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gacnt-dotafinder.nodejitsu.com/findplayers Made some changes could somebody help me test real quickly, just click on my name
Who trying to rss me x.x
"rss" you?
What does that mean?
...did they succeed?
@PravatPanda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey @Darkyen I need your help.
@Zirak Negative sir.
@XCritics Good for you.
@Shmiddty How's that squish mitten of yours
dat shit cray
Anybody here ever have a 'Stag Chili' before?
@SomeKittens o/ So when am I coming to SF :D
Can somebody please invite me to a room (e.g. open a private room with me)?
Can I leave it or you coming in to test something
You can leave, just wanted the event info
How might one log that anyways, out of curiosity
  "event_type": 17,
  "time_stamp": 1369356063,
  "content": "\u003ca href=\"/users/2128168/xcritics\"\u003eXCritics\u003c/a\u003e has invited you to join \u003ca href=\"/rooms/30524/gg\" target=\"_self\"\u003eGG\u003c/a\u003e. See your \u003ca href=\"/rooms?tab=invited\"\u003einvitations\u003c/a\u003e.",
  "id": 19084417,
  "user_id": 2128168,
  "target_user_id": 617762,
  "user_name": "XCritics",
  "room_id": 30524,
  "room_name": "GG"
Open dev tools, network tab, refresh the page. Look for a websocket from ws://sockets.chat.stackexchange.com/events/something
@XCritics Find me an apartment
(I'll be back in ~1 hour)
@somekittens haha what are you living in
AirBnB for now
The hell is that
!!/tell xcritics google airbnb
Bots dead bro
You're dead bro.
Death threats bro
Too bad you can't get me through my swag
Oh hey @XCritics
why sometimes a $ is added to a string. like if(str.match(s+"$")==s);
You get it working?
Yeah works great now
Just gotta make it reflect the users when they leave the party
Http://gacnt-dotafinder.jitsu.com If you wanted to see it @powerc9000
why did they downvote me on this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/16709026/… i feel upset with people.. no humanity... why do ppl with (* * * )k rep kill guys with 0.* * * k rep?
Only WebKit support ATM for the css
Because thats how bad answers work
He gave a scenario where that wouldn't work and then told you why and down voted for not being a reliable answer
And so is the circle of SO
pathetic ... but i posted a better answer afterwards..
Then its his duty to remove the downvote if your question is suitable
But people generally don't like people who question or get defensive about being down voted so they get down voted even more
@blackbee It's only one down-vote, and probably because /^\{.*\}$/.test(mystring)
then what to do? one downvote but it looks bad... a 0 would have been more satisfactory.. :)
I wouldn't worry about it.
then i should mend myself the same way..
There I restored balance in the world now leave it be
did you just upvote that!!! that wasn't something i xpected... big thanks
@blackbee You could read the info on MDN and then improve your answer.
I am a merciful god.
Regular expressions are often not the right answer, but they are well suited to this particular validation task. I'd brush up on them.
match returns an array or null, so your strEndsWith function isn't right.
i see.. i will corret it...
I recommend prefixing searches with 'mdn'. E.g. google for 'mdn match' or 'mdn regexp'. Mozilla's documentation is very good.
So the down-vote wasn't entirely unjustified. But don't take it personally. You have to be thick-skinned to be a programmer.
Go into an audit
thanks for clarification. :)
can i do like this?
function strEndsWith(str, suffix) {
return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
@trantor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
That looks like it might work, but why? Just do /suffix$/.test(string). It's much clearer (for once!) apart from anything else.
i get that
@Shmiddty @copy @Zirak Found this: github.com/jed/140bytes/wiki/Byte-saving-techniques
Finally, a legitimate reason for using eval().
@Ash Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@copy @Shmiddty This looks like it could be good for golf: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joy_(programming_language)
I'm beginning to like golf as much as cryptic crosswords.
These are the best that I've come across: guardian.co.uk/crosswords/series/cryptic
Q: Does it make sense to use a PHP CRUD application with AngularJS to replicate Excel functions?

ShaneI am overwhelmed with our existing complex Excel spreadsheets (typically 50+ rows with formulas and functions) and the process of getting the data to our servers. It is a good tool but a mess and my Excel knowledge is minimal. I need to migrate this over to the server and only load the basic data...

Q: Responsive Web Design vs. User-Agent Sniffing

Channel72The CSS3 media query feature has led to many interesting possibilities in terms of developing websites which adjust to many different screen sizes and devices. However, in practice, I'm starting to get the sense that the CSS3 media query feature, and the whole "Responsive Web Design" movement, m...

@StaceyAnne Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Am I correct in assuming that this player soundcloud.com/matthew-mole/autumn is javascript based?
And if so, how easy is it to code?
@StaceyAnne codepen.io/darkyen/pen/DlaBn @Darkyen made this, and I think it looks way nicer, you can maybe learn from it
That so isn't nicer haha
It's nice, butI <3 soundcloud
@mconlin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I <3 soundcloud too, but I just like that player better :)
@StaceyAnne <embed name="sm2movie" id="sm2movie" src="https://a2.sndcdn.com/assets/swf-8bc9fc67/soundmanager2_flash9.swf" quality="high" allowscriptaccess="always" bgcolor="#ffffff" pluginspage="www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" title="JS/Flash audio component (SoundManager 2)" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" haspriority="true">
@XCritics, I'm particularly interested in being able to see the waveform.
Oh, I have no idea
I doubt it'd be a hard google though ;)
@StaceyAnne, it's fairly easy to do in JS
The top google hit for 'javascript audio' for me is: stackoverflow.com/questions/9419263/…
@XCritics, I'm not a js coder myself, so I wouldn't know where to start, which is why I'm here.
Gimme a sec
@phenomnomnominal The waveform?
@FizzyTea, yeh
@FizzyTea, the vieweing waveform bit is where I'm stuck, though. All of my google results gave players that just played lists of songs, with no waveform
@phenomnomnominal Nice! I wanna know now too!
I'm eating Subway right now, just fyi
You just read in the waveform with the web audio API and draw it
I'll do a quick fiddle
could somebody please give me a hint as to why this don't work? c9.io/jamesson/inventory
@jamesson What's supposed to happen
@XCritics it's supposed to add <p id = "oneline"> every time I click "more"
I don't even see a webpage
what button do I click to see this shit
var p = document.getElemebtById("onerow")
    var newp = p.cloneNode(true);
I added 1 to each field and clicked submit and it said forbidden
for one Elemebt isn't a thing
Is that all the JS for that page?
@XCritics everything in scrip tags yes
Is it just supposed to duplicate the two text fields and place underneath?
@jamesson uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLDocument> has no method 'getElemebtById'
@XCritics yes exactly
You're not appending the clone anywhere either
@FizzyTea: I fail to understand that at all, I copied that direct from mdn
<a href='test.php?id=45' id='45' onmouseover='foo(45)'> Beminty </a>
<script style='text/javascript'>
	function foo(id){

		var dd = "<p style='color:red; padding:1px; margin:1px;'> chat </p>";
		document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = 'chat'+dd;
Can I get a help with that pls
@jamesson Reread.
hello btw
@jamesson Fix the typo, add the above line, and then it should work
@FizzyTea: O nm I fixed that part ty
Once I remove my mouse from the link, how do I make the text go back to normal?
@XCritics, odd, it seems to add more every time
Yeah cause it clones everything with that id, I fixed it for you so, you can go from here :)
@phpNoOb: why would you style a script?
12 mins ago, by jamesson
@XCritics it's supposed to add <p id = "oneline"> every time I click "more"
@FizzyTea: but, how is that? <p id = "oneline" is not a child of itself, is it? And the new objects do not become children?
@FizzyTea And it does :)
I don't really know what you're wanting?
@XCritics: yes, I too am rather confuzed by his code
@Shmiddty @Zirak !
02:46 -mircbot___:#anagol- clock submits 64B of JavaScript for Reverse Repeated Printing,
ranking #1 (10000pts).
@FizzyTea: come again?
They'll know.
@Shmiddty @Zirak I don't think my solution can be golfed any more:
Probably needs a different approach.
@jamesson sorry, went afk jsfiddle.net/xdqar/4
clock is a wizard
Can't clone it to itself, or it will just continue to multiply exponentially, I just made a blank div, and cloned it over
@FizzyTea links
@XCritics The golf?
The problem
Hey guys my jQuery clone I have been working on for practice what are your thoughts? github.com/peterandclay/JSPT
@XCritics: yea ty I was hanging it on the fieldset but that made the butons in the wrong place jsfiddle.net/xdqar/3
@jamesson np
@XCritics: now to make it remove :)
@XCritics The golf server uses the SpiderMonkey Shell, but it's an older version.
@FizzyTea what is reverse repeated printing?
@powerc9000 It's repeated printing. But in reverse?
@FizzyTea I am not understanding what repeated printing means. Maybe I am just being stupid
@powerc9000 Look at the examples on the site.
@powerc9000 It's the reverse of an earlier problem: golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Reapeated+Printing+FIXED
@jamesson sorry was afk again :) jsfiddle.net/xdqar/5
@FizzyTea okay repeated printing makes sense now thanks
No probs!
look at the chat on the right
while the chinese person talks
laughing so hard
I reallllllllllllly hope bcrypt will compile on the work computer tomorrow, if not, I will be buying a Raspberry Pi
@FizzyTea gacnt-dotafinder.jitsu.com/findplayers help test reallllly quick please bruh
@powerc9000 or you click too :)
Just join and click on my name
@XCritics: damn, you spoiling me like my favorite granny =P
I don't understand your dialect. However I have clicked on your link.
@FizzyTea, @StaceyAnne, here's a super basic version I just knocked up. jsfiddle.net/vp28n/1
no normalisation on anything
cya all
@phenomnomnominal I thought you died
@XCritics what is your day job?
Heavy Duty Mechanic
@XCritics: how would a raspberry pi solve your encryption issues?
@phenomnomnominal Er, what language is this?
cause I can install the dependencies, and bring it to work and just toggle inputs on the monitor
@XCritics, no had a meeting.
@FizzyTea CoffeeScript
@phenomnomnominal what is supposed to happen?
I tried to give it a file
Give it an audio file
Choose audio file
and it will draw the waveform
@powerc9000 The finished version will not ask for a username, just work from logged in username
@phenomnomnominal uh I am getting a coffescript error "unexpected INDENT"
It's just grabbing every n samples, so it's not particularly nice
are you on the right version: jsfiddle.net/vp28n/5
@phenomnomnominal: js audio is super sick, I wish everybody supported it
throw Error 'SHITTY BROWSER'
@XCritics: zactly! :)
@XCritics, what browser you on?
@phenomnomnominal damn son
@phenomnomnominal Chrome, I never got the error, just reading through, so CoffeeScript is basically like Jade?
@phenomnomnominal that's radical
@XCritics NO
@powerc9000: just google html5 audio, for more sickness
2-space indent sucks big-time.
@FizzyTea, you suck big time
I prefer a tab indent
convert tabs to spaces, indent by 3 spaces on tab, winning
@jamesson, I have a JS guitar tuner on my site (broken at the moment :P), but it was fucking awesome before they changed the API
@jamesson I know some of the html5 audio and web audio spec
When I get a minute I'll fix it
@phenomnomnominal Uncaught SyntaxError: unexpected INDENT
@XCritics wrong verison
It's sniff it's.. Beautiful..
I cleared my throat, now it feels like there's chlorine in my nose, I think I'm dieing
@phenomnomnominal, where is the wrapper width defined?
@phenomnomnominal That was fast. What are the two images for?
@FizzyTea, I assume left and right for stereo?
@phenomnomnominal: one of the best was the google band thingy. but google did several including a moog and an acoustic guitar
@StaceyAnne Ah, that explains why they look identical then! :-)
Mono upload.
@phenomnomnominal I bet your music waves look like -------------------------------------------------------------------------^--------------------------------------------------- cause it's sooooo bland
2-space indent looks like you've just smudged the ink.
jk <3 1 love
@Rayweb_on Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@XCritics, actually not, they're gorgeous waveforms because they're well recorded and not just 3 minutes of distorted keyboards.
I don't care what matz does.
!!/youtube DotEXE - Hipster Cutthroat
@XCritics: odd, your remove function works on jsfiddle but not on my site? c9.io/jamesson/inventory/workspace/addvenue.htm
@jamesson Working for me
@phenomnomnominal: you are a musician?
@XCritics: yea relaod n/m :)
@jamesson yeah buddy
He makes Dubstep for a living
@XCritics: thats my 1 issue with c9, their updating is capricious
@phenomnomnominal Is it easy to get a higher res. waveform?
@FizzyTea, yes and no
When I first got into Node.js, I would spend 20 minutes at a time wondering why a new @jamesson console.log wasn't showing up, or why I was getting old values
It's easy to compute it and get it looking nicer
Hard to draw on canvas
Oh right. Why? What about SVG?
@phenomnomnominal: is it true? you do dubstep?
Actual lols
@jamesson, no I don't do dubstep.
Nor would I have felt comfortable enough to call myself a musician if I did.
@FizzyTea, yeah maybe?
Correct answer.
@phenomnomnominal Dunno, I'm the one asking! I haven't a clue
@phenomnomnominal Thanks for the fiddle though. That's awesome.
!!/youtube Tristam - Follow Me
That youtube command is neat
@phenomnomnominal: regardless, you are one of the few ppl doing music coding. I can show you my current project if you like once I'm done with it - a custom config for novation launchpad and ableton live
@jamesson, sounds good
Well I suppose there is nothing else to do, other than sleep
Slightly better
Normalising the audio now
@phenomnomnominal I have no idea what that means. As far as I'm concerned you are saying 'engage warp drive'.
@phenomnomnominal But seriously, other than little things like -> and what not, it looks like you just indent 1 line when you want to child some text to an if statement or something
@XCritics go look at this
Audio normalization is the application of a constant amount of gain to an audio recording to bring the average or peak amplitude to a target level (the norm). Because the same amount of gain is applied across the given range, the signal-to-noise ratio and relative dynamics are generally unchanged. Normalization differs from dynamic range compression, which applies varying levels of gain over a recording to fit the level within a minimum and maximum range. Normalization is one of the functions commonly provided by a digital audio workstation. Peak normalization One type of normalization is ...
oh cool. @phenomnomnominal, that looks great!
Is this audio-playing project too complicated for someone starting to learn js? I would like to give it a try on my own.
hey, I got a random question for y'all...
@Crowz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
does anyone know how facebook's NEW friend sorting algorithms work?
@StaceyAnne my audio stuff in other languages?
@phenomnomnominal, I mean maybe continuing to build on your code example? I want to give that a try
but it's in coffeescript. is that a better choice than javascript?
@StaceyAnne, feel free to keep working on mine, but i'd recommend learning JS first
Porting my example to JS would be a nice learning exercise
@phenomnomnominal, ok, I'll try that.
@phenomnomnominal, this just draws the waveform, I would also like to make it "interactive", where the user could click on the part of the waveform and have it play from there. So I need a listener which detects which part of the waveform I've clicked on and sends that to the audio player, is that correct?
yeah you would
But it'd be pretty simple
Just get a percentage of the x value out of the whole width, and go to that point in the time of the song
@XCritics Don't make the alert blocking. Load the site, then get my username (better way: with a modal)
room topic changed to JavaScript: A Room with a View. And a Model. And a Controller.: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com (hint, the controller is Zirak, the view is dystroy, and the model is BadgerGirl) [as-car-is-to-carpet] [bow-before-thoraxis] [ecmascript] [help-me-im-stuck-in-a-tag] [javascript]
Huh, that's cool
Code obfuscation:
var func = (function () { console.log('foo'); }).bind(window);
ANybody knows the replacement of ultrawebgrid's igtbl_getRowById in normal datagrid?
@RenjithJR 4.2
@phenomnomnominal That's really clever. Now we've got an answer for everyone who says "How do I stop people from stealing my JS?"
Why does adding an empty list (like + []) to a number convert it to a string?
@Somekittens: what?
@fred_ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SethCarnegie the plus operator will do type coercion implicitly using Array.toString
Q: Will javascript structure makes an ajax request faster?

Joey Salac HipolitoLets say I solve a common ajax problem (looping ajax and solving the async problem{not sure if this is a problem}). Like this. var users = [{username: 'foo', email : 'foo@email'}, {username: 'bar', email : 'bar@email'},] function iterate() { log(users[i].username, users[i].email, function(...

Morning Folks!
How to fill a drop down with default?
i have a dropdown
<select name="branch_name" >
  <option value="1">1</option>
  <option value="2">2</option>
  <option value="3">3</option>
  <option value="4">4</option>
i want to get the default value as 3
@phenom how is that code obfuscation?
@uday add the selected attribute to the option yiu want
i am a newbie to html
Google "selected option html"
I just did the same, thanks.
but, how if i get the value from a variable?
like, selected=$variable
I don't get it.
i mean, my drop down should show the default which is in the variable say $var which can be 1 or 2 or 3 or 4. I have to make the default as per the contents of $var
In the loop you're displaying the options, if $ var is the current index, add the selected string...
lol @dr.eval with 105 rep for that answer
rlemon's thing from yesterday
A: Need for JavaScript call method on function object

dr.evalSo what's the big deal about call? Call is defined in the spec in section You use .call when you are trying to set the thisArg inside the function. How would Ito use it? Here is an example of how you would use it: var me = { name: 'dr.eval' } foo.call(me); // if you omitted the 'c...

check the edit history
ok got it @FlorianMargaine thanks.
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
@FlorianMargaine; run this in the console: var func = (function () { console.log('foo'); }).bind(window); then console.log(func);

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