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So I'm quite sure you just do background-image: url(), url(../img/rays-home.png);
@JezenThomas sure i know thanks, the problem there is no background-image in pastebin code
all background: etc..
and i don't know how to bind also the extra image i want to merge
Ummmm, anyone know what to do about "This post does not meet our quality standards." on SO?
I thought it was a good quality question :(
@BillyMathews I had the same issue yesterday. I just made the title a little longer.
this won't works pastebin.com/caSy2FEX
That worked, thanks @JezenThomas
Greetings. I have view which has div with some id, for example "test". I want to append to that div html which also have div with the same id "test". Is there anyway to replace div and all of its content with new html?
Using jquery
@okok hmm.. That's an interesting one. Is there any reason you’re restricted to the shorthand property?
@okok I believe multiple URLs only applies to 'background-image' :(
@DanielsPitkevičs .html('<div id="test"> //New content</div>');
@BillyMathews Not what I meant. But ok, already found replaceWith
@JezenThomas @mikedidthis i merged all pastebin.com/ncxvmTC4
but the rays-home.png image won't show
I don't think that'll work either..
and why ? :(
maybe i need background-image?
Me neither.
I think CSS gradients count as a background-image
@JezenThomas yeap they do
gradient is just a function that generates an image .
much like the counters
Can you not use another element to show the png? gradient element > png element ?
uhm i can add new html element, but there should be the way to bind it to all images
hi guys any id if i am usng Y.one("class").addClass("pqr") giving error and if
using Y.all("class").addClass("pqr") working fine
Which function is better: OpenWrite() or Create() ? what is the difference between the two? Somebody plz help?
He declares the img first, then the gradients I believe.
Oh wait, wrong room
well he declares gradient a part
like proper rules
not inside background
this could fix need to try
OOP is to writing a program, what going through airport security is to flying. — Richard Mansfield
Q: Refusing to review code

JamesI am in a position where I have been asked to review some code that fixes a problem that I don't believe exists. The fixer, who is more senior than me, insists his fix is necessary but it appears to be no more than C++ sophistry to me. Part of our deployment process is a code review, and as t...

good read
@BillyMathews you might like this: stack-ed.com
@JezenThomas I do like that :D
Ideas on how to test is a class starts with a specific word? I would normally use: api.jquery.com/attribute-starts-with-selector but using Zepto :(
Ended up using: $(this).is('[class*="svg_"]')
why aren't you using ^="svg_" @mikedidthis?
@BillyMathews Because I am dumb? Can you show it in context?
You linked to it..
Need more coffee :)
you said you'd normally using it but you're using zepto?
definitely.. more coffee ;)
I believe ^= is the start, where as *= is anywhere?
So I messed up explaining on what I wanted to do :)
yeah.. :p
It sounded like you weren't using it because you're using Zepto, but that makes no sense :p
Yeah I made a fool of myself :)
Any ideas on how I would get the full name? I can confirm there is a class that starts 'svg_' but I need to find the rest of the class name, so 'svg_macbook'.
use .attr('class')
@Darkyen u there buddy?
there maybe more than one class, hence matching :(
Kiiiirsty, long time no see
i know!!! :D.. how are you? x
honest i been sooo busy with work... my social life is non existant lol
i'm fine, thanks. how about you?
non existent social life doesn't sound that good ;)
yh :D im all good heheh :) just trying to figure out some bloody website debugging on IE that is doing my swede in atm lol
i officially hate IE
welcome to the club
can bootstrap's nav be used for dynamic tab content?
@DineshVenkata sure, why not?
i just dont understand why its turned EVERYTHING transparent... when i have no transparency in the CSS!
plus the fact that Wordpress search thing fecking me off royally
@GNi33 it seems that the list item redirects when clicked to a particular div
yh its made everything on my clients site transparent!
like the slider the whole shebang!
and its even hid a div!
and im SOOO confused.. i think i need to post a question lol!
I have been using static content all the while how can I use it for dynamic content?
Kirtsy, is the site live?
hm, let me have a look
awww, thanks u, honest i been going out my tree here
theres a div in the footer as well its mysteriously hidden!
I don't see the problem :s
Me neither.
in the slider?
I guess that is the problem :p
Are you using a virtual machine or real?
as in @mikedidthis ?
SLide all looks good.. you cleared your cash?
hmmm... thats a point...
well on IE its the only one thats throwing up twaddle
Ohh facepalm
i officially hate IE..... its just naff
Wasn't looking in IE xD
You using Windows > IE, or a virtual box
@DineshVenkata dynamic content as in? loaded asynchronous?
IE itself mike
@mikedidthis She doesn't know what a virtual box is, so Windows.
dont worry billy i do that ALLL the time... i think i done it twice today
thx @AmaanCheval xxxx
Ahhh :(
im not that savvy ;)
oh i cant view dropbox at work
IE9 in IE7 mode renders it fine :(
just IE 8 that throwing up an ass
hm, is there some filter-property on there?
sorting it all out to fit everything is bloody naff lol! they should all work the same... ive decidede
IE9 isn't rendering it fine though
no, that would show up in IE9 too i think
not to my knowledge! :S...
thats what confusing me
only thing i can think of is the opacity on the erm caption div in the slider.
@DineshVenkata anyways, there are two events that get fired on tab-change in bootstrap
but surely that shouldnt hide a whole div?
"show" -> when the tab gets activated
"shown" -> when the content gets shown
you could just bind a handler to "show" and load your content i guess
If you thought SO vampires were bad...
filter: alpha(opacity=0)
@KirstyHarris in 'nivo-slider.css' the opacity is set to 0 :(
@KirstyHarris I unchecked the filter(opacity=8)and it worked
on the slider
hah, did i guess right?
@KirstyHarris what @BillyMathews said! :)
oh sugar... right ok...
see thats standard :S
in the nivo :S
ok,... i will play about with that
thanks peeps... now to sort out why that div is hiding lol!
on bottom right theres a div thats gone as well.. again... i dont think there no transparency on it... which is fecking odd :S
@KirstyHarris as for the footer.. no idea :p
btw, the slider totally breaks on FF Aurora
Dec 10 '12 at 15:33, by Zirak
Interesting. Some guy just called me in tears, telling me that my wife is dead. Oddest "wrong number" I had.
...I don't remember that
oh shit why would it?
im guessing that nivo slider aint thought of that :S
@Zirak i do
I remember reading that when you said it
,,,when was I when it happened?
I mean...what?
how the hell did you stumble over that now though?
is there an IE fix for border-radius?
I was looking for something that I previously starred, that came up near it
@KirstyHarris hm. i'm not sure, probably just a aurora-thing
@KirstyHarris IE8? not really. there's this weird CSS3Pie or what the heck it was called, but it breaks more than it does good. or you could do it the old fashioned way with graphics. but you really don't want to
... so im stoofed fixing that then :S
eh, drop it. A damn border-radius isn't something to sweat about.
why is it designers design this, with no real idea of what can be done in different browsers
well its what the customer wants :S
Tell the customer that it's not important
Tell the customer that rounded borders may cause viruses
@KirstyHarris but you really should clearfix your header and the navigation
what @Zirak said
they are both float:left but there's no clearfix in there, that's why it breaks on Aurora from what i can see
ok, will do @GNi33
so i need it under the header?
under the navigation
right oh.... ta :)
why are they even float left?
erm, i think the logo is... not sure,.. i only did half of i
trying to sort out some other persons mess up
good times

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