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good morning wpf :)
Hello room !
hello there sisyphe
hey @E.LDunn :)
has anyone in here created like a interactive calender before where they can store notes etc within a specific date?
nothing like that ^^
sorry mate
no worries, I just wanted some advice thats all ^^. Boss wants me to create a calender so you can record employees holiday and stuff... Dont know how I could save the stuff on a specific date... or how to create a table based on it :S
cheers enrico, ill give that a read later :)
lol, boss wants me to create a system like outlook so can send reminders to clients and record calender events ^^... dont see why they cant just carry on using outlook! :S
haha, could be a fun project if he/she gives you enough time to do it
my placement ends in July.. and I still have to create a login system and carry on creating a managment application to help them manage their clients workflow and employees... so no I dont hahah
ahh that sucks
Youre telling me! he thinks I've been programming for years and expects me to create this amazing app, which in hindsight aint gonna ! LOL
good morning who can help me to
hey ammaedragas.. ask away and some one will try their best to help :)
who can help me to work with progress that it is binded to a value in other class
who can help me to work with progressbar that it is binded to a value in other class
@gregory.bmclub thank you
have you writen any code ?
i am new in .net and i found some examples but it seems difficult to deal with them
i have a class that implement the business that i want
what do you want the progress bar to do?
and i have a window to command in this window there is a progress bar
this progress bar increment when a value called refresheditems incremented in the perfcommunicate class
take a look at this link - It is not exactly the sort of thing you want but it shows a method called public double Progress within the MainFormViewModel. Take a look at see what it does. You then ,ight be able to change it to suit your requirement
oh cool, just stumbled upon a wpf dependency property code generator :D
lazyness ftw
@gregory.bmclub i didn't resolved th problem
thought as much
I'm losing my mind here..
I have a datagrid and all I want to do is let the user decide which rows are visible and in what order
I tried implementing CollectionViewSource, but this is static I get lost in trying to get my ObservableCollection<MeterValues> bound to it
why dont you use a checkbox to decide if a row is visible? if checked is true, hide that specific row?
I have 2 listboxes, one with all the row names in it, and one empty.. I want to set the visibility of the row to true only if the user puts that row in the 2nd listbox
this way the user can select the rows he whiches to make visible and he should be able to set the positions of the row (what row shows up first in the datagrid)
hey sorry been reading transcript
@Enrico CVS needs to be refreshed everytime you make a change - its not static, its manual
reason is: CVS Refresh is expensive operation and we don't want to do it over and over for every little change that may or may not affect the outcome
why is it expensive?
just hook CVS.Refresh() to CollectionChanged event of ObservableCollection
it has to reload data / filter / sort and redraw the entire thing
Filter already works with ObservableCollection's Collection changed
but sort order will need a refresh
learn something new every day :)
brb - think pc needs a reboot >.<
1 hour later…
Can you get all column headers from a datagrid and put them in a arraylist?
would be even easier if you just used ItemsSource for column headers :)
but yes, you can - though it is a pain to jump through DataGrid visuals
I think I'm in over my head, need to take a break
are you using AutoGeneratedColumn=true?
2 hours later…
time to try and implement mahapps.metro :)
oh easy peasy
hmm, gone a bit dodgy when implementing it :S
heh well drop a gist with ping when you need me :)
I know why, because i was setting a <style> within a textbox, and was over writting the style of the one by mah.apps
the only thing is my validation is a bit messed up. When I enter something into a textbox, the validation in some cases doesnt disapear fully... :/
you know you can extend MahApps.Metro styles to include your own stuff?
you'll need to experiment a little, but snoop might be very helpful
just lookup whats the mahapps stylename and use BasedOn bit of Style to extend the style
you can even do <Style TargetType={x:Type TextBlock} BasedOn={StaticResource TextBlock} > ... to extend and then implicitly apply back the new style
that's how i did my DataGrid with MahApps since DG doesn't get styled atm
yeah, ill be doing that a bit later, just doing simple stuff atm, playing around with my current app and seeing if it looks better (which it does)... the tab style though is a bit naff with the current style (that mah.apps use)...
lol @naff - i haven't heard that word in ages :D
taken me like 2 hours to implement the basic style of metro apps within my app.. fml time has flown by!
:) indication of good things :)
meh, just makes my app look better then what it cando!
I'm getting so sick of translating this php into .net
I really aught to learn PHP soon :S
porting code is like reading somebodys handwriting and typing it out.. but then this is like reading bad handwriting with german text and translating on the fly to english with full formatting added
when you've only seen german and barely know a few words
uhh, I was planning on drinking beer and coding wpf tonight when an actual person invited me for barbecue and beer.
damn that actual person! robbing you of your precious time!
send your puppy over to him for his sin
that was my spontaneous reaction, probably means i suck in life :D
hey ya'll
hi klut
not very useful info :D
so today is like the "functional spec" review. and they want software done by end of august.
haha! thanks @JohanLarsson. can I change my name?! jeez klut isn't a good name then is it!?
@klut you can try to answer with a confidence interval. This is going to take between 1 and 10 years with a 90% certainty?
@klut I think it can be changed but klut is fine, klut(t) is not a real word in Swedish but most people know what it means.
i don't want to have to go back to stats
i actually want to change my username
even before knowning that tidbit of info
I gtg to beer and other stuff mostly unknown to me, think they call it social interaction
i wonder how long it takes
Haha, dont get too caught up in that @Johan ;P. Enjoy!
is there anyway i can change a Google Chrome tab title
so it doesn't say "WPF | chat.stackoverflow"
nevermind, pin tab will do.
@N00B.NET or you can run JS to change <title> of the page :)
hey guys
i am using a flowdocument in my wpf app. everytime i add a table to it, i add a table_loaded event that does Table.BringIntoView() so that my doc auto scrolls to the end
but when i put a picture into the table, it looks like table_loaded gets called before the picture gets inserted
so it scrolls to end, inserts picture which is bigger then the space, and scrolls back up
works fine when im only using text, no BlockUIContainers
hmm. apparently it has something to do with the extended toolkit BusyIndicator user control i am using in my flow doc. dont mind me

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