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For stuff like that I usually just use codepen.io , it supports LESS, and you get to see live updates every time you stop typing, which is nice so you don't have to keep refreshing the page
@phenomnomnominal gacnt-dotafinder.jitsu.com help test pl0x
Just register a dummy account, I did some changes gotta make sure chat still works
Dem sockets be tricky
Sorry bro, busy
@Ariane Got time?
Writing an event + animation system for three.js
@phenomnomnominal Exam. No time for such things.
It's ok, I still love you
@Ariane ah, when you said exam, I thought you were just shortening example
1. Exam on deep-freeze machines. Not practical.
2. Time for what?
Help me test something real quick
on my site
gacnt-dotafinder.jitsu.com login with [email protected] / testtest and then click Find Players
are you on firefox?
@XCritics Yes. The result is "Loading. Please wait."
Would you mind using Chrome
Or do you not have it
Eh, yeah, lemme find Chrome.
Oh! I thought the site was super unreadable. You're using nothing but -webkit- for your CSS3, are you? :p
yeah :)
sorry could you use [email protected] testtest
Eh sure
I have to make it so it removes accounts from parties still
So I'm unable to invite you cause it thinks we're in a party already
Also, look into LESS Prefixer. Useful.
I'm unable to talk to you on that chat @XCritics
Can you check your console and see if there is any errors
None. Should I reload, or will it break something?
It will break, I'm looking at the server console now, will have to read over my socket code
Also, the interface is sorta weird on my end.
How old is your version of chrome just curious
You seem like you frequent Firefox
My version is 27.0.1453.94 m
Oh so you didn't actually get added to the party
I pressed OK on the popup though.
An lol, IMGUR does some weird thing to clipboard data. xD
It became a strange blurry JPG ~
should look like that in the party
should remove that must be in party message, and show the people in the party on the right
@140am Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Also, note how there's no line break after "You must be in a party to chat"
Yeah, but like I said, that should be gone
Look on my chat, it's not there
I know.
But say you want to display another message in the chat, like "Please press here to see a chat tutorial" or whatever, you'll need to fix this.
Additionally, the logo sorta gets lost visually, but seeing your screenshot, it's just a design problem
Does your console have any errors?
Still none
But I doubt it would get any unless I reload
I mean, whatever changes you make, if I don't reload, I still have the same old JS here
Also, zoom in on your page to see a serious sizing problem.
Oh I'm aware of my styling problems :)
Mmmh, okay
I'm just trying to get the functionality of the site working then I'll fix the design problems
So, do you want me to do something in particular?
No that's fine for now, I gotta read over my socket code, sorry I guess I could have said something, I'll ping you again in a little while if you're still here and able to help
Thing is, I'm going to bed now, so... You might want to have me do whatever you want me to do now, if possible.
Won't be for another little while, I'm probably going to bed right away myself anyways, thanks though.
Also, gonna tell my teacher because this local file issue. I lost 2 points because of this.
Punch her.
And I don't punch people. It hurts. My fist, I mean. As well as whatever pride I might've scooped up.
@XCritics Yessssss jsbin.com/obunol/32/edit
Anyway I'm off to bed, now. Good luck with your game thingie @XCritics!
@XCritics You're making an app for DOTA?
Something like that :)
Cool stuff.
I'm a league guy, myself.
I tried to get into it, found it too turtley
So, what do you think of my dock, @XCritics? I was basing it off of this:
But mine scales with the window
and responds nicely if you take away or add icons
even tons of icons lol
jsfiddle.net/R7dvD/2 <- @phenomnomnominal any ideas
^- @AmaanCheval lol just 1 line changed and its looking smexy
I haven't gotten to check it x.x I've been busy trying to fix my broken thing :/ gimme a minute :)
and mine doesn't use background images, just css.
np :)
@Darkyen, cool!
@phenomnomnominal you think adding meta ball behavior to the black will be cool ?
esp if i change the color to white and do a globalcomposite alpha to lighter on the real image :?
that could look nice!
will do it tonight then :D cya for now
@phenomnomnominal can u send me a screenshot of it mate ?
@Darkyen I don't have a camera, what does it do?
@m59 trails
@phenomnomnominal oh crap the 2/3 arent my code they are forked :[
duh ! (XD)
@phenomnomnominal see jsfiddle.net/R7dvD/4
@m59 Gotta second to help me test something?
@Darkyen I don't understand...but ah well, I'm sure it rocks. Party on!
@XCritics sure, if I can be of any help.
@Darkyen, sweet, what do you want a screenshot of?
gacnt-dotafinder.jitsu.com/findplayers @m59 go here, login with [email protected] / asdasdasd
and click 'Find Players'
@m59 tell me when you're done
@phenomnomnominal u making trails :D lol
it wont take a picture of u :-)
@XCritics Very High
W/L Ratio
Death Prophet
accepted a request
@m59 Are you on Chrome?
You accepted? Hmmm
yep, nothing happened.
Hey, just a thought...what framework are you using?
for which
Did you get a second party invite?
@XCritics chatsocket.js:121
Uncaught Error: NotFoundError: DOM Exception 8
@XCritics ok, checked out the source. You just have jQuery, I see.
only for like 3 lines lol
I've been using AngularJS and I REALLY recommend it.
rest is just vanilla
Normally I just parse with Jade
For what you're doing, I think you'd do really well to not have any page loads.
Do you get what I mean?
I don't have any page loads :D
Still error on line 121?
click on my name
on the thingy
your name isnt on it lol
click on 'Gacnt'
Not there
never was.
should I care about any events other than mouseup, mousedown, mouseover, mouseout and mousemove?
That's what's causing the issue x.
What I mean is, every page has to load...
login = page load, find player = page load, logout = page load
login/out is ok imo
but that's all.
Is my name there for the thing?
Or no
ok click my name
Refreshing kind of breaks it
@XCritics yeah...I refreshed and now I can't see you or my chats...dunno if you can see my chats
@phenomnomnominal pefect
now lets add webAudio to it [tehe]
but thats after studying :D
@MeredithLeu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal you dance ? no literally because i cant dance :D Lol
@Gary Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
basic question, when you dance you do the coolest moves in a bass drop right :?
aka, super-fast spongebob =D
Wait, by "bass drop" you mean?
sooo here is the plan. it should trail as per the bass [ if bass drop is there the trails will be long so that u can make the coolest trails ]
The bass drops out?
no the bass explodes ur speakers
Yeah, maybe then haha
and then the sparkling colors or tips of fire [ i thought sparkles will look too twilight for me to test them out aswell ] should be according to the rest of spectrum
this should give me a very insanely cool dance + video demo :D .. shouldnt it :?
@XCritics so what do you think, will you check out Angular, or no time?
now ps i should study maths and keep this on trello so that i know to finish it :D
@Darkyen, all that I do is dance.
I am pretty much a dancing ninja.
@m59 Yeah I'll check it out, I'm just so tired of frameworks with javascript haha, btw I pushed a patch, just refresh the page tell me when you did
@m59 broooo
@XCritics done
was afk
Can you see me now?
@m59 invite me
I've just been guessing that a click is an invite?
yeah lol
click on my name
I did
a few times
@m59 Try to invite me now
@XCritics I want to show you the app I'm working on sometime. Let me get a few things cleaned up and remind me next time you me. I think if you see what I'm talking about, you'll be pretty excited about it.
Yeah, not leaving the parties, gonna restart the app
I kinda (or maybe really) cried when I started using it. It's that awesome.
For joy, lol.
refresh page again and invite me, and I will
I have to get going for now. Way sleepy.
I'll be glad to help test stuff when I'm around!
Night all!
later thanks for the help
@Zirak I wonder if people will be put off joining the room because it's in Gallery now
@phenomnomnominal just curious, is there a difference in speed between
for (var i = 0; i < usernamess.length; i++) {
                    if (usernamess[i].username === socket.username) {
                    } else {
                      io.sockets.emit('updatePlayers', usernamess[i]);
and if I was to swap the position of the if else statements, and put a ! in the if?
Probably, but also probably not worth worrying about
Oh I was just curious
Hades, handling events on 3d objects is a pain.
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone, do you know what the best thing ever is
Refactoring and then deleting like 100LoC
LoC ? :)
i need a coffee to follow you eheh
Lines of Code
eheheh :) well 100 lines seems not too much nope ? :P
100 lines is nothing, unless your whole app was ~200
To just delete in one go is nice though
oh yes performance better i like more to delete then add sure :D
Actionscript 4 is coming soon but no one is interested in it
@TemporaryNickName true
@BhashitParikh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TemporaryNickName, Flash is comatose bro
@phenomnomnominal lol you're right, comatose, congestion :D
can't understand why easingin animate() works only at second time i launch event, for the first time animation is brutal :/
then second time is smooth :/
jquery has his own dark side i think :/
why request access to javascript room?
I am trying to create a function
which can be used like this
this is possible in jquery
can it be done using pure javascript?
I am sure this could be done because I have seen a post on SO
but I don't know with which keyword to search it for
@Pavel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
any regex expert around?
@Mr_Green to match a set of words the following regex is fine right? ("(P)|(PO)|(POLICE)")
I need to be able to match one of those words
@Mr_Green need to match the word as a whole
I need to be able to match P or POLICE but not other characters such as E,C etc
ya that should help
once try it
even I am a beginner
let me know if that worked
@Mr_Green, the chat room has been made a Gallery so that we have the option to stop people from talking in here
Everyone will be initially given write access
But we can revoke it if we want
thanks for letting me in :)
Everyone is let in at first
hehe k
how to create a function like $.fn.something in javascript?
just like we do this in jquery
It seems I got it
I am trying to create a simple prototype function
someone please have a look at this link
You don't want to add it to the Function prototype
@Mr_Green "" is a string. So you want to add it on the String prototype
I am trying to create a function which can be used as method
try to understand why, please
ya worked
reading now thanks
I'm getting back to OSX
gotta get used to new shortcuts...
@FlorianMargaine You changed job ? Or just computer ?
I have an mbp since... 2 years or so. But I put ubuntu on it since a year or so
and now I feel in the mood of going back to osx
I hadn't tested Apple operating systems much since OSX but they're said to be less developer friendly than linux
nah honestly this is ok
with homebrew it's alright
and more and more dev are doing things on osx first
and most of the stuff compiles fine
I don't remember having lots of issues
but I really have to unlearn awesome's shortcuts
@Darkyen That actually looks pretty awesome!
Good job, man
yeah that's nice
I triple agree
oh yes, hadn't seen that post.
@njt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
3 CW accepted answers yesterday. I'm not among the highest rep users but I'm sure I found a (stupid) challenge I can win : having the most zero-rep accepts.
But no success for my go question : 38 views, no comment, no answer...
I don't like this convention :
            if( hook ) {
                orig = hook[fnType];
            else {
What's interesting in his code (didn't read)
we should plug a AI module to @CapricaSix
It takes useless space. I prefer } else {
[gold-badge: modesty] have 100 accepted answers posted as CW for which you are the sole editor
I don't like } else { :P
I prefer to have the blocks clearly separated
@JanDvorak I wouldn't say I'm "modest" :p
@FlorianMargaine else separates the blocks
But I like the idea of course !
@JanDvorak he's a pretentious prick
@dystroy ... and at least 10% of all
@JanDvorak clearly as in visually
@JanDvorak 10%... That's much much too hard... There would be no recipient
@FlorianMargaine indentation plays the role of separating blocks
about the gold badge, I'm pretty sure you can find out the real data using data.stackexchange.com
        if( hook ) {
            orig = hook[fnType];
        } else {
@JanDvorak not enough, I believe
on simple cases like this, sure
but with more lines... I prefer new line else
then again, if the project's guidelines if no-new line else, then I'll go with it :)
@xcx Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand hmm?
@FlorianMargaine so, you need two unindented lines to notice?
@JanDvorak I don't need, but it's easier to see.
Empty lines are an option, too :-)
and I use them :)
my code is usually very spacey
@JanDvorak Everybody star this (don't propose it on meta, though)
@dystroy you mean, my suggestion?
if( hook ) {
    orig = hook[fnType];

} else {
when you rly want a sep
@JanDvorak of course
well, "very spacey"... this is a typical example of my code: github.com/Ralt/gettingstartedwithcommonlisp/blob/gh-pages/…
@dystroy you can't star your own messages
I don't like } \n else { because it visually detaches the else from the preceding block
an empty line before } else { doesn't have that effect
oh not bad also
newline before else kinda looks like you could remove the if block entirely and keep the else block syntactically valid
} else { // if user logged in
} //end if user not logged in
As in, I propose a comment at the end of any long block
don't need much ^ on recent editors you see where it starts
I don't like "comment at the end of any long blocks". If the structure isn't easy to spot, I prefer to refactor
@dystroy noted, good idea :-)
however, what if it can't be refactored?
a separate function indeed for big blocks
function mungeEntries2D(x)
  for(i in x){
    for(j in x[i]){
where mungeEntry is only used once
@JanDvorak Regarding your proposal : I don't think the condition "for which you are the sole editor" is good. I'm most often the sole editor but I'm happy when another senior coder makes it better. CW isn't only about modesty but also about collaboration.
@dystroy ... for a post that would not be forced into CW mode otherwise?
Yes, that would be good.
[gold-badge: modesty] at least 100 accepted answers posted as CW that would not be forced into CW otherwise
With 10%, there never would be a badge recipient...
removed the condition
I'm wondering if .zip as a file format should be deprecated. As a compression format it's no longer needed (most file formats use gzip internally anyways) and as a container it's pretty slow.
... for the purposes of file distribution
(I'm aware that .odt is actually .xml.zip. I'm not deprecating this use)
Sometimes you send folders. And many files that are yet compressed gain from a additional zipping. I use zip frequently.
... in which case I suggest a format that is faster to unpack
Well, everybody can unzip.
1% to 3% is not really worth the extra unpacking time IMO
I get that you don't have the same uploading time than me.
Actually, zip can be used with compression level of zero (don't compress). Is this what I should suggest?
Packing is even slower than unpacking. I bet that uploading 100MB file is faster than compressing it and then uploading a 96MB file
Is that the WTF I think it is ?
Q: I can't seem to get my jpeg to convert to png on upload

mickerI have two scripts, one requires my pictures be png, but my uploaders create it as a jpeg. If I try to edit it to make it to where the image is converted into a png, it uploads it as a pure blak file, and it's still a jpeg. Can anyone help me figure out what I did wrong? Here is a portion of my ...

is he trying to convert from png to bitmap to jpeg?
RadioGroup1 looks like a generated form
extra semicolons to make smiley faces out of closing braces?
I agree however that if the upload speed is really bad (mobile, wifi across two walls, FUPped), compression, even if slow, does reduce the total upload time.
The answer that had just appeared is a worse WTF than the question.
Speaking of answers...
Q: form validation for any form using single function

user2416310Thank's in advance.. my form contain user name, email. <body> <h3>Personal Details</h3> <div id="div1"> <form id = "myform" name="myform" > User Name: <input id="name" style="margin-left:10%" type="text" name="username"/><br><br> Email Id: <input id="email" style="margin-left:16%" type="tex...

huh? I've seen questions posted as answers multiple times, but never an answer as a question
What's that? It's not a question, and it's not an answer

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