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And it's the Catholic influence in Africa which means they don't either
@Zirak pulling out has been a time tested form of birth control ;)
Yo yo, whats up today?
@rlemon Sure it has.
...my father said with some disappointment in his face
oh shit late for meeting brb
is your picture really a instagram of a hose? o_O
@phenomnomnominal: i need to calculate tthe indexof a char from a string ....again case insensitive
@rlemon Yup. It's even recorded in the Bible.
!!/tell AvinashGarg mdn string indexOf
!!/mustache JaeGeeTee
haha, you like that?
its a heart
1 min ago, by rlemon
is your picture really a instagram of a hose? o_O
!!/google indexof insensitive mdn
oh no, its an instagram of an xbox charge cable, much cooler than a hose
what if it was a hose?
!!/urban hose
i.. just.. i don't... I mean... insta.. like... what is going..... ...... I think I'm going to get back to work now.
@FlorianMargaine [hose](http://hose.urbanup.com/256424) 1. To spray down with machine gun fire.
2. To completely ruin something.
I think that's not it ^
@rlemon ... do that man... do that.
@rlemon care to translate?
} ༽ ༼ {
the fallen curly brackets
where do you get those characters?
@FlorianMargaine translated into gif:
ohh wtf
failed to upload my ass
Why were you trying to upload your ass?
elephant from behind
lol punctuation @rlemon
at least he's moving it.
"failed to upload, my ass"
old woman
"failed to upload", my ass!
I think thats what he meant
there you go!
Let's eat grandma!
@rlemon will you upload your ass?
aaaand I don't get how that's related with "hose"
I tried, but I don't know where to put the USB?
@phenomnomnominal ... opens mouth to say something, changes my mind, walks awawy
...awawy is a thing now
Change approved!
@rlemon 'twas the best community episode
@rlemon Hahahahaha
One of the best episodes of anything, ever
@rlemon looks like a star ship
░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓ MS-DOS ▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒░░░░
@Darkyen no, my dear
this looks like a starship
@FlorianMargaine now since u have fucking mentioned it
^--- that is a fucking web GL starship
Did someone say starships?
@Darkyen Did you make the 3D model yourself too?
that one no
i will show u my art... dont worry :D
@Darkyen I don't get no starship :(
@jAndy check console
I don't see it now either
if it screams about strict mime-types
switch to firefox and it should work // though much laggier
It worked fine on Windows
i will fix it hosting three and loader on my own server
Doesn't now on Ubuntu
Ah, yeah, the mime-type thing is there
oh wow
check console
@GNi33 Didn't they do that a long time ago?
first time i heard of it, but could be, yeah
They'd announced that they were making it in HTML5 a while ago
@Darkyen Nothing in both Chrome and FF (Mint)
I hope they use nacl acceleration and asm.js, or goodluck to them
@SomeKittens is 14 megs..
i will fix it later tongiht.. and make sure console is clean
the model has over 400k faces though :] its heavy as fuck
^ starship
Oh, maybe it's just taking forever to download on my stupid college connection
Ah, there we go. Cool
I hope chrome adopts asm
When people say using HTML5 news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57580221-93/… e.g. <<< Do they mean they wrote it in pure HTML5, or just using HTML5 elements, along side CSS + JS?
@XCritics They probably mean canvas.
@XCritics yes
HTML5 offers canvas element. with canvas element modern browsers support the canvas API (along side a bunch of other cool apis, like Audio and shit).
HTML5 + CSS3 + new fun APIs
having a <canvas> tag wouldn't do you much without js
Holy shit, AirDroid is awesome
Ṫḩḕ ḠḁṀḜ
@AmaanCheval whats airdroid
A way to control most aspects of my Android phone from a webclient
@AmaanCheval rip off of iCloud ?
I don't know which one came before, so I don't know
@XCritics WebGL with the canvas - element
@AmaanCheval iCloud has been there since iPhone 3GS
But I don't think iCloud lets you send texts (texts, not iMessages)
well it was named Find My iPhone
Find My iPhone is different
prntscr.com/11ybv5 @AmaanCheval see that
This lets you install / remove apps, send / receive texts, manage your videos / pictures, browse your filesystem, and to copy from or to the clipboard on the device
@Darkyen Uhh, yeah? What about it?
thats iCloud ,, and all what it supports
You said it was called Find My iPhone before. That's not true. Find My iPhone was different
Ah, right. No texts
it was first step to it and yeah apple is very strict about text and filesystem access
cause its like a backdoor entrance
to your phone
Sure, you can justify it all you want :p
I don't care enough to argue, but @rlemon might!
:P .. bleh
i was just stating why its impossible to do that for apple lol
Airdroid looks cool though
iTeleport is still my favourite app
That's a VNC client, isn't it?
I used to use it on my iPod Touch
its damn cool
and very helpful .
Never found a decent one for Android
But then, I didn't look around a lot since I don't use VNC much
I wanna try a tablet with some ssh server to develop and enjoy
+ screen & keyboard at work
plugged in the tablet so that it's comfortable
@FlorianMargaine surface ?
ok, still early... maybe i'm being dumb?
I have a height and width value and I need to generate a random point in the scene OUTSIDE of the scene.
height: 500, width: 500
x: 250, y: -10 OR x: -10, y: 250 OR x: -10, y: 510 kinda deal
@FlorianMargaine youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Zxtem5Bg9R4 I'm sure you know this, but you can use a Mouse + Keyboard on the iPad now, I was using it with TextTastic and it worked great
Perl is written in base64
So what does an HTML 5 game like Runescape use for its backend ? JS? or what
@rlemon ((-10 < x < 0 || 500 < x < 510) && (0 < y 500)) || ((-10 < y < 0 || 500 < y < 510) && (0 < x 500))
not check, generate
Yeah so just generate that
@XCritics doesn't matter, as long as the server returns the right things and the client sends the right things
don't know what runescape uses, but the server-architecture stayed the same (of course)
the Java-Client will continue to work too
Server-side JavaScript just happens to have become more and more popular as HTML5 has come out
I think so.
did I hear conspiracy
There is no conspiracy.
function pointOutside(x1, x2, y1, y2, buffer) {
    buffer = Math.random() * -(buffer || 100);
    if( Math.random() > .5 ) {
        return { x : (Math.random() * (x2-x1)) + x1, y : buffer }
    return { x : buffer, y : (Math.random() * (y2-y1)) + y1 }
seems to work
anything more efficient than this?
generate a point inside the box then just push a random value to a random edge?
Best way to start learning Canvas? (Specially if you have no idea how to toss around trigonometry)
@XCritics lots of tutorials and useless experiments before you can make anything useful (what i'm doing)
Which tutorials you following?
the ones I find on google and Loktars / SimonSarris sites
there are some pretty nice books out there, but for starters i'd aks Loktar or Simon Sarris
What's their sites?
mostly it comes down to the individual problems.
@RyanKinal that's what people defending from conspiracy say
I wanted to make balls with 'gravity' so I googled 'making a ball bounce with Canvas' and got a nice tutorial to start with
reminds me that i should finally start reading this damn book i got
@XCritics I started with looking at the MDN page on canvas, then checking out demos and trying to reproduce them
for the turret I didn't know how to calculate the angles for rotation properly so I just googled it and found a few tutorials. read through them until something made sense.
@GNi33 Which one?
got 2 actually, let me find a link
The NodeJS ones?
I'm starting to understand the trig a bit more
it just takes time :/
^ mostly about canvas
the android - thingy is just how to deploy them and use native android-functions
Hey. I'm making a game and sending the positions of players using a websocket (C# to JS). As a websocket is TCP sometimes a player doesn't receive the position right away and it lags the server, or it crashes. Would I be better off using Socket.io and sending the positions as volatile messages?
but the canvas-game part looks fantastic
that's what happens when you switch to a different tab then come back after a long period of time
@GNi33 That looks interesting
but i need to finish the one on node.js first :)
not enough time on my hands i guess
I'd get it, but I know I'll never read through it
@FlorianMargaine There is no conspiracy :threatening glare:
i just love books, got most of mine as ebooks though
function (width, height, buffer) {
    var random = function (max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1)) };
    var x = random(width), y = random(height);
    var edge = ['x', 'y'][random(1)];
    return edge === 'x' ? { x: [-buffer, width+buffer][random(1)], y: y } : { x: x, y: [-buffer, height+buffer][random(1)] }
Yeah, I get eBooks almost exclusively now
yep, works out great especially with my n7

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