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@OctavianDamiean You're one of the idiots who'll aprreciate this: i.imgur.com/amCUBjt.gif
Q: Is there a de facto standard documentor for Javascript?

pocesarI'm trying to document my code using JSDOC3, that has a similar syntax to PHPDocumentator / Apigen. But is there a de-facto standard for Javascript inline documentation? I think Google Closure is the most complete (or so it seems), but what is widely adopted by IDEs and what most people expect to...

!!s|who'll aprreciate this: i.imgur.com/amCUBjt.gif||
@AmaanCheval No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
@AmaanCheval @OctavianDamiean You're one of the idiots (source)
Mhmm. I'm not too much into dogs.
@copy what is the difference between 5*1, 5*2, and 5*3
But yea, I'm an idiot. :D
If I do div p:last-child, will I select the last child of p or the last p in div?
Why don't you test and find out?
@Shmiddty I have to go, but 5 and 10?
@copy j-=i||1
Im new to javascript so be kind =). I created a simple drop down menu and everytime i load the page the content inside the drop down menu shows. jsfiddle.net/zy4cN/4
GUYS problem was I was NOT hard coding click events hence was losing states, thanks for ones who tried to help, specially @RyanKinal and @rlemon :)
@Sebastian default style is visible, what did you expect?
@Shmiddty in css i set o to display:none. Is that what you mean
Just set the display to none
@BillyMathews I'll take a look thanks
also, don't expect people to be helpful when you post spaghetti code
@Shmiddty Thanks for the advice. I will keep that in mind
Hello people. This is the Super Javascript noob. I started learning Javascript yesterday, and I would like to know what is the best subject on Js to learn, that can help me create a prallax effect? I know I should learn everything, I really need to learn about the parallax first.
Do I need to learn about DOM, Event handlers...

Noob Javascript Resources

Jun 15 '12 at 13:05, 1 minute total – 11 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Jun 15 '12 at 13:09 by rlemon

PHP fan? How is that possible?
peerConnection hurts my brain....

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 '12 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 '12 at 13:40 by rlemon

@PHPfan Surprisingly, to create complex effects, it's important to know many things
Event handlers are part of the DOM
@AmaanCheval Thank you for the links!
@mikedidthis No problem
@PHPfan gtfo troll
And the DOM is important, but less important than the language itself (since, surprisingly, you interact with the DOM in...javascript)
@AmaanCheval I am actually nearly done reading Eloquent JavaScript, such a fucking eye opener.
I've only read through parts of it
It's good, though
So, your first guess was only partially right. You don't need to learn "everything", but "a lot of things" (you don't need, for instance, NLP)
for(a=readline(i=-1);i++^a;print(o))for(j=o=a*i||a;j;o=((j||i)+" ").slice(0,4)+o)j-=i||1 anyone see room for improvement?
And I'm talking to myself again
@Shmiddty yeah
add spaces, newlines, stuff.
@FlorianMargaine :p
I'm not very experienced in codegolfs otherwise, so I can't help much
@Zirak thanks. I know an over-all knowledge eventually will lead me to it, but I thought, if I could just avoid the tutorials that focus on things like validation and DOM manipulating, and focus on image-related functions... then, it would allow me to create the parallax faster
anyone here know much about using RTCPeerConnection?
@Shmiddty there is no need to get hostile about this. If you don't like what I write, just ignore me
yeah, I understand what you mean, but unfortunately learning things that way is usually meh
@hdb3 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak Thanks, for the advice. I have downloaded tons of Js tutorials, so I'll try to find my way quickly. for the record this is the type of the image effect I am trying to make.
@PHPfan that just looks like an image that moves depending on the mouse position
The clever thing is how he split the image.
It's not anything fancy. He took an image, split it into 3 layers, and moves those according to mouse
Well, the fancy part is adjusting the layers right; the js is simple
ugh, and bad js at that...
@FlorianMargaine I am not sure what it is, but the source code indicated that there is a parallax script involved
@Zirak Yea, WP === yuck
@PHPfan Parallax effect? Like with... canvas?
$('#introtext a.worklink').click(function() {
    window.location = "#projects";
    return false;
@PHPfan Not just WP, the js is yucky
the js is worse than yucky
@SimonSarris I guess so.
@FlorianMargaine It is a clever ehmmm.... creativity though
@PHPfan That's looks like it's just 3 images layered...
@Shmiddty I know. I have asked about it before and got similar reply. Though I was convinced that, it was parallax, but having seen a tutorial about js, last night I am almost conviced, this could be done much simpler
ugh, no jquery
sorry :(
You'll never be forgiven
however... I am trying to create it myself. I am tired of downloading image slider, accordions, and other js effect, without knowing how they even work.
@PHPfan I like you
@FlorianMargaine :) txs
@FlorianMargaine ^ I agree
@PHPfan you lose points by being a PHP fan though
@FlorianMargaine If SO hadn't imposed on me a 30 days name-changing-rule, something different would be at the place PHP right now.
...for the most part though, since I started watching/reaching Js tutorials last night, I found Js to be a pretty easy language. that ... or Simon Allardice is a wonderful teacher ... or I have no idea what I am talking about
@PHPfan Good attitude
@PHPfan unfortunately, we can't learn for you JS
but we'll gladly help you if there's something you don't understand
@PHPfan BAM Parallax: jsfiddle.net/simonsarris/MGReQ
next song
@SimonSarris you're crazy
thanks all. I will try to ask no-so-ridiculous questions
because 10 seconds
@PHPfan FYI, @SimonSarris wrote this book amazon.com/HTML5-Unleashed-Simon-Sarris/dp/0672336278/…
which has a big part about the canvas element
i have picture.php file in my directory still i am getting this error ( The requested URL /picture.php was not found on this server.)
hmmm.. I was told, HTML 5 is far from being ready
HTML5 is quite ready IMO
canvas is stable
@PHPfan That's "officially"
I think it's ready
Not for all mobile browsers, mind you
Mobiles have some catching up to do
Everyone seems to be talking to an invisible person.
@Neal Check your ignored list
@AmaanCheval baaah
@Neal I like ruining jokes.
@AmaanCheval A man walked into a bar...
A dyslexic man walked into a bra
cya later all!
Oh something is going on.
A woman has run into....
Now a real bye.
I walked into a bar... this isn't a joke... I have a serious drinking problem I should probably take care of...
Can anyone point me towards a good resource for writing a liscence file for your code?
Why does this suck so much? tinker.io/44ddc
!!/google GNU GPL rev.3
meh, I don't care.
@BillyMathews wtfpl.net
@Zirak I'd rather have a proper licence :)
@BillyMathews What's wrong with wtfpl?
People can do what the fuck they like with my code
tinker.io/44ddc/1 Parallax ??? @Zirak
What's wrong with that?
So it's not that it's not "proper", you don't like the terms
its unlikely that being possessive of your code is necessary in 99% of cases
@rlemon Neat
mine uses just the body element and background-image/background-position
@Zirak only change to yours was making them start same position and /(1+i) x/y
yeah I saw
@Zirak it's not really proper as it doesn't do what a licence is meant to do
@BillyMathews Why not? It states what you can and can't do
It's right there in the title as well
If it doesn't make any difference whether you include that or not, am I wrong?
window.onmousemove = function(e){
    var bod = document.body,
        pos = {x:e.pageX,y:e.pageY},
        siz = {w:bod.offsetWidth,h:bod.offsetHeight},
        rat = {x:Math.round((pos.x-siz.w/2)/siz.w*100),y:Math.round((pos.y-siz.h/2)/siz.h*100)}

    bod.style.backgroundPosition = [1,.75,.5].map(function(a){
        return (50-a*rat.x) + '% '+ (50-a*rat.y) + '%';
If there's no license, it's copyright by default (AFAIK)
license free code is actually harder to use than licensed code
    background-position:50% 50%, 50% 50%, 50% 50%;
@BillyMathews Yes, no license = implicit copyright
GPL man
just GPL
I stand corrected
I knew that, too
GPL is a monster. MIT is nicer. WTFPL is nicest.
but don't you have to state it? Is it simply © Billy Mathews 2013
I do not like GPL at all :(
Even if you do not state it I think copyright is assumed
Q: Bug in the code, hole in the ship :(

aayushagraHere is my php code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css"> <style type="text/css"> ...

It's also dependant on what you wanna do. GPL is more binding, more commercial. MIT is partly a de-facto standard in most OSS these days. WTFPL is when you really want open software.
@BillyMathews I just checked, as of 1989 copyright is automatic. You do not need to do anything to assume copyright.
See Berne Convention: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
And of course there are these things inbetween
Releasing to the public domain or CC0 is best IMO
Thanks @SimonSarris
Public Domain is also troublesome, as there're differences between countries
But don't take my word on it
@BillyMathews just write:
> You shall use this software for Good, and not Evil
"This code is released free, without warranty. Some additional fees, levies, duties, charges, surtaxes, tariffs, imposts and fines may apply."
I used that license before @Zirak
> "Listen, you installed it, you own it, you deal with it. I don't want to hear any of yours or anyone elses shit!"
@Zirak define "good" and "evil"
is this legally binding? ^
These are all very humorous but none of them state the people may not use my code ^.^
then don't release the source code
copyright the work
@BillyMathews why would you not want people using your code?
I want you to think very seriously about this
if you are not releasing the source code then you don't provide a license because you don't want people using it
@BillyMathews, What do you gain if people do not use your code?
may not use my code for profit
@SimonSarris he could be writing a closed application
and give me credit, etc
GPL protects me enough on these fronts
I cannot stop people from selling my work, but I can insist they sell it with some level of control on my end
i.e. I can only grant them permission to resell my work so long as i'm accredited and they also provide the client with my original work, or at least provide them with the means to obtain my original work (links, etc) . they must also keep my copyright notice in place as well as my license agreement must be shipped with the product.
GPL looks like the way to go
tl;dr - GPL - cannot change shit without noting the changes, cannot remove accreditation or copyrights, cannot (would have to re-read this) sell without express notification to me.
keep in mind people have stolen it and ignored my emails, but that is all in the license
took me like a day to read and re-re-re-read the GPL rev.3
I wanted to know exactly what was covered, still only half get it
GPL is a good license if you never want your code used in anything important
its too.... viral
Also, too complicated
Hello folks. Anyone can share some experience on RequireJS vs. Browserify? Or is there something better perhaps?
@Oleg If you use node.js use Browserify
Otherwise, use Browserify
RequireJS also works, and is decent
Compoenent is like browserify, yepnope 'just works'
Does Browserify have some edge cases where RequireJS is better?
Like conditional loading of modules for example?
RequireJS is simpler, with Browserify there is an extra build step, with RequireJS no such step exists
I guess that using r.js would be the build step for RequreJS. Although optional.
@Zirak Taken a closer look to CouchDB already?
@Loktar looks a lot like your metaballs demo codepen.io/kennethcachia/pen/Fhvie
omfg! Bubble teas are fucking gross! eewwgh
@rlemon the more letters you type the more it breaks o.o
Accordion to recent surveys, you may insert random instrument names into sentences without people noticing
@rlemon yeah
we were working on them at the same time apparently
he posted his a little bit before mine yesterday
yummy! greaves lard flavored chips. :D
nom nom nom
Q: Revealing module implicity calling an internal function - is this a “smell”

NathanI'm trying to improve my javascript and have been using the revealing module pattern to good effect but I noticed that code in the module not in a function or the return is executed on creation have utilised this, such as: var MyModule = function ($) { setUp(); function setUp() { // execute c...

@rlemon a good solution..
dont insist your code be public
imo anything you are doing for profit wait until you are established and generating profit before you open source it
@OlegOrlov WAT?
@BenjaminGruenbaum dude he doesnt use Frameworks
Like that node.js framework
@OlegOrlov First, you're not the same Oleg who asked t he question. Second, what is native js? You have to run it somewhere
A: Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain - for local file

Simon SarrisI figured it out! The Visual Studio installer must have added an errant line to the registry. open up regedit and take a look at this registry key: See that key? The Content Type key? change its value from text/plain to text/javascript. Finally chrome can breathe easy again. I should note ...

Psh node.hs I aint gonna unclude dat!
Also I wish my really cool answers were upvoted more, all my high upvote answers are mundane things
@Loktar is node.js like jQuery :P?
@SimonSarris gave all i can
@SimonSarris That's the problem with SO
@SimonSarris that's what she said.
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol he seems to think so
does anyone have a working example of how to save a string to a text file using javascript?
i can't seem to get my blob builder to work
Yeah I guess its a decently sized problem, but I'm not sure there's a good fix, and its certainly good enough
I've probably shared this before, but at the end of the day this is the only encouragement I need:
@eazimmerman you can't.
unless you mean node.js
you can't take a string variable and let the user download it as a file?
I take my clean sheet and im like COOODE BOOOYYY
I dont even want to see code someone else has written
it just pisses me off.
Screw you frameworks. Ill write my own OS
lemonOS - guaranteed not to work.
@eazimmerman that's different
Going through some old files since Im going to have my pc wiped.. lol anyone remember before canvas had fillText ?
@Shmiddty that is what i meant. i should have been more clear.
had to use bitmap fonts..
man that sucked.
should be able to do something like window.open('data:text/plain;charset:utf-8,'+string)
[???](data:text/plain;charset:utf-8,The Game)
no protocol
I don't actually know the best way to do it. I'm just spitballing
I think that is the best way unless you want to pass some uri variables to the page to produce the content
post to the server -> return a text/plain document
@RichK. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
there is nothing cool you can do with parallax is there?
you can make psuedo 3d scenes
I was going to try for the parallax rain/snow
but thats boring
^ that was badass back when he did it
now its kind of common place I suppose
Does anyone know a website like caniuse.com but with a web API?
application/octet-stream will let you download it as a file, but you can't specify the filename :-(
@Loktar the way he did it makes me physically ill
A: Is there any way to specify a suggested filename when using data: URI?

JMichaelsThe following Javascript snippet works in Chrome by using the new 'download' attribute of links and simulating a click. function downloadWithName(uri, name) { function eventFire(el, etype){ if (el.fireEvent) { (el.fireEvent('on' + etype)); } else { va...

We all know Linux is great...it does infinite loops in 5 seconds. ~ Linus Torvalds
@OctavianDamiean caniuse.com/js.php have fun
yes the tables are all embedded in that file
@rlemon caniuse.com/js.php I dont understand
Right, hence me asking if there is something sane instead.
fine i'll extract the damn JSON objects
You don't have to.
I could just fork their GitHub repo to get that ...
I want a web API.
I don't want to build my own web API using their data. ;)
should remain live always
just use this
as it stands it's like 8 days old. I think you are safe to use it
make your uber API and profit
Yea I found that one already but it's not what I'm looking for.
don't be lazy
@OctavianDamiean Yes. And I seem to get it. And also not get it.
It's not about being lazy. It is for the bot. I need just the data I'm requesting not an entire dump of everything possible.
@OctavianDamiean bah
proxy server
Dude, if there is a website with a web API fine, if not fine too. I won't waste time for that, have other stuff to do. ;)
nosql databases are kind of like mailboxes. A mailbox will get all the mail for that address regardless of who it is from, etc. The only thing that distinguishes it from any other mailbox is the address.
@OctavianDamiean Every time I see your avatar, I think you're a noob.
Except that CouchDB isn't just a NoSQL DB.
It is a bit more than that. :)
@KendallFrey Fortunately for me, I'm not.
Up to you whether you want to continue to be seen as a noob.
If you can't read between the lines... I hate your avatar.
@Zirak If you don't understand something let me know. :)
@KendallFrey If you can't read between the lines ... I don't care. ;)
!!/stat octaviandamiean extended
@JanDvorak User Elusio proved elusive.
Just need to find a working example, but really...I need to model my data first.
@SOChatBot Can I have some of that LSD?
@yorcc Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the [room pseudo-rules](http://rlemon.github.com/so-chat-javascript-rules/). Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak [Octavian Damiean](http://stackoverflow.com/users/418183/octavian-damiean) has 16653 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 406 answers, for a q:a ratio of 5:406.
avg. rep/post: 40.51. Badges: 10g 50s 70b
@Zirak I learned that people find design documents tough to grasp.
@SOChatBot Watch this:
@NinjaEcho Who is octavian damiean
!!/tell KendallFrey help user
@KendallFrey user: Fetches user-link for specified user. /user usr_id|usr_name
@NinjaEcho Say balls
!!/user octavian dameian
@JanDvorak Can't find user octaviandameian in this chatroom.
@JanDvorak Can't find user octavian in this chatroom.
Oh my, all the attention, I feel like a super star.
@JanDvorak for(a=readline(i=-1);i++^a;print(o))for(j=o=a*i||a;j;o=((j||i)+" ").slice(0,4)+o)j-=i||1 thoughts?
just because of a nooby avatar :-)
@Shmiddty too golfed to be readable ;-)
@OctavianDamiean Port this to yourself: gist.github.com/kendfrey/4565435
Hey! I made that avatar myself!
I made mine myself too.
@KendallFrey No, your parents did.
Well, your computer made your avatar.
No, my computer and me. So he's a digital you.
@Shmiddty Irrelevant
@NinjaEcho $help
Fine, my parents and me.
* Ninja Echo ignores SomeKittens's plea for help
Ask him who he is. He'll tell you.
@NinjaEcho Who is NinjaEcho?
so he just does whois.
That's not quite what I meant
@Shmiddty I toyed with the idea of using one loop, but I'm pretty sure it will end up longer.
@NinjaEcho Who are you?
I am a bot who goes by the name Ninja Echo.
@NinjaEcho Who am I?
@NinjaEcho $flip
@NinjaEcho Where are you?
doesn't pick up edits, I see
@NinjaEcho Are you single?
Wish I had internet at home so I could work on it.
@OctavianDamiean Do you have a braindead example of a couchdb "app"?
All I seem to find are things using that jQuery.couch thing
!!>for each(a in Array(5))console.log(a)
@Shmiddty "undefined"
@Shmiddty "SyntaxError: missing ( after for"
fuck this life
This sounds far too close to my last job. Yikes. thedailywtf.com/Articles/Slacking-Off.aspx
@Zirak Yea, give me a second.
I wonder what Linus smoked when making git commit --amend not abortable like a normal commit.

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