it when the button is pressed instead of in OnStart().
just a few lines of code.
Great !
will give a try
move the code from onStart() of your fragment into your new Buttons onClick Listener
Yes doing that
BTW thanks a lot man ..I really don't know what to give you in return
does it work?
You an Android dev from how many years ?
good to know
When I go back Activity is getting destroyed
I mean song is paused
it stops playing
do you have Service
Looks like this is prob
protected void onStop() {
if (isBound) {

isBound = false;


yes it is
How do I stop the service then ?
I mean at which point do I stop it
Service life cycle is as follows.. If you start a service by startService() the service will be started. No matter how many start request you send to the same service it will be started only once but process your intents. The service will be stopped by the first call to stopService() .
I am not calling stopservice at all
Activity com.media.kee.fragmentdemo.MainActivity has leaked ServiceConnection com.media.ke.fragmentdemo.MainActivity$1@19ac45e that was originally bound here
android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Activity com.media.ke.fragmentdemo.MainActivity has leaked ServiceConnection com.media.ke.fragmentdemo.MainActivity$1@19ac45e that was originally bound here
don't use bind
Same corresponds to the bindService() method. The service will be functional when the bindService() call is called no matter how many components call bindService(). But the service it stopped when all the components which called bindService() also calls unbindService() or when in short when it receives a last call to onBind().
Sorry did not get it
So what is the solution ?
How do I keep the music keep playing the background ?
i have just explained how the service works to give you a general idea
see that if you understand
use startService
Startservice in here @Override
protected void onStart() {
intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, MyService.class);
bindService(intent, myConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
yes here and you don't need a ServiceConnection. You can remove that code. It is needed only when you bind a service to the activity. (BINDING THE SERVICE TO THE ACTIVITY - so in onDestroy() you must call unbindService and the service will be destroyed if it is the last unbindService() call)
@TheNightKing Thanks a lot :)
ohh i am back
and what i see here
the ice guy to the rescue
and not solving my issues
Also you can call stopService at the place you liked to stop the playback. Like a button in your fragment or call stopSelf in your service(when the playback is complete (not a good option though))
@ankitagrawal which one
@TheNightKing the scrolling one
or from your notifications . I just giving a general outline @WeirdNerd its upto you to stop the service when the playback is not nedded
Ok.. I am reading your comments but since I am a beginner little hard for me so reading your comments again and again
@ankitagrawal ohh i forgot
Oh then instead of reading my comments i suggest you to read about the service Lifecycle and also learn about services.
well I read about bounded services
a urgent issue
you know rv
recyler view?
and drag adapter of rv
requires unique items id
"You can remove that code."
bindService(intent, myConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); THIS ONE ?

"It is needed only when you bind a service to the activity. (BINDING THE SERVICE TO THE ACTIVITY - so in onDestroy() you must call unbindService and the service will be destroyed if it is the last unbindService() call)"

So when I exit from the mediaplayer the service will be destroyed ?
@TheNightKing yes i am using that
but here is my issue
@WeirdNerd yes if you call unbindService() and the service will be automatically destroyed when it receives a final call of unbindService().
i was using id for each item
but in some case some item can have same ids
so in that case rv crashes with npe
took me lot of time to find this scenario
why are not using position
becoz position are not stablr
rv requires stable ids
@RaajaSN I have removed my onstop code PLease see this
@ankitagrawal i always use the position
@TheNightKing you got my issue
@TheNightKing in rv with drag drop you cant use position
becoz it requires stable ids
try with position it will crash
@ankitagrawal then set unique id for your item
what is unique id there nothing
everything can be non unique in my case
you can create one variable
that will have unique value
that is what i thought
but unnecessary an extra varaible in my model class
that have no use anywhere except in one fragment
i hate rv for this
@WeirdNerd the Activity or fragment may be destroyed by the runtime when they move to background. But the service has a good chance to run in background without using much memory (It will get destroyed only in extreme conditions). Now, the bindService method is used to bind to the Activity or Fragment (Please note the word BINDING - means when activity is destroyed the service should also be destroyed as there is no use for the service when there is no binding component there to work with it).
lv there was no such issues
Ok so just remove the bindservice and use startservice()
In your case a media player may need to play when the activity or fragment is not visible. So the right thing to do is call a startService(). And you can call stop Service anywhere, for example you play a media player and show a notification in status bar. Now you call the stopService only when the notification is clicked , which results to stop the service and the associated mediaplayer
@ankitagrawal java.lang.System.identityHashCode(obj) may be this
Now if you even move the activity or fragment to the background or if they are not visible, the service keeps on running and media is played until the notofication is clicked
that too is sometimes not unique i have heard
hope you understand
@RaajaSN Yes I got it so leave the binded service and just do the startservice
So the service connection object is useless
I am gonna remove that code
@RaajaSN are you sure you are right
have you tried what you you suggested
binding is best used when you learn AIDL...
@ankitagrawal may be
binding can be used without using aidl
@ankitagrawal I am confused please suggest me. You told me to use bounded services and I did. Now I am confused
Not because of you
you are suggested using startservice everytime that is very bad approach
But because of me
@ankitagrawal its the simplest approach. I said binding its best used in AIDL
simplest but very slow approach
it will lag very much that nobody will use it
That is fine ... I am a beginner I can go wrong
But please suggest me the most effective way
that you used
i had to do too many optimisation to make it fast
@WeirdNerd i already did
bounded service is the way to go
Using bounded service ??
That is what I did
I referred this
Bro Ankit I really followed your advise and went ahead with the above link
@WeirdNerd rightnow i am solving my issues
try yourself for today
tomorrow i will helpyou
Ok sure no problem...If you can let me know what time I will come quickly and try to sort this thing out
np @WeirdNerd
How about tomo morning or afternoon ?
or maybe @TheNightKing can if he is not busy
i'm not doing any work and i don't wanna continue with android
No issues I can wait till tomorrow..I only need the time because I can free myself up
@TheNightKing what you want then
then switch fields
Ok Ankit Shall I ping you @11 AM tomo ? @ankitagrawal
How is it a shittier thing? because of the restart behavior? throw me some information:)
its too slow @RaajaSN
bounded services
are made for this purpose
i have tried startservice
too much work and too slow

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