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I wanna see world war z
right now.
also the rest of breaking bad.
and everything else thats awesome.
Everybody watch that
That is the best movie ever made
what did I just see
sorry but.. I feel like I have to do this now
the heck
what am I seeing?
Quick, burn your eyes out nexpresso.de
Awww, did he take it down
ok I gotta work on this code.
God I hate having cold hands at the comp x.x
type faster.
130WPM should be enough
apparently not
if yo uhave cold hands
Actually I'm probably like 1WPM with my cold hands x.x
i freakin love d3js
best library ever.
Three.js > d3.js
By about a million times.
Because 3 comes before d in ASCII ORDER
i repeat... why?
@Gacnt, stoked bro.
i like the enter -> update -> exit pattern of d3
thats sweet :)
so this one time, this guy, he asks me to help him out on this project
@nebulae did anybody ever tell you that your mini avatar looks kind of creepy ? Like some angry .. grudge ... creeps me out !
@jAndy The Game
what? I dont look anything like that
Im not angry or creepy or any of those things
not right now anyway
I'm even smiling in that picture
its all perfectly fine if you zoom in
but the little version makes me shudder
in a non creepy way
well good then, now that we have that all cleared up
so this guy asks me to help him out on this .net project
and Im like, ok sure, what do you need?
@nebulae Date @jAndy He's currently single and looking, and he is very beautiful.
and he's like well, we wanna put in some intellisense boxes,
so that they can type and see results,
and we wanna style it up and do this and that...
@Gacnt I never go fishing in my own lake
so Im like, ok cool,
go off, do so, come back
and hes like
@copy awesome
to this DAY
I cannot figure out how he expected it to be any other way
I noticed my general purpose map uses less memory than native too
@Esailija We're naming our second cat after you.
also, @Gacnt, he finds me creepy so no.
@BadgerGirl cool :D
@nebulae you can't minimize yourself in reallife so thats not a problem :P
@BadgerGirl cool story bro
whats the female version of bro
@BadgerGirl you need to get a third cat and name it after me or I might not talk to you again
But Andy is too normal. Besides we're naming the third phenomnomnominal.
And I'm 100% confident, I have the best mustache
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr matey
I think the tint may be, too dark on my truck :/
@BadgerGirl what about THE GAME. That would be an awesome name for a cat
all my cats are named kitty.
@BadgerGirl You don't even like the thought, do you?
@Gacnt Don't be annoying
big, bigger, lemon
@phenomnomnominal Fix me you bully
Bridge outside my town gave out from all the rain x.x
oh yeah, we have some tiny problems with rain here too
Where you?
even if its not funny at all, I had to smile about that one
lemonmeme.com/demos/The%20Blob still a heavy WIP but you get the idea (again) and this time (hopefully) no audio lag.
wait for it to load
feels like New Venice
white screen otherwise
@phenomnomnominal Quit playing games with my heart
You're such a little bitch
well THATS cool.
@rlemon i also clicked.
@phenomnomnominal God you know how to turn me on
@rlemon looks a little like @Gacnt broken heart
Watch that facebook video
crazy stuff
awaiting video
2 mins ago, by Gacnt
being stupid and blind
so the whiteish circles are force points - they influence the liquid with audio channels.
view source to see the (eventual) options
(sorry, I'm going to need a restart - I'll be back in ~6 minutes. 10 tops)
Interesting stuff in the last 15 minutes...
the trick is going to be finding the right position for the force points : channels to listen too : song
@jAndy You see that?
I wanna see the news report
is "carmen" a known english/american/brittish name ?
I've lived in the same small town for 22 years, I don't think I've met one carmen, (canada)
I've known a few carmens
in canada
@jAndy Is that your drag name :P hahaha
What part o' canada
Oh well, I guess I'm thinking of Carmen Sandiego
Where, in the world is, ^
northern alberta me, from saskatchewan originally tho
there is such a bad joke about the name.. like.. a dude asks a girl about her name and she answers.. "my name is a combination of the two things I love most"... "cars and men".. so she asked back, whats your name ? ... he thinks for a while and shouts... "VAGINABEER!"
How northern
(cool, only 4 minutes)
@rlemon this is pretty cool.
but I had to laugh hard the first time
of course
Oh nice, I'm where the oil plants are, I'm sure you've heard of
lots of oil plants :)
You're 5 hours from me
Alright, I'll narrow it down, a trailer (mobile home) costs $500k
I dont live there anymore
I'm really excited for iOS7 now :/
500K for a mobile home? thats insanity.
Still in AB?
I'm north of Edmonton ^^
nope, on an island in the pnw now
pacific northwest
I'm bored, I'm gonna go put on my helmet, eat some crayons and lick some windows, bbl
@rlemon should this work on mobile chrome or... should I not wait? lol
probably not
I waited on mine and it never played
prolly no audioContext
web audio isn't on mobile yet
ahh sad
@Brian Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@jAndy I've heard the name plenty. I've never met anyone with it.
Shit, I was late on that.
!!listcommands 2
@Gacnt 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, convert, define, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, 5318008, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad (page 0/2)
@Gacnt spank, ln, meaw, heybabe, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, commandyourself, foo, test, loktar, gayclubs, rickroll, roryroll, gimmeakitten, regtest, lucky, tgif, artisticpoop, censorship, gm, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, mustache, nudge, mute, unmute, spec, stat, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, wiki, youtube (page 2/2)
did you guys see NPH at the Tony's yet?
What's the command to check mute list, either I'm really tired, retarded (most likely case), or just to antsy to leave work, I don't see it there
!!listcommands 1
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
I'm out, gn'8 or have a nice day :>
Later homie, gl
Can someone clean my screen for me
I'm out too. have fun
Got sneeze on it?
Nah just dust
I got sneeze on mine :/
Man, it is too easy to impulse buy online.
I bought my Nexus 4 2 seconds before I went to bed, I know what you mean
Just because I some how ended up on the play store looking at them
I just spent another 100 bucks on lego.
@phenomnomnominal Why are you buying so much lego?
@BadgerGirl, I may be slightly depressed and using it as a coping mechanism
God setup for so many good jokes, but they're just too far
@phenomnomnominal If you ever wanna talk :) - Serious.
@Gacnt, nah bro, I'm all good, I just sit in my room playing emo songs :)
Is it cause of the women?
@phenomnomnominal Makes sense. We're here for you. :)
@Gacnt, yeah buddy
:/ How long ago was it?
couple of weeks, but realistically it had been coming for a few months.
If it makes you feel any better, my girlfriend and I, fought every day, for ever, then she broke up with me, dated some other dude for like 3 months, realized what she lost (I know right?) and then came back to me, I took her back (go ahead and hate) and we couldn't be happier!
So there's still hope ^^, sometimes, a break is a good thing
7:01am, I'm now working for free, fuck that, home time!
@Gacnt, no hate from me
Go home, douche.
Will do!
Keep your chin up, slugger ;)
Are there any reasons why properties on window.getComputedStyle(object) would be different from object.style?
@phenomnomnominal $100 well spent.
Hello all
I need help with node.js
is it good place for asking?
You should find your answer there.
Ok I see I can ask :)
is anyone of you have trouble with run application using express and socket.io?
Probably not
I have probably problem with routing but can't find reason
I put my question on SO: stackoverflow.com/questions/17035214/… and still trying find solution
Of course you cannot run two applications on the same port
Classy as fuck
So I'm trying now run on the same port without using grunt server command
How would the OS know which app to give the packets to
and on default routing
I have something that
TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
app.get('*', function(req, res){
this above is part of the default routing
Q: Layout manager: decouple DOM insertion from construction and rendering?

John SyrinekI'm refactoring a responsive report builder in JavaScript. Here's what it looks like: This started as a small set of objects that transformed data, rendered the graphs with D3.js, and managed the layout all in the same object. The graphs can be removed by the user, and they resize based on scre...

@WooCaSh Look for any object you're calling [0] on
Usually you get a line # don't you
No there was another problem
I wasn't have index file
What's your main language x.x
Ok, j/w
I'm trying write as well as I can
correct me if I made mistake
It is all good, you are doing fine
so, probably I need rewrite my application
I mix too many new things in one application
What is your problem
that you are having
some without good understanding them
actually it start working
I thought that grunt server is a like apache for php
by this command my page was runing on port 9000
Just curious, what are you trying to accomplish?
but I can't serve node server things on the same port
What you wanna do is
(if using express)
I want have whole application working on the same port
express + websockets + angular
and I started with Yeoman
but now I see it was bad way
http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){
  console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));
}); << Is the default line from running Express,

change it to

var server = http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){
  console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));

io = require('socket.io').listen(server);
actually I have something that
var express = require('express'),
    app = express(),
    server = http.createServer(app),
    io = require('socket.io').listen(server);
and then server.listen(9000);
I need follow by this seed probably
@phenomnomnominal Just to clarify, shouldn't he call .listen on createServer also?
nvm im retarded
@WooCaSh I'm not sure, I've never used Angular
Here is something interesting for me github.com/yeoman/yeoman/wiki/Yeoman-and-Express
Hope it works, I'm gone to bed, I've never used Angular so I have no idea at all of how it works
ok Thanks for trying.
np, gl
Sony are so much smarter than MS
@Gacnt Sony is so much smarter than MS (source)
Sony is a group of people.
And they are so much smarter than MS
100 bucks cheaper than XBone
@phenomnomnominal do you mean the company Sony?
No I mean the country.
I didn't say better, I said smarter.
Country, Sony.
has anyone used requirejs or browserify on a really large codebase for front end development without node? What was your experience?
@FlorianMargaine maybe ^ ?
@BrandonGelfand Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Been here before....
And thanks for the hello :)
So I have an ethics question, I have a rude customer who constantly badgers and patronizes me, they also never pay on time. They are now switching to 3D cart, do u think its bad to charge them a ton of money for canceling and being such a pain in my as$
$30 an Hour x 5 hours = $150
$150 domain name transfer fee
$75 cancelation fee
$25 last months fee

Total $400
no i don't
charge the shit out of them
i've had clients like that before
if you don't show them who the real boss is they will walk all over you
Unfortunately that's been happening recently until I put my foot down, they were taking advantage of my kindness
people will always do that, they don't realize what actually goes into coding
if you lose a client for putting your foot down, they weren't worth it anyway
has anyone used requirejs or browserify on a really large codebase for front end development without node? What was your experience?
and if you are a good programmer and get work done on time, they will be back, trust me, cause most programmers are flakey fucks who can never get anything done
@redline Ty for the help, I wasn't sure if I should or shouldn't but they are gonna get a nice bill tonight. I had them transfer there domain name to me as insurance for things like this. U dont pay me, u dont get ur domain name back. Simple
very smart
make sure you always have a contract though as well, the last thing you want is a legal battle
when holding a domain for ransom
Yeah, I own the domain name because I registered it, I know they are gonna fight with me on it, but it will be fun when I win.
just make sure you stay polite, explain why the charges are the way they are, and these are CHARGES, NON-NEGOTIABLE
Yes, I need to make sure I do tht, Ty
no problem, glad to help
oh and BTW, i would recommend having a clause in your contracts about late payments as well
Yeah, I am gonna put tht in tonight
here is a blurb from my contracts:
"Contractor shall provide Client with sufficient details to support its invoices, including time sheets for services performed and expense receipts and justifications for authorized expenses, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. Payments for services invoiced that are not received within 30-days from date of invoice will be subject to a 5% penalty per calendar month."
good morning guys
Do u think u can email me a copy of ur contract cause mine doesn't look very nice like tht...
what's your email
1 sec
I'm sending you a real contract so you can see a finished one, i'm just removing all the personal information, so 1 sec
Do you guys use Elance?
I did, I didn't like it
Use oDesk
Never heard of that. I'll look into it.
I need to make some extra cash and am thinking of freelancing a bit for now.
oDesk has a lot of good wealthy ppl and companies on there looking for programmers
Sometimes startups as well
Sounds good. I'm looking at it right now.
I can't say I'm a fan of the website...
Ty @redline
no prob
so now that i did my good deed for the day, it's time for a smoke break, brb
apple.com/mac-pro <- freaking cool site
And not just because it's apple.
Lol, I am running iOS 7 and its looking nice
I wasn't to happy about the switch to flat but it does look nice
What's a decent rate to charge on oDesk?
I make $12/hr now for Web Dev, but I know it's pretty damn low.
Also is it better to round out the rate so that the client is paying a nicely rounded figure?
Such as charging $14.40 so that the client is actually charged $16 even.
Yes, that's wht I do
What are you charging?
If you don't mind me asking, that is.
25 to the client
Damn. What specifically are you doing?
Any info is great to me. I've never done any kind of freelance work. I currently work as a Web Dev for a local corp. But I only graduated HighSchool this year.
Ah. I hate OOP.
I am doing a bootstrap startup, u would be working for free biting the long run take part of the company
But in*

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