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If ur interested we can talk
What's the company all about?
It's a customer loyalty and takeout ordering site for businesses with customer statistics and marketing
If you want to send me some more info I'll give you an email address.
U have a Skype?
Not that I've used in years. I don't remember the name.
Why's ur email?
Dammit! 2 hours wasted because I'm stupid.
I am out on my phone, I will email u when I get homr
@CallMeDummy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
that took longer than expect :P
can anyone check this question once stackoverflow.com/questions/17036193/…
Is caprica automated?
@phenomnomnominal That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@phenomnomnominal 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, convert, define, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, 5318008, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad (page 0/2)
@phenomnomnominal I AM A ROBOT
!! ultimateinsult
Can't watch now I am in office
When did we rename the robot??
about a month ago
Lol, k
Is tht the name of someone's girlfriend or wht? Caprica
go watch Battlestar Galactica
@redline hehe hehe hehe hehe..... hehe hehe ... hehe
Q: Newest version of javascript

andyDoing updates to my site and all the files seem to update ok, except the javascript files. I think this is to do with the version, but try as I might I can't get version numbering to work. wp_register_script ('headjq', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . "/js/headjq.js"); wp_enqueue_...

@Joseph82 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@web2students.com Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi bot, even bot know me now :P
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
any1 has to ask anything in js/php?but question should be within my knowledge :P
so, nothing then.
hm @phenomnomnominal it means either nobody has to ask anything or my knowledge is too small to answer
the latter
:P anyway i am not chatting more else i may be banned. better stay off than others ban me
Hi please check this link jsfiddle.net/venkateshwar/X8FSw/10/show
How to include selectivizr plugin in the above jsfiddle
to make the first-child and last-child pseudo selectors work properly even in IE8
has anybody here used dataTableS?
Any help?
I updated the fiddle
"I want to show the text of last td in color"
working fine in chrome and firefox
but not in IE8
eventhough I included selectivizr in the fiddle
@rpmatt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Dinesh - I used datatables on a project a bit back -
@redline I sent the invoice, I can't wait to see what happens
@codebrain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey peeps. I have questions on implementing jquery validation in MVC forms. anyone have few minutes ?
@rpmatt my issue seems specific to my situation so trying to fix it myself
Hi, I created an array addressobj[span_name] = $thisval; in each
console.log out is
[contactName: "David Cumings", address1: "34/2 Bernard Street", address2: "Edinburgh EH6 6PR", address3: "", city: "", state: "", country: "Scotland", telephone: "07725057500", email: "[email protected]", contactTwitter: "mashable", contactFacebook: "mashable", contactBlogger: "", contactLinkedIn: "", contactWordpress: "", contactPinterest: ""]
I want to store this data in text field
how to convert it to string
I tried with JSON.stringify()
it just display empty []
@gowri is addressobj an array or an object?
typeof == object
It's surprising the console outputs this. Usually the console doesn't use brackets for objects.
What browser is that ?
@dystroy: chrome
ah my mistake var addressobj = []
I was used it
I think it's correct addressobj = {}
yep it works :)
Top 20% for JS test on oDesk...
Funny how I'm definitely not that good at it.
@Jhawinsss, what's that?
Yay, there's nothing better to see in the morning than a failed IMAP login attempt from a chinese IP with a password I'm using in a bunch of other places ...
@phenomnomnominal oDesk is like Elance. They have skills tests to show that you're worth hiring.
@ThiefMaster you're managing your own IMAP server ? The reason I don't is that it looks like you have to spend so much time in fight for security
It's not worse than any other server software.
But I configured it to log failed attempts including the plaintext password that was used.
For freelancing.
Which is great - otherwise I wouldn't even know that one of my passwords is compromised
Well, most of my server software can't be easily pirated and for most of them I wouldn't even care.
Uh, how is pirating related to it?
sorry, wrong word... we use the same in French for hacking
Running your own email server is nothing that extraordinaty...
In the HTML5 test the only category I got 100% in was events... Which is because of JS.
@BrandonGelfand Nice. Good luck with everything.
@gowri I feel sorry for this guy. Look at his last name...
@Jhawinsss: what's wrong in it
@gowri Cumings....
Pretty close to Cummings. Which is almost Cummin.
you just said a badword
I'm going to flag you
Haha is that one against the rules?
there's no rule
I gotta work tomorrow... Later all.
!!tell Jhawinsss Goodnight baby
@Jhawinsss Command goodnight does not exist.
Close enough, bitch.
I'm getting off now haha
Guys please some one answer this
Q: Make first-child and last-child work in IE8

Mr_GreenIn my project, I am trying to make the below css work in IE8 using selectivizr thead>tr:first-child>th:last-child { color: red; } tbody>tr:first-child>td:last-child { color: red; } As described in Selectivizr website, I added the below code in "External Resources" of JSFiddle. <scri...

I am in doubt whether I am adding the external resources in fiddle properly or not.
You should put an URL there
I tried first keeping url
it was not working
in IE8
then I did this
I will try again
no not working in IE8
"not working" means the first-child and last-child pseudo selectors are not working.
you tagged jquery but aren't even using it anywhere that i can see
why not just do this with jquery when IE <= 8 and be done with it...
instead you are including some external script to GitHub when you could have written 4 lines of jQuery there to do everything you needed
@GaneshKumar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi anyone cn help me for CSS??
@GaneshKumar read the comment just before yours
what is the alternate for float:left ???
or tfel:taolf
@dystroy tfel:taolf what is this?
it's the alternate of float:left
let me try
@GaneshKumar Your question might not be clear enough if our answers doesn't seem to solve your problem. But yeah, you can try it...
i find opacity:0 to work much better than float:left
@dystroy i want the alternate for floating because if i use floating the parent div height no work properly
@vincent Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@redline yes you are right it is easy with jquery
but I can't add dynamic code inside my project
which is very big
and it is yet to be release beta version
then just include sizzle
never tried that
let me check
and are you saying jquery is only a beta?
or your project?
i was just reading answers regarding indexOf.. and came across this:

~'string'.indexOf('ng') //returns truthy or falsy value

have you guys used this, would this be reliable for substring checking?
my project
!!> !!
@vincent It's reliable but not the easiest to read
@redline "SyntaxError: syntax error"
!!> !!'string'.indexOf('ng')
@redline true
@redline bad idea, !!
pfft yea ok
don't use !! for indexOf because !!-1 is true
!!> !!-1
@dystroy true
you could use ~
oh touche, i wasn't even paying attention to the function
@FlorianMargaine That's what Vincent uses. But if he has difficulty reading it, I suggest the simple obvious !=-1
but some people find it ugly
ah, didn't read
@dystroy indeed
yea, why go so far out of your way to make code unreadable for like 2 characters
Personally, even if I know the ~ trick, I use >=0 so that my colleagues phone me a little less often
nobody is in a bitwise mindset while you are working with strings
-1 inverse bit = 0
so it returns appropriately for indexOf
c'mon, boolean(~x) is (should be) a well known trick
but nobody thinks about bitwise when working with strings, it's bad code cause you're going well out of your way to make it unreadable
for no benefit
@all thanks. :)
would go for !== -1
@JanDvorak It's a well known trick when you know tricks but seriously I wouldn't suggest that all coders should keep it in mind. I know my head is small.
@ChristianCareaga Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
It this welcome message a bot? or @CapricaSix is so cool .
she's just cool
never leaves this place
gets paid a lot for it
@redline :D that's nice.
@vincent she's a bot ;)
!!> 2+2
@redline 4
@redline oh youuu >:)
@redline you didn't last very long today
Hey I solved it doing the following
A: Make first-child and last-child work in IE8

Mr_GreenI ended up doing the following as I have fixed columns :( thead>tr:first-child>th:first-child+th+th+th { color: blue; } tbody>tr:first-child>td:first-child+td+td+td { backgroung-color:green; color: red; } I did the above as first-child supports IE8 but not last-child. It is worki...

Is it correct?
(I don't care, working properly in IE8)
if you have fixed columns
yup I have
how to get variable of varible value
var obj = {'a':'cd'};
var g = 'a';
you are basically saying first-child+X
so you have to keep X constant
it's undefined
@gowri obj[g]
in php i use $$g == a
@gowri obj[g]
@gowri obj[g]
ah thanks :)
depends where you are
Man, the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Canada last weekend was cool but then also extremely sad.
Actually, it was only sad.
A marshal died.
They had to remove a car from the track towards then end of the race, the marshal dropped his radio, bent down to grab it and the driver of the recovery vehicle couldn't see him anymore in that position and then rolled over him.
@MusaabQamar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Huh? Regexes are falsy in Ruby?
Weird. /./.! is false, but !/./ is true
In your opinion, is it OK to flag an answer as exact duplicate (style included) when you're not involved ? My flag to this was declined :
A: How do I use jQuery positioning to put a child div on the top right corner of it's parent on the inside

MonWhy are you using a chainsaw to cut a piece of steak? You wouldn't, use a knife instead: .parent{ position:relative; } .child{ position:absolute; top:0; right:0; }

if that's an exact duplicate, it will be detected automatically
@JanDvorak not an exact duplicate : only the code is the same. There's a stupid sentence before the code.
@dystroy no he was funny, leave it
he deserves it
(that was sarcasm btw)
It's not copy-paste, and the code being the same doesn't prove anything - you wouldn't flag if they were closer together.
changed values are reflecting in the element object
You are free to downvote, however
Your for loop does not affect the string from which the form was parsed
I tried var newform = $(html).find(":input[type=text]").each
it only returns change input
When you do $('div').html(html);, you're ignoring the element you've already created, and parsing the same (unmodified) HTML again.
@JanDvorak: how to make it work
@gowri you have to append the existing element instead: jsfiddle.net/Y68zg/1
@gowri without using end(): jsfiddle.net/Y68zg/2
@phenomnomnominal Sorry, capitalization...was supposed to be args.findUserid
@JanDvorak: thank you
@Zirak what if the bot had a command for estimating the quality of english in a previous message based on some arbitrary point scale...you could skip over code, urls, ect.
I had question in my mind
you clarfifed that that too
Thank you somuch
@redline It would end all wars and bring peace to earth, surely.
Did you guys see the Mac Pro site yet?
Ignoring the actual computer
yes i saw your link
and definitely ignored those pieces of shit
looked nice
apple is good at that
they are the best shit decorators ever, they should open a fucking bakery
@gowri end returns to the previous selection, reversing the last traversal operation recursively. It's kinda powerful but it's hard to keep things readable while using it. And hell to debug.
@redline what about it is shit?
anything software related
It's quite a remarkable piece of design.
the hardware is sickly of course
@redline, you think it has bad software?
of course
That's a bit silly
but i'm not here to start an apple war, you're the one that said ignore the computer
maybe i misinterpreted
No one's starting an Apple war
i got way too much work to do to argue about apple
Anyways, the site is fucking gorgeous
yes, i have to give them that
alright, back to work
i'll cya later
Their claims for Safari in Maverick are impressive
@phenomnomnominal Link? Googling "macbook pro" didn't bring me much further
Is the Safari version tied to the OS version for Macs ? You'll have to upgrade the OS to use the faster version of Safari ?
I seriously love everything about this
@Ingo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ha, doesn't work in FF
Oh it does after a bit
@redline I haven't read the conversation, but is that an analogy to prototype chain?
@McNallyPaulo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FabrícioMatté lol, no, we were talking about apple products, but funny idea
Oh never mind, I see it is about the new mac pro. Guess my sub-conscious associated it with prototype for you being the creator of jTypes
preparing coffee brb
so you think i hate prototypes?
blasphemy !
nah, I've seen some of your comments and that you like to have both options
on off-topic, I just turned into the thing I hate most.. I'm joining meta discussion by free will
oh alright, then good, thank you :)
how is everyone?
fed up with Java and Android but fine
tired, a little confused.. but fine afterall. 'bout u ?
Q: ExpressJS Web Application - Getting Input from User

JR GaliaIm new to NodeJS and ExpressJS. Kindly review my code in getting input from the user. Please include best practices, conventions in NodeJS, ExpressJS and JavaScript. /app.json: /** * Module dependencies. */ var express = require('express') , routes = require('./routes') , user = require(...

I'm fine, thanks, being tired has become a constant condition for me, so I'm kinda used to it I guess
I'm still a student in that tired-business
@jAndy The Game
@CapricaSix you were a bad girl.

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