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when is the election starting
The election has not started yet. The nomination phase is starting at 2020-07-06 20:00:00Z (in 12 days).
1 hour later…
@AdrianMole if you really must know, my bot uses the SE API to get users' badges. Much easier then using SEDE for this.
The bot source is on GitHub
4 hours later…
what is my candidate score
@JonClements Wow! You have a maximum candidate score of 40! Please consider nominating yourself in the election!
that's a nice little motivational twist there :)
test 1234 how do I vote test test test
The election has not started yet. The nomination phase is starting at 2020-07-06 20:00:00Z (in 12 days).
Maybe one should be able to be re-elected, and then do moderation work twice as much.
Elected ♦ moderators are essential to keeping the site clean, fair, and friendly. Not only that, moderators get additional privileges like viewing deleted posts/comments/chat messages, searching for a user's deleted posts, suspend/privately message users, migrate questions to any network site, unlimited binding close/delete/flags on everything, just to name a few.
what is a candidate score?
The 40-point candidate score is calculated this way: 1 point for each 1,000 reputation up to 20,000 reputation (for 20 points); and 1 point for each of the 8 moderation, 6 participation, and 6 editing badges
uh oh - you set it off @ElectionBot :)
I shudder, but... what is my candidate score.
@E_net4feelstargeted Your candidate score is 35 (out of 40). You are missing these badges: Sportsmanship, Investor, Refiner
Mine is 40, or so I was told in SOCVR.
I'd be surprised if it wasn't
please say you're going to nominate.... /me does puppy dog eyes
The suspense is more fun I guess ....
/me growls
2 hours later…
@rene never mind - you'd be beep as a mod... you don't know how to handle chat situations, or co-ordinate things, nor how to flag or when to close vote... I retract my recommendation you should nominate :p
(what was I thinking! :p)
3 hours later…
I'm 100% definitely not going to stand but what is my candidate score?
@DavidW Your candidate score is 33 (out of 40). You are missing these badges: Sportsmanship, Constituent, Convention, Investor, Copy Editor, Refiner, Tag Editor
What is my candidate score
@Machavity Wow! You have a maximum candidate score of 40! Please consider nominating yourself in the election!
It works. Of course I cheated and had a 40 last year :P
@ElectionBot I think they've been there done that, Mr. Bot ;D
@SamuelLiew Would love to see it do any site, not just SO
Oh, the bot could tap into prior election nominations and then say: Are you sure you want to try again?!? or other motivational texts ...
Yes, it can bind to another site, but right now it's attached to SO
@rene don't give the bot any smart ideas
I'll leave it at this ... ;)
1 hour later…
what is my candidate score
@user7412956 Your candidate score is 5 (out of 40). You are missing these badges: Cleanup, Deputy, Electorate, Marshal, Sportsmanship, Reviewer, Steward, Convention, Investor, Organizer, Copy Editor, Explainer, Refiner, Tag Editor, Strunk & White
2 hours later…
what is my candidate score
@YaakovEllis Your candidate score is 32 (out of 40). You are missing these badges: Deputy, Marshal, Sportsmanship, Steward, Investor, Copy Editor, Refiner, Tag Editor
What is my candidate score
@JourneymanGeek Your candidate score is 5 (out of 40). You are missing these badges: Civic Duty, Cleanup, Deputy, Electorate, Marshal, Sportsmanship, Reviewer, Steward, Investor, Organizer, Copy Editor, Explainer, Refiner, Tag Editor, Strunk & White
@SamuelLiew 'cos it's not like bots can go weird when playing with 'em: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/6/conversation/… :p
2 hours later…
Haha, that's funny

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