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anyway i can use a regexp boundary and comma etcetera? Like myString.match(new RegExp("\\b" + arr1[i] + "\\b"));
Your way isn't working?
not if it's a longer text
What do you mean?
Try building the regexp and checking its source attribute, you might find what you did wrong there
so I have an equation n%4-2?a:b, so when n%4 is 2, I get b. Is there another way to write this?
I'm thinking there must be a bitwise operation that could be similar
it works if the text has ordinary chars and only commas. But if its text with ordinary chars[a-z] and "," and "." it is breaking
!!>'here is, a string. sup dawg?'.split(/\b|\s/)
@Shmiddty ["here"," ","is",", ","a"," ","string",". ","sup"," ","dawg","?"]
@Shmiddty ["here"," ","is",",","a"," ","string",".","sup"," ","dawg","?"]
@rickard Well yeah, that's what \b does - it matches word boundaries (as Shmiddty showed you above)
@Zirak how can i see the source attribute?
Make the regexp (say you call it re), and do re.source ?
@Zirak ok so why does it break if i include , and . ?
Define break.
I don't get your intention. Can you show me example input/output, and your wanted output?
!!>'here is, a string. sup dawg?'.split(/[^A-Z]/i)
@Shmiddty ["here","is","","a","string","","sup","dawg?"]
If i type this text into two textfield and compare them: "Donec turpis metus, varius eget tristique blandit, lacinia fringilla massa."
@Shmiddty ["here","is","","a","string","","sup","dawg",""]
they are not the same with this regexp
I'm confused. What's arr1? Can you show us a demonstration (on jsfiddle, tinkerbin, tinker.io, ...)
@rickard How are you comparing the arrays?
ill put up some more code at pastebin wait
pastebin.com/jKdneCJh see this for better example
!!/mustache RomanStolper
@rickard A word boundary is not the same as a whitespace
A word boundary is also as a comma or period; it's as Shmiddty showed you
@Zirak ok but i dont get it. Why does my regexp not match then?
If i type the text i showed you before
Split your string by the 2 regexps
Q: Replacing & in JS code on pages

StealthRTI am needing to remove the & that seems to be replacing my & on my page code. My original code looked like this: $.get"../form/master.php?called=CAP&captcha="+$("#captcha_txt").val(), {}, function(response){ and now, looking at the source code to the page that loads that within wordpress...

Q: Best option to send image from javascript client to SQL server

aelbazFrom a client javascript I want to send image sql server user profile for storage in the bbdd (sql server), along with other data such as user id or name. Which option is better? ¿Send image as img / jpg? Or convert it to base64 and send everything as json format?

!!> "Donec turpis metus, varius eget tristique blandit, lacinia fringilla massa.".split( ' ' )
@Zirak ["Donec","turpis","metus,","varius","eget","tristique","blandit,","lacinia","fr‌​ingilla","massa."]
!!> "Donec turpis metus, varius eget tristique blandit, lacinia fringilla massa.".split( /\b/ )
@Zirak ["Donec"," ","turpis"," ","metus",", ","varius"," ","eget"," ","tristique"," ","blandit",", ","lacinia"," ","fringilla"," ","massa","."]
As you can see, there's a difference.
Yea, you're doing way too much with the text before you're actually trying to compare it.
!!/mustache Jon Skeet
@c'c User -1 was not found.
the problem is i'm not that good with regexp and i do not get any smarter at the moment :P
but the task is simple,
compare two userinput textfields. Highlight the differences
and everything works except when i mix comma and dots with long texts
!!/mustache JonSkeet
@Shmiddty User -1 was not found.
@rickard You want to just take both texts, split them, loop through the arrays and push the differences into a new array.
mustache on my mustache
@OctavianDamiean yea but this is the solution i have. And i dont get it why it does not work. Like it works when the text is half as small but not when it goes as long as this?
Like I said, messing with the input way too much.
You shouldn't strip whitespace characters and so on.
ok how can i write it better?
double, I though it would shave
@c'c You're aware that there's the Sandbox for that kind of stuff?
how are we going to see tom selleck with a mustache on a mustache in the sandbox?
9 messages moved to bin
tom selleck didn't deserve that
If you need your IDE's code generation tool, then your language is too verbose
so what is this running gag with Jquery that goes around StackOverflow
@OctavianDamiean the running gag with Jquery
isn't there a running gag with Jquery?
The fact that javascript is made from jQuery?
One cannot script without the jayquery
jQuery is in fact better than Javascript!
Well, Dart was written in jQuery.
have a question that if you have this bits what is the second bit normaly is it from right or legt
isn't C++ written in Jquery?
V8 is actually written with a hybrid of jquery, npm, and dart
I've heard binary is constructed from Jquery
Now you're just being silly.
but really, running gag?
C# was written in jQuery, I'm not sure about CPP
never heard of the gag before
But I've heard that the new quantum computers have jQuery as the native instruction set.
meh what to do with this vps
Host your own Bitcoin pool
some reddit post
Run jQuery as the OS.
people in bitmask what is the second bit? 11011101
is it from left or right
From the right
^ that
Depends on the definition of the MSB/LSB
wow I made the worst syntax error in a while on python
changed : for , on a bunch of splicers
Not enough jQuery imo
@rlemon bro, did you pass out on me last night
little endian is reversed left->right
Endianness is bytewise, not bitwise
@AfnanBashir In the decimal number 193840 which digit is the second?
9 but that doesn't necessarily hold true for a binary representation.
I'd say that 4, but that's just me :) The point I was trying to make is that it's not well defined.
Do you read numbers from the right to the left?
What about 193840.123?
Of course 4
I read numbers from the least significant digit to the most significant because that's how I do addition, division, subtraction and multiplication.
Like do you say zero four eight three nine one?
@xtal probably still 4, but the point was that it was not well defined
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's interesting. I actually start from the left side. :D
No kidding.
@OctavianDamiean I say one hundred and ninety three thousand, either hundred and fourty , but that doesn't matter that much :P
Can someone help me with this? gist.github.com/loktar00/5427189 .. inheritance issues
The entire point was that it's not well defined :) When you enumerate something you need to specify the order of enumeration
Yea, of course.
What is the first value in this set? {1,2,3} or in this object {x:3,y:5}
@Loktar What seems to be the issue?
But in 12345, you would say that 1 is the highest digit, right?
its the way my framework is laid out currently
Im trying to make it better
I just find it interesting how others do that different than me. Apparently I'm pretty much the only one in here doing it in the reverse order.
I declare a global var, Game, so I can internally reference functions
@Loktar You're not creating a new object
but.. theres gotta be a better way to do it
the only thing that pisses me is that c# BitConverter.GetBytes(258) will give [2,1,0,0] but in erlang it's [0,0,1,2]
@Loktar You're declaring a constructor, but not using it, either use new or Object.create
@c'c That's little endian (C#) vs big endian
@copy The highest order, not the highest value.
@copy ok, but I must painfully reverse the c# ;)
@Loktar You're setting Jest to a function, when you change its prototype property that changes the proto property to Objects that are created by using it as a constructor method.
here I updated it a bit
the top portion is what id like to do
@Loktar If you want to do prototypical inheritance use Object.create (better) , or psuedoclassical inheritance
I want to do it w/o having to use a sep var (Game)
@Loktar Function expressions aren't hoisted
the inheritance all works fine, its just the issue of internally referencing methods
bleh hard for me to explain I guess
@Loktar You have to move the declaration and Jest= function(options){ stuff above (also, add var)
@Loktar What are you trying to accomplish?
@Loktar Do you just not want so many global objects?
@twiz basically
Right now I have Jest, the main framework
@Loktar It's not just that, your logic is wrong
Then just put it all in a 1 global object... haha
and then Game which is the instance of Jest
@Loktar If you just want to avoid globals, wrap everything in an anonymous function call, that's not the point though
I don't get it. Jest.addItemToRenderer is undefined.
@xtal this is hoisting
eh its a super simplified example of what Im doing
@OctavianDamiean u gotta try out wonderland online for me :3
pwees :D
@Loktar can you describe the structure of parts of code? What are their logical parts?
It's an undefined property.
@Loktar guess what i have been bind here for 16 hours by this game!
first game i ever played more then CStrike
@Darkyen what game?
@Darkyen That looks like a crappy game
@BenjaminGruenbaum im uploading the code..
@Zirak actually its not
hard for me to explain
its insanely addictive...
lol but it annoys me!
It can't be good ...
@Loktar teamview me :$
i just sent u details on steam :D
I mean the characters are anime-like ...
lemme show u :D
It must suck hard.
And the female ones are not wearing enough clothes to fight.
@OctavianDamiean the game has chars from all ove the world.. heck u can travel the world in this game.
@Zirak u can change it :P
What the hell, I've got a bit of time, I'll try.
I don't care as long as I look like a Japanese wet dream ...
...wait that's a lie. I can start in 2 days
//this is how I'd create Jest, removing the () invocation at the end would result in a factory method instead of an object
var Jest = (function(){
   var Jest = Object.create({

   //script to create a Jest
   Jest.Sprite = function(){
      //code whatever
      Jest.addItemToRenderer(this);// still this line makes no sense
   return Jest;
If you look at Audioshoot.js youll see the main portion
and then game.js is the "core"
thats just the sample game Im using to test it right now
@Zirak , @OctavianDamiean well the game has draculas cats, even unicorns.
my main issue is using that stupid Game var
and about looks you can change them insanely.
lemme show u mine
ugh installer needs windows. Gonna have to transport the bot...
which is declared in audioShoot.js but I use it a reference throughout the jest source, not in sprite.js.. a good example to look at would be emitter.js
Fuck I really need to set up a better home network
@Darkyen I don't care. Anime crap remains anime crap.
u sure ?
@Zirak it works perfect in wine..
but what you already posted @BenjaminGruenbaum might be what i need to do actually
It is disturbingly ugly. :/
@Darkyen ...point missed
@Loktar it's a very basic version
@Darkyen oh, neat
@Loktar I strongly suggest Addy Osmani's JavaScript design patterns
@OctavianDamiean and this one prntscr.com/11fijb ?
@Darkyen What's the green stuff there below that dude/chick/whatever? Did he poop kryptonite nuggets?
@Darkyen Before I install wine, are you playing it on Wine that you're sure?
what i like about the game is its quests, tons of them all over the world you start in old new zealand and do some small quest.
@OctavianDamiean oh i cropped it wrong
@Zirak yes -_-! i play it from office on wine
yeah Ill take a look at it, just need to overcome this one issue and Ill be happy with it
I've considered just making addEntity/removeEntity static since they are the only funcs I really ever reference internally
@Darkyen Are you trying to make a point with more and more disgusting character screenshots?
@OctavianDamiean -_- dude u play terreria
No, not really?
I don't even know what that is.
maybe i got the name wrong
what was it u were playing for 2 hours yesterday ?
That's Tibia.
eeks 2 mmo's sorry confused
yeah u play Tibia
dont talk about ugly -_-
Amine is the utterest shit of all the crap there is. Period. It is somewhere above actual feces and just slightly below DBZ.
LOL @OctavianDamiean friggin brutal man
@OctavianDamiean how dare u call dbz crap -_-
i am gonna make u pay!
@Loktar I just can't stand it. I almost get an allergic reaction when I just see anime crap.
@OctavianDamiean intresting
but i dont find those chars looking anime.. imho
No, they look just like real humans.
Nice, http://garann.github.io/template-chooser/
Also nice http://www.elijahmanor.com/2013/04/angry-birds-of-javascript-big-brother.html
I like the 2nd one ill check it out
@Zirak if u start it , just ping me
Im using Pseudoclassical Ineritance, which probably isnt the corrent fit fully
@jAndy, THE GAME!
see ya
Just watched a documentary about the Nazi war crimes and seen some footage of the liberation of the concentration camp Mauthausen in Austria. Just shocking ...
I mean I've visited that camp a couple of years ago, been in the gas chambers and all that but still, everytime I see such footages I can't believe it.
@Zirak are u installing it on wine ? if so i will stay up
ps i play on libra 3
cya .. gn
doh, I have a good one for @Loktar
Gah ... there's absolutely nothing on TV right now ...
@OctavianDamiean burn the thing, DON'T LET BLIND YOUR MIND
!!/choose "rip some DVDs" "study for LPIC" "study history" "play Tibia"
@OctavianDamiean study for LPIC
!!Do you think I could rip some DVDs while studying for the LPIC?
@OctavianDamiean I expect so
!!Is the last response void?
@copy Yes!
@copy whats the progress on .... IT ?
!!Were you lying to copy?
@OctavianDamiean Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand Were you lying to copy?
I didn't want to mention it
Are you scared?
looks like a professional movie teaser
goose bumps !
That level is actually currently online
But it's not finished
Let me guess you're not allowed to touch those spikes or you'll die.
seems.. hard
That's an inherent attribute of spikes
Just like insanity an inherent attribute of yours?
I see.
All makes sense now.
The cheapest, fastest, and most reliable components are those that aren’t there. [Gordon Bell]
Anyone know of any small, async, module loaders?
Small, as in < 500 LOC. Preferably much less. I don't need AMD.
I just added a php file on my domain
i feel ashamed
I think programmers are more prone to autoerotic masochistic fetishes than most.
define autoerotic masochistic fetish
huh, Gnome Shell is pretty cool.

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