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This room is boring
@CCInc help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, get, google, hang, karma, learn, banception, ln, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo, echo (page 0/0)
!!> [0 == "0", 0==='0']
@c'c "true,false"
!!>var Enum ={ GRASS : "grass", WATER : "water"}; Enum
@CCInc "SyntaxError: syntax error"
@CCInc "undefined"
@CCInc "[object Object]"
@SomeKittens I know right, what happened?
Hi people...
I have one douft
for create the dict
with javascript
this is not the normal array
Please use complete sentences and spellcheck.
excuse me
What's a "douft"?
!!/define douft
Could not find definition for douft. Trying Urban Dictionary
@CCInc Y U NO MAEK SENSE!!!???!!?11 No results for douft
I have one douft for create the dict with javascript because this is not the normal array.
I have to read the value's textarea (these are inside the form).
I want the create variable var a = {"a":"wohoo", 2:"hello2", "d":"hello"};
but how I can add the variable ?
Starting with var a
You sound like a spam Twitter account.
@SomeKittens Am I missing something, or has such thing as a "douft" never reached my knowledge?
Yeah, he's totally the personification of a Twitter bot.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had to translate your request to understand it.
@CCInc Both Google and I are unaware of the term.
Okay, so I'm not insane at the moment. A good sign.
then now I open the new question for the other people
"ur wlcm"
A function that can't fit my screen can't not be bugged
can't not, huh?
Q: Javascript: How to create the dict

Mirko CianfaraniI have one doubt for create the dict with javascript because this is not the normal array. I have to read the value's textarea (these are inside the form). Example: $("#wnd_EditParam").append('<form method="GET" name="formparam" id="formparam" action="${nextstep}">\ table><tr><td><label>ID</label>

I update the question...
¡Hijos de putas!
@MirkoCianfarani That's what you get for asking such a terrible question.
Isn't puta a bad word I'm offended
I should be offended.. Right?
Pretty much.
Though I'm more offended at that question getting two upvotes.
Dude I just looked at it I hate when people just ctrl a their code and paste it in, like single out what you "think" is the question, and gist the rest jesus fuck what am I, a compiler?
shoot, no @rlemon
I love how he escapes the newlines.
Pretty sure he just straight using a translator page or something.. The arrangement of his words is terrible..
would you down vote the guy who answer the question without suggesting any kind of templating engine? Because I would hate to maintain that code.
@Noogen Depends on the context.
I supposed, but if v value is 1. Then why don't he put in 1? Hopefully, he/she is not appending something big in a loop.
90% of code out there is terrible anyway. And the remaining 10% makes the 90% look good.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. [Leonardo da Vinci]
where is the correct place to put parseInt for this:

    var first ="10";
    var level = "4";

    alert(   parseInt( first+(first*level) ) );
im currently getting 1040 as an answer rather than the maths solution
first*lever produces 40
first+(first*level) produces 1040
that's because first*level is an integer and first is a string
so i should do parseInt(first)+ ?
os + operator concuts the two strings
ah i see
thank you :)
django would drive me crazy
anyone who can help me plz?

Why can't T-Rexs clap? Because they're dead
I noticed 90% of So Bots jokes end in things being dead... Iiiiiii like it
@SomeKittens You here buuuuuuuuuuudy
@phenomnomnominal jsfiddle.net/aJmMa I'm just kind of playing around but at the same time trying to learn how to add things so I can call functions on functions that I've made, but I get .on is not defined, and I'm pretty sure I cannot pass the element from the original function to the .on one, any suggestions?
@phenomnomnominal I finally get it. Doh.
Module pattern is pro-ier than namespacing directly because you get the exact same result without having to write your namespace over and over. Correct?
sidles in
people still have fun around here?
@m59 Module pattern also lets you encapsulate
@m59 Modules are a lot more powerful than namespaces conceptually
Namespaces organize where you put code, modules determine what your code does
Your program should be composed to modules that hold abide to a few common programming idioms.
Modules must have a clear interface you know how to work with. They must be open to extension but closed to modification (open-closed). They must serve a single purpose having a single responsibility. They must be easily testable. They must be composable on top of one another (you can take modules from one program and add them to another), and de-composable on their own as much as possible.
Modules may contain multiple types of objects (and methods that create them), but serve a purpose
More than all, in JavaScript the module pattern is what you use to define your interfaces, what a part of the code does . "This module parses the cookies", "This module communicates with the backend to get the latest news" "This module draws the home widget"
You should generally mediate between modules, using a design pattern that lets modules interact with each-other independent of seperation using a pattern like mediator. Modules should get their dependencies using dependency injection which would let you later test them easily. In JavaScript there's usually no need to use a IoC Container so all DI means is that you pass a reference to dependencies instead of creating them in the module.
In JavaScript that's super easy with duck typing, you can just 'stick' dependencies.
@BenjaminGruenbaum, I think you might have a crush on modules bro
Mediators (And other mechanisms like event emitters) let modules talk to each other with messages which promotes looser coupling which means you will be able to change modules and retain behavior, or add functionality dynamically later by listening to events :)
@phenomnomnominal Modules are really fundamental in JavaScript, they're kinda the basic unit of code, like classes in some other languages. Namespaces are just for organizing code :P
It's not a crush, it's basic OOP principles :)
Anyway, I'm off, ttyl :)
@phenomnomnominal jsfiddle.net/aJmMa/2 figured it out ^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum daaaang
what a reply.
Lemme study that for 1000 hours and maybe I'll get it lol.
Thanks man.
1 hour later…
You're very welcome :) It's really fundamental to get right :) Good practices are often neglected 'as long as you get things done'. While when programming working code is the most important thing by far, the larger the project you're working on the more important it is to follow these sort of practices
@AmaanCheval I see Indians always saying something like "Please provide me with a" which sounds quirky, is that a figure of speech in languages they speak in India?
The more I learn, the more I realize: The more keywords a language has - the worse
I'd love seeing JS drop some unused words, and certainly not add stuff like 'class' or 'module' keywords
The only new keyword JS needs is 'yield'. Also, for... in loops should be dropped now that we have forEach and Keyes
Also, switch case - drop
I really hate it when people don't
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, but it's one of the phrases a lot of people say, so people who are learning pick it up too. Other common additions would be: kindly help me, sir; I have a request, sir; and pls halp its urgent...!!!
Ah :)
It sounded like something that would sound polite in some language but rude in English
@BenjaminGruenbaum we do have Object.keys but I still like for..in and it's needed for IE compatibility.
do we have any plugin to debug javascript in chrome browser?
@deep help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, get, google, hang, karma, learn, banception, ln, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo, echo (page 0/0)
!!/mustache dystroy
!!/eval 1+1
@deep 2
!!/echo lol
@deep lol
@deep I'm afraid I can't let you do that, deep
@deep Registered; need 0 more to execute
!!/mustache phenomnomnominal
Goodmorning everyone!
anyone ever implemented long polling on datatables?
Lisp is for lusers
@FlorianMargaine TimeError: Could not reach 88mph
@TemporaryNickName Command reboot does not exist.
@dystroy Thanks ! ! !
anyone ever implemented long polling in datatables?
@indago Look at the room rules. Don't repeat an identical question.
@dystroy did i or the question offend u in any way?
From the rules : "Do not spam. This is a fairly simple rule, do not repost questions because you did not get an answer right away. It was likely we read it and just didn't care."
Q: Code for Canvas drawing mode

Duc AnhIm trying to make a small drawing tool with Canvas.Today Im working on rectangle. This is my code : <body> <div id="main"> <form name="Show"> X <input type="text" name="MouseX" value="0" size="4"><br> Y <input type="text" name="MouseY" value="0" size="4"><br> ...

jQuery is a better language than javascript
fixed oneboxing - @DucAnh: better post the question link in a separate message the next time. then it's oneboxed and people see immediately what it's about
I got it,tks @ThiefMaster. Btw can you have a look at my Q :)
too much code and no link to a jsfiddle
hmmm, Cisco only accepted 1 networking major person out of 4000 applicants last year. Very promising field, I guess
@FabienQuatravaux Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi, does anyone knows how can i tell jquery , ok if i click on this div but not in his content do somenthing ?
Did you try $("ok if i click on this div but not in his content do somenthing")?
cause i have: <div class="overlay"><div class="modal"></div></div> , where overlay covers the enteire page, and modal is centered in overlay, i want if i click on overlay to hide both overlay and modal, but not if i click on modal
@okok It looks like a computer bug, just reboot ur machine once
@TemporaryNickName this is the troll's valley ? :)
@okok not anymore!
come on be serious help me :D
Strong typing ftw
@okok I think you can give click events for both overlay and modal elements and give delay to overlay click event so you can check if modal was clicked
but one sec
let me try
Is there a way to know what names a user previously had ?
@TemporaryNickName i fixed , washhh! thanks anyway dude!
@dystroy yeah on the profile
nvm its only for yourself
@dystroy you can do message search
@isYoon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Nexxpresso what do you mean by message search ? The new name seems to appear on old messages of this user.
no it doesnt
for example if we take our okok
then we get back okok donotusewhatever and badaboom
Hi I need help here :(
Q: Code for Canvas drawing mode

Duc AnhIm trying to make a small drawing tool with Canvas.Today Im working on rectangle. This is my code : <body> <div id="main"> <form name="Show"> X <input type="text" name="MouseX" value="0" size="4"><br> Y <input type="text" name="MouseY" value="0" size="4"><br> ...

@Nexxpresso That depends on the user having spoken in the chat room with the new name, though
yeah sure
they have to use it in any chatroom for this method
but i dont see any othernway tho
@dystroy you could search and look for the user id...
otherwise, only mods can do that I think
It's a little frustrating : sometimes a user appear, I don't know him, I just know I encountered him before because he's ignored. I don't ignore so many people, though...
Q: About the JQuery plugin to choose a number by dragging a small block

marxIs there any JQuery plugin to realize the result that if there is the number 0 to 100, then I can drap a small block to choose the number that I want.

the work is nearly done .. porting more than 250k lines of code to Vs 2012
keep it coming microsoft i wait for vs 2013
how to check if none of the <li> items have class='active' in jquery?
if($('li.active').length === 0)
@GNi33 o/
@GNi33 I hate your coding style
Do you never use spaces after if?
yeah, that is something i should adopt
It is
@dystroy hey
I'm used to not putting spaces after ifs
how are you?
I put them when I'm paying attention, though
@FlorianMargaine Fine and you ?
Must be horrible to maintain code without spaces :D
@Nexxpresso Isn't that much of a nuisance to not have a space between if and (expression)
I'm not too much of the verbose coder type but I too like a space after the if...
@AmaanCheval I dont know its not really that much of a problem but for me in person
I want the space!
knock knock Who's there? "Jehova's witnesses"
Google Ads thinks I'm 25-34 years old.
@AmaanCheval 12
Got my interests correct, though. Games, Computers and Electronics
@galdikas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
"Syntax error on token "else"
@MakSim Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Where is this? JSFiddle messes up with invisible control characters sometimes
saving and restarting eclipse fixed it
!!> (false&&false)
@Nexxpresso true
@Nexxpresso false
@Nexxpresso false
Thank you dear bot
Serlialize JS object to XML, in node.js, easy, how do?
!!> ( true || true)
@Nexxpresso true
If a chicken had lips, could it whistle?
Some native english speaker here?
are indians considered native english?
Don't think so
Ok so where can i get some native english ghostwriter to write me a job reference ..
@AmaanCheval You're making me think about what I'm writing. How dareth thee.
@Zirak Hahaha
in styles I want to force this class to have width I want

<div class="blockUI blockMsg blockPage"
but blockUI plugin's css is overriding my changes
well, you'll need to make sure that your css-rule has a higher specifity
and, if all else fails, there's the !important - keyword, but I'd recommend not to use it
I smell an !important
coming in
Just rearrange the definition
PHP is a minor evil perpetrated and created by incompetent amateurs, whereas Perl is a great and insidious evil perpetrated by skilled but perverted professionals
@all any ror developer here?
I think there are multiple with ror experience in here, just not I :)
Holy android ..
one line had to be added to unfuck everything
@AndersMetnik I noticed :)
highligther :(
@K7rim Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
posted on April 15, 2013

One of the things I’ve been following closely these past few weeks is an initiative for a new kind of journalism here at home. To me it’s not so much about the journalism as it is about the business model, which nicely ties in with other initiatives in the US, and is probably even more succesful right now. De Correspondent aims to become a blog and news site supported by subscript

@FlorianMargaine I'd like your opinion regarding my last question in Go. I knew there wouldn't probably be any answer, I asked just in case somebody could point to something obvious I was ignoring but the result is that users rushed to give obvious and useless answers. I hesitate to accept the less noisiy one. what do you think ?
Q: Change values while iterating in golang

dystroyLet's suppose I have these types : type Attribute struct { Key, Val string } type Node struct { Attr []Attribute } and that I want to iterate on my node's attributes to change them. I would have loved to be able to do for _, attr := range n.Attr { if attr.Key == "href" { ...

Should I accept nemo's answer so that it's clear ?
hm, dunno
if you don't like it, then add in a comment "it's obvious" and wait for another good/better answer to show up
it's ok to have unanswered questions
That's what I did. I asked Apr. the 11th. But in fact I'm now pretty sure there is no better answer, apart saying there is no solution.
So you want some kind of Array.prototype.forEach in JavaScript? — Florian Margaine 22 secs ago
@dystroy if that's what you want, I guess you could create the function ^
and add this as your answer, since this is what you want
The difference with javascript is that in javascript all object values are pointers.
So you can always change an object you receive.
Here, if I had pointers in my array, this would be easy.
It's true you could let a function iterate over an array and pass it a function changing the values but that would be too heavy in my opinion for the common use case.
That's an interesting remark, though...
The lack of generics in go would force a conversion.
WordPress is bread & butter for any decent website
@SimonSarris whats up
sweet new episode of Veep!
@dystroy answered in comment
I saw
if it gives a nice abstraction, why not try it?
But keep in mind that even if it's interesting, the goal was to avoid adding 4 our 5 characters :)
the goal is to have syntactic sugar
@rlemon I find it ridiculous that I don't just have a device that I have on me all the time that I can just transfer data to wirelessly from any nearby device, really freaking easily
I want to be able to sit down at a computer, go cntrl+c, then go to my phone and paste that in
cables are messy
bluetooth is nice but you have to spend the time pairing everything
and usb is just silly
and not all devices have bluetooth
and since it's just a storage space, who really cares about permission
many devices have bluetooth
everything would have to be initiated from the device
and based on what you have to store, people care about permission
@rlemon the "spend time pairing everything" is just the first time usually
Yeah but it still sucks
what if i'm at uni, in the library, I shouldn't have to pair with every device
any work is worse than no work
(for more amusement, look at the separate commits)
I find it hilarious that I spend most of my time in the School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS)... Does that make me totes immature?
@ThiefMaster Managing open source projects is painful... I often receive emails from people thinking they can send me a source file and that I'll make a diff, tests and merge myself... The lack of source management culture among developers is disturbing.
!!s/ing open/ing popular open/
@phenomnomnominal @ThiefMaster Managing popular open source projects is painful... (source)
bah, ping spam
looks impossible to interrupt a telnet from windows cmd, without closing the cmd, ctrl+whatever.. nothing
just noticed the reference numbering on my thesis proposal jumps from 4 to 6... dammit
@FlorianMargaine Are you really going to write and test the forEach ? I'd be happy to see that.
@dystroy that could be a nice exercise to get into go
You might be frustrated too. Go is strongly typed and has no generics. This makes this kind of exercise hard and not really fruitful.
yeah indeed
indeed I don't see how to do this without generics of some kind
@NinjaEcho Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SOChatBot You were abused as a child.
$google child abuse
where is my results
@NinjaEcho $g child abuse
Like that.
you sir are a liar then

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