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@TechnocraT try clicking it
@JanDvorak Greasemonkey script
or simply JS
@OctavianDamiean what about it?
@TechnocraT programatically
@TechnocraT Kinda busy right now....
@FlorianMargaine That girls said it is a Unix system.
The fun thing is, that interface was actually real. :D
@JanDvorak yes
Well, it has /usr
It was a real system.
Pretty cool. :)
@TechnocraT have you tried clicking the submit button programatically?
I said document.forms['form1'].submit();
and this loads the same page I am in through GM script whereas if i click with my mouse it goes to other
I've got no other idea
@JanDvorak What's the inputs for?
my point is: try clicking the submit button
Anyone from London?
Any job opening?
Easier with someone inside
@JanDvorak Useless site. You'd be better off with LinkedIn
roger that
not bad Octavian
I don't want to stay in France, it suxx
Move to Austria.
do i have to keep restarting node server to see changes?
@Zirak Ooh, nice
Word sounded familiar
@Connor Yes, but you can use nodemon to automate that
!!/tell Zirak define defenestrate
@Zirak defenestrated simple past tense and past participle of defenestrate
@Zirak defenestrate (transitive) To eject or throw (someone or something) from a window; compare transfenestrate.
@SomeKittens Thanks
> 42. Los Angeles, CA, United States
Now I don't feel as bad.
@JanDvorak I have done document.forms['form1'].elements['form1:btnSubmit'].click();
@AmaanCheval You probably know this one, but I like the way it sounds:
!!/define palaver
@Zirak palaver (Africa) A village council meeting.
but this gives error
@AmaanCheval That was quite easy. Window in Latin is fenestra.
...ok, that wasn't the definition I was aiming for
That's the wrong definition, isn't it?
@Zirak Idle discussion that goes on forever?
2. Talk, especially unnecessary talk, fuss.
3. A meeting at which there is much talk; a debate.
Close enough
@OctavianDamiean oh, that's nice
@OctavianDamiean But do windows do what they like to have thought do it nice?
!!go for a walk or minecraft or go for a walk in minecraft
de in Latin means from from something down
@SomeKittens minecraft
Well, one of its meanings.
!!do windows do what they like to have thought do it nice?
@Zirak No
@SomeKittens Hahaha, the third option's pretty cool
Sometimes it's fun to get a new world and just explore
@Zirak hah! That's funny! palaver has the exact same meaning in Austrian German.
@OctavianDamiean Yep, it's hilarious.
It is quite common down here.
@SomeKittens @JanDvorak Whats wrong with this line document.forms['form1'].inputs['form1:btnSubmit'].click();
@Codel96 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TechnocraT the key to inputs looks incorrect. Try ['btnSubmit'] instead
@TechnocraT There's no such thing as form.inputs
You may be looking for form.elements
I have a problem with duplicate values in an object.
And i don"t know how to resolve it.
Or just skip the middle-man and access the btnSubmit input directly off the form
@zirak well I did that one as well.. got the same error
And without knowing what the error is, we won't know the nature of the problem, so we can't help
@JanDvorak Thats the id of input element
<input id="form1:btnSubmit" type="submit" name="form1:btnSubmit" value="Submit"
then adhere to zirak's advice
In fact, I insert my values like that : connections[user.id] = user; and I can see that there are some columns with the same values.
@Zirak @JanDvorak @SomeKittens The error is
Exception: document.forms.form1.elements['form1:btnSubmit'] is undefined
can i have some advice what do i need to read up on to like emit a message to a specific socket with socket.io, say i want to have 10 chat rooms with 2 people in each chat and i want to emit a message to 1 socket in 1 room, if makes sense?
@Zirak I think you'll enjoy that ^
An idea how it could occured or if you want other details ?
Thank you
the hardest question ever stackoverflow.com/a/1213446/1125394
Note that my user.id can't change.
Hello folks, anyone using Travis CI? What is the benefit of it compared to testing/validation scripts launched from commit hooks?
@AmaanCheval wow!
Just wow.
That is so deep.
Dynamic typing brings 70% more happiness units
the best way to connect to database in node?
using what?
most secure
An interface.
MongoDB is the standard answer to "What database"
I suggest you use the basic connection before moving to Mongoose or MongoHelper
@OctavianDamiean CouchDB is the standard answer to "What database" (source)
so cant connect to mysql then?
@Connor Using MySQL kinda defeats the purpose of Node
@SomeKittens Nothing can defeat the purpose of Node!!
One of the big selling points for me was that I could use JS across the entire stack
That doesn't defeat its purpose though ...
instead of a JS/PHP/SQL mess
If @Connor has a good reason to use SQL, then I've got nothing against it.
Right, if your data is relational you should probably not go for a document based database. If its not relational though, you won't necessarily need a SQL database.
SQL is useful in the same way that regexps are useful. They are domain-specific languages.
Yea, I guess I used the wrong term, I wanted to say RDBMS type databases.
Right, gotcha.
@rlemon the hell you doin up at 7:30
@AmaanCheval hah, I thought about something similar before. Interesting
Something I still don't really get is how to deal with unit testing and private methods...
other than to just not test them directly
oh, man...I just heard the most disgusting sentence: "Money doesn't buy happiness; money brings it ready"
What does that even mean? ha
im looking into node-mysql and see this
		var connection = mysql.createConnection({
		  host     : 'localhost',
		  user     : 'root',
		  password : 'secret',
What are these? Money? Happiness? Never heard of such notions.
what about the database name?
@ThiefMaster haha why does that exist?
it's more game than it looks like at first.. ;)
Where am I getting all that candy from?
@SomeKittens i used to use icrmaxells password combat with php, do you know the best hash for node?
@Zirak: stealing it from annoying little brats i hope
haha lollipops/day
does this game literally take days?
Lp planted : 13000
Production : 74 lp/sec
(i started playing maybe 20 minutes ago)
hahaha oh jesus
There goes my afternoon
@ThiefMaster is jesus?
I would be ok with worshiping a lollipop farm....
@ThiefMaster You should form a guild around your lollipops.
Beauty is more important in computing than anywhere else in technology because software is so complicated. Beauty is the ultimate defence against complexity. [David Gelernter]
WTF!!! why did it take me this long to just hack this stupid candy game?
why hack it?
because this thing is horrible haha
The only difficulty involved is time
never heard of idle games?
Have you got to the playing part?
@Zirak haha exactly
I wasn't joking
but I mean its not really even a game... its just like psychological manipulates people into watching numbers grow...
then you didn't get to the playing part
I got to the buttons and quests part....
is that the playing part?
but then I died in a quest and could only wait... so instead I hacked it... and by hacked I mean I typed this... candies.setCandiesPerSecond(1000);
I've just died in Mount Goblin thinking a copper sword would be enough
I think I'm going to chop up some trees when I finally revive
I have the polished candy diamond sword.... yea...
time to close this game...
sorry "game"
cheater... don't spoil
I don't think its cheating if its that easy...
bin man!
Yeah, cheating isn't defined by how easy it is
So you cracked a text js game, you must be very proud
I would be prouder to build a cheat-proof text js game
I might be a little proud that I found a way to ruin the "game" and therefore wont waste all day on it...
ruin it for us by spoiling?
lol were you looking forward to discovering that poslished lollipop sword of doom or whatever?
ban man!
ugh who cares
that's the next step
Here's a real game for you sissies: kongregate.com/games/noanoa/elona-shooter
oh yeah, I cleaned it off badges already, meh
Lol, who pinned the firefly comment XD?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I finished watching it, and Serenity. There has to be more
Yes, there isn't, but...there is. Isn't there?
Nope, not a thing more, sorry
I did that
It can't end like that! So many things left open!
@copy Are you kidding me? Why shooting animals?
how to call a function in node modules folder?
Mal only shagged one girl!
@OctavianDamiean The chickens are very aggressive
i have a function called getStuff in this directory node_modules/connection/index.js
I'm so upset by that game that I have to go play some BF3.
Of course
What a swell guy
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's a stupid comment to make. It's very difficult for me to provide an absolute answer to the question as the questions is rather vague. — user2280657 4 mins ago
A: Changing div content on page load

user2280657Your best bet would probably be to use some server-side language and ajax to do that.

^^^My new answer to everything ever
@Zirak To me it seemed like every episode kind of had an independent story
"My waffles are soggy" "Your best bet would probably be to use some server-side language and ajax."
with little carrying over to the next
I kind of just didn't expect any questions to ever be answered haha
@twiz yeah, each episode is in the story arc (that's what most shows are). And with each one you can see the characters more and more
@Connor you need to expose it in the file module.exports.getStuff = getStuff; then require() the file and then you'll be able to use it
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah i done it thanks
Throwing candy on the ground doesn't seem to do anything
it changes the emoticon
Anything non-cosmetic
is it normal to do this for all different pages using node?
	app.get('/', function(request, response){
and this
	app.get('/signup', function(request, response){
i mean for all pages?
You can write a separate function (i.e. var sendHi = function(req, res) { res.send('hi'); } )
@Connor why would you do that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, i don't know. how do you server your files?
@Connor route with a wildcard?
app.get('/*', function(request, response){
I can't get past the castle entrance, I keep getting teleported. Earthquake scroll doesn't work. Help? Got it, beserk potion
Or something like that
@BenjaminGruenbaum i done that, then i like took the requestUrl and added a .html on the end? and then im having trouble with .css favicon ...ect
@Connor What are you trying to do?
@BenjaminGruenbaum serve files, like if i go to localhost/signup i want to server {root}/signup/index.html
same for login
but i forgot about all the other requests like favicon.ico
@Connor What do you mean by 'same for login'?
@SomeKittens I keep getting killed by eels...either Silver sword isn't good enough, or I was a good boy and didn't eat enough candy
if i go to localhost/login i want to serve {root}/login/index.html
i a probably doing this really wrong
@Connor what about express.static ?
to serve static files based on routing
ill look
this ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum i get Cannot GET /signup
Why the /public? Have you tried /public/signup?
@BenjaminGruenbaum then its still not dynamic right?
It's a static file
Aha, there is an anti-cheat mechanism. Some enemies halve your life.
yeah, i mean when i request login or signup i want to serve the right files, there must be a better way than doing them individually
ROT13 is sufficient encryption
I did offer an answer. If your subjective view of what constitutes an answer is incompatible with mine, don't cry. @OctavianDamiean ... dear God! — user2280657 16 mins ago
LOL @OctavianDamiean don't cry dear god
Our subjective views don't just stem from us being contributing members on this site for a longer period and knowing the etiquette. It also doesn't stem from years of programming both Him and I have. It stems from the fact you DID NOT PROVIDE AN ANSWER . "use some server-side language and AJAX" may provide a distant means to answer his question (it really doesn't, he asked for NO javascript), but it certainly doesn't answer it. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 49 secs ago
Too much drama
yeah totally
is it possible to get an ordered arrays of {'foo':1, 'bar':2} keys? or have to do it by hand?
why do you guys even care
@c'c by hand
@baordog Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak yep thanks, my object is key: function, and want to first use the frst one, then when it fails second one
then what are the keys for?
available function names
you pick one, apply it's value, and does it periodically, when the value function fail, it enters into the second
I wonder if it's possible to get haskell style lazy ranges in Javascript
what's that?
@FlorianMargaine Telling new users how to improve or when they're wrong in SO is one of the things that keeps quality high.
@baordog do you really need it?
@baordog yeah you can but it's a lot of work
by simulating iterators
Really curious, there's no reason. I thought you might be able to overload something for easy access.
yep maybe when it reach the end , generate other
@baordog No, it is impossible.
@baordog It's in the specification for ECMAScript 6, you can turn a flag in Chrome or in Firefox to use it.
@baordog In ECMAScript 5 (what most browsers implement today) it's impossible but it'll defiantly be possible in the next version
Ah I see. I mean it's just a sugary thing, thought it might be fun.
@baordog no, it's not just a sugary thing, it's co-routines, it's a very big thing the language is getting. wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:generators .
I meant the lazy ranges
ah I see now. Thanks for the heads up
hey could anyone help me with a little js error please? â—”_â—”
ask away
I'm getting an 'unexpected token ILLEGAL' on line 44
regardless of what's actually on that line..
try putting a line break before it to change it
for some context, I'm working off some code from this answer on SO
Q: Automatically adjusting font size to fit container

haynarI have a defined style for div with fixed width and the text inside the div could have different lengths, like in this example. Is there any method using CSS and/or JS to adjust the text size in such a way that it will stay in bounds of the container?

there seem to be connection trouble between me and jsfiddle. I'm getting a missing jquery error
Oh, hang on, it's working now
@BillyMathews I don't get any errors in Chrome nor Firefox console
maybe I was aswell, although I wasn't seeing a 404
@BillyMathews makes me think of zero-width char.
afaik jsfiddle would strip those automatically (which were added by the editor itself), the error used to happen when copying from the jsfiddle editor to somewhere else
though i haven't seen that bug for months now
Recursion is always the answer
@BenjaminGruenbaum trollololol
@baordog I'm not so sure. Maybe you can use getters in some way.
@OctavianDamiean :)
@Zirak wat? I don't get what getters have to do with ti? You can have function state through closures though, something like :
var fibIterator = function(){
   var a=1,b=1,t=0;
   return function(){
       return t;
Then something like var i = fibIterator(); i();i();i();i() which would go through all the fibonacci sequence lazily.
yeah, that was essentially my plan, only with implicit function calls.
That's still not really co-routines though
You are correct
You can accept a callback and make it co-routine-esque, though
@OctavianDamiean I know, right? Solipsism is so fascinating
Proxies would also work, proxies would let us define indexing dynamically and allow ranges
can someone give a example when you would need/want to use a TCP server with node?
var range = function(start,end){
   return function(){
      if(start === end){
         throw new Error("Python actually does this sort of exception-for-flow-control :(");
      return start++;
@Zirak Yeah, I have too. But never in conjunction with reincarnation and time. That made it a lot cooler
@Connor When you don't want the overhead in HTTP? (Like sending headers and stuff on each request)
ok, still dont get it really
http is tcp with extra stuff. You use it when you don't want that extra stuff.
so like if i want to get messages through socket? i wouldn't need http?
You could use http, and you also couldn't. These are all protocols, a way to represent and tag data consistently.
@Zirak do you use ECB?
Emacs Code Browser.
@FlorianMargaine European Central Bank?
and it looks like you don't.
oh, one of the emacs "project viewers"?
ECB is way more than that
it's more about code navigation than "project viewer"
   //This still isn't lazy or anything similar, usage is range(1,10)(function
    var range = function(start,end){
      return function(callback){
          for(var i=start;i<end;i++){
This might work though
var range = function(start,end,callback){
  return function(){
      return callback(start++);
Then something like
var iter = range(1,10,console.log.bind(console));
iter();// logs 1
iter();// logs 2
Doesn't do anything with end though
@BenjaminGruenbaum Stop condition?
Not sure how to handle the stop condition, probably add a .done property to the returned function
@FlorianMargaine Looks weird
Well, java IDE like
@Zirak I don't know, can't use it.
I installed it, but I don't know how to enable it
M-x ecb-activate doesn't work
which is why I asked you tbh
maybe I don't have the right files
I mean, the right languages
I guess ECB isn't for .lisp :(
those languages don't need IDE...
meh. It looked fun.
@FlorianMargaine No language needs an IDE, it just makes your life easy. When you use VI, with lot of shell scripts your wrote for common tasks, and tools like linters for validation, that's kind of like an IDE the way I see IDEs.
The problem is IDE bloat
@BenjaminGruenbaum I switched to emacs :P
I hear emacs is a pretty great operating system that's only missing one thing, an editor :P
the #1=("programmable editor" #1#)
I use emacs for python when I'm at the university and I want something with more advanced understanding of my code (that is, when Sublime doesn't quite cut it), it's pretty swell
The cheapest, fastest, and most reliable components are those that aren’t there. [Gordon Bell]
does javascript have a 'andalso' like doing isBar() and isFoo() if isBar is false it won't even try is Foo
because I suspect isBar() || isFoo() evaluates both
!!> x=2; ((x++<1) && (x++>0)); x;
&& is a short circuit operator
@c'c 3
@FlorianMargaine ah I think I get it thx
there are languages where && is not right?
ok perfect nvm
We all know Linux is great...it does infinite loops in 5 seconds. ~ Linus Torvalds
@XCritics ???
@Zirak Firefly has long episodes. It may take me an entire day to watch an episode
so exhausted, gardening, aquascaping, cleaning up my patio... long ass day man.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Night
@AmaanCheval That always makes me smirk at the wrong moments
I just answered a jQuery question. :O
@Loktar bgr.com/2013/05/03/google-glass-praise I hope it isn't the next Segwey but if it is, this article is very accurate to how I feel about Google.
Q: jQuery and couchdb: is it possible to handle "created" and "already exist" in one handler?

Eye of HellA typical pattern no use REST couchDB API is "create if not exist". For example, if i want to create a database if it's not exist: $.ajax({ type: 'PUT', url: DB + 'mydatabase', }); As a programmer, both 201 Created and 412 Prerequisite failed are success, since i want database to be in pla...

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