@SamuelLiew You can nominate yourself during the nomination phase only. You'll need 3000 reputation, badges (Civic Duty, Strunk & White, Deputy, Convention), and cannot have been suspended in the past year.
@SamuelLiew You can nominate yourself during the nomination phase only. You'll need at least 300 reputation, badges (Civic Duty, Strunk & White, Deputy, Convention), and cannot have been suspended in the past year.
@SamuelLiew An election is where users nominate themselves as candidates for the role of community moderator, and users with at least 150 reputation can vote for them.
@SamuelLiew You can nominate yourself as a candidate during the nomination phase only. You'll need at least 3000 reputation, these badges (Civic Duty, Strunk & White, Deputy, Convention), and cannot have been suspended in the past year.