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good morning
How's Paris doing without me?
lately it was cold
@NETscape you really should read a little about domain driven design
@franssu here to
or rather... is has been cold up until last week, where we had a couple of "warm" days, but now it's back...
yep same here
we thought it was spring but then winter again
I think that we officially have spring here... because once it turns spring it can't go back apparently
the rules was not really set after the reality.
3 hours later…
I watched the video johan always posts in DDD.
your question was about putting application logic in the domain layer (which is very wrong) that's why I say that
Eric Evans and Martin Fowler books are great
2 hours later…
Hi guys. Do any of you know, if there is a way to know when a ListBox has loaded its items? I need to select the first row in the ListBox when my Windows Store App loads, but I can't find a way to do it :-/ I would be able to do it with SelectedItem, but I need to know when the ListBoxItems are loaded before I can do that :-)
why do you need to know they are loaded ?
Can I set a SelectedItem before it actually knows its items? Would that work?
why would it not know its items ?
@franssu not really sure if its application logic though, if you want to persist things like that...
Because it is bound to a ObservableCollection
The collection is not necessarily set at startup, because it loads data from some hardware.
don't you use bindings?
The list updates fine, but I need to select the first row automatically when the items are loaded.
then bind with SelectedItem
after you load your data, set the object bound to selecteditem in your VM
@NETscape I don't know why I didn't think of that. I must have blacked out or something :P Thanks. That is the obvious solution :D
@thomas yeah, i do that often
@NETscape application settings can be persisted
if there was no application settings file, wouldn't you have to implement persistence yourself? it would obviously be separate of your domain logic, but the app state could still be modeled as a model, no?
application's layer model, yes
if i want my "project" to open up with a certain tab selected no matter what computer you're on, I have to put application state inside of my project model, so it would be in my file when project is persisted
or is "project" supposed to be part of the application layer as well? maybe thats where i'm going wrong
what do you mean by "my project model"
my "project" would be very similar to a .csproj file
my application is similar to visual studio even
its a document navigator... with a bunch of different features obviously
you have to make a clear separation between 1) your domain 2) the application's domain
they're completely orthogonal
the domain can exist without any applicative layer
the applicative layer can be put on top of a different domain
i'll need to do some more DDD research
in a .csproj is not stored which folder is opened or collapsed in the solution explorer
or which tab is opened
i'd assume thats the .suo file
which would be equivalent to my .config (app settings) file, but my config file application to the application, not individual projects
so is suo file application or domain at that point? I'd assume its application, stored alongside domain
and .csproj is domain, as in not application domain
what's your domain ?
i'm not sure anymore haha
in other words what's the end user business about ?
uhm, i guess communicating with external devices and navigating data that was persisted from those devices
an end user is going to use my application to manage document(s) and communicate to devices.
file navigation just like visual studio. instead of editing text, they are editing/viewing different sets of data
morning everyone
good morning Mark
is mawky done with site install?!
oh yeah, been done for a while
went pretty well, all things considered
got a quick question for you guys though
cross threading in WPF.... I need to have some logic invoked on the UI thread. normally I would get the dispatcher from some UI component and call invoke ok it. In java there is a similar constraint on concurrent Ui programming, with the exception that swing will let you do it anyway, without exception that is, it just will have unpredictable results on the UI
to get around that, they provide SwingUtilites a static class with an InvokeLater method
that allows you to queue up stuff like you would with the dispatcher
is there a class like that in WPF, so I don't need to have a reference to the form or whatever has the appropriate Dispatcher object?
you can invoke it on the application
@NETscape using your application is just a mean to work on the domain, you should be able to describe the domain without any external reference to application concepts..
but i think generally its better to apply it at the most local level possible
Im not sure how to do that without having a reference to my Form in my VM
the VM receives an async event
I try to minimize where I break from MVVM
and don't want a reference to the form in that class
@franssu gotcha. thanks for straightening it out for me. i clearly have learnign to do
what do tasks have to do with this Netscape?
I know how to fire off async work, I don't know how to get the STA thread to run code from a place without a reference to an object with an STA thread dispatcher
a task on a synchronization context is similar to dispatcher
can a Task modify the UI without Concurrent mod exceptions?
read the article
We then can use this scheduler on any thread to marshal data back onto the UI thread.
just a point of clarification
from the article
TaskScheduler uiScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
that would need to be done on the UI thread correct?
then any other background thread could use the scheduler
no, doesn't need to be done on UI thread
actually, don't know?
how does that work....
@Julien help. haha
but you can pass a reference to it
create on UI if need be and pass to the thread that needs it
right that much I get, but if the sync context of the Ui thread is different from my background threads, one would think 'from current sync context' would not be the correct one if created on a background thread
but definitely a good article
super human reed
its like a 20 part series or something. the entire series is good
I wish I could contribute to Reed
that guy has directly or indirectly helped me out so much
he deserves a donation or something
hi everybody
anyone can suggest me some good article about exception handling in wpf c#?
no but i can tell you how i wrote my last wpf app
try/catches around stuff that is expected to fail sometimes, net calls, that sorta thing
then you can have an unhandled exception catcher at the application level that logs all errors
Julien, do you log error in a file?
use nlog or something similar
How is the best way to present errors to users?
ahhh well that is a big question that is more about preference i think
if your app encounters an unexpected error, should it keep running?
do your users care about getting stack traces
I prefer that user see only that an error occurs, in general way
you can pop up a message box at application level error catching
then just let the program crash
while logging more detailed error report
uhm ok
Julien, you said you use nlog?
ive also used log4net
both are good
do you think is simple to integrate one of the two in an existent project?
yes definitely do it
you can tell it for example to make a new log file every day and only keep the last 3 days of logs
also it will timestamp each log write in whatever format you want
thanks for your suggestion
out of curiosity Julien, is that configurable in a config file for the application?
or is that something you set up via a constructor in code
@MarkW yes, at least log4net is
you setup your "appenders" in the config file. can have multiple per application. its pretty robust. i'm jealous at how good it is
sounds a lot like Log4J
because it is, just written in .net
I noticed something sorta weird today
not really all that strange, but a little
if you have multiple monitors, and you set the windowstartlocation of a WPF based dialog to CenterOwner, and its owner currently is positioned such that its 'center' is near the division between the two monitors
the dialog will just pick a monitor and draw the dialog there, nearest it can to the center
but not actually centered
it will not draw the dialog in a manner where its on both monitors at the same time
you can move it there afterward
maybe its to prevent the dialog from being opened off screen if the owner is very nearly completely off the screen?
@MarkW i believe you can do both
@MarkW you can see this behavior in other places
open a context menu near a corner, and you will see that it adjusts where the menu opens so as to not go over a screen boundary
what do you guys think about null checking ?
Its important
Assuming null shouldn't blow up your system
what about "fail early"
Failing with an exception isn't a great way to go in my book
just reviewed floating point number and decimal to binary representation... beautiful
@franssu are you talking, check null and return, or only have one return statement per method?
the first one
Returning can be a valid op on a failed null check
i always have a self debate
but thats not the same as no null checking at all
so long as null checks are done first thing, everywhere, then okay. i don't want to have to look through the middle of a method to find where its return. either return immediately due to error or return at end of method
person i work with does not believe in > 1 return statement or using breaks to short circuit.
that person also only programs in C, so they don't get annoying NREs and crashes. instead they just get a corrupt program :)
I prefer no early returns/breaks
but I can see where it does clean up nested if's sometimes
right, i prefer the same
though what about searching a collection?
Can you give an example?
for(int i = 0; i < ints.Count; i++)
    if(ints[i] == 23)
        return ints[i]++;
basically, coll.First(item => item.IsStop);
That code could easily be refactored though
to say, use a while loop and then return after the loop ends
breaking early makes for clearer code imo
have a nice week end
good point @BradleyDotNET.
I disagree @Julien :p
hehe. many articles have been written on the subject
in both directions no doubt :)
franssu shouldn't have left. haha
@BradleyDotNET did you read mine and franssu's convo this morning?
no, but I can
basically on application and business domain
3 hours ago, by franssu
in other words what's the end user business about ?
so my application is similar to visual studio. and it has the same project concept.
so there would be a Project model, in the application domain, right?
or would that be my business domain?
Project, for example, would have List<string> FileNames; which would be the file names of all the files that were open when the project was saved
I'm not super familiar with the difference between the two
but I think it would be buisness domain
what invoked the convo was i asked about application settings... like last selected tab.
so I was thinking, do i put LastSelectedTab in the Project class?
Like franssu said, I would put that in a suo file or similar
and then we discussed, no use app settings to store it
right. so then, would you create a ApplicationOptions model and have that part of your business domain?
Certainly you would need a class to store off all your state
I would then just have an existing model load that class from the file and use it
not sure what domain that belongs to though :(
i'm trying to get a handle on my design, but i just keep confusing myself hah
You want to keep your concerns seperate
but I've never dealt with "multiple domains" or whatever you are using
I'm sure its a useful way of looking at it, just never used of/heard of it myself.
concerns between application and domain, right?
like, you shouldn't need a button in order to create a DeviceModel
Well, certainly DeviceModel shouldn't be dependent on a button
If thats the way your app creates them though, thats fine
i'm just saying, keeping the concern separate...
i shouldn't have to worry about whats happening on the UI while implementing a DeviceModel class
No question about that
where does the most recently used "provider" come into play?
would that be a model?
only major difference between List and ObservableCollection is OC implements collection changed, right?
@NETscape yes, but also OC is a bit more limited (no AddRange, etc)
Q: CollectionViewSource unselect selectedItem when clicking a group name

user1336827I have a listbox that has its itemSource bound to a collectionViewSource that is grouped and has 2 levels of groupings over the actual items: <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource myCVS}}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource myItemsTemplate}" ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource...

A: CollectionViewSource unselect selectedItem when clicking a group name

NETscapeGroupStyles are not selectable, so of course your view model won't see a selection change happen. To work around this, you can use some code behind. What you'll notice is if you click on the items in the ListBox, then ListBoxItem will set the MouseUp event's Handled property to true. If you ...

@BradleyDotNET proper way to handle it you think?
give me a sec...
Yeah, thats a reasonable solution
@BradleyDotNET clicking the same selected item though will deselect the selected item
anyway i could prevent that really?
aside from checking coordinates of listboxitem and mouse
hey guys..i have list of objects of data type {string vmname, bool ischecked}... i want to bind this to my listbox containing checkbox..with checkbox content as vmname and checkbox value = isckecked..how can i do that
i tried listbox.itemsource= list_object; where it is showing me nly check boxes in listbox 3..not their content.
@user2806673 Each listbox item has control in it, right? Each of those controls then has a binding. Set the ItemsSource for the Listbox to be the collection of items:
ItemsSource="{Binding itemsCollection}"
<DataTemplate x:Key="UserTemplate1" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<CheckBox Name="cb" IsThreeState="False" Content="{ Binding vmname}" Unchecked="CheckBox_Unchecked" Checked="cb_check" IsChecked="{Binding Path=ischecked, Mode=TwoWay }" />
@user2806673 Then for the individual controls (checkbox, textbox, etc), set their binding to the property that they should be married to.
Did you apply the datatemplate to the Listbox?
(paste listbox code)
<ListBox Name="listbox3" Visibility="Hidden" Height="134" Width="156" Margin="515,82,62,104" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource UserTemplate1}" />
I don't see ItemsSource in there.
giving itemsource will bind it..??
listbox3.Items.Add(new CheckVM() { vmname = v.vmname,ischecked=v.ischecked});
i tried this
Nope - you don't want to resort to codebehind :)
n also listbox3.Itemsource=u.temp;
Are you applying the MVVM pattern to your code?
Then there should be virtually no codebehind for the view.
The model will be your data structures. The viewmodel will have an instance of structures... your view will bind to the viewmodel's instances.
The viewmodel and views should never directly alter a control's state -- that happens automatically via binding.
i have N object lists with me each related to N names... whenever i click on 1 object correcponding list should displayed with checkbox
In other words.. I wouldn't set this.listbox3.items[1].vmname = true... I would set the underlying data = true.
a : 1,2,3
b :7,8,9
@BradleyDotNET I have to run; any interest in helping this person?
so..when i click on "a"..3 items appear in anotherlist
listbox1 contains {a,b} and listbox2 contain {checkbox and corresponding numbers}
ah, ok. I've gotta head out.. otherwise I'd try to work through this. Someone else may be along. I pinged brad. We'll see if anyone drops by.
@ReedCopsey @BradleyDotNET...??
@PaulMcCowat just implemented the same thing you're trying to achieve I believe, user.
@LynnCrumbling I'll take a look
@NETscape Probably not, though that behavior is pretty standard
probably not, what?
i don't mean wrote the actual feature. i mean he just did the same thing in XAML the other day.
@user2806673 Pretty simple, presumably your list box with "a, b" has actual objects
and a and b should contain a reference to their associated lists
at which point you do:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=MasterListBox, Path=SelectedItem.SubItems}"/>
or something like that
my listbox1 contains objects a b..and also their correcsponding lists... what i want to do is to show checkbox with every item of sublist
ex. on clicking a, it should show 3 items in listbox2.. [X]1 [X] 2 [X]3
[X] is check box
do exactly what I said
my problem is how to bind my list containing objects { string vmname,bool val} to checkbox
  <CheckBox  Name="cb" IsThreeState="False" Content="{ Binding vmname}" Unchecked="CheckBox_Unchecked" Checked="cb_check" IsChecked="{Binding Path=ischecked, Mode=TwoWay }" />
@NETscape I was responding to you asking if there was a way to avoid deselecting on click
You already have that part right
as Lynn mentioned, you need to get your ItemsSource binding correct
what should i write there..
oh gotcha
sorry..m new to wpf..its my 2nd day nly
like in itemsource should i write itemsource=list<class_name>
DId you understand the sample I posted?
No, you should write the name of a property to bind to
in this case, we can do a neat trick and bind to the SelectedItem property of another list box
i have writtten separate event on that..like whenever item of master lsitbox is slected display containts of listbox2
Yeah, you don't need to do that
if you have to use UI events or code-behind at all, you are almost always doing it wrong
(note, I did say, and mean, almost)
is there anyway i can share code....its sample code..u can have a look
If its small post here (use Ctrl+K to format) or post a Gist
not very small
Then put up a gist. Though I'm sure my solution is the right direction :)
80-90 lines may be
Why don't you try asking about what you don't understand, instead of asking for a fully-formed solution from me
okay..what i want to do is just bind that boolean value to checkbox..and i want to change those boolean values on respective change in check box
@user2806673 we understand what you're trying to do. stop explaining it to us. Bradley is trying to help you but you're not listening
and also.. m not able to display contains of listbox properly..like it is showing checkbox but name with it is not visoble
Yeah, I feel like you aren't really trying to understand what I'm telling you to do.
Like NETScape said, we get what you want, I described the solution to you
Now try it, or explain what is currently confusing you that is preventing you from trying it
Ask questions, don't just look for working copy-paste code
giving itemsource as you mentioned dint worked..it gave me blank listbox2
how did you "give itemsource?"
post your code to gist.github.com
and give us the link
Well, you are sort of close
first off the listbox is hidden, not sure if you make it visible
also Hidden is almost never used, just so you know
Collapsed is usually far better
And you are binding to SelectedItem, which is fine if the object is a collection, but since it probably has a collection, you need to bind to SelectedItem.SomeCollectionProperty
not working.. :(
it is not even showing the checkboxes..listbox3 is all empty
Then you didn't set up the binding correctly
you'll probably see errors in your output window
they will show up as System.Data exceptions
time to do some debugging, then come back with any questions you have
how to set a property..
it has error..property not found on object
Then you tried to use a property that doesn't exist on the given object
the errors are pretty self-explanatory
check that the property name you used matches the property name in the object
property name means thae member of class right..??
Yes, but it does have to be a property
you can only bind to public properties
yes..it is public.
Which, by the way, should always be named in PascalCase
Make sure its a property, and not a field...

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