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Yo nobody replied :]
I've had to do that
ping me ! and respond :D even if u hav a bad news for me
JSBeautifier is awesome, though
finally after all the tweaking, realisticness awaits me
@KirstyHarris about that, a good counter-argument is load-time
@Darkyen Pretty cool
What's this for?
the browser just doesn't support it and it would take a lot of work and additional markup/images to fix that -> a lot slower website
I was thinking of generating terrain like that for the typical mountain biking (balancing) game
speed over fanciness in outdated browsers
Instead I generated smooth hills for a Tiny Wings clone because I found that more amusing
@AmaanCheval will make it happen on 3d
@Darkyen Huh?
@AmaanCheval same terrain generated in 3d rendered with webGL
The same 2D terrain in 3D? So you'll do what? Add depth?
and have water init ;-)
That could be pretty cool
@AmaanCheval it will run on 3 axes then 2 :[
Please have a look at this link:
Q: Get offset position of the caret in Textarea

Mr_GreenIn my project, I am trying to get the offset position of the caret in a TextArea. How it could be done? Before asking here, I have gone through many links (specially, Tim down's) but I couldn't found a solution which works in IE8+, chrome and firefox. It seems, Tim down is working on this. Som...

yeah i am making scorched 3d
against loktar [if he ven remembers ]
@Darkyen NOWAI. 3D CAN DO THAT?!
And a subreddit to go with that image reddit.com/r/outside
had a look at it. Didn't like that game
i mean, the graphics are kinda cool, but the gameplay is just plain bullshit
@GNi33 sorry went out for a break so couldn't reply I will have a look at the link
thank you
if anyone could link me to some cheats, i might start playing again
does anyone here understands how typescript import module should work?
@AmaanCheval yes -_-
I want to go
But 18 or older. Bastards
@AmaanCheval how old?
(Not like I'd reaally apply. Just very tempted to)
@AmaanCheval 100$ that this won't happen?
Haha, I can't say
fuck it, i'll make it 1000$
It won't happen as scheduled for sure
you're tempted to a 1-way - trip to Mars?
That was freaking awesome
It could be cool
nah, nothing for me
'Are we nearly there yet?' :)
@AmaanCheval I wonder if Mars has good WiFi
they would make a "Big Brother" - like TV-show out of it too, i mean... wtf?
Yeah, just read that
Now it looks a lot more stupid
that's how they wanna fund that mission
Doesn't it take like 250 days to get to Mars?
@ThiefMaster just wanted to ask him the same, fellow fefe-reader ;)
That's fucked up and wouldn't any sane person (even more everyone with something to hide) create a second account just to show them? And what about people using POP3 instead of IMAP?
Israel's a bit insane on these points
note to self -> if i ever plan on going to Israel, create a fake mail-account a jew months beforehand and make myself look super-innocent
Hahahahaha that's perfect.
Hahaha a jew months beforehand
> a jew months
whaaaaat? i made a typo? :P
Those who have facebook graph search
try this ::
We all know about the nuclear weapons trade you want to hide
"Photos of single male/female who like my photos who are intrested in male"
how can you access global scope variable with string indentifier? something like _G["variable"]
@Darkyen Hahaha
And one more in favour of Darkyen being a 13 year old girl
You're desperate, clearly :P
@AmaanCheval that was the reason i deleted my facebook account ^^
hey guys, Im struggling with jquery autocomplete and a json array... After I fetch the json data from my database, i use this for loop to record all the data in the array: for( var i = 0; i < branch_index.length; i++ )
branch_autocomplete += "" + '{' + "\'" + "label" + "\':" + "\'" + branch_index[i].branch_code + "\'" + "},";
But each time I try autocomplete my browser console looks like its trying to get the data from my localhost instead of local storage?
@Zirak it has nothing to do that, imagin the power of graph search api as a developers perspective
Why won't anyone reply with the "Oh you!" dog?!
The only reply for that ^
@Darkyen Eh. Don't like people's pictures if you don't want them to be able to see it
@Darkyen Ah, sure.
@AmaanCheval try graph search
there you go
I have tried it
@AmaanCheval no for the person in that picture :D
@Kikaimaru window[...]
@Zirak I'm confused, but that's way better than HTTP 418
> 413 Request Entity Too Large
> 413 Request Entity Too Large
The request is larger than the server is willing or able to process.[2]
@ThiefMaster and in nodejs environment?
> 411 Length Required
works everywhere unless the containing function is called as a object method or with a context set
process is the global scope of node programs
socket = {};
is equivalent to
this["socket"] = {}; ?
Why are you even going for globals?
not really
Quick question: Use if ( a == b ) else or switch : case ?
until now i had this
var http = require("http");
I think socket = {} creates a global variable with the "deletable" attribute set to false. and what this is always depends on the context
@Zirak but now typescript doesnt alow me to do this, since it knows that http is not really a variable but a module
@mikedidthis: depends. mostly a matter of personal preference.
...fuck typescript
Q: Getting a reference to the global object in an unknown environment in strict mode

Dagg NabbitWhat is the recommended way to get a handle to the global object in ES5 strict mode in an unknown host environment? ECMAScript doesn't provide a built-in way to reference the global object that I'm aware of. If it does, this is the answer I'm looking for. In a known environment, the global obje...

@Zirak no fuck javascript :)
@mikedidthis why would you use switch : case?
what are you trying to do?
@ThiefMaster is there any downside to either? I am testing one item against 8 possible matches
@ThiefMaster .... your rep.....
its ....
its .....
@mikedidthis then you want to use switch :p
over a 100,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck me ... this designer was hardcore stupid. Mixed flat color design with ugly gradients.
// congrats :D
thx :p
you are about a week late though
@BillyMathews I am matching a class against 8 possible outcomes :)
Thanks guys! :)
yeah you definitely want switch
@mikedidthis Use a dispatch table
I have to say, your all super helpful in here.
@mikedidthis i am on very high brain latency these days getting ranted by my boss
not being able to focus.
I love yoghurt. It's everything my girlfriend isn't. Sweet, fat free, and all over my cock.
and white
@BillyMathews 0.0
Aha @JanDvorak and white ;)
@mikedidthis sickipedia
var table = {
    foo : 4,
    bar : 7
this["socket"] = {};
if (socket == undefined) // true
(in nodejs, in no context)
Where foo is what you want to match against, 4 is the value.
== undefined is a really bad idea. use === undefined instead
And then, simply table[whateverKeyYouHave]
@ThiefMaster reason? Perhaps you want to match null?
nobody would expect that though
even though it's not python but "explicit is better than implicit" really fits there
any tips for left pane navigation any design fanatics?
eval("socket = {};");
eval("socket.io = require('socket.io');");

ok this works :)
@ThiefMaster "explicit is better than implicit" is the source of all boilerplate hell
Q: jQuery autocomplete and locally fetched json data

Snake EaterI am struggling with jQuery UI Autocomplete and reading the autocomplete values from a variable that stores all the data returned from a json array. This is what the JavaScript looks like: function populate_branch(){ $.get('/branch/list', {bank_name : $("#select_bank_name").val()}, functio...

@JanDvorak: in some cases it makes sense though
@Kikaimaru for doin that i will kill you and make sure you cant reincarnate
== undefined when you want undefined and null is a good example for that
@GNi33 dont i know it!!!! i explained that to the client ...
its not my fault, i dont think it can be written in a nice way
I do like the implicit undefined or null
@Kikaimaru: Well, what do you intend to do?
@KirstyHarris loadtime, overall performance and a lot of technical gibberish is good for convincing clients :)
I suggest if(x == (null || undefined))
if x in (null, undefined):
lol well they really sold this design then XD
oh snap, wrong language ;x
honest i was like this is shocking
@JanDvorak Cute
normally in typescript i would need to do
declare module "socket.io" {

and then everywhere where i want to use socket.io i would need to write import sockets = module("socket.io"); and then use sockets.Socket

and this actually didnt work so well since the import sockets created global variable that you tried to redifine in other files
if(~[null, undefined].indexOf(x))
@ThiefMaster so i modified it a little so that typescript now things that socket.io is my internal module, but then you cant import it with typescript import module, since its your module
@JanDvorak Nice
@ThiefMaster so i use javascript to fill objects that typescript would fill with that import module command
@KirstyHarris and that's great, it works on modern browsers
But I don't think that works
thus making my MMORPG! compatible with 0.9.0 :)
there are drawbacks on outdated browsers, that's how it is
I can't stand this "designer" god forbid we ever meet ...
yea... its just an arse when i know shes been testing it on all the browsers
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">
  <meta name="generator" content="PSPad editor, www.pspad.com">
use utf8!
@OctavianDamiean is that aimed at my end client lol
i told her that this load time is shocking
That's a fun game! I can read "home" and everything!
this is a pretty good read if you want to explain it to your client
@GNi33 will have to grab it later, cant access drop box at work
And, yeah, use utf8
@KirstyHarris Nope.
well thats the thing, a designer has drawn this up, and the clients accepted it, so they are expecting to see that....
ah ok
But I understand your problem very well.
covers a lot of good argumentation-topics
oh thanks for that, @OctavianDamiean its frustrating atm as the answer to everything is images, and i dont know if u saw the site? its shocking for load time
I didn't. I'm just hanging out for a minute to cool off before I get back to coding.
In the next three weeks I won't have time for nothing because of the deadline.
oh what u doing?
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

Rohit// somedev1 - 6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen // somedev2 - 5/22/07 Temporary my ass

What makes ubuntu worth using?
I have windows 7 already
so are you saying I shouldnt get ubuntu
@BillyMathews Quick, @OctavianDamiean, hit him
@ThiefMaster Yes.
@ThiefMaster FWIW, this is exactly the sort of thing I'm against
@ThiefMaster Also, every time they exercise that right, mysteriously lots of emails of government officials get leaked to the internet, just saying.
@Zirak I don't know anything about ubuntu xD
How can I get the parent node from within the child node?
@RomanticElectron this.parentNode ?
See how semantic the DOM is...
Right, because parent wouldn't have been better
@BenjaminGruenbaum @Zirak thanks
Dom was written by Java people :(
You could've googled that, btw
Unfortunately yes, and also fortunately. It's messy, but it's clean.
@BenjaminGruenbaum but the structure isn't that good
Q: Hibernate sequence, use the specific sequence

Anders MetnikToday my DB responsible boss told me that I'm using a wrong sequence, in JPA/Hibernate, but I weren't so I checked up on why my generated table entries had a higher ID than the normal(trigger) generated entries. And I found This on SO which is horrific for me, since I use this DB sequence in DB t...

WordPress is bread & butter for any decent website
@SOChatBot an html is ?
posted on April 25, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

anyone smoke weed?
You do
is it possible to select checkboxes with an id under a div with an id, something like:
$('#div123 #cb321') ?
Because I have run into a problem where i have same ids on checkboxes under different divs
@BillyMathews 0.0 :)
@AndersMetnik That's your problem.
The problem is that an id is supposed to be unique
You can't have multiple elements with the same ID
var tempObject = '<object type="image\/svg+xml" data="'+ svgURL +'"><img src="'+ pngURL +'"\/><\/object>'
@mikedidthis you?
brb, eating lunch...
can I update a variable, with variables in it?
So not possible? :)
@BillyMathews Maybe!
That's a string, and that's a horrible way to do it
@AndersMetnik It may be possible, I'm not very good with selectors
Make use of the DOM
But it's fundamentally wrong to have that in the first place
Its not in the dom yet
@AndersMetnik Selectors are parsed right -> left, so no, and it's good that it's not working.
@mikedidthis It doesn't have to be. Create the elements yourself (don't use innerHTML)
Is somebody going to the apple world wide develper conference ?
Ahh I get you! :)
@Darkyen You are?
@Zirak will this: $('#bottom').find('#potato'); work ? :)
Most likely. But beating your grandmother for lunch money will also work.
@AmaanCheval ~2k dollars :-(
+ no visa
But you don't want to do that
+ additional cost of living in usa
my bosses are though
Good for them, I guess?
Fanboys, pfft.
yah ...
Actually Zirak I might want too :P
@AmaanCheval (possibly @OctavianDamiean) I'm trying out ST2, does it have a nice way to insert Unicode characters?
they set up a cron job to check the page if it changed and make an alarm so that they can register the fastes
apple went rascal and made an announcement of the time :D
@Zirak Such as?
now they are scared as hell .
@AndersMetnik Then you're a lost cause anyway
because indian latency will make the tickets sell out in a minute or two
Like a huge character map of sorts?
@Zirak I will change it, Np. Keep faith man :-/
Just need to figure out a way to generate a unique ID..
Hi, any fix for getComputedStyle to work in IE8?
@AndersMetnik Are you even sure it needs an ID?
Maybe you just need a class
Hi! question about good ol' iframes
I have control over both domains, but they are different ones
@AmaanCheval Say you're writing E = 1240 / λ. In Emacs to get a lambda I'd hit C-x 8 <RET> 3bb (3bb is the hex code for lambda) or try and get its name with tabs.
can I adapt the height of the iframe to it's content?
@Zirak I've never had to do that, so haven't really looked into it. Check that plugin out, though
@AmaanCheval It's an amount of tabular data which is being selected for processing, though under each "container" the same data might appear on this ID, because it is now grouped by differently (due to a recent change request)
@Zirak There seems to be a package called "Unicode Math" in the default repo which replaces \lambda with λ
@AmaanCheval But i can concatenate the 2 IDs into a unique ID, think that should work :)
@AmaanCheval Thanks, I'll have a look
@Zirak Just hit Ctrl+Shift+P to bring up the quick command box thingamajig and select install package
Then look for Unicode Math
I'm not sure if Package Control comes built-in, though
@AndersMetnik Yeah, I guess so
no, not built in
nope, you got to into PackageControl seperatly.
eh, I'll make do. There's always Emacs <3
Any one with experience of using a txt file as a json list?
@Zirak wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control You should get it if you want to use ST2
@mikedidthis Sure
Well, partly
@amman I need to grab a list from my dropbox public folder, than contains:
ipad: url, imac: url
@myke Just use the autocomplete the chat offers :P
@mikedidthis That's not JSON
Is it?
no, it was just an example
@DmitryVolokh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I am not too bothered on what format it is in :)
Okay? How are you looking to parse it without knowing what format it is in, then?
I haven't thought that far ahead :)
@Zirak @AmaanCheval thanks for setting me straight though, and not trying to hack me out of it :)
Any time
Any place
@mikedidthis Haha, okay. Are you having some problems with that?
...no, that's a lie
@Zirak Hahaha
@Zirak Yeah Dont worry, don't want to disturb your private time anyways :)
Yeah, I am struggling to get the .txt file as a response, using jsonp
Maybe because it's not a valid js object.
JSONP uses a script file
That's the point of JSONP
@GNi33 Brilliant
@mikedidthis Is this request cross domain?
Just use XHR if it isn't
yes cross domain. dropbox > tumblr :(
Will you please help me.How can i translate English text to local language by using script.Is this possible.?
holy cow
@mikedidthis The odds of that working out well are slim. You can still try. If it doesn't work, you'll need a proxy server
I'm in a semi shock
@shankar.parsanamoni Sure it's possible. Have you tried searching?
@jAndy Why?
And, I lost the game
I always thought, that ECMAscript engines are so optimized at present.. I always believed what I read in great books like high performance javascript etc.
but I seems they are all wrong
thanks @AmaanCheval I will give it :)
at least when it comes to switch statements
switch is anything but optimized, at least.. thats what it looks like
ORDER is indeed important
that means there is no real binary hash mapping going on
You're reading the source?
like in any other language
the only difference between long and longSlow
is the position of the case
and see the difference in results
what is going on ? I mean seriously ? can it be jsperf itself ? what - the - fuck
Hi, simple question, what do you call those hide/show links, is there a word for it?
hover events?
No, just google "toggle HTML element visibility"
!!/tell grasshopper google toggle HTML element visibility
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
I need some engine developer! :p
Q: Convert PHP closing tag into comment

v1n_vampireOne of the lines in my script contains a PHP closing tag inside a string. Under normal operation this does not cause a problem, but I need to comment out the line. I have tried to comment out this line with //, /* */ and # but none of them work, the parser considers closing tag to be an actual c...

That's just funny
> Remember, sometimes, even though the whole is more than the sum of its parts - but being greedy is bad, there are times you are better left with less.
fuck... forgot to un-auto-install updates
pc rebooted last night to install updates
stupid windows.... make me lose my unsaved documents.
Aww, damn
That happened to me while doing some data crunching
Shit got corrupted, lost an entire week's work
I've permanently disabled auto-installing updates on Windows
I don't do data crunching on windows any more
So much easier than delaying them by 4 hours all the time
Good idea

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