Hello i want a little help on that. I have that var keyword =document.getElementById("theId"); how can i put the result inside "" show to eg. be like you write in the div with the theId something and i want the to be as "something" Is there any way?
@Connor i just saw json_encode $array=array('uday'=>'sagar') I echoed json_encode($array); I accessed with data.name, It isnt displaying, instead its showing "undefined"
@phenomnomnominal is there a quick way to add a users name into a chat message, i always click the little return arrow by the message, but it always goes at the start?
I want from the user to the keyword in the form and then to take the word e.g.something and treat it like "something" so to display all tweets with the word something.
this is my first question on Programmers.
I am an entry level programmer with only a few months of experience.
Yesterday I was discussing with a colleague how we can improve the performance of a project we are working on together.
The project is built with C# + Ext.NET + JS
The plan was to mo...