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thats why you release in wtfpl
No, that's why you release stuff under MIT or BSD.
nah both too much hassle
you have to include the license when you want to use code right?
you dont have to when you use WTFPL
I don't like the WTFPL ...
Especially not for work stuff.
The Apache license is also quite nice.
expertsexchange is better than StackOverflow
I feel like I'm doing the simplest thing wrong?
Anyone want to do a few lines of html and css review...
If it's really a few lines, sure
New guy?
Adobe Edge you say?
Yeah, a designer at work asked about it today
I didn't know what to say because I never heard about it before
It seems to output bad code, but it still looks readable considering it's generated
I gotta say, I kinda enjoy Brackets.
Haven't tried it tbh
Is it anywhere close to mature editors?
Well, it is a clean and web development focused tool.
I've never ever used it
and reading the description it sounds like Dreamweaver 2.0
Noooooo, not at all.
moreover it sounds like another one of those "Guess you'll be debugging two things instead of one!" tools
A class of tools I'd rather avoid...
@OctavianDamiean He's talking about Edge, not Brackets :P
@SimonSarris Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of, another Dreamweaver, although a better development environment for the web is something we need.
I agree, but the answer probably lies within the browser than within an Adobe tool
developer tools have become AMAZING in the last six years
and if you are using firefox switch to Aurora or nightly because their new tools are incredibly impressive
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes it is just a few lines
I'm very optimistic about the future of web development
I find the Webkit dev tools much better, though
We all are :)
I should checkout the latest Aurora build ...
Yeah, webkit dev tools are really nice
Probably because I've gotten so used to them
Profiling is
Also, IDK why but chrome makes FF feel clunky
no doubt
I still use chrome exclusively
Yeah, that's my opinion, but some people would disagree
but firefox can be recommneded these days
Like @Darkyen
I use Firefox only when I'm testing my code in it
That, and sometimes when chrome messes up
Yeah, doesn't happen often
I had to use FF for a while till I fixed a corrupt profile in Chrome
I have to say, I just deployed to nodejitsu and it was really nice and smooth :)
Nicer than Heroku and Azure
Sheesh! Aurora is quite fast.
They did add a new compiler or something
It still feels less fluid than Chromium though.
What's sad about 4 black people driving off a cliff? They were my friends
Kitty TV
@rlemon Yea, mine do watch that too. :)
they take turns watching them
6 fishes, 3 shrimp, handful of crabs, dozen or so snails, buncha macroalgae and corals
i have four other tanks and yet this is the one the cats watch :/
my brain coral
the skimmer is so ugly in the tank, and I thought I was going to be able to get away without one but it turns out I was wrong.
so this summer I am building a new tank and before I do anything with it I will transfer this tank over, drill out this tank so I can add a sump and voila! no more ugly hardware in the tank
and the entire thing. Reflection sucks and the room atm is well lit so it's not as nice as it could be
also I still have no backdrop on this tank.
and the guy between the green things, the red bushy thing, and the mushrooms (so the purple thing, he is a very large purple goniopora) was pissed because I just slammed the lid. so he is closed.
@nichobot Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon wow
To whomever flagged our bot: please talk to @Zirak and ask him to remove the offending messages, or edit the code yourself and make a pull request
that tank there is ~14 months into the makings. :/ has taken me a while because I've never done a reef tank before. Only ever FOWLR.
P.S.: I love the word "whomever"
@SimonSarris imgur.com/a/myB0I full album, don't mind the blurry images and the focus on the zoanthids (green guys) i'm trying to identify if there is an anemone or bug with them (the off colour polyps).
if you are interested :P
holy crap
That's pretty fascinating
I need to take pictures with a real camera and not my phone :P
also the downward angles are strange.
here is the link to the page for review and the section of html/css is at the top. Its the project title and description section(that's it). I want to know if the way I am coding it/doing the css is the best way to do it
@AmaanCheval the white blurs are in fact just bubbles :P shitty phone camera and taking pictures through beveled glass and water.
Still looks pretty cool
@benlevywebdesign I was talking to rlemon
@AmaanCheval I know, I was saying thanks for my asking for review above ^
@JanDvorak What was flagged?
@AmaanCheval ^
@rlemon c'mon, where are some freehand circles?
But we love freehand circles
we who visit the meta
@rlemon For a second I thought you'd put Lemon Meme on the Chrome store
@AmaanCheval did you wanna take a look at a few lines of html/css...
just read above ^
Not really
ok thats cool
also gave my cat a bath today.. she was super pissed :P
Could you give me some code examples that create memory leaks?
@ŠimeVidas while(true){a=[a]}
@JanDvorak An infinite loop will freeze the browser.
@ŠimeVidas var a=[]; setInterval(function(){a=[a]}, 100)
This leaks and doesn't freeze the browser
adjust the timing to your desire
Say, you write a game, and there are 100 bubbles per second, which move outside of the screen. When you don't remove them once they are outside of the game (and the game takes very long), you have a memory leak
But once something isn't referenced anymore, you can consider it gone (unless there is a bug in the browser)
And don't forget what you learned about closures
@copy old IE loves referencing elements it shouldn't.
@copy So, when the code uncontrollably and/or unexpectedly creates more and more objects over time.
@JanDvorak It's a feature, not a bug.
caching deleted elements forever?
@ŠimeVidas Those that are not needed anymore
That's all I know, someone should correct me if I say stupid thinks please
@copy Well, obviously. If the application actually needs more and more objects over times, it's broken.
memory leak = an ever-growing set of objects that cannot be garbage-collected but won't ever be used either.
If the application actually needs these objects, it's memory-hungry, not leaking
@JanDvorak Nice ELI5 definition :)
@ŠimeVidas That's not the problem, if the application doesn't re-use objects it is broken.
If the app continuously needs more and more objects over time, it's broken, isn't it?
but it's not neccessarily leaking if the logic is wrong
if I'm computing the list of primes until 2^52, that's not a memory leak. That's merely a stupid programmer error.
@OctavianDamiean hey!
Maybe someone here can help me, I'm having trouble with what should be the simplest of things
I am using twitter bootstrap and have included a <button>
!!> 'how to drop the 10 first chars'.substring(10)
@c'c Maximum execution time exceeded
the problem is I can't seem to link it to a click
@c'c "p the 10 first chars"
thought substr existed*
I've tried putting inside a form with an action, I've tried onclick attribute, and I've tried selecting it with jquery, none seems to really work
what is the way it should be done?
do buttons have to be inside form tags?
You have 7845 reputation
@JanDvorak jsfiddle.net/dEag2 how far off am I, I think you can see what my intent was clearly ;)
@copy indeed
are you implying I should know this?
@XCritics element.addEventListener('onclick', => element.addEventListener('click',
I'm implying nothing, just stating a fact
@copy do you usually do that? State facts?
Yes, I'm copy, the useless fact guy
@XCritics element.attachEvent('mousedown' => element.attachEvent('onmousedown'
or, rather, => element.attachEvent('onclick'
@copy well, we do need someone to state the facts
Works for me.
Hey there by the way!
@XCritics addEventListener needs the event name without the on, attachEvent needs it with on.
Since I am passing a function as a argument, do I need function(e) { data; } or just data in the spot where function would be
cause wouldnt that just be, function() { function()
@OctavianDamiean yes, that's what I was guessing... it's clearly something else...
@OctavianDamiean hey to you! how's it going
jsfiddle.net/dEag2/8 @JanDvorak Works :)
@Trufa I'm fine. How are you?
hello there!
@XCritics nice. I would rename the data argument, though.
@okok o/
Is it a popular one?
@OctavianDamiean pretty good thanks, with some work finally here! quite happy
@JanDvorak ;)
Also, is there anything wrong with that? Or would that work just fine for supporting cross browser
@XCritics data is not a good name for a callback. I suggest callback, handler or something in that sense.
even f is better IMO
Is that function asynchronous?
That callback is called later
you're not defining the callback, though.
How might one do that?
jsfiddle.net/dEag2/10 could somebody try that on an IE that supports attachEvent please and see if the popup popsup :)
The caller of your library should define the callback, and give it to you
@OctavianDamiean haha found the problem, I'm guessing duplicate id's are not such a good idea after all huh?
@JanDvorak could you maybe update my fiddle? I don't quite understand
this is what you're doing; I'm merely suggesting a rename
oh ok
So just change the function argument to callback?
my version of IE is calling the addEventListener, need to see if attachHandler is being called
I would expect data to be something else, not a callback
does someone knows how to retrieve the hash tag from a url?
for example site.ck/#hash-tag
@JanDvorak sure?
thank you i test it out!
Huh, he's back, but with colons and semicolons now
@Trufa Nope, not at all.
@Trufa Ah glad to hear that.
@AmaanCheval :) <- !== )
Hello, people of the JavaScript room! Is anyone here familiar with HTML5 <canvas>es? I need to pan an image I drew smoothly and nothing that I am trying is working.
@okok I can't parse that
@OctavianDamiean thanks! By the way, are you up for a beer this week?
@JanDvorak eheh it's not code :D
@Doorknob moving a DOM element via CSS transitions seems like a better idea than using a canvas
@Jan I am making an HTML5 canvas game. I need to use a canvas; I can't really turn it into anything else :/
@Trufa This week is going to be a busy one, you are longer in Austria aren't you?
@okok I can't parse it in any language, be it javascript, coffeescript, emoticons or english
I posted a question on Stack Overflow:
Q: Smooth motion/animation of already existing image on a canvas

DoorknobI want to smoothly pan an image that is already on a canvas. I have found this question (Translating a html5 canvas), which told me how to simply translate an image that is already drawn. However, it did not have information on how to do it smoothly. I have attempted this (trX and trY is the am...

@OctavianDamiean yeah, I'll be here at least untill july
@JanDvorak Don't happen to have old internet explorer to just load this page and tell me if the attachHandler calls do yah? jsfiddle.net/dEag2/11
@JanDvorak lol are you serious? i guess not :)
so no hurry!
@Trufa Ah great!
Whenever's good for you
@okok I am. I have no idea what you were trying to say.
@OctavianDamiean OMG have you met before?
@XCritics I'll try it IETester
He an old Python buddy. :)
@OctavianDamiean so, till next time! got to go! See you around...
@OctavianDamiean haha was about to correct you
@JanDvorak @AmaanCheval says uhu he is back, and i replyed him with ":)" is different than ")"
I don't know, had a brain fart.
take care!!
@OctavianDamiean lol
@XCritics doesn't work in IE8
The alert doesn't pop up at all?
has a new mission
IE9 and 10 work fine though
Is there a way for you to see what the error is?
Does the alert on IE9 say attachHandler called, or addEventListener called? @Doorknob
actually in IE8 a whole bunch of "script error"s pop up :P
@okok then what's the point of the <-?
Draw the Arch logo on a canvas.
@JanDvorak right :D my mistake sorry
@copy hi
@XCritics just addEventListener called
@Octavian Easy. Find an image. ctx.drawImage(imgObj, x, y); :P
I want to get the attachHandler popup
@Jan "moving a DOM element via CSS transitions" Also, I am trying to move the image within the canvas (not the canvas itself) so this won't work at all
Damn autocorrect
@Doorknob try placing an image at non-integer co-ordinates
@JanDvorak if IE doesn't support addEventListener, why is ie9 using it then?
@XCritics oldIE doesn't. IE9 seems to, according to your observations.
@JanDvorak It works, but I can't use the method I made in my question for reasons I explained in the question
@XCritics yes, IE9 supports addEventListener
!!> console.log(location())
@SomeKittens "undefined" Logged: [object WorkerLocation]
@SomeKittens "TypeError: location is not a function"
Hm, can't seem to install IE8 on Windows 7 to test this I want to know if the attachEvent works or not :/
!!> console.log(location.href)
@Doorknob "undefined" Logged: "undefined"
@AmaanCheval Well, I could just copy the values from the SVG but that's lame.
@Doorknob cool, let's bury IE8 and we've went a great deal of journey towards shim-less jQuery-less branch-less code
@JanDvorak exactly! I hate that IE8 exists because I have to add so much support for it :/
@XCritics IE9/10 dev tools let you set the emulated IE version
IE8 is bad, and Microsoft should feel bad
@BadgerGirl hi
someone told me on my question that I should use requestAnimationFrame for moving my image within the canvas. how would that work...?
Do you know how you'd use setTimeout to move the image?
@Octavian Indeed.
Well shit, IE8 doesn't seem to support jsfiddle at all so attachEvent works, but i cant click the button :P
@AmaanCheval see my question:
Q: Smooth motion/animation of already existing image on a canvas

DoorknobI want to smoothly pan an image that is already on a canvas. I have found this question (Translating a html5 canvas), which told me how to simply translate an image that is already drawn. However, it did not have information on how to do it smoothly. I have attempted this (trX and trY is the am...

@Doorknob requestAnimationFrame is a timing device
On mobile
Won't really be able to help properly
I'll check it out tomorrow, though
@Jan hmm... so that probably wouldn't actually work
I just need to pan the image
Pan out or in?
@AmaanCheval pan as in move/translate
Ah. Why don't you just redraw it to the new position?
@AmaanCheval isn't he?
@AmaanCheval see the question
@JanDvorak codepen.io/anon/pen/KeuDf I tried emulating IE7-8-9-10 they awll work, but they all call eventListener, did I miss something?
does codepen somehow enable addEventListener?
Holy crap, I forgot that graphics stuff is basically all just maths ... a lot of maths.
@Doorknob I don't get why using clearRect doesn't work. Clear it, move it by x and y pixels, draw it, and repeat till it's moved to its destination?
@AmaanCheval It cleared the whole thing when I tried it :/
How big is the image supposed to be? You probably did clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); then
I should really sleep
If you don't have an answer by tomorrow, I'll try to help out
@XCritics you'll need to change the document mode as well
Damn it I cannot find a page like fiddle or codepen that will actually work when i change the doc mode to lower than ie9
If all of those fail, try PasteHTML.com
if JSfiddle doesn't support IE8...
Google Drive is now a hosting service as well
well it works in IE 8 and calls eventHandler, so I'm just gonna assume IE7 works too, cause I can't find one that supports that ancient P.O.S
@XCritics POS = a turd of definite size?
A piece of shit :)
I'm gonna write my own framework instead of using jQueeeery
!!/choose "HCI lectures then logic lectures" "logic lectures then HCI lectures" "study for LPIC"
@OctavianDamiean logic lectures then HCI lectures
@JanDvorak is my attempt (that fiddle) similar to jQueerys $('#asd').onClick function? I'm sure they probably use a regex to choose whether to search by id or class and what not
I need help creating a simple carousel slider
@XCritics ask me later; sorry
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction. — Albert Einstein
would any one like to help or get me started in the right direction lol
The popular blog software Wordpress, as of October 2007, simply stores a hash of the password — so if the attacker can download the password file for a Wordpress blog, he can look for weak passwords by comparing the file against a precomputed file of hashes of words in the dictionary. What’s even worse is that Wordpress then uses a hash of this hash as the cookie that it sets on your browser once you’ve logged on.
jsfiddle.net/vxuSS/1 Any idea why I'm getting rangecount: 0?
@copy wow ... I knew Wordpress sucks but that? Sheesh.
It's an oldie, but still ...
Wonder if they still do that. I guess not.
Deleted code is debugged code. [Jeff Sickel]
Just curious, say you have a JS game with canvas and you want to restrict it to people that are not logged in (some how it saves progress) how do you stop people from just downloading the src code and putting it in a new webpage or something?
can someone here help with javascript?
@XCritics You forbid it, minify the source and maybe check the location where it's run
None of this will stop people from doing it entirely, but it is the best you can do
I need help getting a carousel working
ive got this
$(function () {

function createRoute() {





<input type="button" value="getroute" onclick="createRoute();" />
but the button does not work, im assuming its because createRoute() is inside function,
how can i make the button work please?
Object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing. [Rob Pike]
@copy forbid people from viewing the .js page?
Ok I'll just try to imagine what you meant :)
By forbid, I mean you write a statement like "If you put this game on your website, I'll sue your ass off"
Oh haha :D
home .. at last
@archie jsfiddle.net/zqHm3/2 if I were you I'd separate html from JS, helps with readability / mantaining
@archie Define "does not work"
!!/tell archie format
@SomeKittens Command format does not exist. Did you mean: forget
@XCritics jsfiddle.net/rlemon/zqHm3/3 I know it's not your code but srsly... SRSLY.. O_O
lol what is that
hmm best way to convert "16616:-221&4446:96.15" in json? ({"16616":"-221", "4446":"96.15"})
Where are you getting the data from?
Regular expressions
myself, ... I suck, I lazily don't want to find add anothr json lib to some c# code
but I'll make th json with \" 's good point
wow {"foo":"bar"} is invalid in console (without affectation)
!!> var g={"foo":"bar"}
@c'c "SyntaxError: invalid label"
@c'c "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable g"
@c'c "undefined"
so I got this carousel working and now I can't figure out who to turn off the auto play
!!> var x={"123":"456"}; [x[123],x["123"]]; //another wonder
@c'c Maximum execution time exceeded
@SOChatBot fu
Accordion to recent surveys, you may insert random instrument names into sentences without people noticing
@rlemon I must know!

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