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How can i get an array from PHP to the post function via jquery
Look at the code below
    name:"Donald Duck",
    alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status);
@phenomnomnominal The fucked up version being the one below on that page?
@OctavianDamiean, yeh
here i want my data to be an array
heh, I like that one.
@FlorianMargaine I have been talking about JS all the time
i gave echo $array in the php file
but couldnt access using data[0] or data[index]
@udaysagar look at the url above on your browser
See the last word?
"javascript- The good parts" last edition is 2008 ?
the butterfly book
five years back
or is there any new edition
@Mr_Green The good parts are still unspoiled, just like fresh vegetables.
But, If you want the link between PHP and Javascript, which room do you go? @phenomnomnominal
@udaysagar You're not having a problem with the link between both but with PHP
Go to the PHP room ...
@udaysagar both. And ask the php questions there, and the js questions here.
@udaysagar did you use json_encode()?
especially in firefox, please.
@FlorianMargaine, you're second fastest in chrome
@FlorianMargaine doing it, in firefox, chrome, opera, safari, an ie now :)
@FlorianMargaine what info do i send you?
Canary is a lot faster than stable.
@Connor You don't have to send him the results.
He can see them.
@OctavianDamiean ok cool
@BenjaminGruenbaum It was strange seeing no vote and bad comments and answer on this one...
Hello i want a little help on that. I have that
var keyword =document.getElementById("theId");
how can i put the result inside "" show to eg. be like you write in the div with the theId
something and i want the to be as "something"
Is there any way?
thanks people
@dystroy I don't understand what they're quoting, "a string containing one or more CSS selectors separated by commas"
That makes no sense
it was a challenge in company...
@BenjaminGruenbaum maybe because they don't know CSS enough ?
@FlorianMargaine what is it?
@dystroy that dude probably only answered because he saw regex, he has 566 regex upvotes
"write a range function without using for, while or do"
@Mhche sorry?
only 2 css ones
surprisingly, lot of people participated
phenomnomnominal has invited you to join Trash can
I moved your message to trash can. I'm not suggesting you're rubbish.
Thanks (Y);
The trash can is the place where all the cool people go. :D
I have a form where you put text and i want the word you put inside the form eg. something then to be like "something"
With " "
@BenjaminGruenbaum I hope you don't mind my edit ? It it doesn't please you, remove it or fix it.
@FlorianMargaine why isnt opera showing?
@Mhche You listen for the change event, fetch the value each time it changes, add your characters and then set the new string as its new value.
@dystroy can't you (use regex)? I mean, are you sure there is no CSS selectors level 4 spec addition that lets you do that?
I know jQuery selectors let you do it (in a horrible way) (with a plugin maybe?)
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, I'm not sure.
@OctavianDamiean but how will i add my characters?
@dystroy it looks like it
@Connor i just saw json_encode
I echoed json_encode($array);
I accessed with data.name, It isnt displaying, instead its showing "undefined"
@BenjaminGruenbaum In fact there seems to be a regexp() in level 3
@dystroy link?
@udaysagar are you using jQuery?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Didn't yet checked the status : w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20120911
show me your ajax request
@udaysagar try data.uday...
@dystroy that's not for selectors though, just CSS conditionals (like @media)
@BenjaminGruenbaum might be only for document
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes
id: $("id").attr("key")
@BoltClock , if you're here, does any CSS spec extension let you do regexp selectors?
@Mhche It's just string concatenation. newValue = '"' + oldValue + '"' (conceptually)
@udaysagar press control/command K before you send code
Regular expressions for basic selectors would probably led to many problems, especially performance ones and unexpected backtracking catastrophes
That would be gross
@udaysagar try alert(data.uday); or console.log(data);
That would make css too cryptic and limit it to nerds like us
@FlorianMargaine actually, i gave 'name'=>'uday' in my code, and my code shows data.name...
oh, so the code you're showing us is not the one you're using, and you expect us to find out what's wrong? :-)
^^ Thats not what this says $array=array('uday'=>'sagar')
@dystroy found this lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2001Aug/0063.html , I agree that regex in css is a bad idea
@udaysagar what browser are you using?
chrome in ubuntu
@OctavianDamiean Yeah i have tried that,doesn't seem to work
@udaysagar do, you know how to use the console?
you mean inspect element?
@udaysagar no
@dystroy there is a new proposal from the mailing list, for :contains
if you get the dev tools up, then click on console, the last tab on the right
then in your ajax type console.log(data); then it will show you the data you received from the server
ok, i saw the console..next?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't like the way it goes. We'll need a supercomputer to display a page soon...
@dystroy What they're saying is that they're thinking of making some CSS selectors available only to QSA (and not to CSS stylesheets)
Uncaught ReferenceError: exit is not defined
@udaysagar yes try this
jAndy.prependTo( avatarList );
Duh no bot.
    type: 'POST',
	url: 'something.php',
	dataType: 'JSON',
	data: {id: $("id").attr("key")},
	success: function (data, status) {

@udaysagar ^^^
ok, i give a try @Connor
Damn, people flagging themselves in a 2 persons room...
@udaysagar add type: 'POST', before the url line?
ok, i ll add
@udaysagar edited
@Mhche Fiddle it up.
@OctavianDamiean Ok
@phenomnomnominal is there a quick way to add a users name into a chat message, i always click the little return arrow by the message, but it always goes at the start?
@ then the first letter then tab?
Thanks Dude. It has come!
Object {name: "uday"}
@Connor @ + the first letters of the user's name + TAB then Ctrl + then Backspace then Ctrl +
@OctavianDamiean jsfiddle.net/haaG7
@Connor That's if you want just the user name without pinging him.
@OctavianDamiean if you can see that tell me to explain better
huh, interesting. Nothing comes up. Kinda like jsFiddle would be broken.
copy paste to codepen.io
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'parent' of undefined
@phenomnomnominal it's a different domain, so you couldn't XSS jsfiddle
So if you're logged in, and someone sends you a fiddle, they couldn't fuck with your account
Fair enough!
I created my first test case :)
I hope I did correct
@BenjaminGruenbaum No
@OctavianDamiean Can you see that now so to explain?
@BoltClock TY
I want from the user to the keyword in the form and then to take the word e.g.something and treat it like "something" so to display all tweets with the word something.
to give the keyword*
Singapore Post has a shitty tracking service.
I mean... you can't track it once it's left your country? wth?
@OctavianDamiean thanks
@udaysagar cool, good luck
Q: Server-side vs Client-side web application Performance

hermann this is my first question on Programmers. I am an entry level programmer with only a few months of experience. Yesterday I was discussing with a colleague how we can improve the performance of a project we are working on together. The project is built with C# + Ext.NET + JS The plan was to mo...

@phenomnomnominal thanks
Should I put a link to my completely unrelated youtube account on my site?
Too many people in my town, need another plague
@jAndy woooo a new pic to play with!
@udaysagar stars are not for "thanks for solving my issue" messages, rather they're for fun messages or generally useful messages :-)
NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa BatAndy!
he actually makes a damn good batman
I can dig it
@jAndy how come you got 277 upvotes for this?!
reddit maybe?
advertise your answers
Array(16).join('wut' - 1) + " jAndy"
Do people actually do that?
yeah I think
you mean, the content of the SO question?
Haha no, post SO questions on Reddit
Reddit is the last thing standing between me and never getting any work done ever
I couldn't be arsed to comprehend that twitter crap there so I just created this pen.
@phenomnomnominal So wait, reddit helps you do your work?
@Neil, nope, not joining reddit yet is the only reason I do any
@phenomnomnominal Ah, that makes more sense :P
"created this pen" sounds so much less dirty than "created this fiddle"
@OctavianDamiean Thank you very much man it's so helpful!! Can you tell how can i get the result that it's output to a variable so to use it?

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