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default color scheme in my terminal :)
I always run emacsclient -t
@AmaanCheval it was pushed back until July :(
@FlorianMargaine Regarding my stupidity...I should've seen it
I haven't been on freenode in a long while
When people write programming languages, what language do they use?
I'm mostly on freenode for those channels ^
@XCritics Whichever they want
@FlorianMargaine What OS?
(irc.margaine.com is my BNC.)
@XCritics what?
@Zirak they have to write the compiler and everything too?
@FlorianMargaine What operating system?
Unless they use some library
@XCritics what?
They can use the same language they're writing if they get enough done to bootstrap itself ;)
please write a full question...
@FlorianMargaine Don't be like this bro
@XCritics It's a very general question you asked mate.
Matt damon
flmar@ping:~$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 12.10 \n \l
What's stackvm?
@FlorianMargaine I thought you liked Redhat
oh, and how's the nodejs channel?
the channel where Raynos, substack (browserify, browserling, ...), isaacs and other roam around
@Zirak still full of shit.
but sometimes interesting
@XCritics where did you get this thought?
I thought I seen you state it somewhere
CentOS or something
yeah, centos for servers
for desktops, ubuntu
Oh, I just liked your UI is all, I use mint at home
my UI?
dude, it's emacs in the terminal
the UI is just awesome wm
which you can install on any pc :)
The graphical interface isn't necessarily linked to the OS...
sudo apt-get install awesome
@XCritics window managers are for linux, not distribution specific
you can install gnome, kde, etc, on any distro.
and awesome is another wm.
which I like.
and which @copy likes, because it's just awesome.
Is that VIM :)
It's really awesome, as indicated by its name
mr. hose pic is here
whats up whats up
@copy Out of curiosity, what OS do you develop on?
we're gossiping on people in private irc.
It's fun.
private messages is really lacking here
irc is too hardcore for me.
@XCritics Archlinux.
What's the webpage with the minecart thingy that's code-golfed in JS
I think it has sh in the title >.>
@JaeGeeTee what's hardcore about irc?
@XCritics copy.sh ?
> IRC is multiplayer notepad
No no
well, not many people write in it in every channel though
Yeah. It's more like a stadium with multiplayer notepad.
to be quite honest I've never really used it much...
I started my internet life on it
there is a drawback to ERC
it's integrated in Emacs
which means I concentrate less on the code.
ERC uses libnotify. cooool
@Florian stop talking shit about me <\notparanoid>
@SomeKittens Make a chat room with this kind of interface: js1k.com/2013-spring/demo/1544 p.s. @FlorianMargaine this is the site I was talking about
looks kinda wrong.
@Zirak btw, emacswiki has changed its interface recently...
it's nicer now
it looked like so old school
yeah I've seen
That was a scary moment. I thought I dropped into another dimension.
wow thats a lot of wow
I'm always worried about my connection being secure on IRC, is that a noobish concern?
The FBI will find you're dealing with child pornography anyway
you said the two words ... now we all will be observed
thanks @Zirak
Any of you a certified plane pilot?
Have you accepted Allah into your hearts?
well.. doesn't matter now does it
terror muslim al quaida YOOOWOOO
I don't plan on going overseas anytime soon, so yeh :p
@FlorianMargaine Acknowledge meeee
I weirded him out
@Zirak my emacs is stuck
I installed mails on it...
with Gnus
@Ding Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok this is so weird
FBI froze your shit
@rlemon ^
Hi guys, I need some help :)
I want to find out if this game is application is loading correctly:
If you have 10 second, please click on it, and report if it did load or not. Thanks in advance !
Home in 2 hours you gonna be on
!!is it ready yet?
@Zirak By all means
Well, you'll break if it isn't
!!/welcome BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@XCritics Command w does not exist. Did you mean: a
@XCritics tell
deal, I stay with emacs.
@FlorianMargaine so is Emacs the 4 squares, and do they auto-align perfectly, or what do you use?
I like that setup
emacs or vim have these features
Emacs is an awesome text editor
besides, I've rather opened gnus in another emacsclient
let's try to send some mail...
oh send to me! [email protected]
I need to find out how to write mails
Vim or Emacs
Editor war is the common name for the rivalry between users of the vi and Emacs text editors. The rivalry has become a lasting part of hacker culture and the free software community. Many flame wars have been fought between groups insisting that their editor of choice is the of editing perfection, and insulting the others. Unlike the related battles over operating systems, programming languages, and even source code indent style, choice of editor usually only affects oneself. Differences between vi and Emacs The most important differences between vi and Emacs are presented in the fol...
I use mutt for emails
elisp is such a dick though
Let's see emacs do this:
@FizzyTea send me your .vimrc :D
It's so weird that a wikipedia article has a section called Humor
@FizzyTea Run through jslint? Easy
Each scope gets a different colour.
ok, that's cool
...that's much more useful
It looks like the colours are just random
JSLint outputs that info though, so you could add it to emacs if you wanted.
Steve Yegge wrote a powerful js mode for emacs, I'm sure if one hacked around it'd be doable
you know... if vim can do it, emacs can do it even more easily
@copy No, but there do appear to be a couple of errors, off-by-one maybe.
I'm a huge vim fan, yet I know this.
@FizzyTea paste bin your .vimrc!!!
@FlorianMargaine Yep, it just needs doing.
@XCritics It's over 1500 lines.
And it's full of crap.
@Zirak did you get the mail?
Dunno how easy syntax highlighting is in emacs though. It's very straightforward in vim. But running async processes sucks in vim.
@copy having any luck?
@FlorianMargaine hahaha
@Shmiddty gave up for today
X-I-am-not-drunk: really
Now glee.
it's really easy to write headers :P
@copy she makes you watch glee?
I make her watch Glee
@Zirak as you can see, I need to config a little more too.
She'd much rather do codegolf
@copy she makes you say that? Things are worse than I thought.
freljord patch to LoL looks interesting
@Zirak you should have another mail.
I do have another email
X-and-some: fun
X-headers-since-I: can
@shmidty why not dota?
I think it's time for me to get another smoke
@Zirak Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@XCritics haven't tried it. not very interested, really.
Almost 48 hours without a smoke
!!/tell zirak welcome
@zirak Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
4 days ago...that sounds like an important day. What happened then...
Good luck.
@Zirak no-op = ?
erm, nullary, no arguments
Why did I write no-op...
@FlorianMargaine How can you stand line numbers...
Displaying line numbers, that is
does anybody in here know express.js?
@FizzyTea not sure you know about this, but you may like it github.com/Ralt/.dotfiles/blob/master/vimrc#L51-L68
sorry if I'm interrupting
@FlorianMargaine It's full of crap.
@Zirak I don't know, I feel weird without them
@FizzyTea what exactly is crap?
I also have this one: wc -l .vimrc
89 .vimrc
@FlorianMargaine Accumulated junk and notes over the years. I probably use a small fraction of it regularly.
oh, yours, you mean
How do you copy to clipboard from vim I've been doing :%w ! Pbcopy is there a quicker way?
@FlorianMargaine Thanks. It's always interesting to look at other people's set-ups.
@FlorianMargaine Heh, yes mine! Yours looks neat and tidy.
not really neat and tidy.
it's just the vundle part
all my plugins are listed there
@FlorianMargaine There are a lot of plugins.
when I want to install one, I add its github url there
and run :BundleInstall
Ah right. I just use pathogen and git clone the plugin.
And the only reason I do all that is to use the tiny part of fugitive.vim which puts the git branch in my statusline.
I use pathogen too :)
vundle does a git clone, so it takes care of it too
but it's just easier to install
also, switching computer is easier
I couldn't do anything with my tokenizer...
man, time and time again I realize how somehow sad it is to let a system you build grow and grow. On the one hand, it grows. On the other, there're so many oddities introduced, and they make you feel a sort of..."what if I was better? could they have been avoided"?
@Zirak Scrap it. Rewrite.
@FlorianMargaine Not even tokenizing?
That's the part of "grow and grow". It's past the stage where a rewrite is likely to produce a better result
Not even that.
I'm kinda stuck there
Hey dudes. I have a bunch of different php files that are included based on different situations. Each php file needs to have just a little bit of js (usually ajax to another php file). Do I need to put all of that into seperate js files or just add each file's js right into it, or put all the js into one file that is always loaded?
I've never used Common Lisp, sorry.
or am I just a failtard altogether?
@FlorianMargaine I found you problem, you need (((((( on ln 24 and ))))))))))))))))))))) at the end
I already told you
emacs takes care of parentheses, I don't even see them anymore
and come on
there isn't so many parentheses...
there is way more when I edit code (delete, redo, clean up...)
@FlorianMargaine You should use chaining, like jQuery.
@FlorianMargaine Where are you, and where do you want to be?
right now it returns the last 2 indexes in a list
which is normal seeing the code
but I want to return ((index1 index2) (index3 index4) (index5 index6))
I get the indexes correctly
with cl-ppcre:all-matches
That doesn't sound so bad
the issue is that empty list is considered as nil
Why is that an issue?
so (setf ret (append ret '()) doesn't really work, and thus (setf (last ret) (append (last rest) (list index))) doesn't add a new list onto nil...
I tried consing, but it kinda fucks up everything
Sorry then, out of my knowledge range
eshell is nice :o
I'll probably ask some help on #lisp
Yo dawg, I heard you like emacs & vim, so I put emacs in your emacs so you can vim while you emacs. http://t.co/DVHXygrU
That was awesome...
old tweet?
with tmux
It was so slow...I tried editing a few files
viper-mode is usable.
For some reason, having to run an editor inside a simulation inside a simulation slows things down
@Zirak did you try running tramp?
with it?
With Emacs? Nope
Haven't had to FTP in a long time, thank heavens
ftp or ssh
Does emacs have any modes where it does async parsing of a buffer?
but yeah I haven't ftp'd in a long file
@FizzyTea I don't know, haven't done enough elisp
The usual way to do that sort of thing in vim is to compile it with some other lang that supports that feature, e.g. python.
But that's useless for plugins.
You can compile vim with an embedded scheme interpreter, btw. :-)
@FizzyTea what do you mean?
I think somebody might have even discussed writing bindings for embedding a JavaScript interpreter into vim a few years back on the mailing list. I don't know what became of it though.
@FlorianMargaine Well, just that.
there was a discussion to replace vimscript with javascript actually
So that scheme becomes a first class (ish) extension language for vim.
@FlorianMargaine That sounds more recent, I haven't read the mailing list properly for years.
Doesn't surprise me though.
@FlorianMargaine Oh yeah, I actually remember that!
ECMAScript is a prototype-based language, just like VimScript.

To be fair, I like neither language very much.
VimL is constrained by having to be backwardly compatible with ex.
It does okay as a domain-specific language.
It ranks fairly highly on anarchy golf!
it's really bad though
I made a vim plugin github.com/Ralt/psettings
oh god... worse than bash
Also, vim sucks :)
what's the difference between vimL and vimscript?
vimscript is what it gets called for obvious reasons, but VimL is the official name for it.
I wrote some vimL
and it was awful :P
the plugin is useful btw.
Why didn't I know of this beforehand? ideone.com/DeJS62
Java has this?
String... strs
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, asking how to do that used to come up quite a bit on the mailing list.
That could've saved me so much agony...
Why not just one array parameter?
@Zirak like, using arrays or multiple overloads?
@Zirak That's just varargs, everyone has them
@FlorianMargaine Instead of using arrays or a multitude of overloads
That's there since Java 5, pretty old
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well why didn't everyone tell me then!?
JS is getting it in the next version, it's neater syntax than working with arguments
@Zirak, the memo was sent to you, I checked.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes but people get excited when Java implements a feature that doesn't have syntax resembling a short essay.
@FizzyTea Are you implying Java is verbose?
I dare supporting this claim.
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, I'm implying that it sometimes implements cutting-edge features.
Java 7 is going to be a mess...
I wish there was the opposite of a star.
We're already at Java 7 and it already is a mess
Java 8 has fakedas (fake lambdas with no lexical closures)
@phenomnomnominal A meteor on whoever wrote the message?
oh so Java 8 is the new mess?
They had to implement type inference for them, but you can't use it
Happily I don't keep track anymore. yay!
It's so fun to have the option to not use Java
@Zirak, maybe some sort of electric shot
Did anyone else notice the massive Sun Oracle logo in Iron Man 3?
Only bad thing about the movie
@phenomnomnominal not released in the USA yet...
@Zirak I track, I just don't care that much ever since Scala became a viable option
shut your whore mouth
It made Java... Obsolete
Even the guy who invented and created Java said it :)
He also said to abandon Emacs and use NetBeans instead

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