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Q: Fix the first row in a DataGrid

peterHow can one fix the first row in a DataGrid so that it stays on top even if the DataGrid is sorted? I've searched for quite some time but could not find a satisfying solution. I need the row to remain fixed when using the auto sort and cannot believe this is so hard..

2 hours later…
Argh! Anybody know how to get rid of the annoying visual studio errors. "Cannot find resource dictionary" ? It exists, its loaded at runtime, but the designer viewer doesn't like it.
have you tried closing all tabs ?
1 hour later…
Anybody here use Telerik?
Which Telerik?
Also, good morning everyone.
I have used some of their gunk in the past.
Billdr - wpf
Im having a nightmare with just getting an item to check if its double clicked
if you could take a quick look it would be much appreciated
basically bind to a a heirarchical data template, i've gone ahead an presumed the DoubleCLick event is Direct
But it does not get recieved
And to restate the problem to ensure understanding: You double click your stack panel and nothing happens.
The binding doesn't fail. Maybe i've missed somthing but I thought i could hook into the event this way
@Asheh what do you mean, Yeah ? did you get rid of the resource dictionary errors btw ?
No :( I gave up !
I just noticed a cool feature of Snoop. You can track events!
So triggers are an entirely new concept to me. I wonder why you're using them here over the MouseDoubleClick attribute.
I'd guess StackPanel doesn't have that attribute?
They are? Man you haven't lived!
They are awesome
It just allows me to catch events and convert them into a command call
I don't wpf. I'm here because the ASP.NET room annoys me.
Almost as much as the C# room.
@Billdr they don't really have, it's attached properties
So the event makes it down to RadTreeViewItem
But no lower?
Does that mean its "direct"?
Unless it starts at RadTreeView item and bubbles...
I would think it bubbles out of the stackpanel since stackpanel doesn't have a listener for the doubleclick event. That is 100% guess work.
It is very possible that I don't understand triggers.
Are you listening to some late 90s-early 00s party rap?
This is the song I was thinking of. Master P might not be party rap. youtube.com/watch?v=d5ZvzIOO6aU
Im actually listening to some classical right now to try and keep me calm
i'm listenning to this : youtube.com/watch?v=YfgnJse98cA
8hrs Commercial Bonnet Hair Dryer "Sleep Sounds"
it's awesome
I have another idea
I can bind to selected item, and hook into "double click" on the root. This should tell me what item is double clicked?
I hope :)
I would create a minimalist project and try
I'm listening to this: weirdthings.com/category/podcasts
not coding yet. Probably won't get to today.
I was rewatching Ghost Dog this week end
I like the OST :)
hahaha, ghost dog. Wow. The trailer for that was on ...either some anime or the movie Strangeland. I'd watch the vhs with that trailer a few times a week because I didn't own many movies. Never got around to seeing the full movie.
Is it as dumb as I remember the trailer looking?
what do you mean dumb ?
like nirvana dumb ?
lunch time !
Campy. Like... okay, he's got a master who's been kidnapped or killed, so he takes on the mafia with a katana.
Like a Steven Segal/Chuck Norris movie.
Got it working by binding to selected item
i can now have lunch
I am not a huge fan because it relies on the Binding of SelectedItem to be fired before ItemDoubleClick event
It's 6:15am. That's too early for lunch, even for me.
But surely thats always true
That binding would happen on the first click, right/
Yeah hope so
this way makes sense because I also have things that need a multi-binding
Now for some pillars of eternity :)
I'm hoping to do episode 2 of Life is Strange tonight, might spill over into tomorrow. Then it's Pillars of Eternity. And Star Citizen.
no Bill it's not dumb, you should watch it, it's on youtube
I'd be more inclined to watch it if it were dumb. Now that I have disposable income (and bittorrent) I'll probably get to it. Thanks.
@Billdr Pillars of Eternity is brilliant so far
Everyone has said that.
1 hour later…
More problems with Teletrik
@Asheh like wuh
Does anybody have a favorite pattern for implementing drag and drop that they'd like to share..?
@NETscape onto docking now :)
Got what I watned working
I didnt realise you could have multiple inheritence but only if you inherit frm an interface
yeah C# is much better than java Asheh ;)
@LynnCrumbling google show any good implementations?
@NETscape are you a telerik user?
Telerik is the devil.
Why do you tell me this!
@LynnCrumbling did you read this codeproject.com/Articles/420545/… ?
@Asheh yess
Actually, Telerik bought Fiddler. Fiddler's awesome.
so telerik is awesome. amirite
no... they just haven't screwed it up yet.
@NETscape The problem is that I don't feel comfortable enough to decide what is "good". (from an MVVM standpoint.)
@NETscape There are a ton of approaches to implementing DnD in wpf.
well it's mostly view related
another 3 hours trying to figure out why DataTEmplates DO NOT WORK inside of RadDock
@Asheh why wouldn't they?
You tell me
They have a weird MVVM implementation
I guess this explains it
So - the most common approach is to used Attached Behaviors. I seen few articles that use this: this is one. ... this is another
@NETscape I don't think it should be view-related at all. I think only a minimal amount of markup should be view-related (IsDrop=true). Most of the code should be unit-testable.
you have to click and hold in order to handle moving objects from UI element to UI element. the behavior which happens during the drop would be done in attached behaviors, which should stick with the view logic.
all it is as far as the view side goes is moving a element from one container to another... it shouldn't depend on the elements that are in those collections unless they are controls for specific types
Urggghhh got it almost working but then realised the reason is. The DataContext is not passed down the tree
72 hour support ticket turn around kill me now
/me bites his tongue.
Im gonna try signup to the 2k package
And get web-based-help
boring meeting time wherein people realize they have no idea how to put together requirements for a project. Ta.
@franssu still around?
@NETscape not for long though
@Asheh Wow. That seems... long.
@franssu so i'm implementing a "login" service... user clicks a button to enter credentials. service validates, changes property based on which credentials they enter
where should that service come into play, is what i'm asking i guess
entering elevated credentials will mainly enable/show/etc. buttons/options on the UI
it might have that effect but it's not what it will mainly do
say I have a CredentialService class. it would expose the Validate(usrname, password)... a correct usrname/pass combo would raise an ApplicationLevelChanged event
you have to think domain first
this isn't really anything to do with my domain, i guess?
what a user can or can not do on objects of the domain is part of the domain
say my domain has a Device which has a collection of Parameter, Parameters... in "regular" application level, I only show 10 columns. if I enter a "advanced" application level, it shows 11 columns. the Parameter information is always going to be there, its whether or not i should show it
@franssu I would say these credentials are part of the "application domain"
maybe I'm wrong
sorry I have to go
these credentials effect what my application provides the user... features
I'll look at it tonight
i dont have to enter credentials on my actual domain objects in order to change/view look at them
maybe @BradleyDotNET will see this :)
looking.... ;)
Not really sure what your question is
clearly this whole "domain" talk is screwing with my head
i'm going to implement this credential service thing
Yeah, I'm not sure how its really affecting your code, or design for that matter
Is separating the two really helping you?
well it should be some type of "service"
or, better asked, is making the distinction helping your code and design?
but anyways, right, you have an authentication service
i haven't been writing code. i've been writing out my design
and it seems to be making sense
but the features/requirements/function of my application is making thinking about the design become a little hectic
alright, well an authentication service is pretty standard
its like i'm writing visual studio application at the same time i'm writing MSBuild and the C# compiler. and i'm trying to separate all three "domains" so to say
so AuthService. a valid API could be:
public AppLevel Authenticate(string, string)
public AppLevel CurrentLevel
okay so where would i call AuthService authService = new AuthService();...
I'm assuming I would then path authService to a ctor to be IoC friendly
Test message
Yeah, I would expose it through something like that
You would need to inject it into whatever used it
@shakthi it worked?
lol no brad. I changed my display name. idk why the new name wont appear. may be cookies. i usually be at c# room. i just spammed here to test. :P
or the cache
SE caches a lot
yeah probably. kinda caching the whole lot of everything
I read a post on jon skeet blog. care to know what ?
he is not happy with visual studio and winforms. WPF is lot better.
lol, I would hope thats most developers position
@NETscape Did I answer your question, or were you still asking something?
@BradleyDotNET okay, so it would probably just go in my "application domain," ir the application view model.
well my applicationviewmodel would have a ctor that accepts it
Although with IoC, you probably wouldn't be doing constructor injection there
just depends on how you want to set it up.
brad, what 5 tech questions would you ask if you're hiring a developer in winforms, C# ? no wpf
1. if you could choose winforms or wpf, what would you choose.
2. if you love winforms, would you be willing to transition into wpf?
3. in what ways is wpf better than winforms?
4. why does winforms suck compared to wpf?
5. do you actually like winforms?
1. WPF because winform sucks
2. yes
3. Seperation of concerns, better for gui desigining, xaml :*
4. I dont know exactly why , but winform sucks
5. Yes i like it, i would love it if it was better.
i am a noob :\
@shakthi I wouldn't really ask winforms based questions. I would ask C# questions.
i think of winforms/wpf as the front end (UI), C# as the backend.
yes, i am not into wpf, but i been working with a winform app of code base 20+ GB
is that, gigabytes?
and showered with devexress controls all over. thats a pain in the b**t
yeah gigabytes
14 solutions with almost 60+ projects.
Single application. lol 5000+ forms , thousands of tables and sps. linq to sql (Dlinq) kinda stuff without linq. real pain. i hope you understand.
so sup with you guys ?
If I was hiring for a winforms position, yeah, I would worry way more about design patterns, good practices and the like
d e r p
winforms doesn't lend itself to that, so I want to know the guy knows how to do it right
and then can adapt to winforms
yeah, very important. first time when i saw a method "marshalByRefobject" , i thought someone named the method after their ex-job. pity
@BradleyDotNET right, it should be tightly coupled to application viewmodel, right
Which thing is tightly coupled?
applicationviewmodel should always have a appauthservice instance
and thats why we shouldn't pass it to the ctor of the applicationviewmodel
Two hours of meeting. The first question still unresolved. "Is this a web page or a word document?"
don't you love that
@NETscape Unless you have an IoC container it goes and gets it from
@Billdr Bike Shedding FTW!
@NETscape That's typically why you do pass it to the ctor...?
We have a guy at work who I think is void perfect. Have never seen him write a method that returns anything.
Found a spectacular implementation of stddev:
perfectly impure developer
he's one who'd definitely need to sit down in a room with me for an hour :p
Word Reed. I know so much about how I'm supposed to format the tables that may or may not align with our datasets though, so I got that going for me, which is nice.
Call Add n times and keep count. After that get the value from .Value. .Value has convenience built in so it clears the inner collection on get.
We tried to discuss the design but our suggestions about making it pure was "just another way of doing the same thing"
Another gem I found yesterday is public void Get...
Elite level imo.
Could you come up with that even if you were given plenty of time?
If the task was to write antipatterns.
public void Get?
yeah - you just return the data in an event
or a callback if you want to be really nice
it was setting properties :)
public void GetValue(Action<int> callback)
ooo, very nice
I checked history it had never returned anything
yeah, that makes code pretty much unmaintainable
public void GetStuff(int magicnumber)
    var value = (int) _nc.ReadRParameter(magicNumber);
         case -888:
              SomeStatusProp = Status.Error;
ugh.... Some people's kids...
gotta love the magic numbers, too
the stddev one was far worse
the fact that as a caller you needed to know n and keep count to get an accurate result
derp it was moving average
3 hours later…
@BradleyDotNET around?
@NETscape Yep
@BradleyDotNET so I added a AppAuthService to my ApplicationViewModel
so I create a command, which should open a window on button click.
how should i open window, or how would you, open window from button click?
Ah the modal issue
I seem to remember Reed had a neat way of doing that
i know he had a "close dialog with mvvm" approach
@BradleyDotNET do you just use "pop ups" for something like this?
Well, thats what opening a window usually is...
I try to avoid it if I can fit the operation into normal flow though
well my current implementation calls a IDialogService.ShowLogin(....)
but i don't know what to pass it.
ShowLogin (aka MainWindow class), would call var lw = new LoginWindow(...); lw.ShowDialog();\
not sure if I should pass the AuthService instance to the window and/or AppSettings to display current info, and/or some other type that will allow me to authenticate after window is closed, or what
Yeah, thats hard
Perhaps pass it a VM instance and use the DataTemplate method to generate your view?

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