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hey oh let's go !
i have a stupid question, i have to write down a simple english phrase just to say: "hey soon this site will be ok also for your mobile " (since i'm working on the mobile version)
so the question is, does this sentence is ok "Soon also for your mobile" ?
@mikedidthis ^ :)) morning dude!
@okok Morning.
I hate it when sites redirect me to an improved mobile experience.
I believe 'Mobile version coming soon' will be enough.
@FizzyTea ain't that the truth.
Urgh ... redirecting? URGH!
@mikedidthis thanks!
@FizzyTea redirect ? :/
Yeah, separate page for mobile devices instead of just the regular page.
@FizzyTea damn bad, this is exactly what i'm working on actually, i use same urls but different domain, so both domains binded to same app urls, and just switch layouts
redirect is tossic
I meant redirect in a general sense. Serving up different content is the same concept.
@any one hello
I have the app on the iPad and on that i have the html (web view )page please check this stackoverflow.com/questions/…
And in when font size get incrase from particular limt than the remain content must go in to next page
Yep, I have to agree with @FizzyTea. Enhancing 'base' content is fine, but if your serving different views for devices, its up there with being redirected.
Q: Need the web view +pagination

HarishI am using web view and facing one diffculty the in web view and the paginating of web view >Actually I need the incaseing the decreasing the font size of the web view on the pichtouch . I DONE with that > AND I use this code - (void)pinchDetected:(UIPinchGestureRecognizer *)pinchRecognizer ...

@harish I presume you need to do a calculation on line-height against the parent element?
@mikedidthis than how i pass the remain html to next page
Not being able to zoom out and having slow navigation through many tiny pages is instant rage for me. Especially when the main site often renders acceptably well on mobile.
@harishL This is what I would do. Work out how many lines fit in the parent element, and how many characters per line. You then split the content based on: lines in parent element * characters per line.
For example if 10 lines can fit in the parent element, at 60 character per line, I would split the content at the 600th character.
@FizzyTea Amen.
I am pretty sure there is a CSS3 property for this sort of thing, but I can't remember what it is.
!!/tell mikedidthis mdn word-wrap
@OctavianDamiean its not that sadly. I may have made it up, but I was sure you could make text flow from one element to another.
But I think I made it up :)
Oh flow from one element to another. That sounds different, yea. :)
@mikedidthis it means that now main rule play by the css3 in my app
Right, gotta use VPN, which means bye bye SO Chat. Later folks.
@OctavianDamiean I seem to make alot of CSS stuff up. If I believe in it, its there! :)
@FizzyTea see ya!
@Harish Use JS then, as I think I was dreaming about the CSS3 property.
Let me give you a tip mike. Don't overdo the tech support stuff in chat. You'll burn out in no time, believe me. :)
@mikedidthis please what property should i use
@OctavianDamiean yep, I am starting to see that.
Harish here for example makes the impression of a help vampire.
I wouldn't bother all too much.
Sounds very arrogant but it is just for self protection.
@Harish there is no property. You will have to use JS, as I was wrong about the CSS property.
@OctavianDamiean yep, its such a shame. I don't understand folks like that, but oh well! :)
@mikedidthis @OctavianDamiean i didn't mean that
Morning dudes
Hey @BillyMathews
Whats up
haha :D
> Can Stop a Ford Transit Van at 80kph
grr, still no sockets. I'm re-implementing the polling...
The most awkward video on youtube
:[ no love for me :[
me still no owner :[
Shift + Tab ... best shortcut ever in Sublime Text.
@OctavianDamiean I did not know that :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha wtf! That dude is weird but when he grins I always have to laugh/smile. :D
I have a friend who is sleazy just like that . I think this has been posted to his wall ~100 times now
My fav is CTRL + SHIFT + C (CSSComb)
@OctavianDamiean It works everywhere, not just sublime :) Also, the most useful sublime shortcut is alt+f3 by far
It's the closest thing to refactor
dudes, simply, how do i check if var is int ?
Select word?
@mikedidthis Oh yea that one too.
i have window.asd , need to check if is int
typeof window.asd
@okok Do you ever Google first?
nope sorry
@OctavianDamiean Select all occurrences of a word
@AmaanCheval That won't work though
@okok Thou shall be ignored from now on.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh yea! Cool, cool cool cool.
but is it just typeof var ?
cause i found many links they all uses a method like this inventpartners.com/javascript_is_int
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, but I didn't want to bother explaining to him that all numbers in JS are floating points
typeof won't help you, typeof NaN is number, typeof 0.3 is number, you want integer
@AmaanCheval lol
if(typeof window.asd) {} ?
oh oh ok, uhmm
Oh boy ...
Fucking google typeof
i use this ;) :
function isInt(value){
  if((parseFloat(value) == parseInt(value)) && !isNaN(value)){
      return true;
  } else {
      return false;
OK, good luck
lol why good luck? :D
is it not right? :P
It looks bad in terms of code style, but it might work
uhm i'm newbie dude, if you can show me somenthing better i'll really appriaciate that a lot
Q: website script stopped working

sarahi have 2 copies of my wordpress website one online and the other offline the code now is working on offline but on the online some scripts stopped appeared when i used contact 7 plugin but i fixed it but now when i activate it online i website crash but offile every thing is working fine is tha...

function isInt(n) {
   return n % 1 === 0;
A: How to check if a number is float or integer?

kennebeccheck a remainder when dividing by 1: function isInt(n) { return n % 1 === 0; } If you don't know that the argument is a number- function isInt(n) { return typeof n === 'number' && n % 1 == 0; } If you also want to include examples such as 1E308 is a float, and not an integer: functi...

why complicated?
@okok !isCheeseNaN(value)
You can tell I had indian food last night
@FlorianMargaine thanks dude
@okok hey dude
I'll learn you something
Who uses github/command line
Learn you a Haskell for great good!
after meeting bill gates and steve jobs, maybe you should've met larry page
@BillyMathews everyone
@FlorianMargaine sure!
Why is it so confusing
i was at bowling with him last night
@okok it means: google before asking
@BillyMathews I use the app / gui. I am a designer after all.
background: -webkit-image-set(url(/img/fzprofile.png) 1x, url(/img/[email protected]) 2x) no-repeat,#fff;
crashes iOS webkit, can somebody test this for me :D ... on more browsers ?
@BillyMathews it's really quite simple..
@FlorianMargaine i know i know, i google that but found bad code
@BillyMathews Who doesn't?
@BillyMathews What do you mean? GitHub on the command line or do you just mean git?
i'm not so good on js to distinguish which is better code sincerily
so i trust in you
I don't understand why it's half done in command line and half in the web its really really confusing
@BillyMathews Those are two different things.
@OctavianDamiean Considering there is no GitHub on command line, I'm pretty sure he means git connected to a remote GitHub repo
//  @okok , that's the sort of thing that makes you suspect...
if(boolean condition){
    return true;
} else {
    return false;
@AmaanCheval There is a CLI for GitHub stuff.
@OctavianDamiean Whaaa?
Like what?
Yea, sick, innit?
@OctavianDamiean There's also a git GUI which I made the mistake of downloading once
Lemme see if I can find it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks , i cant understand the condition there
Yeah, I meant Git
Git Bash
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, he means for GitHub specifically!
The git GUI was horrible
but for GitHub
@okok just look for highly voted answers on SO, it's often good code.
@AmaanCheval Me too, GITHUB gui
@BillyMathews GitHub is just a remote website where you can upload your code
@FlorianMargaine right need to yep
Just like BitBucket
Or Assembla
github provides a nicely made GUI however
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's what I need
!!s/nicely made/pointless, and worse than the cli/
@Zirak Y NO BOT?
Holu shit I just opened git gui and theres like 10,000 Android files somewhere
Chat's sockets are borked; I've pinged balpha and working on a workaround
Best rapper ive ever heard
@Zirak k, thanks
They are more or less wrappers, I thought he's talking about them.
Anyway, I'm off to a business meeting, ttyl
@OctavianDamiean Ooh, that actually looks good
in the git gui, why can't I navigate to another directory?
@BenjaminGruenbaum whats the tips thing you have again?
The webpage?
You mean another repo?
@XCritics It's not for work, and tip ranks
Also, it's not mine :P
when I open the gui, it's in my C:/users/billy folder
yeah thats your local folder. You clone / pull repos into it, if I remember correctly.
Have you taken the time to learn the command-line or did you just wing it?
I kinda just winged it..
And now we know why it was confusing for you
@BillyMathews this may help: rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide
@BillyMathews If you've just started using it, you should take the time to go at least thought the basics chapters of this.
@OctavianDamiean I can't click on your link
@FlorianMargaine The reply button covers it up, right?
@AmaanCheval the star button, rather
start + flag
and reply, yeah
grr, on Chrome the connection just doesn't...fail...but doesn't open as well
but I didn't know there was a reply button there... nice.
One liner to crash an iOS browser
11 mins ago, by Darkyen
background: -webkit-image-set(url(/img/fzprofile.png) 1x, url(/img/[email protected]) 2x) no-repeat,#fff;
Now I'll need to add two checks...I hate you
Not a single shit was given :[
@FlorianMargaine Huh. So you always replied by clicking on the arrow on the left?
Thanks guys
Sucks when all of your friends go on reddit, you can't show them anything interesting
Do you think JDBC or some other database connection API actually uses object output stream and serializes the object first when it comes to binding object to the database?
am i on group ignore ?
@AmaanCheval yeah
Has anyone seen @Darkyen by chance?
it's way better now :D
@Darkyen You're on my love list
@AmaanCheval I did think it was bad ui... but well
@Neil he is doing sports right now
He's usually on at this hour
@FlorianMargaine That would be horrible
@AmaanCheval and it was
omg, it's so good now.
Google image search for What the fuck, you will end up saying ... WHAT THE FUCKING HELL ?
And you expected kittens and ponies?
i expect the live support chat to be there for me
This is why I don't play console anymore
@Zirak I expected meme-faces or troll faces
what i got was insanity [ but then my safe search is off ... by default ]
hmm, I have gained 5 kg recently
Can jesus microwave a burrito? It's a question I myself ask often..
I ate too many lolliepops while coding
!!are you alive?
@Neil phahah :D
Q: How can I access asp.net button's "Text" in a code behind method?

user13814In reference to the question of mine at deleting record when it shouldn't How can I access asp.net button's "Text" in a code behind method? Here's how button looks like: <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="true"> <ContentTemplate> ...

anyone here using/used modernizr ?
No, no one ever heard of it in here.
I used it when I was in Grade 6
@OctavianDamiean :D come oooon
That looooook
i would like to know, is modernizr for creating mobile layouts or it's just a detecter?
@okok seriously? is google blocked in your network or something?
@okok It is a metal detector written in JS.
@okok Are you serious?
@mikedidthis i'm on official web site
@OctavianDamiean ok so not helping creating css or layouts right?
@AmaanCheval always
@okok the site explains it well.
@okok Then read it for gods sake.
Well, look at the first line on their website.
> Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser
@AmaanCheval ok i was asking for more features indeed
@AmaanCheval lol
@mikedidthis @OctavianDamiean ok thanks dudes
you guys talk so much shit
@okok it has osmething called yep nope.js inbuilt which allows you to selectively load stuff\
you can also compile html5shiv with it, that hackgically adds support for html5 elements on <ie9 [ but not video ... just the blocks ]
and thats it :P
@user13814 Something broke inside of me when you said that.
@OctavianDamiean I need a hug.
hugs @mikedidthis
@OctavianDamiean Thank you! :)
If I wanted to make a website with a basic admin, would it be okay to use my IP as authentication?
instead of having to encrypt passwords etc
You should always encrypt your passwords.
but that wasn't my question :(
You can use IP based authentication alongside, no harm in that if you have a static IP address.
No I mean literally just check the IP and if it matches then allow access
If you have a shared public IP address (more customers share the same public IP) then that's bad.
I'd probably only use my home one and work (there are 4 others in my office who will probably never even know it exists)
Like I said, you should combine that. Have that as an extra security measure.
The main reason I'm asking is because I don't know how to encrypt passwords and I remember trying to learn once and just failing
bcrypt them and use SSL
^means nothing
Google the terms.
With TLS/SSL you're securing the transport layer and with bcrypt you're encrypting your passwords.
I figured as much, but I kinda doubt my ability to actually program this stuff
I'm more front-end
plus, it's a personal project and I'm a tad busy
But, maybe one day..
Oh ffs ... my neck hurts so badly today ... I could cry.
haha this is so funny, honey boo boo's mom actually looks like your thumb
@OctavianDamiean I feel your pain, I bruised my coccyx, but the pain killers make me fly.
!!/define coccyx
@mikedidthis Ouch!
Fuck it ... I'm gonna get some pain killers too.
Yep, do it!
Fuck in its literal meaning refers to the act of sexual intercourse. It is an English word that is often used as a profanity, either to denote disdain or as an intensifier. The origin of the word is obscure. It is usually considered to be first attested to around 1475, but it may be considerably older. In modern usage, fuck and its derivatives (such as fucker and fucking) can be used in the position of a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb. There are many common phrases which make use of the word, as well as a number of compounds incorporating it, such as motherfucker. Offensiveness...
The most hillarious wikipedia article i guess
Wikipedia is known for its pristine humour
!!are you alive?
@Zirak Definitely
@Zirak Definitely
So anybody knows how to rename files like

Rename...or extract?
Batch rename?
in a batch because i have like 78 of them
There is the rename command
i try to do
ren *.*.gz *.*
but it doesnt works for obvious reasons :D
*.gz == * :P for windows
It does renames based with sed like syntax. Try man rename
oh, windows?
yes windows :[
but luckily i have GNUUtils installed so linux commands will work aswell
The Matrix retold by someone's mom
Can't you ren *.png.gz *.png ?
There's probably also a PowerShell solution
it makes them *.png.png
but well here is a two step solution
Then just *.png.gz *
*.png.gz *.png

and then

*.png *.
@Zirak lets try yours on jpgs
turns out *.gz *. works... [ thanks for helping btw @Zirak ]
Time to figure out why loopage is being called twice in a row...
Now to just eliminate the race condition...
...and talk to myself less often...
!!are you alive?
@Zirak Certainly not
@rlemon, @BenjaminGruenbaum: Bot's back, added a fallback
@Zirak What's the fallback?
Using the DOM?
Polling, like the chat itself does
<communist-cookie> You have to save whole document to a string to 'getElementById', I didn't expect it :)
So now I remember why I left ##javascript...
That's a strange thing to say
Oh, hahaha
<communist-cookie> PHP is fucked up
<communist-cookie> I thought it is, like, easy, JS-like server-sida language.
[followed by the above message]
!!will you help me make life decisions now?
@Zirak Yes, absolutely
@Zirak addElementById? lol
<ImBcmDth> Mo3y: what the hell is `addElementById`
<Mo3y> its been a long day
@FlorianMargaine Why did you take me back to freenode...
Oh my ... communist-cookie is a user. I was confused as hell how a web cookie can be a communist.
He'll be in awe.
@rahularyansharma You are my god
I've been working on it for 2 years!
@OctavianDamiean Did you like my idea?
@Zirak Oh yea, I forgot to answer ... yea, I like it!
I'm definitely going with a NoSQL like mongo...not sure what the lang will be, though. And I still have to make the UI. Oh lord the UI...
@Zirak Why not CouchDB and stick to JavaScript then? :)
@mikedidthis My mommy cat does that all the time. All of my USB sticks are always somewhere on the floor.
@OctavianDamiean Our cat is too lazy to do that sadly.
@OctavianDamiean I've no CouchDB experience, and building sufficiently advanced stuff with node was a bit annoying. Again, I blame my noobieness.
@Zirak Oh no no, not Node.js. CouchDB is serving the content itself and you define all the views 'n stuff in JavaScript right in CouchDB.
newgtldsite.com We're getting new TLDs on may 13th, apparently
I'm quite advanced with CouchDB, so if you decide to go with it and need help, no worries.
@mikedidthis nice ..!!
@OctavianDamiean ...isn't that insanely insecure?
@Zirak Nope.
There are security mechanisms of course. :)
Got a recommended tutorial or just google?
Give me a second.
We all know Linux is great...it does infinite loops in 5 seconds. ~ Linus Torvalds
...and why did you just say that?
@Zirak Yeah, @RyanKinal was talking about getting .slicktext and NameCheap having trouble with these gTLDs or something
Python people, is the ternary operator bad in python?
@Zirak There is the online book and there is the official Wiki (which right now appears to be offline, amazing).
I end up using it a lot more than in JavaScript to describe 'usual' output
@copy @ThiefMaster
@OctavianDamiean Thanks
...it just told me to relax
It's going to murder me
@BenjaminGruenbaum: no, it's just as ok as in any other language - if used properly
@BenjaminGruenbaum Uhm, bad in what terms?
@OctavianDamiean ssl u mean secure session layer
@BenjaminGruenbaum It can hurt readability but other than that.
@TusharGupta What ThiefMaster just said. I mean Secure Sockets Layer.
@Zirak The fun thing is, you'll really just have to relax with CouchDB. :D
@Zirak Shutup and take my money!
Too bad we can't have .js TLDs. :(
# echo "Hello!" > /etc/issue

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