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that's weird
somehow it got logged out
@ElectionBot alive
I'm alive on se-electionbot.herokuapp.com, started on 2020-07-01 01:50:42Z with an uptime of 26 seconds.
when is the election starting
The election has not started yet. The nomination phase is starting at 2020-07-06 20:00:00Z (in 5 days).
5 hours later…
what is my candidate score
@TadeuszKopec Your candidate score is 21 (out of 40). You are missing these badges: Deputy, Marshal, Sportsmanship, Convention, Enthusiast, Investor, Copy Editor, Explainer, Refiner, Strunk & White
what is my candidate score
@TemaniAfif Wow! You have a maximum candidate score of 40! Please consider nominating yourself in the election!
@ElectionBot really? how is candidate score calculated?
The 40-point candidate score is calculated this way: 1 point for each 1,000 reputation up to 20,000 reputation (for 20 points); and 1 point for each of the 8 moderation, 6 participation, and 6 editing badges
@ElectionBot how to nominate?
The election has not started yet. The nomination phase is starting at 2020-07-06 20:00:00Z (in 5 days).
7 hours later…
@ElectionBot commands
@ElectionBot commands
moderator commands: say, alive, cron, test cron, chatroom, throttle, set throttle X (in seconds), mute, mute X (in minutes), unmute, time
@ElectionBot throttle
Reply throttle is currently 5 seconds. Use set throttle X (seconds) to set a new value.
@ElectionBot mute 10
silenced for 10 minutes
what is my candidate score
@ElectionBot unmute
timeout cleared
what is my candidate score?
@SamuelLiew very funny, you already have a diamond!
@ElectionBot throttle 10
Reply throttle is currently 5 seconds. Use set throttle X (seconds) to set a new value.
@ElectionBot set throttle 10
throttle set to 10 seconds
@ElectionBot throttle
Reply throttle is currently 10 seconds. Use set throttle X (seconds) to set a new value.
@ElectionBot alive
I'm alive on se-electionbot.herokuapp.com, started on 2020-07-01 15:07:39Z with an uptime of 38 seconds.
@ElectionBot alive
I'm alive on se-electionbot.herokuapp.com, started on 2020-07-01 15:07:39Z with an uptime of 143 seconds.
@ElectionBot help
Examples of election FAQs I can help with:
- how does the election work
- who are the candidates
- how to nominate
- how to vote
- how to decide who to vote for
- how many users voted
- why should I be a moderator
- are moderators paid
- who are the current moderators
- what is the election status
- when is the election starting
- when is the election ending
- how is candidate score calculated
- what is my candidate score
- moderation badges
- participation badges
- editing badges
2 hours later…
@ElectionBot alive
Moved to election chat room

2020 Moderator Election Chat

Open discussion for the Stack Overflow election stackoverflow....
@ArtOfCode I've manually added you to the privileged users for the chat bot. To mute the bot from replying to users for X minutes, command is @electionbot mute X (default 5 mins if X omitted)
@ElectionBot for other mod commands which you can use, see this
@SamuelLiew cool, cheers
2 hours later…
what is my candidate score
1 hour later…
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
1 hour later…
ElectionBot has been moved to the election chat room.

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