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I just did the latter :)
The latter calculates the space its content requires and sets that width to the container it is in.
(function() {
    var lis = document.querySelectorAll('#menu li'),
        ul = document.querySelector('#menu ul');

    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', setWidth);
    window.addEventListener('resize', setWidth);

    function setWidth() {
        var width = 0;
        [].forEach.call(lis, function(li) {
            width += parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(li).width, 10);

        ul.style.width = width + 'px';
Which makes sense.
Then you have another option, CENTER_PARENT.
Now you can set margin: 0 auto
did this already :P
aaaah true
Exception is a great feature when you want to keep bugs for another day
(function() {
    var lis = document.querySelectorAll('#menu li'),
        ul = document.querySelector('#menu ul');

    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', setWidth);
    window.addEventListener('resize', setWidth);

    function setWidth() {
        var width = 0;

        width = getLisWidth().reduce(function(p, c) {
            return p + c;
        }, 0);

        ul.style.width = width + 'px';

    function getLisWidth() {
        return [].map.call(lis, function(li) {
            return parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(li).width, 10);
@copy ^
it's already 5:13pm...
var width = reduce(lis, (x, li => x + +getComputedStyle(li).width), 0)
I am playing a game with zirak :D ha!
must approve of him being a genius :$
@copy + doesn't work
@Darkyen The one with the anime characters?
it returns something like 25px, + would give NaN
hello, how do i fire the last char on keydown in textarea?
I'm not using parseInt for fun
@FlorianMargaine Oh, too bad
it's the only reason I'm using parseInt, really
You don't need map though
I do
reduce gives the previous value returned
ah yeah no
you're right
hey how do i find words like #tag inside a string in js?
they have to start with "#" and ends up with a blank space " "
any glue please?
You don't need glue for that, regex would help.
what if i split string by blank spaces @OctavianDamiean i'm not good on regex never used :/
thanks for helping
i mean, if i split then uhmmm
hard to me
Well, how does such a string look like?
like this : "hey hello dude this is a #tag do you know about #tags"
i need #tag and #tags only
for those who knows basics of regex it's really simple i know :D
@FlorianMargaine Nice. I'd still get rid of the [].reduce.call though
s.split(/\s+/).filter(function(w) { return /^#/.test(w); });
@copy it's a NodeList
var reduce = Array.prototype.reduce.call;
reduce(lis, ...);
@FlorianMargaine is that for me ? ^^
@copy you'd prefer something like this?
@okok yeah, this is
@copy I'd do it if I had more than one reduce
@FlorianMargaine you rock!!
really really thanks
@okok it doesn't work on ie8 though
oh .. uhm why does? :)
Array.prototype.filter doesn't exist
you can shim it though
what i need to make it croos-browsers?
you only need to shim Array.prototype.filter
oh ok thanks mate
@FlorianMargaine what that will return sorry?
why don't you try it out?
an array? can't understand, cause it seems to me it returns only 1 word
yep testing sorry
it returns an array
"i need #tag and #tags only".split(/\s+/).filter(function(w) { return /^#/.test(w); });
["#tag", "#tags"]
.filter(w => w[0] === "#")
what's the syntax if there's no argument?
I don't know
is it es6 btw?
or coffeescript?
or both?
Right, sorry, Was afk ...
there must be some flag in chrome to enable it...
I think string.match(/#\w+/g) would do it too. @okok
Sorry for the ping. :D
() => Math.random() * 25
looks like chrome doesn't support the fat arrow yet...
It should return an array of matches.
@OctavianDamiean ah true
and you don't need a shim for this
It obviously breaks if your tags consist of digits as well but that would be easy to fix.
@OctavianDamiean i'm in trouble with the Florian code it is too much hard for me lol
need somenthing simple, i try your code too now
Just remember if you have digits in your tags too you need to adjust the pattern a bit.
Wait, no I'm a douche ...
yep, and it seems really good, it returns array
Forget what I said about the digits ...
Was being a tit.
eheh, it works as it is
do you know if is it cross-browser?
@FlorianMargaine great thanks, sorry but i tryed both solutions this is exactly what i ned, your was too complicated for me :D
i'm newbie damn
Be careful about the array, the first element is probably not something you want
nono it's ok, cause then with array i can compare
thank you for advice
It's ok, the simpler the better, his solution is better :)
If A = B and B = C, then A = C, except where void or prohibited by law. ~ Roy Santoro
transtivity theory
So I've got an odd question for you. I once read that scaling images down is more computationally heavy for the computer than scaling them up. Any chance anyone has a source on this?
Looking for reasons to keep images small on a dynamic website
I wouldn't bother about this until it becomes a bottleneck
True, although I'm trying to put together an argument as part of my dissertation
having a citation for this would be perfect
the reason to have small images is mostly so that users don't have to download big images
less bandwidth, faster page load, you name it
yeah I agree that's probably the main point
@OctavianDamiean just 1 point mate, sorry, your code is really ok, just it matches if word starts with "#" what i need is that word should start with " #" (blank_space+#) if is it possible
You should probably avoid both and control the size of the image by quality
i tryed adding blankspace with no results :(
var _tags = $(this).val().match(/*here the blankspace too */#\w+/g);
@OctavianDamiean :D
sorry you offline
Your question is like how do I add two numbers except that it's about regular expressions
@FlorianMargaine dude how do i put blank space here? var _tags = $(this).val().match(/*i need blankspace also on start :( *//#\w+/g);
what @copy said
i didn't catched sorry
please exaplin me better
I think I'm too mean today :-(
@FlorianMargaine top navbar links not aligned
want you screenshot?
TIL the following
@copy still not understanding what you mean sorry :(
Not knowing stuff as a programmer is only natural. The problem is not knowing that you're not knowing.
yeah the links are not in one line
FF 1.19, macosx
the rest seems really ok :D
@copy Seems reasonable to me
@FlorianMargaine just my 2cents, if you can add some top offset to header titles
vertical space between header title and top black navbar ;)
that's an issue because of the height of your menubar
understood :P are you using bootstrap?
i have to same issue
@okok if you add 10px to the width of the menu, does it solve it?
@FlorianMargaine 537px OH YEAH!
yes it fixes
it does
just if someone can help me, on adding a blank space in regex :P
should be fixed now
huh wait what?
@OctavianDamiean i'm trying using a blankspace also as starting match in your regex , but i can't understand how :(, cause your code is ok but it returns #tag also if i have hey#tags, i need it to return #tag only if string is "hey(blankspace) #tag"
u rock , i'm testing thanks!!!
Because I iz not mean
cant you let him google regex whitespace
i even wrote s
in hope he would understand
@OctavianDamiean uhm it seems doesn't works for me, but i think i need to split by blankspaces and check first and last char it is better i think
"hey#tag damn #tags" should return only #tags
actually it returns also #tag , dunno how to fix this uhmm
what about checking for each string word the first and the last char?
do you split it and then check? which would be kinda eh dumb
Well then you need string.match(/\s?#\w+/g)
+ means, 1 or more times. ? means 0 or 1 time.
@Mohammadov Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
uhm Oct nope it returns all anyway :(
@Nexxpresso nope i'm not splitting right now
i need to return only those who had a blankspace before , for that i was thinking to split and check first char and second char for example
!!> "hey#tag damn #tags".match(/\s+#\w+/g)
@OctavianDamiean ["#tag"," #tags"]
Works for me.
:DD check result
works for me too
#tag should be not in array, this i mean
!!>"if i have hey#tags, i need it to return #tag only if string is hey(blankspace) #tag".match(/ \s?#\w+/g)
@OctavianDamiean [" #tags"]
cause it has no blank space before :D
@Nexxpresso [" #tag"," #tag"]
There you go.
like this
"hey#tag damn #tags".match(/\s+#\w+/g)
like this.
result of "hey#tag ciao #tags" should be [#tags]
Note the + instead of the ?
oh yeah
mine works too!
testing sec thanks
Now I'm gone though! Gone for a bike ride.
!!>"if i have hey#tags, i need it to return #tag only if string is hey(blankspace) #tag".match(/ \s?#\w+/g)
@Nexxpresso ["#tags"," #tag"," #tag"]
@Nexxpresso [" #tag"," #tag"]
@Nexxpresso ["#tags"," #tag"," #tag"]
uhm i got error, sec
@Nexxpresso [" #tag"," #tag"]
well check mine
it works
cause when is NULL console show error :/
match(/ \s?#\w+/g)
dont ask me why
damn i always got error _tags is NULL and script won't works
              var _tags = $(this).val().match(/ \s?#\w+/g);
              if(_tags.length > 1){
are you sure you want val()?
@FlorianMargaine yep sure, string is the textarea content i mean
anyway it works now!
i just have to clue the is NULL when nothing comes up uhmm
does someone knows how can i avoid to get ** _tags is NULL** error there ? :|
use keyup
ah no
it just returns null when it has no match
so you have to check _tags before checking its length
yep :P
so if(_tags && _tags.length) right?
@OctavianDamiean zirak got a cat :[
also i got a strange chrome error in Firefox, unbelievable
what is a chrome error
Data e ora: 21/04/13 18:26:41
Errore: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED: Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsIPrefBranch.getBoolPref]
File sorgente: chrome://qls/content/content.js
Riga: 6
unbelievable, i'm in FF
chrome:// ?? :O
chrome://qls/content/content.js :O type this in browser bar :O
That's what FF calls its UI.
:O it's damn error i get really really often , really dunno what is this :/
posted on April 21, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Day 1 of Kelly and my honeymoon commences. Updates will continue as

FF uses Gecko for its UI. So you can do strange things like typing this in the address bar: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
@FizzyTea lol , do you have some other funny trick? really lol
I do, but I'll need a grapefruit and an emu for that.
chrome here doesn't mean google chrome
@FizzyTea :D
Hey guys
@FlorianMargaine thanks for ;)
@OctavianDamiean @FlorianMargaine @Nexxpresso see you babes, thanks for helping you fixed a lot for me, hope to make some favor to you one of these days
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh btw, if you want to learn common lisp, gettingstartedwithcommonlisp.com :D
@Mohammadov Please format your code.
Or there's this: racket-lang.org
Though it's not CL as such.
But it's still a Lisp.
yes :)
there is also clojure
and actually many others
my script works fine but i have a small problem in my event, when i dblclick on a marker it should show his title but it just show me the title of the last marker :
Scope and closure.
Is this in a FAQ somewhere?
@Zirak o/
@Mohammadov (1)Please don't ask twice
(2)Please format your code (hit Ctrl+K)
@Darkyen It's a meh game
def meh
Not very interesting
you were doing the most simplest quests :$ i cant help :D
It's not that
then :?
well i play it in office / when i code in bg using auto mode
Everything's jumbled, it's very uneasy to use, they don't tell you anything
well thats the best thing :D
find it yourself ;-)
If you want to try a fairly decent MMO, try Tera (europe: tera-europe.com/en/home.html)
nothing more to say
Q: Which is better: the short, clever way, or the long, ctrl+c way?

DokkatThe code below is equivalent. I can see pros and cons for both versions. Which one is better? Short version: character.on("key",function(key){ var action = ({ "a":{axis:"x",direction:-1}, "d":{axis:"x",direction:1}, "w":{axis:"y",direction:1}, ...

I have a question somewhat related to javascript
I have java code that I can't get to work
Then it's not related to javascript
does someone knows map/reduce on mongodb ?
Well no one is in the java room and the C++ room told me to come here
its so basic it could be asked in any of the rooms I think
yeah, the C++ room lied.
@Jordan Try asking in the C++ room then.
The javascript room told me to ask my question here
@Zirak will it work on Linux ?
No clue
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
I find the lack of ponies here disturbing.
@Zirak The characters also look like fucking Anime characters ...
This room has to be about 20% cooler.
@OctavianDamiean oh yeah, I haz cat
@Zirak what kinda game is it ?
Real time action ?
@Zirak I haz too.
I killed my biking gloves ... :(
@Darkyen Arcade+RPG; it's action-oriented, you do the moves
@OctavianDamiean (you probably can't see anything) i.imgur.com/7OhvozW.png
But I'm riding a cat
@Zirak omg that game sucks more than I thought!
I've ridden a girl there, too
She looked up my skirt. Very embarrassing for all.
I like it the other way around.
@Zirak yeap cant play
@Zirak You weren't playing on with your bagpipe, were you?
in wonderland i can automate fights :$ thats how i level up :$
i just leave it in bg :P
tera ... meh .... will kill my workable day :D
You're a very strange man, I mean you like DBZ so I should have known but still.
There's also idlerpg
@BenjaminGruenbaum \o
@OctavianDamiean octavien ... i like to work :D
and u know how much :D
Though the kinda game i like to play is
Yea, sucks too.
The movement is just annoying. Coming from Quake engine based games it is like playing Minecraft but with guns.
Actually, that's an offense to Minecraft, their engine is quite decent.
But that's always been a problem with the CS franchise.
I'm sure jAndy would object to that.
@OctavianDamiean counterstrike is just counterstrike
u cant compare it to anything ;-)
It is a FPS tactic shooter, you can compare it to other FPS tactic shooters. :D
@SomeKittens what da fock?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I like how the example stock is AAPL, with three "sell" opinions.
Also, do you have an API?
Braces should only appear on the left if ()\n{, not on the right
whats this in jquery, i dont understand selectors yet... document.getElementsByClassName('slides')[0].children[current].style.display = 'none';
Not forgetting that the closing brace should line up with the end of the if-statement, in order to form a proper closure.
@Zirak just wondering will u play it again ? or i can get rid of the monster i caught for u
@Darkyen You can probably get rid of it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Check your email, one-way sexting isn't fun
@TrevorRudolph Just asking for code like that will likely get you nowhere. Google is your friend for simple situations like this.
@Zirak I think that's called 'stalking'.
@Zirak okay :[
@Zirak you too :D
i mailed him aswell :-)
i will suck on interview against u ... unless its about css :$
How awkward, don't tell me you're wearing a red dress too
Christ, what kind of interview is that?
right this moment i am wearing absolutely nothing
...and all my libido ran away
@Darkyen you're pretty good when it comes to bit fiddling (audio) as well as writing/profiling fast code
But boy are you crap at picking games ...
This made me lol
Dear Zeus but Wordpress is shit.

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