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@Mr.Noob insteas of plain text use, textblock and manipulate its Text property
6 hours later…
@JohanLarsson: that's what i ended up doing
Now i have a bit of trouble with a combobox
its a bunch of checkboxes
You get why I am reluctant to auto columns right?
It is not cos I love bloat :)
comboboxes in the datagrid?
So a column has a combobox.
The combobox has a template that defines checkboxes
in runtime, all is good, i can expand the combo and check the checkboxes, right
however i want to set combobox text to the checked checkbox content
The designer is broken in countless ways.
Well, I was very comfortable with winforms till i want to move to wpf
Have patience and ask a lot of questions here.
I want to be able to display configuration specific in the text
I can say I'm comfortable now with wpf.
What does that mean? Mockup?
this MVVM im developing is getting pretty complicated
You can use a datatemplate for how the itemxs in the combobox renders
in the types comboboxes
in the image
on the left?
the user has selected configuration specific
when the combobox is collapsed
You want an image next to the text?
I'm dumb :D
no, can you please hold on brother
and listen :)
do you see that image i uploaded
thats an example
the user has selected configuration specific
Of what you have or what you want?
it's checked
what you have
when the user collapse the combobox
in winforms and now you want it in wpf?
what would happen
im in WPF
Have you had some much to drink last night ;)?
I think i should a long preface to my question. I'm thinking so much in my head.
Best is if you draw something in paint or powerpoint I think
would you be kind ennough to skype this over?
Does not have to look good, mockups are nice for communicating design ime.
Wouldn't take more than sec.
We can chat here, this room is made for chatting about WPF.
Only good if we generate some transcript during the weekend.
Understood. Sorry, I was asking too much.
I'm testing an application im designing in wpf.
Don't worry, I just prefer this chat over Skype.
in my test
i expanded the combobox "Types"
in the types column
then i selected configuration specific
now when i collapse the combobox
i would look empty like "Actions"
I want to be able to display a string for example in the collasped combox that says configuration specific
so the user has an indication what has been selected
using codebhind
Ah, now I get it
private void ComboBox_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
var c = (sender as ComboBox);
string Temp = string.Empty;
foreach (ICustomPropertyData item in c.Items)

if (item.IsChecked)
Temp = Temp + ";" + item.Name;

c.Text = Temp.Trim(';');
this is using codebehind
code behind should not be needed for that I think
but .Text of the combobox doesn't dispaly anything "is it because of the binding"?
Lemme try to write a sample
@JohanLarsson: You're so nice Johan.
We don't know yet, maybe I fail and log out?
Cry in fetal position the rest of the night?
Dude, you don't have THAT pessimistic.
A: Different template for items in ComboBox's drop-down list and for selected item

H.B.The selected item (in the ComboBox itself, not the dropdown) is not inside a ComboBoxItem so you can do something like this: <ComboBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <ContentControl Content="{Binding}"> <ContentControl.Style> <Style TargetType="{x:Type Conte...

Maybge ^ is what you want?
but what if i have two selected items?
i think i may need to convert the combobox to a list box but that means that the ui will be clouded with stuff - i don't like it
Oh, you can have two, combobox does not feel ideal for that
why is a .Text not showing anything on the combobox with my codebehind
thats my question
But maybe it is, make sure to do some hallway testing of it.
acutally it has value.
I'll try to hack what you want for fun.
@JohanLarsson: I'm home. Don't have hallway.
The property actually is not null, but in the runtime the combobox is not displaying any data
I have a button that when clicked this code is executed:
cmbCurrency.ItemsSource = log.CmbCurrency;
cmbCurrency.SelectedValue = log.CurrencyId;
but the comboBoxes are not refreshed, (I know it's not MVVM recommended way, but I'm working on others code)
@MohamedAhmed: what are you talking about? "Salam alaykom ya a5i masri"
Hi @Jelly "wa 3alikom alsalam"
I set the ItemsSource of the ComboBox and the SelectedValue, but the the item is not selected, this is my problem
@MohamedAhmed: You need a data temptale for the combobox.
 <ComboBox Name="cmbCurrency" Margin="2" Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="4" IsTabStop="False"
                               SelectedValuePath="CurrencyId"   Validation.Error="Validation_Error" SelectionChanged="cmbCurrency_SelectionChanged"
                                      SelectedValue="{Binding Path=CurrencyId, NotifyOnValidationError=True, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}" >
Perhaps you need to bind the selecteditem to your model view
haha. To difficult for ya.
I fixed it @JohanLarsson
Beat you to it.
I simply needed to set IsEditable to true and IsReady = true
Looked like ^ when I quit, probably many ux bugs as we use a combobox in a nonstandard way.
how do you record a gif?
what event are you using?
mouse enter?
do you know git?
Clone the repo, it has all the code, zero code behind.
i use git.
I think there is the only piece i'd need codehind for.
I will not keep the repo forever
Not that it is very useful but if you need it fork it
It may be purged in a month or so.
why do i need to clone the screentogift?
you're using a converter
cloned thanks
and forked
@Jelly There should be binaries to download, I meant clone the sample if you want to have a look at it
@JohanLarsson how do you create a new wpf window in a class library
im using hostelements for that now
Add the required references and do:
var window = new Window();
Doing it in a class library feels wrong, maybe you need to rethink the design?
this is an addin
it can only be a class lib
yea but when i try to add a wpf window as a view in my class lib viewmodels i can't find a wpf window control model
dunno what a contrl model is
My guess is misisng references { PresentationFramework, PresentationCOre, WIndowsBase, System.Xaml }
when you add a control to a class library
you can add a wpf usercontrol, right?
yes, should be possible
can be gotchas though
if I will create popup in code behind only when user clicks button instead of having it in xaml will it save system resources?
I have a lot of items, each one has this popup (contextMenu) some will never show it so I was thinking creating it in code behind only if user click it
Not sure.
int a = 0;
int b = a++;
int c = ++b;
The answer lies within how the two shorthand increment expressions work. The first case, b = a++; , is equivalent to the following set of operations: b=a; a++; (leaving b=0 and a=1). Conversely, the second incrementation will happen first: c = ++b; translates into b++; c=b; , leaving b=1 and c=1.
Very interesting.
Haven't tried in C# but it seems the way to be in js.
Avoid stuff like that.
Just a question from Enki.
I know it's a mind-fuck.
What about this?

var x = 10;
while (x --> 0)
It is just a decrement and a comparison sign. An old joke from C++ but it is also works in C# (stackoverflow.com/questions/1642028/what-is-the-operator-in-c)
you mean x-- >
not x -->
Yes. But we can write spaces almost anywhere, can't we?
but its not a nice presentation.
what happens when the Binding is set to a property that not present in the DataContext?
*I can't test right now!
@Jelly Agree! I have just seen your question about increments and remembered this funny thing.
@MohamedAhmed it won't bind.
Wouldn't it throw the exception "Value cannot be null"?
6 hours later…
Q: Unable to update Datagrid and save changes to database

Martin KariukiI have a datagrid, an ObservableCollection of Product Types in a ViewModel and an implementation of EventToCommand like shown below. I would like to update the Total Column from the product of Quantity and Cost Column and save the changes without using the evil code behind or Windows Forms DataGr...

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