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Also it makes it hard to not have my own computer right now.... Lmao.
app.use express.compiler
src: "#{__dirname}/public/scripts"
enable: ['coffee-script'] seems to be what I'm looking for
I can't decide if I should save for my Bonobo or if I should just get something now in the midrange because I need it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I want the Bonobo extreme from System76.
Should be the only thing I have to buy for a few years...
Why not get a desktop?
It's pretty impressive. Although I still don't know if I want to spend that kind of money. I think it's worth that price or at least pretty damn close.
For 1500$ you can probably get a desktop and an ultrabook
Because I'd like to use it as a desktop also. I have a monitor still. Wireless keyboard+mouse and I can do that at home but it can also go to the office with me.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Last thing, I couldn't find in the docs, if I want to declare a global variable from inside a function, how is that done in coffee, I've been just putting variable = at the top of my file
Or school if I decide to go this fall.
@XCritics don't declare a global variable from inside a function, or at all :)
window.varName if in browser. GLOBAL.varName if in node
Not really declaring :P I just need to use it elsewhere outside where the socket function gets it
I've considered dumping all $1500 into a desktop though. I don't want two machines is the problem.
oh do it in window
@XCritics don't use globals except for in extreme circumstance, there's almost always a better solution
window.varName isn't a global is it?
Yeah it is, window is a global object. Type x=5; window.x; in the console
I'm off to sleep, night
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah, right.
Anybody wanna give an opinion between two laptops?
The non-laptop
too much train travel as of lately...
@Jhawinsss I like powerful PC and netbook
Unless you're a gamer. In that case, even more powerful PC
@SomeKittens Haha.
I want a very powerful laptop.
I'd rather have a big laptop anyway, I don't like the skinny little ones that feel like they could break at any moment.
Macbook Air's feel like they could cut your toe off if you dropped it wrong...
yay, I configured `C-\` to insert a λ
That's a sexy letter.
With xmodmap?
!!Should ♦ or ♠?
@xcx ♠
On Emacs
(global-set-key (kbd "C-\\") (lambda () (interactive) (insert-char #x03bb)))
I find that expression amusing
I define the insertion of a lambda with a lambda
I'll look into xmodmap
Got it
keycode  51 = backslash bar Greek_lambda bar
ugh, damn keyboard
I'm doomed
To use AltGr I'll have to remap stuff...
^kl* in vim
Just map λ to caps lock or something
Like shift+caps-lock
very easy to hit too
@Jhawinsss you around
Anybody around that could help me test something for 2 seconds please :)
@XCritics If it's under 5 minutes, sure
yes it is
gacnt-dotafinder.nodejitsu.com/findplayers# go here and sign in with test@test / testtest
Otherwise, I should be sleeping for an hour now :)
and then click on 'Gacnt' when you see it there
I'd make the font color in the login area white too, just like the other fonts
Yeah I'm gonna revamp the styles once the functionality works
Wait, just got it
(reduce #'+ '(1 2 3))
Cool, I'm connected to the ws
who doesn't like that, really
Are you on the find players page?
Logging in doesn't work
@FlorianMargaine Nobody is muted
@XCritics sorry, I've got to go
@BenjaminGruenbaum Try a different login or are you gone
@Zirak I always help you test, help me for a second!
I just need to make sure this still works properly
@BenjaminGruenbaum You might like this: 2013.flatmap.no/einarjonas.html
@XCritics How may I help?
@Zirak It too late now, but thanks
Sorry, I was watching the talk above
any idea on coffee -o whether the source or output folder comes first
Did you try man coffee ?
im on windows atm
coffeescript.org/#usage there are also examples below it
@Zirak What's your take on CS?
I don't like it too much
The language is way too permissive (in syntax) and is very liquid
Hi all. am I blocked ignored? can anyone read this ?
@Zirak define liquid?
Ohh, I thought I was. Because, the page refreshed on it's own.
@phpNoOb That's you getting write access
@XCritics Benjamin Gruenbaum wrote a function some time ago that exemplifies that, one sec
May 18 at 14:20, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
[1,2,3,4].filter (elem,idx,arr) -> idx <= arr.indexOf elem
It took me about 4 reads to understand what goes where
Ohh, nice.
It's part of the language being too permissive. It may give readability in the simple case, but takes it away when you build on it.
Optional parentheses for function calls is so stupid
I'm so glad this isn't Ruby
[].filter.call could mean [].filter().call
How come CS puts every last line into a return, is that good or bad
That's the ruby inspiration: The result of the last expression is the function's return value.
def random
    4 #chosen by fair dice roll
There's an implicit return
See I don't find it hard to understand, really, I know that if it's the only thing in a function it's going to be on a return, and I know if there is a space after something like arr.indexOf its going to be its values
without looking it up I'm gonna guess
[1,2,3,4].filter (elem,idx,arr) -> idx <= arr.indexOf elem
turns into

[1, 2, 3, 4].filter(function(elem, idx, arr) {
  return idx <= arr.indexOf(elem);
And that was at first glance :/
But I'm sure I'll come across a scenario as you said
I understood that eventually. But it wasn't obvious to me at first.
I avoid the single line function / if statements anyways, for clarity
!!> [1,2,3,4].map(function(x) x*x);
@FizzyTea [1,4,9,16]
Never used map before, does it just let you alter each item in the array?
!!/tell XCritics mdn Array.map
So yeah
It returns a new array.
I said that in my mind
The only thing about CS that was weird for me so far, is for loops are done like

i = 0
while i < array.length
 do stuff
$(function() {});
shortened to
$ -> is awesome also
I dunno, I don't find it very readable either. It seems to be missing key visual cues.
But I've not read much, so maybe I'm just not used to CS.
> I'm sorry but I have to say it - PHP programmers are the worst of the whiny bunch of little bitches and even my pets are better at abstract reasoning. Sure, program in PHP, that's fine... but call yourself a PHP programmer and you've just lost all my respect! Your skills are an oxymoron!
> PHP programmer is as much of a programmer as the silence is deafening, darkness is bright, and vacuum filled with matter

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