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just my luck (a lemon) I got some $$ to burn so I go buy the new fish tank I've been eyeing. it's got bubbles in the glass... :/ so I take it back and get a new one... bring it home.. unpack it (again)... same shit.. :/
can I be that unlucky?
by the time I got home and unpacked it this time they had already closed, and now I have to wait till tomorrow to go for a round three
That's lame.
Check the next one in the shop!
I plan on it
Demand it for free :)
i'm going as soon as they open tomorrow so hopefully they won't be busy and won't mind the hassle. it is the fish shop I always go to and they know me pretty well so I don't think they will mind, but I also don't want to have to be tying up people on a busy sunday rush
or take a 3d lcd showing fishes
nahh, but I will ask for a slight discount for having to return it three times. the thing is not small. :/
Fair enough
probably won't get a discount on the tank, but might get a credit for some stuff to put in it once it is cycled. who knows.
depends on what they think, the tanks were already on a sale. (like 10% off)
Worth a shot. I reckon you can get something by way of recompense with a bit of haggling.
Better to go when it is busy though.
time wasted: 2 hours.
gas waster: $4.
so yea, not like i'll be totally bummed if they don't give me a discount. They do all the time on fish and corals because I am a regular.
@xtal well when I returned it the second time I was picking up the live rock and salt and sand at the same time and they did cut me a $15 discount on the live rock.
(overall it is still costing me $1050 after tax for all of it :/ which is why I think having to return it a third time might get me some money off for my hassle)
Meaning that they are still making a healthy profit.
Woah. That's some tank!
marine reef tanks are not cheap
you need a lot of equipment to run them.
I have a goblin shark in my back yard
I don't know what that is, but it sounds like it ought to be freakin cool.
Goblins and sharks are cool enough on their own.
Well, I've probably done something very, very stupid. But I appear to have a working async module loader.
507 bytes when run through Closure compiler and gzipped.
That's more like it.
There once was a girl fron Nantucket...
There once was a girl from Columbus / Whose desire to explore was quite wondrous / She set off for London / A blah blah blah blah blah / A blah blah blah Buckingham Phallus!
Well, I've made a start. Someone else can finish it off.
Fuckinghim Phallus.
Now you're just being crude.
Because fuck subtlety.
'Buckingham' has better imagery.
^ goblin shark
That is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. And I've seen @Zirak's mum.
I think it's beautiful.
You're wrong
Wait, does that mean I have the hots for @Zirak's mum?
And it's even more awesome than my leprechaun salmon.
@phenomnomnominal I take it you've not seen the tongue-eating sea louse then.
So, and no thats
Cymothoa exigua, or the tongue-eating louse, is a parasitic crustacean of the family Cymothoidae. This parasite enters fish through the gills, and then attaches itself at the base of the fish's tongue. The female attaches to the tongue and the male attaches on the gill arches beneath and behind the female. Females are long and in maximum width. Males are approximately long and wide. The parasite destroys the fish's tongue, and then attaches itself to the stub of what was once its tongue and becomes the fish's new tongue. Behavior Cymothoa exigua extracts blood through the claws on it...
Wow, did I just have a stroke?
> No, and no thanks.
(And, that's some fetish you have.)
Oh, I get it, like my penis.
And yet it has the name of an exotic Brazilian dancer.
When there is no type hierarchy you don’t have to manage the type hierarchy. — Rob Pike
SO appears to have screwed up that Wikipedia quotation.
That deserves a star.
how about these
a species of marine spider from the Pycnogonid family that eat corals.
pesky suckers.
Grr I need a new battery for my preamp and it's raining.
imgur.com/G2dOD2U.jpeg how it feels mentioning jQuery in this room
What's the difference between EcmaScript and CoffeeScript ?
Tested in Chrome, FF, and IE 9 (+ compatibility modes) btw. And tested as a replacement for curl in a real-world (but small) application.
!!/inhistory 09-05
@rlemon 1775 – American Revolutionary War: the Siege of Boston begins, following the battles at Lexington and Concord.
@rlemon 1945 – Cold War: Igor Gouzenko, a Soviet Union embassy clerk, defects to Canada, exposing Soviet espionage in North America, signalling the beginning of the Cold War.
@Zirak I love you. (and it's not the booze talking)
@rlemon Use case? The obvious animation and polling and stuff?
@rlemon sure you give @zirak all the love! :P
speaking of love.. where the heck is @diedarvump?
^ butchered his mname
Hey folks, this is driving me mad.
Any idea how to force my browser to refresh completely?
(Safari 6 on OS X 10.8 ML)
Not butchered, just made it more onomatopoeic!
@xtal no clue, hence posting it
@Loktar you get 18.9% of my love
don't worry ;)
we b bros
got you on Steam and shit, dats how tight* we r
ohh god I realize when I was younger I actually talked like that.
@rlemon looks nicer than the built-in interface to me
@xtal if you are talking about the timer, then i think so as well. also check the issue queue and make a comment if you agree or not
the use case is if you register a timer after you have ran timer.start();
basically as of now it doesn't really work :/
@rlemon I have no idea what that means, but my gut instinct says 'yes'.
the entire idea is should it?
It doesn't work?
if you register an event after the timer has started it's unexpected results.
unless you stop the timer, register, then resume.
The basic idea is to wrap setTimeout/setInterval so you don't have to keep track of shit like timeout IDs yourself right?
no, the basic idea is to wrap setInterval with a more robust api... i suppose. also add a timer function that can just be used to track time :)
Yeah, that's what I meant.
@rlemon Hmm. They should be independent.
It's just the observer pattern, with a timer as a trigger.
Who wants to make a C# game with me and go half's :-)
depends on what kinda game? and fuck no on developing graphics
I do game logic only :P
and npc/item generation
Haha i haven't thought of anything yet, I'm finishing my MySQL GUI program first then I'm gonna start thinking of game ideas
you home?
I still don't quite understand how anybody can program anything in C# and maintain a normal blood pressure reading.
Nah not home at gfs
Probably be home around the same time
@xtal c# is a beautiful language past 3.5
How beautiful?
even before it is nice
Compared to its past self, or compared to other languages?
have you ever spent time with it?
No I haven't.
I know c, c#, js, php, and an assortment of strange languages so I'm not the best comparison, but c# is def nice to work with.
But if I had to write .net code (and I will have to shortly) then F# looks infinitely more appealing to me.
I just hate that mono sucks and so therefore c# (for me) has a windows only kinda thing
I've got an MS Dynamics project on the horizon.
I do winforms dev :/
hey @copy
atm i'm converting a c# 2.0 application to a two part system, a service and rewriting the UI for the web
for(n=readline();n-1;n=n%2?3*n+1:n/2)print(Array(+n).join(' '),n%4-2?0:'O') I got nothin
Just skimmed over the F# Type Providers paper and that looks seriously cool.
n%4-2 can be written shorter under certain conditions
Don't tell him!
I've tried a bunch of different things, but I can't find any other patterns
I actually found my shorter pattern first
@rlemon That's something I need to learn. Currently we have .net shit written in VB, which is a dead language.
I'd rather use F#, but tool support isn't quite there yet.
But that Type Provider shit looks amazing.
Think harder :-P
It seems so weird to me that MS are now the underdogs and also the innovators in certain specific computing areas.
Two of the most important flash games are offline, the internet is useless now
installing SC2 HotS
I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Clojure support in Visual Studio.
zzz 14 gigs to DL
Well, that's a lie. But an exaggeration of practicability rather than of sentiment.
Anyway, I refuse to use IDEs on principle. Horrible invention. Absolutely horrible.
A well-designed system should have integratable components by default.
@copy Nothing is coming to me.
What does ;n-1; do?
stops the loop
when n is 1
Oh, yeah, I see it now.
You want more hints?
one more hint for now
The condition is similar to the other one
I did notice that n%2 was correct for the first half
How much shorter does it have to be
And you have to change other things than the condition to make it work
1 character to catch up with copy
I see.
I was afraid that might be the case
An organisation that treats its programmers as morons will soon have programmers that are willing and able to act like morons only. — Bjarne Stroustrup
@yzn-pku Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Random question: Favorite javascript effects?
@Shmiddty 0
Fine, don't answer. :D
@copy The hailstone is an O if the next number is Odd
Now squeeze one character out of that fact
thinking outside the box is hard
stupid box
we have different answers
I found another way to make 74
for(n=readline();n-1;)print(Array(+n).join(' '),(n=n%2?3*n+1:n/2)%2?'O':0)
mine has a piggy at the end
for(k=-readline();~k;)print(Array(-k).join(" ",k=k%2?3*k-1:k/2),k%2?"O":0)
Don't mark variables private, just shoot trespassers in the head
Why doesn't this work!?
Just found out there was a shooting here at Civic Center Park today
didn't consider a second param to join
@Shimmy try putting those in a <form>
for a second I thought you misspelled my name
@Tips48 nope
No idea why jsfiddle.net/E9gvN/3 won't work @Shimmy
And lol @Shmiddty
I'm a semi-javascript-noob tho, so don't mind me :)
DERP figured it out @Shimmy
Your setting were screwed up; you have it running onLoad instead of wrapped in the body. Look at the two bars on the left: jsfiddle.net/E9gvN/4
you're the man!
but what's derp for gods sake
@Shimmy, @Shmiddty, one of you needs to change your name
I was here first
im going to change my name
to Shmiddty :)
guys, which one performs the fastest?

by id
k cool
also, document.getElementById is EVEN FASTER!
only just
jQuery uses it internally
@SomeKittens Yo bro.
SF is expensive!
hey SomeKittens
CoffeeScript sucks
I love glee
I love you
I love you too
@Tips48 Hey. SF === San Francisco
Cruising USA?
ahhh derp
@rlemon alive
@copy, it's fucking addictive right.
The harmonies... they're so inviting.
I know, right?
I wish I didn't watch it, but I can't stop.
I feel the same way :<
Btw, anybody every used mixpanel.com ?
There's always a better solution than a regular expression but the regex one will make you look smarter
Hey @copy you should make a codegolfs problem
But I suck at that
I don't get it
anyone know of a good guide to understanding new lines in php? PHP_EOL \r\n is some confusing business.
anyone play LoL?
@Shmiddty like a boss
Somebody come play Dota
need 3 more
ehhh micro is dumb
My dog just farted.
I find it hilarious how often @TemporaryNickName says something, then regrets it and deletes it.
Benchmarks don’t lie, but liars do benchmarks.
anyone like to help me
on date time issue?
can anyone tell me what is this effect called
Is there any disadvantage between VS Express / whatever the trial gives you
@pKs, which one?
@phenomnomnominal the one where 6 images are moving on mouseover
I couldn't find a jquery alternative
for that its flash
I have added the link
Q: Sending SMS via PC/Browser using Android mobile

Naveen Chamikara GamageI wanna send smses using my computer but not through the internet. I got a android mobile and it has free 1000 text package, I'm just wondering if I could send messages through my PC while my mobile is connected to pc via usb cable. if it has an API or something like that which I could use over ...

@phenomnomnominal did you get that?
@pKs, you'd just have tp program it your self. CSS3 transitions should do the trick
@XCritics that's enough shitty music :P
Dude that shit is phenomnomnominal
Did you even give it a chance?
So epic to game to
@phenomnomnominal any working example or website where this happening without flash
@XCritics, No, it's really pretty average. I listened to the whole thing, and it was just freaking boring. Call me old fashion but samples and keyboards just doesn't do it for me
@pKs, nope, you'll have to work it out yourself, shouldn't be too hard though
I really like the beat
track the mouse move, and add a slight transform on all the picture relative to the movement
@phenomnomnominal ok, thanks for the suggestion
I used to listen to stuff like Disturbed and Lamb of God, but I really like Electronic music out of nowhere :)
please help me on datetime issue
Q: Bootstrap datepicker disabling past dates without current date

itskawsarI wanted to disable all past date before current date, not with current date. I am trying by bootstrap datepicker library "bootstrap-datepicker" and using following code: $('#date').datepicker({ startDate: new Date() }); It works fine. But it is disabling date till today. As example if...

@XCritics oh yep, fair enough
@phenomnomnominal Hey, can I ask you for a small favor?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure buddy
as long as you don't need a kidney
Awww, guess I should drink less :P
@phenomnomnominal You're on mac right? tipranks.com does the "Get TipRanks, it's free" overlap stuff?
Or anything?
Safari, I think someone broke code I wrote
In Safari
K I'll check, but on chrome, there's a second one at the bottom that looks weird,
Wait, it looks weird on Chrome :O?
That's Chrome??
Same thing on Safari
Chrome 26.0.1410.65
Wow, that's really odd, this doesn't happen on Windows
Anyone else here on Windows and wouldn't mind helping me for one second?
Firefox is normal, so it's Webkit
It's not just Webkit, it's Webkit for mac, it looks normally on Windows in both Safari and Chrome
Not just weird, dafaq weird :S
Why would things render differently on Webkit in Mac and Windows?
You act like this is the first time you've seen an inconsistency in a web-browser :P
But honestly, no idea
You'd assume they should be the same
It's not just an inconsistency, it's an inconsistency of the same browser on different operating systems
Now I know that chrome for windows and chrome for mac are two very different webkit builds, but you'd expect them to at least be tested against the same test suite...
Maybe work out which property it is, then look for bug reports?
Oh, I can solve it... Probably by setting a display:block somewhere, or messing with the CSS. That's not the surprising part.
This means I have to start testing against Chrome in Mac as well as Chrome in Windows in my test suites and that sort of stuff...
Anyone used d3.js?
Not to mention that the browser extension itself would need testing in Chrome in Mac differently
Yep that fucking sucks
I'll look in Canary
can anyone like to help me on datetime issue?
@itskawsar sup
Q: Bootstrap datepicker disabling past dates without current date

itskawsarI wanted to disable all past date before current date, not with current date. I am trying by bootstrap datepicker library "bootstrap-datepicker" and using following code: $('#date').datepicker({ startDate: new Date() }); It works fine. But it is disabling date till today. As example if...

here is my question
i want a date picker
it will disable dates before today for all time zone
I (…) am rarely happier than when spending an entire day programming my computer to perform automatically a task that would otherwise take me a good ten seconds to do by hand. Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See
hello @BenjaminGruenbaum
are you checking?
developers.google.com/maps Any idea which one I can use in C#?
Too late, already bored of C# and going back to playing with Javascript
The thought of my programs being restricted to JUST windows, makes me angry
Express is my best friend
@phenomnomnominal js1k.com/2013-spring/demo/1544 this, + sockets = a sick little chat room
@phenomnomnominal Ever use ejs before? (Assuming you have)
Nah never have
Handlerbars and Jade
!!/karma Mustache
@BenjaminGruenbaum Mustache has no karma
"safari can't verify the identity of the website" :/
Ah just curious, I'm trying to setup EJS ( To try it out) robdodson.me/blog/2012/05/31/how-to-use-ejs-in-express following that guide, and I made my layout, and when I load my index.ejs, the layout isn't included not sure why
@XCritics If you're on windows use WebMatrix, it has built in ejs support with node.js
Sublime Text 4 l1fe :D
Prototypal OOP should be popularized just for its acronym
@phenomnomnominal the only thing that bugs me about Jade, is if I forget a div and I'm 50 lines down, I gotta add a new space for every line :P
Where has @plodder been?
@XCritics, that's the kind of problem a text editor can solve. And who knows.
cmd + click on ST works great
I'm starting to think you cannot yield body in EJS anymore x.x
and am about to just say fuck it
and use jade
@phenomnomnominal not sure if you use ST, but know of a good syntax highlighting theme for jade?
I use TextMate
!!/karma jade
@BenjaminGruenbaum jade has 2 karma
An Irishman, a homosexual and a Jew walk into a bar. What a fine example of an integrated community
@XCritics https://github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Interacting-with-the-bot
@XCritics https://github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Interacting-with-the-bot
@XCritics Command commands does not exist.
@XCritics Command command does not exist.
!!/tell BenjaminGruenbaum !!/worstinsultever
@XCritics Command !!/worstinsultever does not exist.
I give up
“Should array indices start at 0 or 1? My compromise of 0.5 was rejected without, I thought, proper consideration. ” - Stan Kelly-Bootle
!!/tell XCritics worstinsultever
@phenomnomnominal Command worstinsultever does not exist.
who posted my site on facebook?
Some PHP Fanboy
some australian it seems
we do not have australian people here
do we?
i mean active australian people
Premature optimization is the root of all evil

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