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!!Should I read The Definitive Guide 6th Edition, cover to cover.
@XCritics Indubitably
@OctavianDamiean I'm done it twice now
totally worth it
few "bottle" episodes I skipped
the claymation one annoyed me the first time around
I didn't watch the clay stop motion one either.
I'm addicted to Terraria
and it's slow enough paced that I can go split screen and watch netflix.
Static typing will prevent most bugs
What do you guys think about setting commonly used arguments as a property of the object rather than passing them around like crazy?
That was a grammar fail too harsh to correct fully, lol.
depends on the case
I pass the context through the entire chain of functions and several sub-functions of those...
you tried it rlemon?!
how far are you?
do you guys use HTML5 range element if you need sliders or do would you stick to a JS slider?
what gear?
might look nicer to do away with all of that and just do this.context whenever I need it. Would there be a drawback?
I know it's hard to tell there. but i'm in the dungeon. (not in this pic) i've beat a few bosses, but nothing major. I'm wearing gold shit + jungle boots. almost got enough to make the rest of the jungle set.
nice nice, muramasa is a sweeeet sword
just got rocket boots. they kick ass.
for the first week I tried to just 'wing it' and struggled hard core. then finally started reading the wiki
it's an intense game man
it is
really well done
ohh yea
have you started farming and making potions yet?
made my own jungle tho :P
i get quite carried away with the farming for some reason ><
Games where you can farm are usually fun
how far through the jungle are you?
the upgraded grappling hook is pretty amazing
and have a demon alter near my home, so I have been farming eyes and fighting the eye of cthulhu a lot.
ah good idea
although you don't get scales from cthulu right
just the ore?
i guess you've killed skeletron if you're in the dungeon
Oh yea, the Human-Computer Interaction course started.
Just in case anyone else is planning to take it.
you're making me want to play again
i have a world where i'm just a little bit ahead of where you ware
that i was playing with a couple of friends
might try convince them to play again tonight
“ Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. ” - Martin Fowler
wait... is youtube really making people read the names of videos for 24 hours straight? youtube.com/watch?v=HGeMGqVKD6A
actually, that's impressively boring even if it was recorded
ah...javascript. I write thee, and rewrite thee...
When you initiate an XMLHttpRequest, does the browser make the HTTP request immediately, or does it wait for the currently running JavaScript call stack to end?
@rlemon what db you think you're going to use with your node?
mongo or couch
@rlemon you know of any god tutorials for it?
So, if you do
foo(); // super heavy function that takes a coupe of seconds to return
will the browser do the HTTP request before executing foo()?
Of course it'll send the xhr, but the callback function won't be executed until foo finishes
@Zirak Yes, I get that part. All callback functions have to wait until (at least) the current stack is finished.
@Zirak I thought that Ajax requests are added to the browser's event queue or something
The "A" in "AJAX" should give you a hint
I guess I applied JavaScript logic to browser internals
@Zirak The A just means that .send() doesn't block.
...and blocking happens because?
Whether or not the browser initiates the request immediately or waits for the current stack to finish is a different thing.
(In both cases it is still async)
If the engine is executing the send, then the stack is already empty
Otherwise it wouldn't have gotten there
By "stack finished" I mean all functions returned.
So do I
Let's humour and say that the stack isn't empty. js executes functions as it sees them; so if foo calls bar while qux is waiting to execute, bar will still be executed.
You're not interrupted mid-function by the event loop
But the browser will make the HTTP request before the stack that contained the .send() returns, right?
Of course! That's what functions do
Let's leave xhrs. Let's look at a random function:
function foo () {
bar will always be executed before doSomethingFor7Years
bar happens to be an xhr
Yea, I get what you mean. The text is logged to the console immediately, it doesn't wait for the stack to return.
For some reason, I had this idea that the browser can't to anything else while the stack is running.
@BenjaminGruenbaum (@AmaanCheval) I repent, David Deor has quite the awesome voice: youtube.com/watch?v=pHrQIdE416M
Math.sign = function (x) {
    return (x > 0) - (x < 0);
Great singer, but I really prefer that in the normal range. Some of the parts are really awesome. That high note on "Pha"ntom is better with power, imo, rather than the smooth, prettiness he gave it.
I really love his tone. I just don't think the counter-tenor parts worked for this one.
any one know where i can find the information on what properties go with "e" for event listeners?
Not sure what you mean, but you can just console.log it
Yeah, he's too much "operatic" for a pop song
well for example e.mouseX etc
which is usually parsed with events
@Dave Because that's for the addEventListener for an EventTarget
!!/mdn Event
wtf google
ah m59! thanks :)
^ that and subpages within if you want the docs. m59's suggestion is saner
Zirak, are you a musician?
YAY, I didn't suck at advice!
thing is i don't know the difference for this:

offsetX: 13
offsetY: 16
pageX: 21
pageY: 24
screenX: 21
screenY: 109

It's the documentation for these im looking for
I occasionally fiddle with music, entirely amateurish.
perfect :)
thank you!
I guess I'm a professional, but don't tell my friends.
People think I'm more awesome than I am :)
How do you decide that?
Yeah. I never understood how people decide they're professionals
Well, I said I guess because I wasn't sure either.
I've always felt like an amateur in everything
You're a professional if you make money from it.
That's the boring way to explain it. But as the software industry in particular demonstrates it, you can be a professional noob.
So how do people decide they are professionals?
Out of many ventures, one of my bands was pretty promising and I lead worship for my church.
The other guitarist from my old band taught me. He was a freakin' boss.
@Zirak has a point, though. People consider me a professional but I am really not as skilled as what I would call a professional.
My strong suit is producing/commercial theory
@Zirak There is a difference between a professional and an expert.
I can talk for an hour about one measure of music, lol. Well, if it is interesting music.
You know how there are insane musicians working in Hollywood? Japan, apparently, has a few as well. That for example blew me away
I've got a javascript question if anyone has a minute
@Phy6 I have 2, but no more
I'm trying to call my rest service on a form submit, but all I'm getting is the json
Well what should you get?
my rest service is at /rest/show?id=2 and my html is at /
I'm reverse engineering a ruby version of neovigator (neovigator.herokuapp.com/?neoid=1)
i'm not a javascript guy, just Java, so I rebuilt the rest service in java
@Zirak that was meant for a singer, right?
i modified the form submission from /?id=2 to /rest/show?id=2, so i was expecting it to plug and play
@m59 It's a "redoing" of the show's theme song: youtube.com/watch?v=0kFhPVAhV_o
does it matter that my rest call is to a different directory on the server than where the html is sitting?
Oh ok, I'm not familiar with it.
It played in the background of one of the final scenes.
I could just tell by the melody
@Phy6 Well is the JSON data it returns correct?
yes, the JSON is correct
it's hitting my rest service and generating properly
@Phy6 I'm not entirely sure what your problem is... but maybe that link will help
thanks. The original (and mine) is using jquery
Haha, it's good. You prefer instrumental?
thanks for your time, i'll keep digging
oh well then even easier
@Phy6 does your ajax request specify that it is returning JSON?
Instrumental pieces are awesome. I dislike the pushiness of singers
Well, they're awesome if done right, obviously.
And singers can be great, but they don't have to be ubiquitous
@twiz no it's not specified, but it wasn't in the original either, afaict
i prefer instrumentals
i been a fan of andy james recently
it looks like this <form action="/rest/node/show" method="get">...</form>
I'm more of a rocker myself :) I like all genres though.
@Dave Heavy Metal?
@Phy6 So then its not using ajax?
I'm less of a fan. I like a balance of delicacy.
metal is v.delicate
just often v.fast
i think you are right. one of the versions i started reversing had an ajax autocompleter, but i ripped that out
As for instrumental, I like the old stuff the best; Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Chopin
Well, not that old :)
Satriani is great
Taking apart metal chords you can achieve sweet things, but the main theme of ramming power chords doesn't click well with me.
I played Clair De Lune before all the teenagers went nuts over twilight lol
thats quite shallow view of a music genre zirak =/
bland metal might just be all power chords
i see jquery.min line 4 is being used to send the request on the working version, mine just seems to use the regular old form submission
@Zirak try jazz metal : youtube.com/watch?v=m2mZVOd0jWY
Of course it's not all the genre...hence my reservation
it shouldn't matter that I copied my jquery js files to the local server rather than pulling off the web, right?
no phy6
Audio sucks of course, but here's my old band. youtube.com/watch?v=558uz_gliqo
its local side language after all
yep yep
Super-guitarist-freak-out-seizure at 3:15
However metal (as I know it) is a lot of "in your face".
maybe just work out your own solution?
aka, one of the most fun minutes on stage I ever had :)
thanks, @twiz most likely i screwed up something and jquery isn't doing it's magic
hmmm... maybe I should go do something productive....
i love this youtube.com/watch?v=3vm8AUQFPw8 great jamming by musicians
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them. — Laurence J. Peter
Hate how little documentation there is on using node with databases and what not
i like turtles
just come to warm-hearted Grails community
Searching about any problems you face in Grails overs at www.grails.org
How do I figure out why a response was cancelled in Chrome? The network tab just says cancelled but doesn't say why.
@MatthewDean This again?
@SomeKittens you around?
You've been at it for days. File a damn bug report
If I knew exactly what the problem was, I would...
You figure it out from console tab, not from network tab
How do I figure it out from the console?
File the bug report!
it tells you, would you please copy and paste what console prints out to here?
You created a test case, right? You discovered it's not just your server?
@Zirak I haz question for j00, Can you use Jade without express? I'm googling the shit out of a combination of node and jade without express, using jade with node.js and so on, but every damn link says THE BEAUTY OF NODE WITH EXPRESS DERP
@XCritics Of course you can
I ran the same code against another server and it randomly stopped after a while.
It's a templating engine
@MatthewDean Then you have your bug!
@Zirak I mean like, is it difficult I guess... For a beginner to node..
File it.
and semi-novice to JS :D
@MatthewDean What are you currently trying to achieve? A websocket connetion or HTTP packet transfer with Ajax
@XCritics From the readme: github.com/visionmedia/jade#a5
Trying to avoid using the Express framework till I understand it
Have at it, tiger.
Oh I will!~
@TemporaryNickName I create an EventSource object. After a random time interval, Chrome decides to cancel the response but no EventSource 'error' or 'close' event fires.
pheww course coordinator has left the classroom I am currently in, so I can freely eat my sandwich and coffee and make a lot of chewing noise in classroom
The question is whether or not my code is causing it..
That's a good question. You can ask it on SO as well.
Or you can file a bug report
Okay, but look at that code and tell me if it looks like there are memory issues or something.
I managed to do
var http = require('http');

function onRequest(req, res) {
	res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"});
	res.write('Hello World!');

console.log('Server started.');
off the top of my head, and I felt so proud
@Zirak one last thing, I've already ran npm install jade before, do I have to do npm install jade inside the new folder, or do I do npm install?
@XCritics That depends, try it and see (installs are local, but if it's higher in the hierarchy or global...just try it and see)
@MatthewDean I've never touched event sources
However, following the example verbatim gives me output
Probably because it's an invalid event-source
why does window.onload not work on jsfiddle?
Because the code already runs onload
Look at the panel to the left
ah :)
thats new
Change the onload to nowrap (body) or whatever it was
uh, no. It's been that way since the dawn of jsfiddle
window onload used to work before
never mind anyway
jsfiddle.net/97Mnf/3 can you tell me if my slider "jumps" or moves smoothly for you
It feels unnatural.
@Dave It jumps
seems to jump a perfect 32px at a time
Also, for the love of...something, cache! You don't need to do document.getElementbyId(...) 4 times. Variables are useful.
one thing at a time xD
Do you wanna check that out? I found it pretty useful last time when I read it
ill check it. it seems e.pageX goes up in 32's at moment
@BenjaminGruenbaum Want to explain what you mean?
!!sleep or sleep
@Zirak Sounds like you have already decided
That's very correct
An astute observation. Kudos to whoever programmed you.
As soon as we started programming, we found to our surprise that it wasn’t as easy to get programs right as we had thought. Debugging had to be discovered. I can remember the exact instant when I realized that a large part of my life from then on was going to be spent in finding mistakes in my own programs. — Maurice Wilkes discovers debugging, 1949
I'm having f** time understanding IIFE (function(){})(). 1) So what are the benefits of passing arguments into IIFE, like (function(window){})() ? And if (function(/* Here we pass arguments*/){})(/* What to pass here then? */)
I've found some articles but they do not explain it clearly
@metal_fan here you pass arguments
@metal_fan in javascript, window, undefined
variables and etc can be overwritten like window = 1; So
(function(/* Here we accept arguments*/){})(/* Here we pass arguments */)
(function(context) { context.alert = function(msg) {console.log(msg); }; })(window);
passing it to IIFE is going to prevent outside code of IIFE to have separate window, undefined variables to use
@andho umm wooot? Arguments !== Parameters. How can we pass and accepts arguments at the same time?
(function(context) { context.alert = function(msg) {console.log(msg); }; })(this);
@TemporaryNickName benefit?
you can use window variables to do many things
you can even declare functions to window variable
including native ones, yep
@metal_fan i didn't know this. what is the difference between Arguments and Parameters?
A: PHP default argument function call

metal_fanActually function parameters ARE NOT function arguments. Some people tend to confuse them. The golden rule is Parameters appear in procedure definitions; arguments appear in procedure calls. Loosely, a parameter is a type, and an argument is an instance. That is, Function parameter is ...

@metal_fan a function definition gives the arguments that is accepted/expected by the function. when calling the function you pass the arguments into the function
@metal_fan citation needed
well, couldn't you please explain this part (function(){})(this <- what does it mean)
@metal_fan from where did you get this code?
@andho Backbone.js
the only way to get access to the argument this is to use arguments[0] in this code
(function(){}).call(this); // might be what it should be
yep. exactly
@metal_fan which line is this. let me take a look
@andho it was this one exactly: (function(){}).call(this)
but wtf does it mean?

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