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@SweetWisherツ Gm.... Gm All
vgm all
Hi Good Morning
@AshuKumar @dude @SweetWisherツ @Hans1984 @ankitagrawal
good morning to all @ankitagrawal @berserk @TheLittleNaruto @TheNightKing @HitMan @Hans1984 @ResearchDevelopment @Dude @Joe'sMorgue @MukeshRana @Sanjeev @Shubham @FranciscoMelicias
@Sanjeev best of luck for ur interview :)
Thanks @AshuKumar
and jhande gaad dena alright :)
I'm nervous
do not be nervous, go with full confident, answer those question with full confident which u do not know, do not act as u do not know, act as u know it and u can , @Sanjeev
@brahmyadigopula good morning :)
bro..hi..very good morning.@AshuKumar
how is your project going ?
yes @AshuKumar yestarday you have given link for icons size can you please share it once again
@Sanjeev best of luck for your interview.you can do it.don't be nervous.be you.
good bro..how about you
going to complete it today :)
@brahmyadigopula ^
what is the name of app bro.@AshuKumar
Thanks @brahmyadigopula
do not know :D , as client still did not finalize name of app
ohh.what is about that exactly.@AshuKumar
really great as you people give me confidence
app is for courier pickers , they will pick packets and update status and deliver and update status and customer will know where is there packets exatly and which name
every body have confidence but they will never express due fear.if fear gone confidence will raise like sun.
ohh..how long have you taken to complete it bro.@AshuKumar
exactly 1 week
ohh..great bro.then what next of this completion.
now another big project got from client, need to check and discuss with client
after this
ohh.how many of you doing this project.
me, only me :D
are you doing alone or are you an employee of any company?
alone :D , now i m going to heir one or more person
ohh.but how you can get projects from clients? if you alone working as private.
my brother''s company :)
vgm @Sanjeev@AshuKumar
okay.got it.so you are working as partner not an employee?right?
nope, not as partner
k.then how much you earning from this bro..tell me if you can and if it is answerable.
Gm all :)
@AshuKumar gm
good morning to you too bro.
@AshuKumar now what's that ? :-/
Btw Good Morning Guys
sorry, i did not get you :( @TheLittleNaruto
@brahmyadigopula can not say :D :D
okay bro..i can understand.
wrote in English and Hindi
I know. As you're a kid. I can't scold you. But next time you won't do it. @AshuKumar
so there must be any difficulty about language, i read in question on meta, you can not write in other language then English, used regional and English both
Good boy :-)
@Sanjeev neeed motivation for his interview and we all know motivation always work in regional language
btw how is your health now
Lol alright
It's not getting better
Now I have dehydration too because I take boiled water a lot
what is exactly going on with ur health
Even I am not sure
eat fruits, they will give instant energy
Hmm. I eat daily one fruit/juice.
only one ?
Thanks @Ashu kumar
@TheLittleNaruto take care of your health consult doctor.
hope you recover soon
when u will go to interview?
it is scheduled in evening at 5:00pm
cool!, you have whole day to lean what is needed for interview, do not wast time
yes @AshuKumar
Good morning guys
good morning? where are you?
good late evening, ppl on the left coast
@Sanjeev yeah sure thanks
@rekire vgm
@MarkCramer eve
@MarkCramer I'm in Germany, here it is 7:22am
@TheLittleNaruto vgm
guten morgen
@MarkCramer Guten Morgen dir auch :)
gm all
@AshuKumar gm
a vvvvvverrrrrrrrrrrry GoooooooooooooDDDDDDDD morningGGGGG @ankitagrawal
wow veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bigggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg mornniiiiiinnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
i m happy today , i got new project :)
@TheLittleNaruto chill bro
one two time its ok
he is like Hot man
Congratulations @AshuKumar
project is still on discussion mode
android how to check if bluetooth is connected to specific device
simple get all the connected devices list and find out name of device that you are looking for
@AshuKumar great
@faisaliqbal good mirning
lolllllllllllllllllll for what @ankitagrawal
good morning @AshuKumar
how r u?
haha hehehe @ankitagrawal
good @faisaliqbal
@AshuKumar how can we check if device is connected to specific bluetooth
@ankitagrawal for what ?
read above message @faisaliqbal
for hindi sentences
@ankitagrawal ok
Why ?
ohh sory
i edit
(removed )
Is it possible to call ((ListView)view.getParent()).setItemChecked(position, true); inside bindView method of cursor Adapter ? Because I wont be having access to the position of the row item in there.
public void bindView(View view, final Context context, final Cursor cursor)
i see
i (removed) my message :D ^
bindview already give you cursor with that position
@TheLittleNaruto try that and see if that works
i think it should work
@AshuKumar :d
@HitMan hitcat
@ankitagrawal :3 vgm
@TheLittleNaruto u here?
I think there is something else which is not working
why dont you try that
naruto interface is something you are forgetting
I meant I have updated the column value, in next launch it should have updated value.
But it doesn't
yes right
check if update was successful
it is successful.
as the log saying.
try retrieving the value and see if it being actaully updated
@ankitagrawal did u get time to work on task that we discussed ?
nope you didnt send me mail dude
after going home, i forgot what i need to do :D , i m having OOM problem in my mind
let me complete making proposal for new prject and then i send you
no you are ghajini
some thing like g a j a n i
no ghajini
@TheLittleNaruto i'm thinking about another 360
i sent u request on gtalk did u get it @ankitagrawal yeterday
@AshuKumar nope
@TheNightKing Why ?
@TheLittleNaruto that look gret
360 is a beer?
So calling this: ((ListView)view.getParent()).setItemChecked(cursor.getPosition(), true); inside bindView throwing NPE : java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.ListView.setItemChecked(int, boolean)' on a null object reference
@TheNightKing Haven't checked the new model yet
@TheLittleNaruto oh i see
@ankitagrawal Moto 360
lol ok i thought it is a beer
@TheLittleNaruto ((ListView)view.getParent())
@TheLittleNaruto i can suggest a simple solution
make this as var
then check wheather that is null or not
@TheLittleNaruto is that view convertview?
why not use viewgroup object @TheLittleNaruto
How are you ?
@TheNightKing It is null
@TheLittleNaruto view what is this
@ankitagrawal It's a cursor adapter dude, not ArrayAdapter
which view it is?
@TheLittleNaruto show me the bindVIew syntax
i dont remember it dude @TheLittleNaruto
Suppose I am sending an image as varchar to webservice in java
@TheLittleNaruto then use listview object
not view.getParent casting
String image =request.getParameter("image");
What is the maximum size of this String aA?
@TheLittleNaruto view.getParent might returning some other view like linear layou
or some ViewGroup
@TheNightKing You're right
@TheNightKing but that will throw classcastexception
String image =request.getParameter("image");
What is the maximum size of this String ?
@ankitagrawal he is calling method with object
Please help me
@osimerpothe i don't have in any idea
@TheNightKing but he is casting it first so wont the casting throws CCE
@osimerpothe WHAT IS STRING aA
typing mistake
@ankitagrawal what is base of listview ?
String image =request.getParameter("image");
What is the maximum size of this String image ?
Can I get full image to this String image ?
@TheNightKing AbsListView ?
@TheNightKing abslistview
@TheLittleNaruto in onCreate list.post(new Runnable(){ list.setItemChecked() });
@TheNightKing which onCreate ?
@TheLittleNaruto of activity
after setting the adapter
@TheLittleNaruto what is base class of that
Why would I do that ?
@TheNightKing AdapterView
public abstract class AdapterView
extends ViewGroup
see that return viewGroup
casting it to viewgroup wont throw exception
@AshuKumar good morning
but you said linearlayout
Good Morning Guys :)
it wont be able to cast to linearLayout
@ankitagrawal neither to listview
so that it is what i said it will throw cce
@TheLittleNaruto do you understand why is not cce
@ankitagrawal neight Linear-layout show cce if you casting view.parent
you didnt get my point
@TheLittleNaruto did you understood what i was trying to say
@TheLittleNaruto sorry bro but have you managed to get that twitter icon. I just forgot. do you need that now?
should I have to create xxxhdpi, xxhdpi,xhdpi,hdpi, mdpi folder in my drawable to support multiscreen size
yes @Sarah
yes @Sarah
@Sarah i only call you kid becoz you are a kid nothing
I did, but there is not folder in my drawable in the project vew
make them then
public abstract class ViewGroup
extends View implements ViewParent, ViewManager
ViewParent parent=new ViewGroup()
i can do that right ?

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