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Can't see that so I'm not sure
ControlTemplate is for creating your own controls or when you can't get the needed effect on an existing one with normal styles; I could see one for a ContextMenu if you want some heavy styling; but the buttons have no business being there
The Buttons should be MenuItems underneath the actual ContextMenu object
And to be frank; I would get the buttons working before worrying about the nitty gritty visuals
6 hours later…
8 hours later…
Hi gents
I'm playing around with datagrids. I've binded the selecteditem to a data model. One of the field is a string. If I edit the fields cell in the datagrid, change the string then hit enter, the changes will be reflected in the model. However, if I edit fields cell in the datagrid, then select another cell (the fields cell would change its content) but the changes will not be reflected in the model.
Apparently, editing a cell then pressing enter is not the same editing a cell and then selecting another cell?
Yes, DataGrid is weird that way.
is there a work around
i don't want to do codebehind
Nothing wrong with code behind for view logic.
what would you suggest to resolve this @JohanLarsson
I have code for it somewhere but can't remember where.
Looks like it should work and clean.
It is good that you try to avoid code behind but you should not be phobic about it imo.
That can lead to unnatural workarounds.
@JohanLarsson: How'd you apply to the entire grid view
without delving into column templates
Are you using AutogenerateColumns?
i think it's false
the gridview itemsource are bound to a source (so is the selected item) and thats it
post your xaml, I don't understand the question
<DataGrid Name="CustomPropertiesGrid" CanUserAddRows ="False" GridLinesVisibility="Vertical" VerticalGridLinesBrush="Gray" ItemsSource="{Binding ActiveJob.CustomProperties}" SelectionMode="Single" SelectedItem="{Binding ActiveJob.SelectedCustomProperty}" MinHeight="300" MaxHeight="600" Margin="1,5,1,10"/>
oh i thought by default its false
so its a boolean
Use explicit columns, the column order is part of the UX, don't leave it to property order or how it is generated.
The order of the columns is not a requirement.
so there is no of updating the source but to use explicit columns?
not sure how you mean but I always use explicit columns
fixed it
private bool isManualEditCommit;
private void CustomPropertiesGrid_CellEditEnding(object sender, DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e)
if (!isManualEditCommit)
isManualEditCommit = true;
DataGrid grid = (DataGrid)sender;
grid.CommitEdit(DataGridEditingUnit.Row, true);
isManualEditCommit = false;
A little bit of code behind wouldn't hurt
@JohanLarsson thanks for pointing for me in the right direction.
What you have there is strict view stuff and fine for code behind. Only downside is that code behind is usually the last place one looks for things.
Auto columns would not pass code review. :)
1 hour later…
@JohanLarsson : what do you mean auto columns would not pass code review
That I think you should type out the columns so that the ordering is not by accident
    <DataGridTextColumn ... />
Also chances are you want headers that are not property names
I may end up doing that.
1 hour later…
hello people
I am not able to change highlight colors of listboxitem's when they are selected or (selected and inactive/unfocused)
overriding SystemColors.HighlightBrushKey color in the ListBox resources didn't help
please ping me if you think you can help
Managed to fix my context menu problem, I used popup instead..
As I saw, MenuItem use popup inside it so I decided to use it
I have another question (can't find answer in google)
I want to create label with text and image inside it and I want to be able to change label text using the "Content" property
  <Image Source="{Binding ImageSourceProperty}" />
  My Text
this code almost works but I won't be able to change the text from code behind

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