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you need a db table/field for that @deep nothing to do with js
@deep in js?
@AmaanCheval @phenomnomnominal do you even wrote some personal app?
@okok Define "personal app"
@AmaanCheval an app wrote by you
Uh, sure.
@okok i don't mind
@deep uh?
can i do it in js? cookies?
@AmaanCheval link me :P
@okok I didn't buy hosting for them.
@deep why you want to do that in js ? :/
@AmaanCheval ahaha why does? :P it's still in development? :P
@AmaanCheval test on heroku nope?
No, they're from the past, and I didn't think it was worth it. I made them to learn how to make them
No, I've never used Heroku
I want to do it, not necessarily in js
@AmaanCheval oh understood ;)
@okok Stop pinging tons of people.
@ThiefMaster do you have somenthing personal with me ? :O yesterday you banned me for 24 hours while Benjamin was helping me, today seems i'm pinging everyone without a reason :/ what about man? :/
No, but you are somewhat annoying in general. Nothing personal.
@ThiefMaster well if people tells me i'm annoying i stop sure, but they didn't told me i was annoying, i'm sorry if :/
@okok you are annoying
@phenomnomnominal ok thanks now i'm stopping
That was easy
Thank you
@okok and yes I have made personal apps. And yes I've used Heroku
@phenomnomnominal i was just courious about your app :P but if i'm annoying ...
It's a little sad that that's better than 92% of IN
hey every one
hey okok
@AmaanCheval How did you get a better connection?
@okok any ideas
@AmaanCheval ^^
That looks bettar
but my connection is even bettar :D
@deep sorry i'm annoying
remember ?
@mikedidthis Gave them more monies
@AnkurSaxena sorry i'm annoying
@AmaanCheval btw switch to ACT
they are fastest
@okok np
@AmaanCheval ohh, that usually works.
what happen sir....
@deep :P
@AnkurSaxena well people is annoyed about me don't why but it's true fact
take some rest you feel better
@Darkyen Haven't heard of them
remember mine ?
we use it :P
@AnkurSaxena eheh yep i'm out :) see you soon have nice time ;)
okey take some rest may be you feel better
@AmaanCheval acttv.in
oh sorry its not yet available in Mumbai :D
also not for Italy :(
this fast internet
Thats my crapternet right now :P
its still okay, being on a skype call and still 1.04 is decent
i need help regarding jquery
@Darkyen It's still better that what I get on speedtest.net :
Why is having click to play a bad thing?!
Because Flash
I think it's one of the best things about Chrome
@Darkyen Strange, isn't it?
@Darkyen That's not bad. Almost the same as what I had earlier
How much are you paying for that?
That's better than my wi-fi connection at uni
it's so slow, it's actually ridiculous
@AnkurSaxena ?
@AmaanCheval 799
BSNL lol
and for ACT i think we pay 1399
Wow, that's nice
I'm paying a 1000 bucks for 8 MBPS with a 20 GB data limit
hey darkyen
20GB per month? That's ridiculous. How are you supposed to download series in HD with such a limit? :p
i know facing same problem
I just tried. So I'm D-. And I pay for that :(
@ThiefMaster Well, it's not per month. It's per month or whenever I exceed the data limit, so I'm okay with using that as a trial for now
how much are 1000 indian bucks in euro?
how can we check selected option value in jquery
15 Euros, I think
add :checked to your selector
or do you want to change the state?
not getting
Hello, guys! Is there a way to call function that is declared in return of another function? E.g. I have $.zoom = function() { return init: function() {} } (here I want to recall init functon from it's body)
.prop('checked', true) for a checkbox/radio
or in case you have a <select>, use .val('whatever')
Q: Why am I not able to call a function?Prototypal Inheritance

Romantic ElectronThe following code doesn't work why?What do I need to fix? function f(tag){ this.obj=document.createElement(tag); obj.f='blue'; } f.prototype.k={}; f.prototype.k.f='fue'; //f.prototype.obj.f='blue'; function o(){ f.call(this,'div'); this.func=function(){ alert(this.k.f); aler...

you have any demo like jsfidle
i ma new to jquery....
i need you guy help to learn in better way
@AnkurSaxena yeah at jsbin
@romantic:what this......
@KristianVitozev, $.zoom = function () { var init = function () { init(); }; return init; };?
@AnkurSaxena Then you need to read the docs and simply try things out. And then ask us if what you did is the proper way.
> As soon as we started programming, we found to our surprise that it wasn’t as easy to get programs right as we had thought. Debugging had to be discovered. I can remember the exact instant when I realized that a large part of my life from then on was going to be spent in finding mistakes in my own programs. — Maurice Wilkes discovers debugging, 1949
@ThiefMaster See the comment I just got :
Can you please up vote my question? Thanks in advance for that! — Jimmy 3 mins ago
A small mod message would be a good idea, wouldn't it ?
Excuse me
how to refresh external file every interval?
This is possible?
interval in 20 second
@dystroy ugh, *goes on a comment deleting spree*
ok other question stupid
<b> I can call with Jquery with .appendTo('b');
and when I want append on <b id="song">?
I write .appendTo ("song") ?
It's a shame we can't donwvote comments :(
And it's too bad : not all of this user's questions are bad, but he seems to go in the wrong direction with this rage
> Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. [Leonardo da Vinci]
@dystroy and @BenjaminGruenbaum Now i can't delete my comment...
@MirkoCianfarani Where?
The my last comment.. all
init excuse me how ...
@MirkoCianfarani This one ?
Uao but now I go of the lunch... Tomorrow I work.. — Mirko Cianfarani 20 hours ago
or the chat in there ?
Because this user hasn't the point for chat within and plese not closed this question (if you are the moderator) ,
I need the point for ask the question
The last comment is in this page chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/…!!! @dystroy
Premature optimization is the root of all evil
I with we had better indexers in JavaScript, or at least be able to inherit from Array more easily
Array.prototype.func.call/apply is a bit gross
@BenjaminGruenbaum what do you mean ? An indexer for what ?
I guess proxies kind of solve that in a weird way
In C# you can make other collections you define have indexers, so for example dictionaries get bracket notation just like objects in JS and not .get like in Java
(I even just answered a question on that :P)
And what's the problem in js ?
In JS I can't just 'intercept' attempts to access a method on my own
I'd like to be able to define a getter for when someone does property access (I guess proxies address that though)
you mean you want that for any key, mydico[key] should call your function ?
Yes, but I want key to be something arbitary
I realize that's in Harmony, I just miss it :)
By arbitrary, you mean you don't have to specify it for all possible keys, right ?
And how would you do that in Harmony ?
Your question was in fact difficult to understand...
Yeah, reading it now it was
I was new to stack overflow back then and didn't know how to write even simple questions for this site
It's probably my first or second question here
I think that most SO users read more easily a few lines of code that a text paragraph explaining what you want.
Yeah, I completely agree, I know that now
That's why the accepted answer was clearer than the question.
Also, it was by @ThiefMaster :P
I'll ask that question again when Harmony proxies are available and specify I want only new browser support :)
Are proxies shimable at all?
No chance
Just like getters/setters are not shimable
I don't care though, I want them for the server-side
Oh of course
@OctavianDamiean You doing anything tomorrow evening sir?
Braces should only appear on the right if () {, not on the left
Screw you, Six. You don't know what you're talking about.
@Zirak can the bot be him instead? ^
@rlemon This change would result in a massive net loss in breasts
Will Safari ever support Canvas' imageSmoothingEnabled property?
but gain exponentially in BAMs
but.... breasts?
posted on May 20, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} The sequel to Trial of the Clone will be launching soon. Stay tuned,

Spaces are better than tabs
Hey @CapricaSix, you suck.
@Zirak speaking of the discussion we've had yesterday, here's a related comment about it in python stackoverflow.com/questions/16651310/…
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's awesome
I always wondered if 10 feet tall chickens liked to dance
Now I know!
The moa were nine species (in six genera) of flightless birds endemic to New Zealand. The two largest species, Dinornis robustus and Dinornis novaezelandiae, reached about in height with neck outstretched, and weighed about . Moa belong to the ratite group in the order Dinornithiformes. The nine species of moa were the only wingless birds, lacking even the vestigial wings which all other ratites have. They were the dominant herbivores in New Zealand's forest, shrubland and subalpine ecosystems for thousands of years, and until the arrival of the Māori were hunted only by the Haast's Eag...
^ 12 foot chicken
Also pretty badass:
Haast's Eagle (Harpagornis moorei) was a species of eagle that once lived on the South Island of New Zealand. The species was the largest eagle known to have existed. Its prey consisted mainly of moa, gigantic flightless birds that were unable to defend themselves from the striking force and speed of these eagles, which at times reached . This eagle's massive size may have been an evolutionary response to the size of its prey, as both would have been much smaller when they first came to the island, and would have grown larger over time due to lack of competition (see island gigantism). H...
^ Hunted 12 foot chickens
php is good
@eazimmerman eazimmerman rolled 3
Q: Code Formatting in Two Consecutive Lines

Benjamin GruenbaumWhat I see as an issue: A lot of times when I read and write code in StackOverflow I run into the following scenario: Here is some Code and words. This is more random wody stuff, some code suddenly a widd more some more Other Code which makes the above code seems Related although it is not. ...

@eazimmerman odd, you get space between line comments?
@copy @Shmiddty Looks like clock has figured out how to upload multibyte. :-S
i'm using Chrome on Mac OS X
@FizzyTea Let's start our wiresharks!
This is sent in the request: 58:58:58:ef:84:a3:59:59:59
This is what I wrote: 58:58:58:f1:23:59:59:59
@BenjaminGruenbaum Adding in coffeescript will be a bit more difficult than I expected
Compiling before passing to eval won't do, since that wraps in a function (the implicit return is lost, adding an explicit return limits the code (or at least should)). And the worker isn't exposed to that script, unless I load it every time (200k transfer for an eval, even with caching...)
If I had css as a string, how would I extract all the color hexcodes?
@copy Why is it different?
@Zirak, why?
See above
Unless I missed something about the implicit return
@Zirak What's wrong with a 200kb transfer? Isn't it on your computer?
No, it has to pass over the network
Oh? hmm
@FizzyTea Probably because of multipart/form-data
What about creating a different coffeescript worker which already has coffeescript embedded in it?
I've thought about it, but it'll immensly bloat the bot
Then route relevant requests to it instead of the normal worker
At least it's bloating for utility, rather than bloating for random crap to say
Can't it be a plugin?
Plugins are bundled with the bot
does js2coffee.org have an API?
@phenomnomnominal I don't think we should export to a 3rd party service for this
@FizzyTea Nope, that's not it
I have one solution
I really don't think that having a CoffeeScript worker should be a problem
It's not that much of a bloat, the important thing is to keep it easily plug/unpluggable
@copy Well, when I upload multibyte, it is interpreted as single bytes by the interpreter on the server.
I can't make it easily pluggable. It's a bookmarklet, so it's severely limited
If other users of the bot who don't want this feature could just comment a line or two of code and remove a handle that would work nicely
@phenomnomnominal What's the solution? How will the worker access that?
And there may eventually be other compile-to languages that could use the same
@Zirak, nah, forget the worker. Just make it a seperate chat function
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's possible, but it doesn't change the fact that everything will take longer and be bigger
But then I guess it defeats the purpose
@phenomnomnominal And security goes where?
I mean just run it on the users client
But yeah, stupid now I think about it
Speaking of it being a bookmarklet, what were the issues with making it stand-alone?
@FizzyTea The problem is definitely the encoding of the browser. I copy-paste String.fromCharCode(0xf123), the browser sends ef 84 a3, the output is \xef\x84\xa3
@AnnArbor87 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> eval(CoffeeScript.compile(code))
> CoffeeScript.eval(code)
SyntaxError: Illegal return statement
Damn you...
@phenomnomnominal Login and there are numerous dependencies on chat
@FizzyTea I think it's because JS uses utf-16 (or so?), but the browser encodes it as utf-8
@Zirak Anything that could be overcome with the WebDriver API?
hey bebe
@phenomnomnominal I don't know. Some time ago I tried zombiejs and a few request trickieries, but none of them stuck
@Zirak, can you not just pass the bare parameter to the compiler?
So that it doesn't get wrapped?
Yeah, USC-2 I think. Locally Spidermonkey shell seems happy with UTF-8. I don't understand how it all fits together.
Or is it a different wrapping?
No clue, I'll try
@Zirak some brain food ?
@Loktar how are you this fine morning?
Great you?
@phenomnomnominal whoah....
CoffeeScript.compile(code, {bare:1})
Nice. Where was that documented?
Same as the CLI compiler
pretty awesome. work is going to suck this week but meh
That's how it runs on the 'try it' part of their site as well
i have a 4 day weekend coming up
pretty pumped
Wow, I completely missed that
luck bastard. OH SNAP! I have a 3 day weekend
didn't realize it was memorial day :D
yeah :)
No fair!
Well, I'll settle for more holidays for things like Diwali and Holi, though
thats pretty awesome @FlorianMargaine
@Zirak, when you're done with that, we should get LatteScript as well :D
And Brainfuck
The race is over!
Hm, I have a string of arrays, but apparently can't call .split() on a single call to one object of the array? aka info[6].split(',');
array of strings*
Rank 56. and 1st in the V5 class! \o/
I absolutely hate PDFs.
I absolutely hate BSSRDFs!
@OctavianDamiean Congrats!
@Rogue A string of arrays?
9 mins ago, by Rogue
array of strings*
!!> var a = ['123', 'abc', '123,abc']; a[2].split(',')
@AmaanCheval ["123","abc"]
Right, as far as I know it is an array of strings, but calling .split() on them gives me the error "Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'split' ".
But this array is the result of another string already being split
To bring it into context, 56. of 180 starters. The car ran 74 laps of 25km each, with a fastest lap time of 10:24.584 in the 18th lap.
An array cannot be split.
even newarray[6].toString().split(':'); doesn't work
What would you expect would happen?
Make us a demo where your problem is actually being replicated
I'm splitting an array value, not the whole array
Aha, figured out my own issue
Guys, If I have such use case jsfiddle.net/R4Nre/1, can it be handled with javascript? Maybe some sort of wraping? I'm talking about the string passed to .html(...) call.
it was the first time I was splitting the array I forgot to convert it to String, not the second.
@copy for(i=0;;)print('-------22-bytes-------'[i++].charCodeAt().toString(2).slice(1))
gets you 80 chars though. So I don't know what clock has done.
ok.. im officially crap at jquery lol
Unless they left a CRLF at the end of the uploaded file.
Guys, any idea?
Use jQuery to make the elements since you already are
$('<p>', { text: 'blah' });
secret of success in internet are 2 : 1- genial idea 2 - web app for ringtones
Some what?
@KirstyHarris i'm sure there are plenty of fiddles out there that solve this for you o.o
what are you even trying to do
@phenomnomnominal I can't this text/html inside .html() call comes from outside. So if some passed in html, not simple text I need to handle it. Is it possible?
Just making sure, does this chat run on AJAX or websockets?
Does it fall back? I assume so
@Eugene, you can build up each element seperately
lol @mikedidthis
@KevinMurphy its nice to help, right? ;)
cool thanks
var br = $('<br/>');
var p1 = $('<p>', { text: 'hello' });
@phenomnomnominal sorry for disturbance solved it with twig help. Thank you anyways.
@mikedidthis yeah it's awesome! most of the time i get yelled at for giving away code :O but how else are people going to learn? docs can only do so much.. :)
@KevinMurphy as long as the op understands why it works etc, then there is not problem. :)
@mikedidthis in that new pen, when you do .slideDown, what does it change display: to?
@KevinMurphy display:block
But tbh, I just added the two missing } I didn't look at the CSS.
@mikedidthis yeah, I saw your changes. I was just curious :)
@KevinMurphy me too! I presume .slidedown' adds display:block' to child elements
sorry guys, when using webrtc or video html5 do the stream is on hosting server or on users pc charged?
@KevinMurphy nice berryboy! :)
I need some opinions on a font - i'll send a link in a bit :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry, i have a question, do you know if is there anyway to stream a live webcam (could be the user's cam) to other users browsers, charging user' s pc for the stream instead of charging the hosting server? :P
Yes, WebRTC is that way
@BenjaminGruenbaum ohhh wonderfull thanks !!!
i can't find webrtc support for browsers :( i tryed caniuse.com but nothing :(
Chrome and Firefox
oh great so no mobile at all right? :(
Q: Which version of Microsoft Internet Explorer support WebRTC?

Benjamin GruenbaumChrome and Firefox both support WebRTC. Does Internet Explorer support it? Starting at which version? If it does not, are there any plans to support it in the future, and if so when? What about shimming support using projects like webrtc4all, is that a practical solution?

or sorry, mobile FF and CH too i guess
yeah thanks
well better then nothing, i hate microflop :/
Any JavaScript Gurus have an explanation for this?
Q: Conversion from miliseconds to Unix Timestamp from different times gives same result

DanielX2010I have two variables: tempTimeRequests timeLastUpdateRequests Both are given in milliseconds since epoch. I'm facing a bizarre behaviour from js: the result I get for alert( tempTimeRequests+"\n"+ timeLastUpdateRequests+"\n"+ Date(tempTimeRequests)+"\n"+ Date(timeLastUpdateRe...

@okok webrtc is experimental even in chrome/ff
@FlorianMargaine yep as i can see needs Chrome beta 25 or Firefox nightly which both i think i don't have :/
i have latests version of both don't know if enought :P
@okok what's the project?
@KevinMurphy no projects :P just testing somenthing more for a client website
@Pekka웃 new Date() and Date() behave differently
Date without new just returns current time

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