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Q: contact 7 plugin stops some pages form working properly

sarahi started to use contact 7 plugin and i am having a slider and some effects on other images when i activate the plugin they stop working this is the web page http://www.digitalways.com.sa/ i don't understand what it do !! if it stops the javascript or css files but i searched in the file...

@phenomnomnominal Apart from the obvious liquid physics, even the glass breaking is impressive
physx is a pretty amazing engine
Monring all
@Neil dnno what scroched earth is
ah ... something like that... but it will be hard.
@Raynos Because you're never around. You forgot all about Hoolio.
!!vis or stat
@Zirak vis
...sorry, I can't
Has anyone else seen Iron Man yet?
@Darkyen Scorched.
!!/tell Darkyen define scorched
@Darkyen scorched Dried, damaged or burnt by exposure to sunlight or heat.
i know whats it is now
What it is*
its gonna be hell hard though :[ , the morphing on 2d is way easier then on 3d
Russians used it to kill off invaders
Summoned the Balrog, shit like that
1 and 2? yes :)
Isnt world premiere of 3rd on thursday?
@AndersMetnik, doubt it, I just saw it today?
@phenomnomnominal Didn't you and your flatmates get the exclusive preview thing?
Ahh fair, I see some was lucky enough to get it earlier
I ended up not being able to go!
So I just saw it today at a normal screening
yeah some = some countries :9
Nah it's fully released in NZ, which is weird because normally we get it was later
Maybe it's because Weta did some of it
We're only getting it early May
Hmm, more clues.
NZ is a country is it not ? :)
Oh, well that sucks. It's awesome
Was it disappointing? I have a feeling it'll be disappointing
The 2nd one started to lack awesomeness.
@Zirak You're in trouble, mister.
That link's wrong, only came out today here.
Scorched earth is a tank shooter game back in the days of Windows 3.1
@phenomnomnominal Probably the date for the premier?
@Neil :-) i found it
its closest follower is "Pocket tanks"
does exactly the same
The earth fell after the explosions, and at the time, that was really neat :P
though in retrospect, probably wasn't that difficult to program
Has anyone used and can recommend a BigNumber or BigDecimal js library? I have to deal with really good precision on really large numbers, and don't feel like custom implementing Java's.
Java? As in, not javascript?
> [...] and don't feel like custom implementing Java's.
So that's what I want to avoid
Okay, why would you want to customize Java's BigDecimal?
eh, I'll begin and see if it'll be as bad as I thought.
Lets start with the obvious
@Neil he wants a JavaScript library to use Java's BigDecimal
> BigNumber or BigDecimal js library
Someone needs to work on their reading...
@phenomnomnominal Someone needs to work on their not being an asshole...
the "js" was tiny though.
The "Java" threw me, sorry
@Neil oh come on, we're just teasing you.
Q: Is there a good Javascript BigDecimal library?

Mike BlandfordIs there a good JavaScript BigDecimal library out there? I saw this one, but it looks like it was autogenerated from Java to JavaScript. It's 180K and declares global variables all over the place. I don't really need arbitrary precision here. 7 decimal places would be good. 10-15 would be great...

yeah I've seen those, just wanted to know if anyone got their hands dirty with it before
@Zirak, what are you working on that needs them?
Statistics. I'm toying with an idea
How to check whether a string has space at last or not?
For example: "The whether is cool "
In the above example, the string has space at last
I need to check that
Do you know how to find whether a string has a certain string in it?
Or rather, the index of said string?
str.charAt(str.length-1) === " "
I don't get thought when I am tensed
Or / $/.test(str) maybe?
No need for the regexp constructor
@Zirak yo zirak so u are from Israel, aye ?
Also no need to escape the space
@Darkyen Israelis are been known for their distaste of regexp constructors
This is why I never use regular expressions
wtf brain...
Israelis have been known for their distaste of regexp constructors
@phenomnomnominal Because you never took the time to learn?
Because I suck at them
So, I can also use this / $/.test(str) ? @phenomnomnominal
It would seem so!
ok thanks
Dear hell flycheck is the most annoying thing in the world
Yes the variable's unused, because I just fucking declared it!
How much wind could a windbreaker break if a windbreaker could break wind?
Anyone good with ajax? I'm a bit baffled by a site that doesnt work on iphone
Actually, does $(window).scroll(function() work on iPhone?
Why didn't I ever think of this before?
!!> Math.pow( 8, 1/3 )
@Zirak 2
There you go, the 3rd-root.
@Zirak I'm surprised that gave you an integer value
It's a log base 2
@phenomnomnominal 1/3 isn't
Next time I'll give it a chicken
!!> Math.pow( 8, chicken )
@Neil "ReferenceError: chicken is not defined"
!!> Math.pow(64, 1/3)
@phenomnomnominal 3.9999999999999996
The singular of Bacteria is Bacterium
come on, any have any insight on iPhone scroll events?
any one*
don't use them, they suck
Well..I need to.. :p
Can you suggest an alternative?
@phenomnomnominal hey
I can't believe you're here
@FlorianMargaine That's not really going to help..
I only need to detect when the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page..
@GOD So I was wrong my entire life...
!!> Math.pow(64, 1/3) == Math.pow(8, 1/3)*Math.pow(8, 1/3)
@Neil false
Not very surprising
NNNNOOOOO I ran out of cereal!
that's totally the end of the world!
I'm out of milk.
@phenomnomnominal We can make a deal.
Yeah, something mutually beneficial.
Construct a giant laser, put it on the moon, threaten the world's governments to supply us with cereal & milk for the rest of our lives, otherwise we'll destroy the earth?
...then touch him on the penis
My thoughts exactly.
really, @Zirak, are you gay? You're quite obsessed with penises
Statistically, it's slightly more likely that he's actually a woman.
Also, it's better as "penii"
hahaha, the top comment
> King Dong: dress in a gorilla suit and touch him on the penis.
does anyone know if click event works on button?
Q: iPhone $(window).scrollTop() not working

Billy MathewsI have an ajax infinite scroll wordpress site which stopped working on mobile (iPhone), and I managed to track it down to the scroll events not working here is the JavaScript I'm using: $(document).ready(function($){ var count = 1; var ready = true; var total = <?p...

@ArtjomKurapov Why don't you just try it?
Oh nice! Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy are now open-source. :)
i have weird behavior of it not triggering
@ArtjomKurapov Why wouldn't it?
i did
Hi friends..
Can anyone help me with jquery mobile file input + cloning of page?
ok, I'll investigate further
hmm.. can it be related to form submit?
even if I use type="button"
i think I have form submit with return false
@ArtjomKurapov Fiddle it up, then we'll tell you.
I fear that its too big.. it uses backbone and stuff
Just the relevant part ...
Otherwise I fear we're not going to help you. ;)
Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight. [Bill Gates]
Grrr damnit, hardcoded sweedish subitles...
Swedish Crash Course
(Partially) Learn (Mostly Swear At) Swedish in 2 Hours!
English audio, so just annoying. Redownloading
found it, damn event.stopPropagation(); in global jquery click binding
if someone wants to clarify here pls stackoverflow.com/questions/16189735/…
What's there to clarify?
woot im 5 days off 100 consecutive
Come on someone must be able to help im really stuck here stackoverflow.com/questions/16189362/…
it would help if I had a mac a safari 6 so I could debug iPhone safari >.>
@phenomnomnominal 958 days, 120 consecutive
Show off (in a good way)
@okok That's been covered already. It should be somewhere on SO.
@GNi33 \o
I can't believe it. They really want an entire website with loads and loads of pages in a modal window.
I just can't believe it.
just say that this is a very bad idea? especially regarding mobile devices
Just say it can't be done
@GNi33 Oh I did! And told them about the implications. Now I have to fake a modal window for that. It will be a plain old page but it has to look like a modal window.
My life is awesome.
That is quit worthy shit
I know right?
@OctavianDamiean What's the reasoning?
What made someone say "put these in a modal"
@Zirak The designer thought it would be good. Don't ask ...
I have a talk you should show them
Saw it at a conference this year
And the designer has more web-dev knowledge than the web-dev?
No but the management liked it which is all that counts.
...so the idea is to have a window within a window act like the outside window
Brilliant innit?
<body id='modal'>
What's worse than biting on an apple and finding a worm? The holocaust
Uhm, yea pretty much.
This is very pretty:
//the frequency of x in nums
stat.freq = function (x, nums) {
    return nums.reduce(function (ret, y) {
        return ret + (x === y);
And broken
Besides the obvious primitive !== object
No initial value
Only works if 0 is the first value
Damn it...I always forget to pass that in
@Zirak such a hack
It reminds me of that beautiful number-sign method
Math.sign = function (x) {
    return (x > 0) - (x < 0);
Hi peolple!!!
Stupid question on SO...
Exist the bookmarks on SO?
I want save the question on SO on my profile's SO.
This is possible?
oh. You can star questions
Q: How do favorite questions work?

Popular Demand How do you mark a question as a favorite? Do users get updates on their favorite questions? How do you see your own favorite questions? How do you see other users' favorite questions? How do you see which users have marked a particular question as a favorite? What impact does the favorite system...

gracias, thank or grazie..
You're welcome, in any language of your choosing
Hi, could anybody tell me how to give the textbox width to auto. Because, its added extra white space after the text. the text is dynamic, so i could not give the specified width. Thanks
<input type='text'>?
input type='text'
You want it to grow to fit the text?
@vinay You want the use the plugin 's Jquery (excuse for all ) that the textarea is expand in automatic?
am sending dynamic values to the <input type='text'>. and i added some string after that. so when the values change, the after text should come next to the input field
@mirkocianfarani just expecting a simple solution for this. Thanks
I kinda want the Peak
Fucking fucking fuck.
Want it too?
Probably, but no it's something else.
@OctavianDamiean, The Ubuntu phone looks neato, too. ubuntu.com/phone
@phenomnomnominal I'm not quite sure if I should go for it or not though.
@spoulson Yea, I know about it.
@AvinashGarg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OctavianDamiean, it will be interesting to try it out!
Looks like they'll probably get sued by Apple though
For the background image? :D
hii "ABC".split("A") it will work but i need case insensitive split
@AvinashGarg "ABC".split(/A/i)
@OctavianDamiean, they should be okay though, they used circles instead of rounded squares
thanx phenom...
@Vinay Excuse me because now I eating
Look on this question
Q: Error for know the browser

Mirko CianfaraniI using the plugin's programmed in javascript or Query from two years. Now I opened this my project with my plugin for expander the textarea. I have this new error on this sentence (analizying with Firebug). TypeError: $.browser is undefined var hCheck = !($.browser.msie || $.browser.opera...

And vote this question please XD
> Completely rewritten the first test page. We're now faking a modal window instead of using a real modal window because ... because PONIES ... -___-
Does my frustration shine through?
phenom...how it work if var a="p"
var letter = 'p';
data.split(new RegExp(letter, 'i'))
!!/define Framework "A big amount of crap"
@c'c Framework (software) software framework
@c'c No definition found

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