@ThiefMaster do you have somenthing personal with me ? :O yesterday you banned me for 24 hours while Benjamin was helping me, today seems i'm pinging everyone without a reason :/ what about man? :/
Hello, guys! Is there a way to call function that is declared in return of another function? E.g. I have $.zoom = function() { return init: function() {} } (here I want to recall init functon from it's body)
The following code doesn't work why?What do I need to fix?
function f(tag){
function o(){
> As soon as we started programming, we found to our surprise that it wasn’t as easy to get programs right as we had thought. Debugging had to be discovered. I can remember the exact instant when I realized that a large part of my life from then on was going to be spent in finding mistakes in my own programs. — Maurice Wilkes discovers debugging, 1949
Because this user hasn't the point for chat within and plese not closed this question (if you are the moderator) , I need the point for ask the question
In C# you can make other collections you define have indexers, so for example dictionaries get bracket notation just like objects in JS and not .get like in Java
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} The sequel to Trial of the Clone will be launching soon. Stay tuned,…
The moa were nine species (in six genera) of flightless birds endemic to New Zealand. The two largest species, Dinornis robustus and Dinornis novaezelandiae, reached about in height with neck outstretched, and weighed about .
Moa belong to the ratite group in the order Dinornithiformes. The nine species of moa were the only wingless birds, lacking even the vestigial wings which all other ratites have. They were the dominant herbivores in New Zealand's forest, shrubland and subalpine ecosystems for thousands of years, and until the arrival of the Māori were hunted only by the Haast's Eag...
Haast's Eagle (Harpagornis moorei) was a species of eagle that once lived on the South Island of New Zealand. The species was the largest eagle known to have existed. Its prey consisted mainly of moa, gigantic flightless birds that were unable to defend themselves from the striking force and speed of these eagles, which at times reached . This eagle's massive size may have been an evolutionary response to the size of its prey, as both would have been much smaller when they first came to the island, and would have grown larger over time due to lack of competition (see island gigantism). H...
What I see as an issue:
A lot of times when I read and write code in StackOverflow I run into the following scenario:
Here is some Code and words. This is more random wody stuff, some code suddenly a widd more some more Other Code which makes the above code seems Related although it is not.
Compiling before passing to eval won't do, since that wraps in a function (the implicit return is lost, adding an explicit return limits the code (or at least should)). And the worker isn't exposed to that script, unless I load it every time (200k transfer for an eval, even with caching...)
@FizzyTea The problem is definitely the encoding of the browser. I copy-paste String.fromCharCode(0xf123), the browser sends ef 84 a3, the output is \xef\x84\xa3
@AnnArbor87 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Right, as far as I know it is an array of strings, but calling .split() on them gives me the error "Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'split' ". But this array is the result of another string already being split
Guys, If I have such use case jsfiddle.net/R4Nre/1, can it be handled with javascript? Maybe some sort of wraping? I'm talking about the string passed to .html(...) call.
@phenomnomnominal I can't this text/html inside .html() call comes from outside. So if some passed in html, not simple text I need to handle it. Is it possible?
@mikedidthis yeah it's awesome! most of the time i get yelled at for giving away code :O but how else are people going to learn? docs can only do so much.. :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry, i have a question, do you know if is there anyway to stream a live webcam (could be the user's cam) to other users browsers, charging user' s pc for the stream instead of charging the hosting server? :P
Chrome and Firefox both support WebRTC.
Does Internet Explorer support it? Starting at which version?
If it does not, are there any plans to support it in the future, and if so when?
What about shimming support using projects like webrtc4all, is that a practical solution?
I have two variables:
Both are given in milliseconds since epoch.
I'm facing a bizarre behaviour from js:
the result I get for