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Government sources have confirmed that Zirak is a bot.
Linguo.... is dead
Languages that try to disallow idiocy become themselves idiotic. — Rob Pike
I guess I need to write a new templating engine or something :/
Yeah, pretty rep 70k exactly.
when you say it i'm just tempted to up/down vote you to throw it off
Yea, it's bugged, just checked the entire area. The walkthrough said I just have to defeat them enemies, but they won't stop spawning.
@dystroy I see 69,998
@canon Arg. Who did that ? :) (and reverted)
@dystroy >.> <.< nobody
!!/stat dystroy
@AmaanCheval dystroy has 70000 reputation, earned 40 rep today, asked 31 questions, gave 2871 answers, for a q:a ratio of 31:2871.
I answered a question today only because I wanted to get to that...
The "for a q:a ratio of 31:2871" sounds really retarded...
@dystroy congrats \o
!!/stat AmaanCheval
!!/stat Darkyen
@Darkyen Amaan Cheval has 5270 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 9 questions, gave 220 answers, for a q:a ratio of 9:220.
@Darkyen Darkyen has 1121 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 11 questions, gave 26 answers, for a q:a ratio of 11:26.
damn amaan :D
!!/stat OctavianDamiean
@Darkyen User Elusio proved elusive.
@Darkyen User Elusio proved elusive.
@Darkyen [Octavian Damiean](http://stackoverflow.com/users/418183/octavian-damiean) has 16823 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 407 answers, for a q:a ratio of 5:407.
!!/stat rlemon
@Darkyen rlemon has 7657 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 359 answers, for a q:a ratio of 71:359.
!!/stat KirstyHarris
@Darkyen User Elusio proved elusive.
Damn, my rep is broken again :(
@Darkyen The user needs to be in the room
Give a user id if the user isn't in the room
!!/stat rahulrai
@Rahul User Elusio proved elusive.
!!/stat -1
@Darkyen User Elusio proved elusive.
!!/stat 0
!!/stat 1
@Darkyen User 0 not found
@Darkyen [Jeff Atwood](http://stackoverflow.com/users/1/jeff-atwood) has 25757 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 15 questions, gave 137 answers, for a q:a ratio of 15:137.
@Loktar is this how you would do it?
!!/stat 9001
@Darkyen User 9001 not found
!!/stat rahul
@Rahul Rahul has 62 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 7 questions, gave 11 answers, for a q:a ratio of 7:11.
Oops disclosed my inactivity on chat today!
@rlemon whats timer for?
also sprite === particle
@Rahul Most of us here are inactive
I haven't answered properly in months
@Loktar idk I was just tossing it in there to give you an idea
And all of us have some time 0 rep in the day (John Skeet doesn't come in here)
I would have timer in emitter probably
also in particle to control life time
emitter timer could be used to control the flow of particles that come out of it
also, you just attach to the Object right not the prototype for these sub classes?
Emitter.Particle = function() {}
Emitter.prototype.Particle = function() {} <- this makes no sense to me to do it. is there some magic i'm missing?
<div id="header">
Delete this user


why I can't see the color at all ?
div id="foo" / #foo
div class="foo" / .foo
make sense
!!/tell Ignacio mdn css selectors
@rlemon Command msn does not exist. Did you mean: mdn
@Ignacio https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/Getting_Started/Selectors
thanks, it was a mistake
as a general rule of thumb (and it will make life so much easier for you) - classes for styling and ID's for DOM lookup
Q: How to Implement DOM Data Binding in JavaScript

Benjamin GruenbaumPlease treat this question as strictly educational. tl;dr How would I implement bi-directional data-binding with JavaScript? Data Binding to the DOM By data binding to the DOM I mean for example, having a JavaScript object a with a property b. Then having an <input> DOM element (for example...

I figured I'd ask
<div id="foo" class="foo">
.foo { color: red; }
document.getElementById('foo').appendChild(document.createTextNode('hello world!'));
Also, answers and suggestions appreciated
I don't even so much mind the duplication in attributes
...and names. Names are usually more natural (especially in forms) and the selection (whether by getElementsByName or in HTMLCollection) is easy and supported everywhere.
Plus, names don't have to be unique.
!!/tell BenjaminGruenbaum mdn Element.dataset
isn't dataset pretty much what you are looking for?
@rlemon That's the opposite of what I'm looking for
@rlemon I want changes to reflect on a JS object and keep the HTML unmodified.
how can add link breaks like 5 of them in css ?
so couldn't you just use data-* and create your own one way map?
display: block; doesn't work for more then 1
@rlemon I don't want to change the DOM, I'd like to do this in JavaScript, it makes much more sense to store the data in JavaScript and how you choose to present it in HTML
@Ignacio example link?
then I am afraid I don't quite understand your requirements.
Linux vm's rock
The same model might have a lot of different views (for example, I have an inbox variable in JavaScript, I want to show the number of new messages on the side, I want to show the messages themselves in the center and I want to change the title to include that. That's 3 view bindings for the same model, the only difference is that one of them can only change the model back
but i hate the lag windows adds up :-(
Anybody knows how to just "mount" a CUSTOM linux image to bootup
@rlemon basically, I want my HTML to update when my JS object changes and vice versa
this is UEFI
@rlemon I know there are frameworks to do this, but I want to know how to implement this sort of thing myself, I have some idea on how to but I'm pretty sure a lot of people can come up with simpler ideas
again.. how is this not already handled with native DOM methods for Elements?
@mikedidthis I am using padding for spacing between divs now
@Ignacio again, I need an example link.
@mikedidthis Fixed my problem.
I just loaded the next map.
I didn't pay $7 for this game so I get stuck there.
@rlemon this is for u :->
Yet, batman = Q_Q
@OctavianDamiean genius!
Well, that's not really new... I'd be more interested by a W8 screenshot... We can't go on speaking about dead OS bugs.
@dystroy that might become windows 9 ;D ;D knowing the way ms is going
Are you browsing /r/repost ?
No, look at the links. He's reposting random images he gets on facebook.
But, why?
Because he's a 13 year old girl.
But, why?
nah i am just on 4 different funny image sites
@copy Actually...when is gender decided? How? That's a good question.
and facebook :P
posting for the heck of it
oh yeah, sperm contains either X or Y chromosomes, so it depends on which sperm enters the egg.
Is it discriminatory if I refer to customer service as "guys" (via email)?
as in "thanks guys"
@Zirak you cant be sure about that since gender change is now valid and happens
Depending on Darkyen's species (which doesn't appear on his profile) temperature might be involved in the gender determination too
@copy Because when two people love each other (they don't have too), the daddy shags a stork. If the X-chromosome-bearing sperm hits the egg when he ejaculated outside, it'll be a girl. Such a thing happened 13 years ago. And now we have Darkyen.
@Zirak What happens if two sperm enter at once?
@Zirak you confused ^
@dystroy Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand s/outside/inside
Y bearing is for male
yeah yeah I know...X is for girls.
Fixed that.
@dystroy Invalid command /s/outside/inside
ProTip: Don't stand in front of a heavy machine gun thinking you'll kill him before he'll kill you. It won't work.
@dystroy @copy Because when two people love each other (they don't have too), the daddy shags a stork. If the X-chromosome-bearing sperm hits the egg when he ejaculated inside, it'll be a girl. Such a thing happened 13 years ago. And now we have Darkyen. (source)
@Zirak you know your 13 year old girl remarks make me wanna post a picture in here
36 mins ago, by rlemon
Emitter.Particle = function() {}
Emitter.prototype.Particle = function() {} <- this makes no sense to me to do it. is there some magic i'm missing?
@KendallFrey Then the embryo won't evolve. One egg cannot bear two embryos.
@rlemon well with the latter you will get a Particle function in all objects of type Emitters
I'm trying to removeEventListener, but not working. I ADD like so: var listener = function(e) {
animation_callback(wid, itemid, wc);
wc.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", listener, false);
@Zirak Someone was listening in biology class.
and remove like so wc.removeEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", listener, false);
It might reach some more advanced stage, but it'll either result in a mis-carriage or one sperm dying (and the other can can evolve normally)
but Particle is a class like object. so I don't think I need it on all emitters, just the Emitter type?
Emitter.Particle will be a method on the constructor Emitter itself
@OctavianDamiean apparently I am playing Warframe this evening.
@Zirak Or not.
I just will never have any particles without emitters.
@rlemon i'd make two different classes
but the remove is inside animation_callback - and it doesn't work. can anyone help?
googles Warframe
If you're wondering about twins (or triplets or whatnot), then that's when the egg itself splits into two (or three or...)
but all particles are controlled and created by emitters.
hence wanting to tie them together.
Looks weird.
And identical twins (or triplets or...) are when an already fertilized egg splits
@rlemon Is a particle owned by Emitter ?
what about Chang - he ate his twin in vitro... how does he qualify @Zirak??
in that case i'd do Emitter.prototype.Particle
that was my question :P
Something many people don't realize is that you can't have identical twins of different genders.
Tard owns Scenes, Scenes own Emitters, Emitters own Particles.
Boy-girl twins only look alike because they share the same parents.
@KendallFrey LMFAO
that one is actually funny
@Darkyen Oh, right, forgot about your identical twin brother.
i imagined a boy and girl looking exactly identical
@rlemon I don't know much about that, but I believe it's when one egg (or one portion of the egg) simply consumes the other, because it developed more rapidly
Maybe it's also due to a miscarriage of one?
posted on May 10, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} My good friend Jennifer May Nickel has launched her website! She's a

Here is a question, if i am writing a C++ module for node.js
To think that Benjamin a few hours ago got mad and moved 5 posts as off-topic because they were slightly more about java than about js... where to move all this ? A biology chat ?
how much of it should be in C++ .. as in so far i have only written performance freak part in C++ // like audio mixxing and stuff
but would it make sense to do something like the browser ? So far what i did was write a lib in 2 parts 1 in js and 1 in C++ and use js wrappers to do most of the task like data type check and stuff before sending to C++ world
But browsers rely most method rely on native calls
Benji just gets mad and power trips from time to time :P
@dystroy We just don't like java
!!/mustache soomtong
aww so close
not really
!!/mustache rlemon
you look indian u know ?
!!/undo 9344687
it's up so many times
yeah but u look indian init :P
mustache eater
!!/mustache copy
@Darkyen As much as you feel necessary. The C++ extensions are (methinks) to increase performance. If you're not satisfied with what you have now, do more.
@Zirak Hmm, i dunno how performant some undefined checks etc will be but lets try a complete native module, then i will have a proper taste
This is why we need to stop moustacheing me
people will start to think I'm italian when they google me
@Darkyen write your own modbus lib for node.js
!!/mustache rlemon
^ here is a start
lol @rlemon
@Darkyen seriously. if you wrote it and it was good I would totes use it
@rlemon i am finishing a libmpg123 wrapper atm
maybe i'll convert my c# to c++
but converting away from .net always makes me sad
sad because I realize how much .net I depend on
A: How to Implement DOM Data Binding in JavaScript

squint How would binding work for objects? How listening to change in the form might work? An abstraction that updates both objects I suppose there are other techniques, but ultimately I'd have an object that holds reference to a related DOM element, and provides an interface that coordina...

Got a pretty solid answer
@rlemon Apart Mario, what Italian did ever have such a moustache ?
do other italians count?
I thought Mario and Luigi were the only ones
@dystroy It's very short code that gets to the point. I don't think it's possible to detect changes in any other way, especially on the JS side. Do you know any other alternative?
The only alternative is harmony Proxy objects that are perfect for this sort of thing, but that's not implemented anywhere yet
@rlemon italianswithmoustaches.tumblr.com
@dystroy I didn't accept his answer though, if you have any alternative method I'd love to hear
I don't know of any other alternative. But I really find this too heavy, I don't really see the point of using something so heavy.
The point in what? In data-binding? There is a lot of point in data binding
@Zirak i dunno if this will look good but
anythoughts about virtual static foo();
@Darkyen You can have both virtual and static?
thats what i am wondering :P
why button's are not displaying as I want them ?

I don't think so, but give it a shot
Why would you do virtual static that makes no sense...
figured out
thanks anyways
@BenjaminGruenbaum for example you have a class decoder
now u derive networkdecoder and filedecoder from it
@Darkyen class decoder?
Oh, ok
Then why are the methods static?
because you have to bind them to nodejs :P
Are you using Edge?
I like to do something like this
@Darkyen A class named Decoder. Sounds like A Streetcar Named Desire.
Edge ?
!!/google Swift Dezire
Oh, you were talking about C++?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes -_-
Oh, the spelling is even worse than I'd thought
@Darkyen -_- in C# that means something completely different
Q: C++ static virtual members?

cvbIs it possible in C++ to have a member function that is both static and virtual? Apparently, there isn't a straightforward way to do it (static virtual member(); is a complie error), but is there at least a way to acheive the same effect? I.E: struct Object { struct TypeInformation; ...

Local<Function> constructor_for_decoder = FunctionTemplate::New(Decoder::Create);
lets see if it works ;D
@salvador Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
4.7 horribleness units
The data is incomplete for some reason, but other than that...table needs better positioning, maybe a raw view
@Zirak That's your activity on SO ?
i cant have virtual and static :-(
now i will have to type 20 more lines :-(
@Zirak I see
or maybe i am doing it wrong :]
It's static there, but you can poke around and figure it out
is there any easy way of developing css for components?
SyntaxError: Unexpected tokens "is there any easy way of developing css for components?"
css takes hours and hours if you don't use it regularly
so use it regularly or adopt a css framework like Twitter Bootstrap
it is essential to know how to use CSS if you want to work with the web
maybe not master it, but know it.
CSS/HTML[/JS] are mutually inclusive of each-other when webpages are concerned.
@Aldream Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so don't run away from it, take the time to work with it and become comfortable. until then for rapid application development you can use a framework like I suggested - keep in mind this is a short term solution because you will be stuck unable to alter the framework unless you learn CSS ;)
until today I didn't knew there's a CSS framework too, thanks for letting me know
I need more practice on CSS, it's just like I learn stuff and just because I don't practice it a lot, I forget
Nice 1, thanks
@Zirak ever experienced the compiler saying cannot declare member function 'static NameSpace::Foo::functionName(arguments a)' to have static linkage ?
My days of C++ are long over, sorry
I wanted to replace | sign with <br> tag
in a string
Like this
How to do?

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