no worries, I just wanted some advice thats all ^^. Boss wants me to create a calender so you can record employees holiday and stuff... Dont know how I could save the stuff on a specific date... or how to create a table based on it :S
lol, boss wants me to create a system like outlook so can send reminders to clients and record calender events ^^... dont see why they cant just carry on using outlook! :S
my placement ends in July.. and I still have to create a login system and carry on creating a managment application to help them manage their clients workflow and employees... so no I dont hahah
take a look at this link - It is not exactly the sort of thing you want but it shows a method called public double Progress within the MainFormViewModel. Take a look at see what it does. You then ,ight be able to change it to suit your requirement
I have 2 listboxes, one with all the row names in it, and one empty.. I want to set the visibility of the row to true only if the user puts that row in the 2nd listbox
this way the user can select the rows he whiches to make visible and he should be able to set the positions of the row (what row shows up first in the datagrid)
yeah, ill be doing that a bit later, just doing simple stuff atm, playing around with my current app and seeing if it looks better (which it does)... the tab style though is a bit naff with the current style (that mah.apps use)...
porting code is like reading somebodys handwriting and typing it out.. but then this is like reading bad handwriting with german text and translating on the fly to english with full formatting added
when you've only seen german and barely know a few words
i am using a flowdocument in my wpf app. everytime i add a table to it, i add a table_loaded event that does Table.BringIntoView() so that my doc auto scrolls to the end
but when i put a picture into the table, it looks like table_loaded gets called before the picture gets inserted
so it scrolls to end, inserts picture which is bigger then the space, and scrolls back up
works fine when im only using text, no BlockUIContainers